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23rd March 2015 - Parade and Celebration

so the SSG Commandoes were all equipped with M4's... Is it the new standard issued rifle?
You know its PMLN gov when Punjab,s cultural float includes metro bus:tsk:
Fine; but then don't force him to come to the parade. That's my point; the military should conduct this parade on its own. When we all know that civilians are meaningless for them, why do they bother bringing civilians to the parade.

You views are silly, totally out of touch with the reality and have no clean understand of how the globe works. The military doesn't run the country, neither it has 1% ability to expand the economy, care for 200 million people, or pay for the shiny 5 series BMW Gen. Shariff got out of, and nor can it pay salaries and all for such a large military.

People like you, need to learn that at the end of the day, the same generals who talk shiit about these civilians, get to salute them. THAT is the bottom line, if there is so much ego involved, they won't salute these guys. But hey......do you want a job and get paid, whether you like the PM or not.....its your call. You can run all things military and take your country back to the shiit hole it was in just until the end of 2013, or you can do your work, complain about the civilians and get paid.

I am glad Gen. Shariff is the commander at this point, he understands all these things and is bringing proper civilian to military conduct in the military. Otherwise, your military's senseless politics, would break Pakistan, take a look at violence by Taliban, MQM and others. All initially supported by the military at some point.

This was a great thing to do in Islamabad today, combined military and civilian leadership in one place, and they announced multiple times to stand up and salute the PM and the President (upon ingress and egress), along with the Flag and Anthem of Pakistan. This is the military putting in the State Symbols and their associated honor and respect. For which, Gen. Shariff should be given proper credit. His tolerance, hunger to build a better Pakistan and a running system, will be paid off very soon as Pakistan starts to grow as a result of the civilian government's policies.
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