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2009 pakistan war

I'll be honest and say I like the idea if the government isn't willing to do it then its a good thing someone is prepared to.
I'll be honest and say I like the idea if the government isn't willing to do it then its a good thing someone is prepared to.

pakistans new elected government is doing enough....besides what was usa doing in iraq and afghanistan? there getting owned and lieing to the public "4000 soilders died" yea bull sh*t there too busy raping innocent weman, and trying to be the top of every nation. in my opinion usa cant win if there will be a war

~they will be bankrupt

~our military will give usa a VERY hard time as we trained with them

~ plus usa will have a conventional and insugent war.... so double the pain for them.
I'll be honest and say I like the idea if the government isn't willing to do it then its a good thing someone is prepared to.


Kep your honesty with yourself and stop using false flag. If barak obama even tries for that big brother in the neighborhood would also feel the heat and pain:guns::guns::guns:

Kep your honesty with yourself and stop using false flag. If barak obama even tries for that big brother in the neighborhood would also feel the heat and pain:guns::guns::guns:

lol ye besides it would take a HUGE TOLL on the usa side

Kep your honesty with yourself and stop using false flag. If barak obama even tries for that big brother in the neighborhood would also feel the heat and pain:guns::guns::guns:

OK giving my opinion now means I'm a US agent......:rofl:

Well I've been well brought up and I don't like to lie.

No doubt that if the US goes for this approach their going to have a far rougher ride than now.

But all the same if the Pakistan government isn't willing to act I am glad someone is.

The US approach would most likely be Special Forces conducting clandestine operations as opposed to a full scale invasion force.
pakistans new elected government is doing enough

No what the government is doing is delaying the inevitable through peace deals which based on prior events do not work.

I would like to see the PAK army sent in as opposed to the Frontier Corps and have them sweep the whole of FATA but to put it simply the government don't have it in them to give such an order to Kiani.

Whats wrong with having the US do it? Pakistanis against WoT are forever saying its muslim against muslim violence so just let them do it on your behalf.
OK giving my opinion now means I'm a US agent......:rofl:

Well I've been well brought up and I don't like to lie.

No doubt that if the US goes for this approach their going to have a far rougher ride than now.

But all the same if the Pakistan government isn't willing to act I am glad someone is.

The US approach would most likely be Special Forces conducting clandestine operations as opposed to a full scale invasion force.

LOL they could do that but then there bases in Afghanistan will become a fair target for Pashtunes on both sides of the border.second Just cause they are special forces don't means bullets wont hurt them if you are in the mountains escaping after the operation i doubt its a walk in the park unless you Are watching a Hollywood Movie.Most of there special forces operations in Afghanistan have meet a great resistance and in some cases humiliating defeat.

Barrack obama needs southeren states as mostly uneducated whites will not vote for a black guy this kind of talk will sure get him some votes nothing more.

Mercenary101 ~they will be bankrupt

They can admit it today or tommorow that boat sailed long time ago simply put it they are already bankrupt.

Shares in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac plunged on Monday as investors worried that the two giant government-sponsored mortgage financiers would have to raise fresh capital.

Fannie and Freddie shares were down by as much as 18 per cent and 23 per cent, respectively, at the peak of the sell-off after a Lehman Brothers analyst said an accounting change could, in theory, force the two biggest US mortgage financiers to raise an additional $75bn in capital.
Rest of the article here if u like to read it.FT.com / Companies / Financial services - Shares in Fannie and Freddie tumble
This is election stunt to win some votes. Before Democrats took control of Congress and Senate they were saying a lot of things but have done nothing. In fact have cleared almost all deals pledged by the administration. Election compaign is one thing and running an administration an entirely different thing.
Invading Pakistan would give rise to an interesting situation and would give new meanings to WOT. It will also test strengths of both US and Pakistan military. So far US has not attacked a country which has fully trained and professional armed forces. After Vietnam this scenario would probably be the most dangerous US engagement. At this moment I shall give slight advantage to Pakistan army because of numerical strength and US for superior air power. Lets wait and see what happens.
So far US has not attacked a country which has fully trained and professional armed forces. After Vietnam this scenario would probably be the most dangerous US engagement.
What about the status of the battle-hardened Iraqi Armed forces in 1990?

The Iraqi Military was the 4th largest in the world and was among the best in muslim nations at that time.

We should not ignore this fact.
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What about the status of the battle-hardened Iraqi Armed forces in 1990?

The Iraqi Military was the 4th largest in the world and was among the best in muslim nations at that time.

We should not ignore this fact.

Maybe during Gulf War 1 but not Gulf war 2.

Anyways they'll conquer the skies first and use air power alot to negate the fact that Pakistan has a well trained army.
barack obama has said that he will move troops into pakistan even without pakistans approoval because pakistan isnt doing enough and stilll has alot of work. what do you think about that?

uIum0o-_LZk[/media] - Barack Obama -- 2009 Pakistan War

What will they acheive?
Big question is how can you identify perpatrators?
I guess it is clear how it will turn out! every one will resist all sort of foreign invasion! If they do than infect they will be the engineers of armed resistance.

Why don't they try to plug the border from their side? After all they have all the training and equipment and we don't!
How about democracy in Afghanistan? How about human rights?
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Local News Channel , Ajj TV, Geo TV were reporting on Tuesday evening, that a large no of Coalition Forces are moving towards, Pak Afghan Border.

Already a number of airspace violations incidents are happening in last couple of weeks.
What tactical options Pakistan have on ground. i am surprised why PAF has not started BARCAP missions on the western border, as they were done in 80s against Afghan Intruder aircarft.
Its not the Soviet airforce but the US airforce Pakistan will face though. A very different ball game.

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