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20 Labourers shot dead in Baluchistan

@Psychic @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Color_Less_Sky @syedali73

Guys, RIP for your dead.

These kind of news really depress me. 20 sounds like such a small number for us. For both of us. Used as we are to much larger numbers of fatalities in attacks. That is what is really depressing.

These are 20 human lives. Two guys with arents, with wives, with children. Dead in the blink of an eye. leaving so much sadness and tears behind.

I know we guys like to fight on PDF. Sometimes (mostly) it is time pass for us. Each of us has secure comfortable lives. But there is a real world out there. And it is a dangerous world. And that can touch us any moment. It is a sobering thought.

Would we be so blaise about killing each other if we could see the kids of the person we are about to kill right alongside at the time of pressing the trigger, or pushing home the knife?

I wonder. I know you can be trained for that. Soldiers and terrorists both. But there must be that human element. And that is just sad.

Don't want to get into the RAW ISI blame game here. Just was feeling depressed so thought of sharing with you.

RIP once again.

Its been 70 years. Really what is left to achieve which either of us have not already tried. Time to stop I think.
Yes, and I have observed and hence appreciated you as moderator....
..but why do we have some sub-standard moderators, who 'enjoy' at loss of innocent life , 'promote' the sick attitude. horus being one of them
again using your own lines, responding in same coin. some notable Indian posters justified and celebrate the deaths of Punjabis in Balochistan and say that they are legitimate target in a fight for independent Baluchistan
likewise some Pakistanis said the same about Indians caught up in the Afghan warzone.

I am not the spokesman of anyone .. all above is a point of view and matter of personal opinion. if we start agreeing and thanking each other then this forum will become stale and we dont want that do we?

difference between the victims in Afghanistan and Balochistan is that they are foreigners in Afghanistan mostly working in unmarked or apparently diplomatic missions very closer to the border with Pakistan and the victims in Balochistan that are all Pakistanis who have either come from other parts of the country to serve or make some money or are natives in a wrong place and wrong faith.

does that difference justify their killing? NO
No to the question. its not about the moral justification of anything one with power makes and bends his rules in this world.

back tot he story
killing these laborors , teachers, shoppers and doctors wont help the cause for Baloch rights.. on the contrary it will only expose those hands that continue to fund these killers sooner or later.
Shame on LUMS
Shame on HAMID MIR
Shame on Asma Jahangir

Multiple objectives can be achieved:
1. It will discourage people from other provinces to go and work in Balochistan.
2. Already majority of doctors and teachers after multiple target killings have migrated from Balochistan. It means more backwardness and poverty to Baloch, which in turn provide more propaganda material for anti state elements.
3. The most important objective that these terrorist want to achieve is to set a reprisal against Balochs in Punjab and other part of Country. You know more Balochis live in Punjab and Karachi then all the Balochistan? This incident and many like before cause very much anger in Punjab. What if some one target a Baloch restaurant in Lahore in anger? Then start a massive media campaign against Punjabi atrocities, and waalaaa, another EP in making.
Fair enough

your country should take this matter to the UN or other avenues as int community is very sensitive about terrorism since 9/11 ,and if pak could provide any evidence we could face some tough sanctions.

Note: Evidence does not mean made in India medicine and indian currency
Fair enough

your country should take this matter to the UN or other avenues as int community is very sensitive about terrorism since 9/11 ,and if pak could provide any evidence we could face some tough sanctions.

Note: Evidence does not mean made in India medicine and indian currency
We have the evidence and it has been shared in the past.
Shame on LUMS
Shame on HAMID MIR
Shame on Asma Jahangir

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Mama Qadeer Dr Shakil Afridi repackaged.
both with chequered past.. one known con conducting fake / unnecessary operations of the tribemen and charging them exorbitant money and then used by CIA to conduct a fake polio vaccination to mask his spying.
other a disgraced ex bank employee kicked out due to fraud charges and now a self styled nationalist activist since loosing his son in a fight with pro state tribesmen
We have the evidence and it has been shared in the past.
Like i say currency and medicine does not count as evidence how many indians did you cought in Baluchistan ?

on the other hand pakistan (govt.) role in terrorism against india has been well accounted by all means Men ,Material and Money

For example: POF made weapons apart from 80000 AKs since 1989, and N number of pakistani terrorists crossed the LOC and kill innocents here

We have the evidence and it has been shared in the past.
enough time
with Americans, with Indians and with Afghan regime. this is why since new President came into power he ordered the close down of some Indian operations that were working in the guise of diplomatic missions.
the intercepted communications of Indians have been also shared with the Americans and Afghans specially after the 16 Dec massacre when both the army and intelligence chiefs flew to Kabul they shared the information with ISAAF general and Abdul Ghani leaving them no choice but to support us. since then Indians have been complaining the loss of warmth they enjoyed during Karzai time
Like i say currency and medicine does not count as evidence how many indians did you cought in Baluchistan ?

on the other hand pakistan (govt.) role in terrorism against india has been well accounted by all means Men ,Material and Money

For example: POF made weapons apart from 80000 AKs since 1989, and N number of pakistani terrorists crossed the LOC and kill innocents here

View attachment 214134
I said evidence. Not currency and medicines which appear in news.
Like i say currency and medicine does not count as evidence how many indians did you cought in Baluchistan ?

on the other hand pakistan (govt.) role in terrorism against india has been well accounted by all means Men ,Material and Money

For example: POF made weapons apart from 80000 AKs since 1989, and N number of pakistani terrorists crossed the LOC and kill innocents here

View attachment 214134

Looks to be very pathetic as a proof...
enough time
with Americans, with Indians and with Afghan regime. this is why since new President came into power he ordered the close down of some Indian operations that were working in the guise of diplomatic missions.
the intercepted communications of Indians have been also shared with the Americans and Afghans specially after the 16 Dec massacre when both the army and intelligence chiefs flew to Kabul they shared the information with ISAAF general and Abdul Ghani leaving them no choice but to support us. since then Indians have been complaining the loss of warmth they enjoyed during Karzai time
But Indians never admit.
They want us to share sensitive evidence on Defence.pk.
Everybody knows that their consulates are helping terrorists
Like i say currency and medicine does not count as evidence how many indians did you cought in Baluchistan ?

on the other hand pakistan (govt.) role in terrorism against india has been well accounted by all means Men ,Material and Money

For example: POF made weapons apart from 80000 AKs since 1989, and N number of pakistani terrorists crossed the LOC and kill innocents here

View attachment 214134

wow I like the convenient assumptions here SGD = "likely" Surgodha.
as for your question about catching Indians in Balochistan, seems like they are better at hiding themselves and dont go with their passports, mobiles, train tickets, currency and signed ID cards like the Pakistani "terrorists" do. secondly they work from Afghan side but their communications are intercepted and have been shared with Abdul Ghani , who thankfully has reacted accordingly. and your "diplomats" are not pleased.

But Indians never admit.
They want us to share sensitive evidence on Defence.pk.
Everybody knows that their consulates are helping terrorists
they do have a point though but sadly we dont have Bollywood inspired media nor our interior ministery gets its line from Bollywood. (case in point of the Buryani, Dec fisher boat fire and the sacking of the Indian coast guard chief who missed his plot lines).
talking about Buryani the over used line by the Indian chief before his saking who said he ordered the sinking of the fishing boat since he didnt want to feed any Buryani to the alleged terrorists, now the Indian prosecuter admits that Ajmal Kasab never requested Buryani and this story was made up to inflame more hatred towards Kassab.

but like I said what matters to us is what Abdul Ghani and ISAAF does regarding the Indian activities along the Pak Afghan border .. NOT what Indian posters believe or not believe on PDF. the Indians have been forced to scale back their Baloch samachar farrari camp operations since last year and we just need to keep the pressure on the Afghans to discourage the Indians from subverting in Pakistan and stick to their mandate which was economic in nature.
wow I like the convenient assumptions here SGD = "likely" Surgodha.
as for your question about catching Indians in Balochistan, seems like they are better at hiding themselves and dont go with their passports, mobiles, train tickets, currency and signed ID cards like the Pakistani "terrorists" do. secondly they work from Afghan side but their communications are intercepted and have been shared with Abdul Ghani , who thankfully has reacted accordingly. and your "diplomats" are not pleased.
Sir i am not sure what SGD means thus an assumption secondly these "pathetic" evidences helped us in declaring Social and Charity orgs like JUD and its Ameer as UN designated terrorist.

Thirdly Abdul Ghani has not yet charged us with using their soil for terrorism let alone ordered us to close the consulates on the other hand BD has expelled your diplomats/ military attaché on the charges of terrorism in Bangladesh
These are what the depraved ba*tards are now reduced to. Too cowardly to take on the forces, having suffered mass defections and losses they shoot dead labourers.
Catch and kill every one of them. I hope the thousands of Baluch who have joined the army will be the ones doing it.
Military operation is expected in Balochistan but after when we crush out all militants in K.P
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