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2 US Soldiers Arrested for Rape in Okinawa Japan.

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When the American economy is falling apart like it is now, all kinds of worthless Americans join the military. The bums just join the military because they have no intelligence to get a civilian job.
People that join the US military are worthless humans, worthless bums, unintelligent degenerates.
Most of them are serial killers, rapists, drug addicts, child abusers, street thugs, womanisers, thieves, etc.

Not all members of the US military are rapists, but most rapists seem to be US soldiers.

I don't think even nazi soldiers were as monstrous as American soldiers.

I'm certain the real number of rapes in Okinawa is MUCH higher than what is reported by the American propaganda media.
Remember the US invented propaganda, they are the experts at propaganda.

They lied about the moon landing, they lie about their economic statistics (everyone lies but the US lies the most), they lied about 9/11 (inside job done by the CIA), lied about WMD in Iraq, etc.

The Nazis were evil monsters, but even they are not as bad as the yanks!

You cheapen yourself by this drivel.

You also are supremely ignorant of how economics effects military recruitment and rather common-sense at that.

Hard economic times tend to raise the standards of recruitment. Think on why if you can't figure it out.
and these inhuman behaviour:

Women raped while in the US military are denied abortions

A culture of coverup: rape in the ranks of the US military

In Taken by Force, J. Robert Lilly estimates the number of rapes committed by U.S. servicemen in Germany to be 11,040.[50] As in the case of the American occupation of France after the D-Day invasion, many of the American rapes in Germany in 1945 were gang rapes committed by armed soldiers at gunpoint.....

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Amazingly this guy will be allowed scotch free as he is not liable to be trailed under Japanese law but only US law. Will US give him life imprisonment at the very least. No they won't. At best he will be given a couple of years of imprisonment with some fines and then allowed to roam free. Even japan is powerless against these arrogant and shameless americans.
Rape is systemic within the ranks of the United States military. I'm actually surprised that this doesn't spill over to where Americans are stationed more often. These two guys will get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
(sign) Some people just never learn. Perhaps it's time for the Okinawans to have a referendum.

Even if they want the Americans to leave, they can't. The Americans will stay no matter what. These incidents will make little difference (sadly).
Soldiers? Shouldn't they be sailors? In any case its a few bad apples. No different when Japan raped China right? Or Nazis which another poster mentioned? How about Muslims themselves going around raping and they kill the victim for dishonoring the families? Or at least force the victim to marry the rapist.
rape is a henious utterly odious crime that severly impacts the victim for the rest of her life. punishment for this sould be life in prison.
Soldiers? Shouldn't they be sailors? In any case its a few bad apples. No different when Japan raped China right? Or Nazis which another poster mentioned? How about Muslims themselves going around raping and they kill the victim for dishonoring the families? Or at least force the victim to marry the rapist.

Nazis or Muslims are not related to the topic.

But the fact remains that most Okinawans actually want the US forces out:
US Military Bases: Time to Set Okinawa Free | Global Research
Japan Today
It is not surprising. American soldier have immunity when committing crimes in other countries. When you have a crew who killed two hundred people in Iran Air 655 and still got medals. It showed how valuable American see the life of non-white people. You don't hear about rapes when they are stationed in Europe, but in Asian countries, they could care less because American are taught to look down on Asians since birth. Japanese men are all quite veggies and emasculated by Americans for last 50 years. Japan is no longer a nation of Samurais, but a nation of sissies.
Soldiers? Shouldn't they be sailors? In any case its a few bad apples. No different when Japan raped China right? Or Nazis which another poster mentioned? How about Muslims themselves going around raping and they kill the victim for dishonoring the families? Or at least force the victim to marry the rapist.

The fact you claim there are only few bad apples shows you like to downplay the savage behavior of Caucasian or black US soldiers or even Japanese soldiers. Take your time to read these few links and i do mean read the whole stuff, you would see it's not a case of few bad apples but thousands. There's no mistake that many rape cases were unreported as you read these articles.

War rape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rape during the occupation of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rape during the occupation of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first link gives you a good detail which troops committed rape in certain countries against certain people. I was even surprised to see that US troops even raped liberated European women in the WW2 era.

"Secret wartime files made public only in 2006 reveal that American GIs committed 400 sexual offences in Europe, including 126 rapes in England, between 1942 and 1945.[95] A study by Robert J. Lilly estimates that a total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American GIs during World War II.[96][97] It is estimated that there were around 3,500 rapes by American servicemen in France between June 1944 and the end of the war and one historian has claimed that sexual violence against women in liberated France was common."

It's fair to say that Caucasian troops have committed plenty of rapes and you can't deny that by just saying a few bad apples doesn't represent a nation. During war time plenty of Caucasian soldiers turn into savages so don't try to convince us with a few bad apples.
Soldiers? Shouldn't they be sailors? In any case its a few bad apples. No different when Japan raped China right? Or Nazis which another poster mentioned? How about Muslims themselves going around raping and they kill the victim for dishonoring the families? Or at least force the victim to marry the rapist.

it is a lot more than " a few bad apples" cheerleader! all rapists are criminals! you just lowered yourself into the same level as the criminals themselves. disgusting!
Please just please try a little harder than this next time, come on please provide the source that ALL American solders are rapists and uneducated slums, please do.
Just let them have their fun. It is not that difficult to find sex crimes committed by country by country...Including China.
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