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2 US Soldiers Arrested for Rape in Okinawa Japan.

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(sign) Some people just never learn. Perhaps it's time for the Okinawans to have a referendum.

I feel really bad for the Okinawans
They were forced to give up their culture and language and forced to pretend like they are Japanese.
The worst part is that the Japanese don't even accept them as Japanese and to them the Okinawans are like 2nd class citizens, thus it's okay to stick the American military base there.
I feel really bad for the Okinawans
They were forced to give up their culture and language and forced to pretend like they are Japanese.
The worst part is that the Japanese don't even accept them as Japanese and to them the Okinawans are like 2nd class citizens, thus it's okay to stick the American military base there.

They also forced fed, literally, with American culture inundated with Burger Kings, KFCs and MacDonalds, hence the obesity scales are very high. The old timers are just shaking their heads with shames.
From 1952 to 2004, there were approximately 200,000 accidents and crimes involving U.S. troops, in which 1,076 Japanese civilians died. Over 90% of the incidents were vehicle or traffic related.[21] According to the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement U.S. personnel have partial extraterritorial right, so in most cases suspects were not arrested by Japanese authorities.[21] In 1995, the abduction and rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl by two U.S. Marines and one U.S. sailor led to demands for the removal of all U.S. military bases in Japan. Other controversial incidents include helicopter crashes, the Girard incident, the Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident, the death of Kinjo family and the death of Yuki Uema. In February 2008, a 38-year-old U.S. Marine based on Okinawa was arrested in connection with the reported rape of a 14-year-old Okinawan girl.[22] This triggered waves of protest against American military presence in Okinawa and led to tight restrictions on off-base activities.[23][24] Although the accuser withdrew her charges the U.S. military court-martialed the suspect and sentenced him to 4 years in prison under the stricter rules of the military justice system.[25] U.S. Forces Japan designated February 22 as a Day of Reflection for all U.S. military facilities in Japan, setting up a Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Task Force in an effort to prevent similar incidents.[26] In November 2009, Staff Sgt. Clyde "Drew" Gunn, a U.S. Army Soldier stationed at Torii Station was involved in a hit-and-run accident of a pedestrian in Yomitan Village on Okinawa. Later, in April 2010, the soldier was charged with failing to render aid and vehicular manslaughter.[27] Staff Sgt. Gunn, of Ocean Springs, Mississippi, was eventually sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in jail on October 15, 2010.[28]

United States Forces Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan sure treats Okinawans as second class citizens. They get raped, get killed even planes crash into their buildings. These war criminals only get light punishments.

Another example of US role model
Girard incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
gummybear shouldn't you condemn these acts instead of terming r*p* as obsession with US, maybe it did not arrive at your door steps but its ain't that far.

As usual soldiers will be flown out to US and term mentally retards, that is what happened in iraq and afghanistan.
gummybear shouldn't you condemn these acts instead of terming r*p* as obsession with US, maybe it did not arrive at your door steps but its ain't that far.

As usual soldiers will be flown out to US and term mentally retards, that is what happened in iraq and afghanistan.
The US military, like any other, is reflective of the society from which it draws its members. So unfortunately to ours and to the Okinawans' sorrow, there bound to be some moral degenerates that slipped through the screening process. We are not perfect. So I have no problems calling for the worst that the military justice system can mete out.
The US military, like any other, is reflective of the society from which it draws its members. So unfortunately to ours and to the Okinawans' sorrow, there bound to be some moral degenerates that slipped through the screening process. We are not perfect. So I have no problems calling for the worst that the military justice system can mete out.

When the American economy is falling apart like it is now, all kinds of worthless Americans join the military. The bums just join the military because they have no intelligence to get a civilian job.
People that join the US military are worthless humans, worthless bums, unintelligent degenerates.
Most of them are serial killers, rapists, drug addicts, child abusers, street thugs, womanisers, thieves, etc.

Not all members of the US military are rapists, but most rapists seem to be US soldiers.

I don't think even nazi soldiers were as monstrous as American soldiers.

I'm certain the real number of rapes in Okinawa is MUCH higher than what is reported by the American propaganda media.
Remember the US invented propaganda, they are the experts at propaganda.

They lied about the moon landing, they lie about their economic statistics (everyone lies but the US lies the most), they lied about 9/11 (inside job done by the CIA), lied about WMD in Iraq, etc.

The Nazis were evil monsters, but even they are not as bad as the yanks!
Japan might underplay this as Japan needs USA on Senkaku Dispute.
They also forced fed, literally, with American culture inundated with Burger Kings, KFCs and MacDonalds, hence the obesity scales are very high. The old timers are just shaking their heads with shames.

That is sad. People from the Ryukyu Islands have a life expectancy among the highest in the world often attributed to their traditional diet.
When the American economy is falling apart like it is now, all kinds of worthless Americans join the military. The bums just join the military because they have no intelligence to get a civilian job.
People that join the US military are worthless humans, worthless bums, unintelligent degenerates.
Most of them are serial killers, rapists, drug addicts, child abusers, street thugs, womanisers, thieves, etc.

Not all members of the US military are rapists, but most rapists seem to be US soldiers.

I don't think even nazi soldiers were as monstrous as American soldiers.

I'm certain the real number of rapes in Okinawa is MUCH higher than what is reported by the American propaganda media.
Remember the US invented propaganda, they are the experts at propaganda.

They lied about the moon landing, they lie about their economic statistics (everyone lies but the US lies the most), they lied about 9/11 (inside job done by the CIA), lied about WMD in Iraq, etc.

The Nazis were evil monsters, but even they are not as bad as the yanks!
Please contact your shift stuporvisor for a new script. This one is stale.
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