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26/11-like attack in Kenya, Indians among 39 killed

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Its prolly a good idea to learn few basic things about islam, you never know just when you can face an impromptu al qaeda quiz.

It wouldn't work for me anyway, they would just see East Asian and correctly assume that I was an Atheist.

If I was ever put in that situation it would be game over from the start.

I would have literally zero percent chance of convincing them or anyone else.
So you're saying that people should apologize for a crime they did not commit?

Nope but that particular set of people must look within themselves to fight and eradicate these criminals and their hateful ideology. But instead of taking this menace head on the silent majority appears to be helpless and lost, so it won't be wrong for others to hold them guilty by association.
It wouldn't work for me anyway, they would just see East Asian and correctly assume that I was an Atheist.

If I was ever put in that situation it would be game over from the start.

I would have literally zero percent chance of convincing them or anyone else.

Say you're a recent convert. Praise the one eyed Mullah and the shaheed Osama.:tup:

Reform has to come from within, outsiders will only complain and have every right to do so. You are wasting your time by complaining against outsiders complaining because they are getting affected.

So you're saying if <Insert group name here> commit a crime. The whole community with whom they shared <religious, political, etc.> must make a public apology because of that?

Look at this guy here:

Are you saying the Entire Buddhist community should apologize to the entire world about the action of this guy & his group?

Or this guy here:

Should the entire Christian community be held accountable for this guy action?
So you're saying if <Insert group name here> commit a crime. The whole community with whom they shared <religious, political, etc.> must make a public apology because of that?

Look at this guy here:

Are you saying the Entire Buddhist community should apologize to the entire world about the action of this guy & his group?

Or this guy here:

Should the entire Christian community be held accountable for this guy action?

He says that at least in the heat of the moment you should first feel for the victims not your hurt ego.;)
Say you're a recent convert. Praise the one eyed Mullah and the shaheed Osama.:tup:

I'm quite certain that would not work. :P

My best bet would probably be to say random things in Chinese and pretend that I could not speak anything else. So they could not confirm anything.

Probably would get shot anyway, but a little doubt is better than none at all.
His mother died in the mall,this picture make me want cry, a kid lost his mother,how painful is that?
So you're saying if <Insert group name here> commit a crime. The whole community with whom they shared <religious, political, etc.> must make a public apology because of that?

Look at this guy here:

Are you saying the Entire Buddhist community should apologize to the entire world about the action of this guy & his group?

Or this guy here:

Should the entire Christian community be held accountable for this guy action?

If extremist buddhism, christianity, hinduism etc becomes a problem in scores of coutries with remarkably similar strands of ideologies as a common factor and almost all buddhist, christian or hindu countries openly embrace that ideology as something pure and nice and behave as if the terrorists are from mars, or in short if they fail to self regulate and reform then YES THEY NEED TO OFFER MORE THAN AN APOLOGY TO OTHER NORMAL HUMANS!!!
Am I? No its my dispassionate and objective opinion that there is a steak in islam that is intolerant and violent and relies on brainwashing kids into robots. I think that streak's contemporary manifestation is wahhabism and hence i'm squarely identifying them as the problem NOT ALL MUSLIMS.
Wahabissm was started by a guy named abdul wahab which is different from Islam,Some Wahabi extremists are brainwashing kids for their own reasons.I would like to get into it but this is not the right thread for it.
Don't get me wrong I am not a supporter or fan of it,The reason I said that because we have a few good wahabis here.

Lets just take past couple of days, shia bombings in iraq, non muslims murdered in kenya, church targetted in pakistan. WHAT IS COMMON???
Brain washed terrorists who are politically motivated and think they are doing something good.
Wahabissm was started by a guy named abdul wahab which is different from Islam,Some Wahabi extremists are brainwashing kids for their own reasons.I would like to get into it but this is not the right thread for it.
Don't get me wrong I am not a supporter or fan of it,The reason I said that because we have a few good wahabis here.

And when we squeeze the poison out of these good wahhabis imagine what awesome human beings will they be? :P

Brain washed terrorists who are politically motivated and think they are doing something good.

POlitically? They segregated and targetted non muslims. You are in denial.
Umm does the shortcomings in Indian society absolve Al-shabab's dastardly attack? No, it doesn't.
Or how are these two incidents are even remotely related?
And didn't you yourself suggested on previous page something about knowing the reality on the ground or else to $tfu? So next time before you casually stroll on a tangent regarding internal politics of India, take a breather, listen to own self and kindly follow it.
If extremist buddhism, christianity, hinduism etc becomes a problem in scores of coutries with remarkably similar strands of ideologies as a common factor and almost all buddhist, christian or hindu countries openly embrace that ideology as something pure and nice and behave as if the terrorists are from mars, or in short if they fail to self regulate and reform then YES THEY NEED TO OFFER MORE THAN AN APOLOGY TO OTHER NORMAL HUMANS!!!

Fun fact Islam is not homogenous entity. One man say does not mean the same to everyone else.

Let me tell you a story. A guy wake up in the morning, brush his teeth, change his clothes, eat his breakfast, check his twitter account. Just to see the whole comments demanding him to apologize because he's a muslim. Even though he done nothing to deserve it at all.

Does the concept of Individualism is amiss to you?
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