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2020:A Landmark In Turkish Land Forces Command


Sep 4, 2011
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Defence Turkey:Sir, what can you say about the actions taken in 2011 as part of the restructuring activities that Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC) is implementing step by step within the framework of operational needs?

- Restructuring is a continuous activity maintained to ensure deterrence of Land Forces Command against the changing threat perceptions and risks and to use the allocated resources in the most economical way possible by following the changes and developments carefully around us. In that sense, we attach great importance to modernization activities. The aim is to become more effective through downsizing by using technology. Within this frame;

- The modernization of M60 tanks as M60 T tanks has been completed. Besides, the procurement of Leopard 2A4 tanks that have the same qualities with the 3rd generation tanks has been mostly completed in order to meet the need until modern tank production with national capabilities is possible. Within this frame, modification of fire control systems is continuing.

- The mobility of maneuver units has been improved by establishing Armored Combat Vehicle Battalions in 2011 in order to use the existing Armored Combat Vehicles in battlefield in the most effective way.

- With the aim of obtaining qualitative rather than quantitative superiority, the capabilities of fire support vehicles have been improved with the new Fırtına howitzers that have been taken into the inventory in addition to the present ones. With this modernization activity the old generation towed artillery weapons are being taken out of the inventory.

- Development phase of the long range munitions need of Fırtına and Panter howitzers was completed with the help of Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation as the main contractor. A contract regarding mass production has been signed and it has been planned that deliveries begin as of 2012.

- We are aiming to meet the need of utility helicopter by national capabilities and resources in the long term as in ATAK project. For that purpose, we started the Light Original Helicopter Project in 2010.

- The Partially Protected Vehicles Against Mines procured in order to reduce the effects of IEDs/mines and provide a better protection for the personnel during motorized deployments in Counter-Terrorist Operations have been put into use as of March 2011. Delivery process of these vehicles is continuing.

- Mechanical mine clearing vehicles procured in 2010 in order to clear the mines laid are still being tested in the area; and according to the test results the project will be redirected. - Light alloy fixed bridges have been procured and put into use in order to increase the capability of rapid and secure movement through the obstacles during operations.

- Ground reinforcement equipment has been taken into inventory in order to increase the mobility of wheeled and track laying vehicles in soft ground conditions.

- Thermal cameras and thermal binoculars have been procured and put into use in order to increase the surveillance capabilities of border units and base areas in difficult/night conditions; likewise, Pilot Night Vision Goggles have been procured and put into use in order to increase the night vision capability of pilots.

- Under the Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Project, most of the new generation cargo vehicles were received and distributed to the units. Delivery of the remaining vehicles is proceeding.

- With the advent of new technological developments, our efforts to equip our units with modern systems and equipments in terms of intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition are well underway. Our efforts on procurement and widespread use of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), which can be used by any unit in Land Forces Command, have continued during 2011. Integration of the received UAV systems into Land Forces Command?s intelligence systems has been completed.

- Our efforts regarding our priority intelligence objective, which is to use information and space technology for intelligence, to make an a single integrated system of all intelligence means and to enable to gather all target information in one centre and distributing from this centre in order to create a real time picture of the battlefield in our units? responsibility areas starting from the border area, will continue in the coming period as well.

- Our studies are not limited to modernization activities. The following important developments on about manpower, training, logistics and organizational activities are also well underway: - Regarding to personnel recruitment, education and employment in Turkish Military Academy (TMA) and NCO Vocational School of Higher Education, in order to educate the future instructors, procedures for enabling the personnel in junior ranks to be chosen as instructors in TMA and NCO Vocational School of Higher Education, easing the way for instructors to publish academic articles and attend academic activities have been completed and put into action.

- In order to train the specialist personnel thoroughly, to meet the needs of military branches and to meet the national and international standards imposed on all higher education organizations within the context of Bologna Process, a Multiple Degree Program will be applied at TMA. Starting from 2012-2013 Academic Year, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration, and in 2013-2014 Academic Year, Computer Engineering and Sociology departments will be opened in addition to the currently applied System Engineering Program. The programs to be opened at the TMA and the current programs in NCO Vocational School of Higher Education are prepared in accordance with Higher Education Academic Evaluation and Quality Development Commission (YÖDEK) criteria.

- In addition to vocational education and courses, we continue to send our officers meeting the necessary criteria to graduate programs at Turkish and foreign universities in order to meet the requirements for expert military personnel who can work at operational and strategic headquarters.

- Some of our specialized sergeants have to leave Turkish Armed Forces before getting retired due to age-in-grade With the aim of uplifting the vocational morale and motivation of such personnel some arrangements have been made, after which it has become possible for them to be employed as a civil servant in public institutions, primarily in Ministry of Defense and Turkish Armed Forces until the time they deserve to get their pension rights.

- Nowadays, regional and global operational needs and counter-terrorism requirements have increased the importance and priority level of commando and border units. Commando brigades are especially one the most important elements of counter-terrorism in our country.

- In the context of professionalization of commando brigades, all commando branches have been professionalized. In addition to commando branches, there have been ongoing efforts especially to employ specialist sergeants as the drivers of vehicles and users of latest technology weapons in mechanized and armored units.

- In ensuring border security, it is planned to utilize technology more, employ professional personnel and use different organizational models according to regional features.

- In the light of experiences gained from professionalization of commando brigade branch personnel, contractual soldier procurement activities have been started in 2011 in accordance with law numbered 6191 in order to fulfill the requirement of trained personnel in border unit cadres of Turkish Armed Forces. With the contractual soldiers in service, border units are expected to have a more effective structure.

- For the purpose of training personnel (Officer/NCO/ Specialized Sergeant/Rank and File) who are more effective in anti-terrorism and have high level of training, Internal Security Training and Exercise Center was established in 2007, and for the purpose of singlehanded and more effective training of the personnel deployed to border units, Land Forces Border Training Center was established in 2010. Evaluations on these centers are positive.

- In order to fulfill the border station facility requirements of Land Forces, the construction of 31 border stations have been completed and the construction of 96 stations is underway. Moreover, for the accommodation of units assigned in the Interior Security Area, various containers have been supplied.

- All measures are taken by our units to protect civilian population against ricochets during fires and/or contact with unexploded ordnance after fires in the firing range. In addition to this, national and international military publications are reviewed to improve our measures to be taken in existing firing ranges and new firing range projects are developed in line with recent technical developments.

- Land Forces Command?s logistics system now has a more contemporary structure with major changes.

- While conducting all these activities and services at Land Forces Command, first priority has always been on personnel. Maintaining high morale and motivation of the personnel and their families is the primary objective. Along with the employment of personnel with appropriate quality and quantity, in order to have a modern armed force which is able to take timely measures for global and regional developments, planning and executing activities for the self development of personnel are proceeding.

Defence Turkey:In our 2006 interview, it was said that the Objective Force Structure was Force-2014 and the aim of this Project was to enhance the combat effectiveness of Land Forces. It was stated that in this process, TLFC?s personnel and force structure will be reduced by 20-30% over the years and that TLFC, having been equipped with modern combat weapons and equipments, will have highly combat effective brigades. Would you inform us about the related studies which have been realized so far and about the plans until 2014?

- Throughout this process, while standing by the planning principles, the revisions are being made in line with the rapid developments experienced in the security environment, without being bound by time considerations. Those cadres and organizational structures which have lost their functionality in the targeted Force Structure have either been cancelled, changed or renewed. As a result, while saving quantity (in the last five years there has been a saving at around 10-12 %), enhanced effectiveness is also ensured in terms of quality. In this context, Land Forces 2014 Model? has been replaced by an effective ?Land Forces Model? based on quality rather than quantity, ability rather than threat.

Defence Turkey:Which level have you achieved within the scope of professionalization of Commando Brigades regarding the recruitment of specialized sergeants/rank and files? What are the studies related to this issue?

- The implementation of assigning specialized sergeants started in 1986, with the purpose of facilitating the transition to professional military service and meeting the continuous needs of Turkish Armed Forces to recruit specialized sergeants who are trained in technical and critical mission posts. Specialized sergeants have been employed in the Turkish Armed Forces mainly from 1992 onward. Since 2008, the operational elements in commando brigades have completely been composed of specialized sergeants. Specialized sergeants continue to serve in highly useful positions in TLFC. The recruitment and training of these personnel will continue in the future.

Defence TurkeyWould you inform us about the studies conducted in recent years by TLFC in scope of ?Network Centric Warfare Concept?, which has become the magical expression of 21st century battlefield? TAFICS I and II, TASMUS Projects form the communication backbone of this concept and second and third phases of these projects are being implemented. What kind of new capabilities are targeted with these projects?

- Today?s battlefield requires simultaneous accomplishment of various tasks, sharing of information at all levels, and rapid decision-making, all at the same time. Thanks to the technological developments, strategic and tactical Communications, Electronics and Information systems (CIS) will be even more widespread in the future. These can be defined as packages and they are open to progress, integrated with one another, capable of providing uninterrupted communication in grid structure, with high survivability capacity. Being secure in the internal and external environments, these systems also enable rapid transfer of all kinds of information, pictures and reports, etc., contributing a lot to commanders? decision making process and shortening the period of mission accomplishment. This requirement necessitates a command and control structure that will integrate decision makers, sensors and weapons in a network environment.

- Network Enabled Capability is an operational capability which depends on information superiority. It enhances the effect of combat effectiveness by providing network based communication among sensors, decision makers and weapon system users working in different areas of the battlefield.

- The superiority of information can be achieved by keeping pace with the speed of development of communication technologies. To serve this purpose, we assign great importance to Command Control Communication and Information System Projects which will provide Land Forces command with network enabled capacity, and which are based on Battlefield management system which will present the synchronized tactical picture to the command staff.

- One of the most important developments in radio technology was the transition from hardware based radios to software based radios. The software based radios will be the basic technology of future Network Enabled Capability. We, as TLFC, have followed this transition process closely and began taking Software Based Radios into inventory beginning from 2010. With this project we have enhanced the capability of conducting secure and frequency hopping communications with other forces in joint operations, by integrating radios that are used for different purposes (air-ground, single and multi radio channel) at different frequency bands into one radio. Another characteristic of these radios is that new requirements that will arise in the future can be implemented on the radios by software changes without requiring any hardware changes. Thus, modification of the radios mounted on main weapon systems can be done within a few minutes, long off-duty period for weapons such as tank, canon can be prevented and costs can also be reduced.

- In addition, it is amongst our priorities to protect this system against cyber attacks included in today?s modern warfare terminology. Having assessed the risks faced in the context of Information Systems security, Land Forces Command has developed Security Management System and in scope of the planning, has decided to procure safety software/hardware starting from the most crucial ones in accordance with the level of threat that intra and internet systems can face. Some of the procured systems have been put into service; procurement studies for other systems which are to be installed are going on.

- In order to transfer information from the individual soldier level to the strategic level, TLFC has gained a great capability with the nationally produced Tactical Area Communication System (TASMUS), and Turkish Armed Forces Integrated Communication System (TAFICS).

- TASMUS is a system that;
* Can change location with no interruption in the communication,
* Can be integrated to other systems (TAFICS, Commercial Telephone Network, SATCOM, other country?s systems.)
* Provides not only voice but also high capacity data link between Brigade-Battalion-Company weapon systems without limiting mobility, is appropriate for transferring still and motion images, is resistant to electronic warfare, is easy to operate, has point-to-point and link crypto, can be used in all types of operations, can also create single channel radio net and log on multiple channel radio nets, can be used as a relay station to extend coverage provides effective command and control.

- This capability was acquired by the Aegean Army Command in 2002, the 1st Army Command in 2005 and the 2nd Army Command in 2010. Thus, a significant milestone to establish the Network-Centric Capability has been achieved in the tactical field.

- 3rd generation TASMUS is being developed. These systems will;
* have a wider bandwidth and thus have higher data transfer speed, even on the move,
* be completely IP based,
* have the ability to operate and easily relocate in all-terrain conditions by virtue of its structural ability of operating independent of vehicles,
* will be compliant with Tactical Communications (TACOMS) STANAG?s promulgated by NATO in 2010 in order to be fully interoperable with other allied nations? systems in a coalition operation,
* have an architecture that will allow more dynamic planning and operating.

- TAFICS is an abbreviation of Turkish Armed Forces Integrated Communications System. TAFICS Project, conducted by the Turkish General Staff, was realized in two phases; the first phase between 1996 and 2002 and the second phase between 2003 and 2008. The project provides transferring capacity for transferring voice, data and image at high speed. This system provides the headquarters, units and institutions affiliated to the Land Forces Command a capability to transfer voice, data and video in the capacity and speed needed today and in the future. Various services, such as secure and insecure voice, data, fax and video transfers are provided.

Defence TurkeyTurkish Land Forces Command which has undertaken significant responsibilities in international peacekeeping missions conducted by NATO and the United Nations, undertook the responsibility of commanding Kabul Regional Command effective by November 01, 2011. Within this framework, what can you say about the activities that Turkish Land Forces Command carried out up to now and about the responsibilities of the new mission?

- In International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Operation initiated on January 16, 2002 to support the Interim Afghani Government, the responsibility area of ISAF was limited to Kabul and its surrounding area at first. With the decision of the UN Security Council stating that the responsibility area of ISAF should be enlarged to comprise the whole of Afghanistan, Capital Kabul

and its surrounding was organized as the Kabul Regional Command in the alternating leadership of Turkey, France and Italy (France being the first leader) in 06 August 2006.

- Subsequently, Land Forces Command fulfilled its leadership task of Kabul Regional Command successfully with French and Italian units serving together. After Italy and France had left Kabul Regional Command, Turkey, by deploying more units, carried out the command mission from November 01, 2009 until 2011 for 2 years. With the requests of Afghani and NATO authorities, Turkey decided to carry on the Kabul Regional Command Mission for one more year since November 01, 2011.

- The mission of Kabul Regional Command is highly important with regard to supporting Afghani Security Forces for ensuring security in capital Kabul where all the international headquarters and representatives are stationed, and our units perform this mission successfully.

- Besides the mission of Kabul Regional Command, Land Forces Command also contribute to the training of Afghani Units and has increased these contributions by changing maneuver units within Kabul Regional Command into training units and by assigning more instructors in Afghani Training Institutions (Military Academy, Military High School, Defense University, Command-Staff College and Branch Schools). Now, I want to mention the on-going and completed studies along with the new structure applied since November 2011, briefly.

- In February 2010, Gazi Training Center was established with the personnel appointed from Turkey. At this center, two Afghani battalions composed of 1,000 personnel have been trained along with a total of 2900 noncommissioned officers (NCOs), who were trained for periods of three months. Presently, the training of 450 NCOs is in progress.

- Moreover, Afghani companies are being trained in Internal Security Training and Exercise Center Command. Except for the transport, all of their expenses are covered by Turkey. Twelve such companies composed of almost 1,200 Afghani personnel have been trained so far. And the coordination with the Afghan authorities about the continuation of this training for eight more Afghani companies (960 personnel) in 2012 is ongoing.

- Third-year cadets of the Afghani Military Academy were given applied summer camp training between September 25 and October 22, 2011 by Turkish Military Academy in its Firing and Drills Regional Command Unit stationed in Mentes, Izmir. In the Afghani Military Academy Summer Camp Training, 310 Afghani cadets were given internal security training, deployment, counter mine/IED training, basic and combat physical training, swimming and trainer training on team/squad levels.

- Besides, Afghani units at Battalion-Division levels are trained and counseled by the Operation Mentoring and Liaison Teams (OMLTs) employed in Kabul.

- In addition to the training of Afghani units, Land Forces Command also support the training of Afghani officers by the instructors and counselors appointed to military training institutions and training centers in Kabul. Within this context, instructors were appointed in Kabul Military Training Center, Afghani Defense University, Command-Staff College, Military Academy, Military High School and Branch Schools. Turkey, moreover, provides logistical and financial support (sponsorship) to Afghani Military High School.

- Besides these efforts, two Provisional Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) have so far been established, composed of our assigned units with the personnel of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs. The first PRT was set up in Vardak near Kabul in 2006 and the second in Cevizcan

in the Northern Afghanistan in July 2010. They both continue to contribute to the development and restructuring of Afghanistan.

- Due to the developments in Afghanistan and ISAF Operation, TLFC plans to focus more on the training of Afghan units, Afghan officers and NCOs in order to create a more stable Afghanistan and self-sufficient Afghan Security Forces.

- For this purpose, some of our maneuver units in Kabul Regional Command have been reorganized under the title of ?Training Group Command? since November 2011 in a way that the focus will be on training activities. In this new organization, the number of companies in Training Battalion of Gazi Training Center have been increased from three to six (totally 51 personnel), the number of OMLTs increased from six to ten (totally 122 personnel) and the number of instructors in Kabul Training Center has been increased from seven to seventeen

Defence TurkeyThe Armor branch, which constitute the iron fist of the Turkish Land Forces has taken a great leap through the modernization of M60 Tank (M60T), the upgrading of Leopard 1 Tank (Leopard1T), the procurement of Leopard 2A4 tank and the 3rd (+) generation ALTAY Main Battle Tank (MBT) Projects which were initiated in recent years. Would you inform us about the current situation of the aforementioned projects?

- With the Leopard-1 Tank Upgrade Project, it was aimed to increase First Round Hit Values (FRHV) of LEOPARD 1A1/A1A4, to obtain an effective night vision capability and to upgrade the fire control system of Leopard 1A1/A1A4 tanks in the inventory. With the projects conducted between the years 2006-2009, Leopard 1T tank modernization was completed as planned, and the tanks were taken into inventory.

- The aim of Modernization of M60 A1 Tanks Project was to increase the fire power, survivability and mobility of the M60 A1 tanks in the Turkish Land Forces? (TLF) inventory. With the projects conducted between the years 2007-2010, the modernization and the process of taking them into inventory were completed as planned.

- By the Leopard 2A4 Tank Procurement Project, it is planned to meet the demands of the Turkish Land Forces until the nationally manufactured ALTAY tanks are taken into inventory; and, with respect to taking the old generation tanks out of the inventory, it is planned to obtain tanks with the equal and/or close fire control, mobility and survivability features of 3rd generation Leopard 2A4 tanks from the German Armed Forces. The mentioned project is in the final phase. It is considered that the procurement of the tanks will be finalized in the first quarter of the year 2012.

- Besides these, ASELSAN Inc. has developed a Tank Fire Control System, which is planned to be mounted on ALTAY tanks. In order to test the efficacy of the system on a comparable tank of similar characteristics, efforts are underway to mount the system on a Leopard tank as a sample. The performance tests and the necessary qualifications related to this project are planned to be completed in the year 2012.

- With the National Modern Tank Production (ALTAY) Project, it is aimed to produce domestic tanks having weapons systems with 3 (+) generation technology, high mobility and survivability capacity, long range, effective fire power and impact capabilities. A contract concerning the design and production of a prototype tank was signed between the Undersecreteriat for Defence Industry and Otokar Inc.(main contractor) in 2008 and was put into practice. Conceptual design for the prototype has already been completed and detailed design studies are in-process. According to the project, the product and the production line qualifications are planned to be completed in the year 2015 and mass production is to start after an evaluation period.

Defence TurkeyT-155 Self-propelled FIRTINA Howitzer and T-155 PANTER Towed Howitzer Projects were initiated in order to meet the needs of modern howitzer requirements of Land Forces Command. The projects are realized domestically by the maximum use of national capabilities. Can you inform us about the current situation on these projects? Would you tell us about the ultimate objectives concerning FIRTINA and PANTER Howitzers? How are 155-mm ammunition requirements met?

- The aim of the T-155 Self-Propelled FIRTINA Howitzer Project is to produce domestically a self-propelled howitzer that has a long range, high survivability and brisance, advanced command control systems which can provide effective, continuous, active and timely fire support for maneuver units. T-155 Self-Propelled FIRTINA Howitzer is developed by Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC). Mass production has been initiated after successful prototype tests. At present, the mass production of T-155 FIRTINA howitzers is conducted.

- T-155 PANTER Towed Howitzer has a 155 mm, 52 caliber gun system with 40 km firing range. PANTER has a semi-automatic shell loading system together with self propelling (displacement) capability and a high rate of fire. Prototype howitzers have been manufactured by the national design of TLFC. Mass production was initiated in 2002 by Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (MCI) and all howitzers were taken into inventory in 2009.

- In order to meet F?rt?na and Panter howitzers? long range ammunition requirements, the development phase of this Project was completed by the main contractor, MCI. Mass production contract has also been signed with MCI. Ammunition requirements will be met domestically

Defence Turkey What would you say about Land Forces Command?s vision of and approach towards wheeled armored vehicles?

- Land Forces Command plans to have wheeled armored vehicles that can meet its operational needs as well as certain criteria such as; suitability for tactical use day and night, in all weather and terrain conditions, high mobility and survivability, and a high level of protection against improvised explosive devices, mines and ammunition with kinetic impact. Tactical Wheeled Armored Vehicles that TLFC needs at peace support operations, border security missions and counter-terrorist operations were first taken into the inventory of Land Forces Command in 2005. The procurement process is still going on in accordance with needs and requirements over the years. K?RP? vehicles that provide partial protection against mines started to be added into the inventory in the same (Tactical Wheeled Armored Vehicles) category.

Defence TurkeyLand Forces Command is improving its current low altitude air defense capability with Pedestal Mounted Stinger systems. With the realization of the 35 mm low altitude anti-aircraft towed gun project, Land Forces Command will remove M-42 Duster self-propelled anti-aircraft systems out of service. Are there any plans in Land Forces Command?s agenda for an additional order in Pedestal Mounted Stinger Project? Could you inform us about expectations from anti-aircraft systems with domestic barrels?

- Self Propelled Low Altitude Air Defense Weapon Systems Project is still in progress. Air defense systems with domestic barrels will add to the fire impact and provide air defense for units in the move. The Command does not plan any additional orders concerning Pedestal Mounted Stinger systems.

Defence TurkeyT129 ATAK Attack Helicopter will further improve Land Forces Command?s current attack helicopter capabilities. What is your opinion on the new capabilities that T129 ATAK Helicopter will bring to Land Forces Command and what are the possible service dates?

- T129 ATAK helicopters will fulfill Land Forces Command?s need for attack helicopters with high capability of mission accomplishment in high altitude, day/night and adverse weather conditions. The plan is to add T129 ATAK helicopters into Command?s inventory by 2017.

- Furthermore, in order to fulfill the need for attack helicopters at counter-terrorist operations, T129 attack helicopter procurement is planned within the framework of ATAK Project. The plan is to add these helicopters into the weapons inventory between April 2012 and May 2013.

- Besides, negotiations with the U.S.A. on the procurement of 3 (three) AH-1W attack helicopters are going on.

Defence TurkeyCould you inform us about the current status and the aftermath of Kas?rga and Y?ld?r?m artillery rocket projects that have been implemented to fulfill Land Forces Command?s need for long range artillery rockets?

- Kas?rga Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and Y?ld?r?m (J) Missile System that are among the surface-to-surface rocket systems in the (Turkish Land Forces) Command?s weapons inventory are in use for active and training purposes with success.

Defence TurkeyWhat would you say about Utility Helicopter Project and Heavy Weight Helicopter Projects?

- In accordance with the Utility Helicopter Project, the procurement plan of 20 Utility Helicopters required by the Land Forces Command has been planned. On 21st April 2011, Sikorsky Company was chosen as the company for the contract by Defense Industries Execution Committee (SS?K). The negotiations of the aforementioned contract are timetabled to be concluded until the end of 2011 by the Undersecretariat of Defense Industry (SSM)

- Undersecretariat of Defense Industry (SSM) signed a contract concerning the procurement of 6 CH-47F cargo helicopters. The helicopter deliveries are planned to be initiated in 2015.

Defence Turkey What are your opinions on the level of Turkey?s National Defense Industry?s fulfilling the requirements of Land Forces Command? What do you think about the future of this capability?

- The primary objective of Turkish Land Forces Command is to fulfill the modernization requirements by exploiting domestic defense industry capabilities. In this context, large scale major modernization projects such as main battle tank, attack helicopter, rocket/missile projects, air defense systems, tactical wheeled vehicles and engineering projects are planned to be procured by domestic development model. Thereby what is aimed at is to meet the defense needs by using national systems independent from foreign bidders on one hand and to improve the technological and production infrastructure for the prospective needs of domestic defense industry by means of these projects on the other hand. Under the present circumstances, it has been considered that defense industry has made a significant breakthrough as a system by means of design, development and production of the main weapon systems. We suppose that important contributions can be made to our country?s economy in the near future by improving cooperation in

high technology based projects that are being conducted in the international area, in parallel with meeting modernization needs by domestic production model.

Defence TurkeyWhat are your opinions on Land Forces Command?s future objectives?

- The stable and predictable threat environment of the Cold War era has been replaced by the present day multi-dimensional and unpredictable threat/risk environment with uncertainties. Today?s revolutionary developments in Information Technologies and multi-dimensional risks triggered by reorganization strategies have added to the well-defined military threats of the Cold War era.

- Security concept mainly perceived as military security before the Cold War era has gained a more profound meaning with the end of Cold War; therefore, political, social, economic and environmental issues have been incorporated into this concept. The changing security environment and technological developments require Land Forces Command to have a force structure which is flexible enough to adapt to such developments.

- In this regard, Land Forces Command has adamantly been sustaining its efforts to meet the requirements of 21st century with continuous progress perspective while it has been maintaining a force structure capable of facing the threats and risks in today?s environment.

- In accordance with its vision and mission, Land Force?s objective for the21stCentury is to attain a force structure with high survivability and combat power against all kinds of threats and risks and thereto has superior technology, information and training systems, which is full-armed with national and high tech weapons; is capable of performing uninterruptedly in all kinds of environment and under all conditions as an efficient and sustainable structure which is compatible with mobile, modular, national and international forces in joint and combined operations and finally trained to meet the needs of the modern age with a network enabled capability.

- By the time the ongoing and prescribed modernization projects are realized, 2020?s will have been a landmark in Land Forces Command?s force development and modernization. While the conducted studies have presently been exploited to put forward short and medium term measures, plans for long term prospects have been made by envisioning the combat environment of 2050?s.

- In the immediate and foreseeable future, we aim to organize a Land Forces Command constituted by professional, modular, ability-based, cyber-threat proof units having the joint effort perspective besides decisiveness for achievement and thereto are capable of taking precautions against all kinds of hybrid threats likely to be faced in the combat environment and thereby able to adapt to the requirements of the modern warfare. We are all well aware of the fact that all these considerations and developments focus on human beings. Our overriding objective is to meet the security needs of the Great Turkish Nation without hesitation under the auspices of Turkish Armed Forces.

Defence Turkey Magazine - all about Turkish Defence Industry, Online Articles
I think we should reduce our forces to 200,000 full professional with about 450,000 including conscripts , the conscripts can do other stuff and help the country like e.g work in rural areas as police for their service and full professional just against Terrorism , and i think we need more attack helicopter
I think we should reduce our forces to 200,000 full professional with about 450,000 including conscripts , the conscripts can do other stuff and help the country like e.g work in rural areas as police for their service and full professional just against Terrorism , and i think we need more attack helicopter

This is not related to the original post but I think that women should also have to do something for their country, not necessarily military but everyone should have to contribute once in their lifetimes to the society/country.
This is not related to original post but i think gay marriage should be allowed...
I think we should reduce our forces to 200,000 full professional with about 450,000 including conscripts , the conscripts can do other stuff and help the country like e.g work in rural areas as police for their service and full professional just against Terrorism , and i think we need more attack helicopter

already we have 200.000 professional soldiers.

This is not related to original post but i think gay marriage should be allowed...

what did you smoke? are you turkish version of persian gay king.
What kind of brainless idiots am i dealing with here... doesn't matter, I doubt anybody even read the article
This is not related to the original post but I think that women should also have to do something for their country, not necessarily military but everyone should have to contribute once in their lifetimes to the society/country.

I don't want to be moronic feminist but I amvery uncomfartable with that part :frown:

We arevery confortable in our lifes without worring about military duty that you get beaten by egoist officers or threated like cra* by same people...

Most of us already take enough cra* from opressive families and husbands and not to mention the sociaity that think themselves as moral police of the state...:argh::angry:
I don't want to be moronic feminist but I amvery uncomfartable with that part :frown:

We arevery confortable in our lifes without worring about military duty that you get beaten by egoist officers or threated like cra* by same people...

Most of us already take enough cra* from opressive families and husbands and not to mention the sociaity that think themselves as moral police of the state...:argh::angry:

Wait for it....

Here it comes...

You..... You on your periode? Naaa just kidding Deno you know i love you :D
I don't want to be moronic feminist but I amvery uncomfartable with that part :frown:

We arevery confortable in our lifes without worring about military duty that you get beaten by egoist officers or threated like cra* by same people...

Most of us already take enough cra* from opressive families and husbands and not to mention the sociaity that think themselves as moral police of the state...:argh::angry:

You could also see it as a way out of the families and a step towards independence (I mean most girls would probably earn their first money ever by then). The first step towards to gtfo from oppressive families.

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