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2 US Soldiers Arrested for Rape in Okinawa Japan.

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Rape is systemic within the ranks of the United States military. I'm actually surprised that this doesn't spill over to where Americans are stationed more often. These two guys will get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
I've always said Americans are a vulgar race.
That whole country is a stain on the human species.
I for one cannot wait for the day the entire US economy collapses and their military shrivels up like the Soviet military.

American culture is all about rape, murder, war, drugs, lies and propaganda.

We talk about how evil the nazis were, but the Americans are far worse.

I'm pretty sure 95% of American soldiers are from lower class societies.
They are uneducated and unemployed bums in society so the only reason for their useless existence is to rape women and children to get their sick and twisted satisfaction.
The really funny part for you ya-hoos is that when the PLA realized how sh1tty the Chinese military really was and recognized the need for guidance on institutional changes to make itself a professional organization worthy of the tag 'global', the Chinese did not look within but without, not to the raggedy Russians, but to NATO, specifically the US, the Brits, and the Germans, as examples of military professionals in moral and technical aspects.

The Jamestown Foundation: Reforming the People’s Liberation Army’s Noncommissioned Officer Corps and Conscripts
The PLA has identified a number of issues affecting the quality of the expanding NCO corps. These issues include a lax selection process that includes bribery; inadequate training and education; a need for a more thorough and demanding management system; and improvements in wages, subsidies, family housing, welfare and retirement/demobilization benefits. The PLA is attempting to address these problems with a series of reforms and restructuring initiatives (PLA Daily, November 4, 2009).

Modernization of the People's Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The PLA increased funding for military education, incorporated the study of foreign military experiences into the curriculum, and expanded contacts with foreign military academies.

JFQ-62: Junior Leader PME in the PLA
Increasingly, however, the army is turning to civilian institutions to provide both advanced degrees and especially pre-accession education, observing a model that approximates the American Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program.
Still, despite progress, the PLA is well known for corruption. A military have no business running businesses, and yet PLA flag officers are corporate leaders and masters while middle rank officers are their understudies in those same corporations. In a country where females are second class human beings, let along citizens, FROM THE WOMB, do you really think that female military members in the PLA are safe from predatory males in positions of authority and power? That just because the PLA takes extraordinary steps in covering up sex crimes committed by PLA soldiers, those crimes do not exists? So here are samples of what the PLA tried to cover up...

Flight Attendant Exposes Army Officer After Being Beaten | Tea Leaf Nation
Responses to the incident exposed much underlying tension between Chinese civilians and the PLA, whose personnel enjoy immunity from civil prosecution and other privileges in the Chinese society. For example, all drivers in China can easily identify vehicles with special military license plates, because they often violate traffic rules with impunity.

...the police cannot detain him because he is in the PLA and he is a representative in the People’s Congress, so he can hit people and no one can do anything about it.

Servicemen on active duty can only be sued in a military court and the police have no right to carry out any civilian orders on soldiers.

China has no justice or human rights.

1959 Tibetan uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By 1957, Kham was in chaos. People's Liberation Army reprisals against Khampa resistance fighters such as the Chushi Gangdruk became increasingly brutal. Reportedly, they included beatings, starving prisoners, and the rape of prisoners' wives in front of them until they confessed. Monks and nuns were forced to have sex with each other and forcibly renounce their celibacy vows. After torture, these men and women were often killed.
The PLA did the same brutalities against the Northern Viets prior to the Vietnam War. So do not think that somehow your 'race' is morally superior.
All large militaries have the unfortunate fact to contain bad apples. Nothing special there. But it just casts a poor light on troops that are stationed on foreign soil and fail to win the hearts and minds of locals through such acts.

How much does Japan pay for the privilege?
I've always said Americans are a vulgar race.
That whole country is a stain on the human species.
I for one cannot wait for the day the entire US economy collapses and their military shrivels up like the Soviet military.

American culture is all about rape, murder, war, drugs, lies and propaganda.

We talk about how evil the nazis were, but the Americans are far worse.

I'm pretty sure 95% of American soldiers are from lower class societies.
They are uneducated and unemployed bums in society so the only reason for their useless existence is to rape women and children to get their sick and twisted satisfaction.

We'll you aren't going to be invited to any parties in the US with that attitude.

Your loss.:partay:

Urban Dictionary: Obvious Troll

Earn your pay comrade!
Earn your pay comrade!
He did: 50 cents. Pretty much his worth as a conscript reject. And those who are active duty in the PLA ain't worth that much more.
Ryukyu should be independant. I pity the innocent people there

I'm with you there, Bro. :tup:

If there's a referendum and is decisive they will get the UN support too. The thing is they could've been independent if the Americans didn't want a base there so bad and the Japanese weren't so selfish as to accommodated the US troops within her mainland. Poor Ryukyuans indeed.
I'm with you there, Bro. :tup:

If there's a referendum and is decisive they will get the UN support too. The thing is they could've been independent if the Americans didn't want a base there so bad and the Japanese weren't so selfish as to accommodated the US troops within her mainland. Poor Ryukyuans indeed.

A small Ryukyu independent state is easier to bully and intimidate...easier to annex??? They'll just become a third world island nation without Japan. I think they are better off staying with Japan.
A small Ryukyu independent state is easier to bully and intimidate...easier to annex??? They'll just become a third world island nation without Japan. I think they are better off staying with Japan.

Let them be the judge and I'm certain they'll weight the issue and force Japan to rid the Americans after this atrocity by them. And I also call for the neighboring countries, China, Korea, Taiwan etc to give them economic alternatives if Japan fails them again.
The PLA did the same brutalities against the Northern Viets prior to the Vietnam War. So do not think that somehow your 'race' is morally superior.

If there were MASS rapes done by PLA to Vietnamese during that time i'm sure Vietnamese people would spread those rape stories across their country and you can find these facts on wikipedia and the Vietnamese would still be telling their younger generations about it. I wonder if you even dare claim Vietcongs had MASS raped Cambodian women during the invasion and many years of occupation. PLA's morality is not superior and i wouldn't doubt that Chinese soldiers have raped women, same with the Vietcongs. But Chinese and Vietnamese troops most likely have not performed MASS rapes unlike Western and Japanese troops otherwise Cambodians and Vietnamese people would have spread these stories like a virus.
Let them be the judge and I'm certain they'll weight the issue and force Japan to rid the Americans after this atrocity by them. And I also call for the neighboring countries, China, Korea, Taiwan etc to give them economic alternatives if Japan fails them again.

I agree before Japan annexed Ryukyu it did fine as a trading partner with China, Taiwan and Japan. Since US troops have been stationed there after the war over a 1000 of people had died and who knows how many rapes had occured. The majority of Okinawans think Japan treats them as second class citizens and would love to see the departure of US troops on their soil. Only that way these people don't have to suffer any more by relocating all of their troops to Guam. They would still be stationed in the Pacific and these poor people don't have to worry about their lives, maybe the US have some nukes and chemical weapons (Agent Orange) stationed in Okinawa?
Once again its proven

US military = Low Human Rights = Evil = Bad news = Low quality of Humans wearing solider's uniform = disgrace

a big disgrace to the human race!

and their cheerleaders = the next big disgrace to the human race!
The really funny part for you ya-hoos is that when the PLA realized how sh1tty the Chinese military really was and recognized the need for guidance on institutional changes to make itself a professional organization worthy of the tag 'global', the Chinese did not look within but without, not to the raggedy Russians, but to NATO, specifically the US, the Brits, and the Germans, as examples of military professionals in moral and technical aspects.

The Jamestown Foundation: Reforming the People’s Liberation Army’s Noncommissioned Officer Corps and Conscripts

Modernization of the People's Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

JFQ-62: Junior Leader PME in the PLA

Still, despite progress, the PLA is well known for corruption. A military have no business running businesses, and yet PLA flag officers are corporate leaders and masters while middle rank officers are their understudies in those same corporations. In a country where females are second class human beings, let along citizens, FROM THE WOMB, do you really think that female military members in the PLA are safe from predatory males in positions of authority and power? That just because the PLA takes extraordinary steps in covering up sex crimes committed by PLA soldiers, those crimes do not exists? So here are samples of what the PLA tried to cover up...

Flight Attendant Exposes Army Officer After Being Beaten | Tea Leaf Nation

1959 Tibetan uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The PLA did the same brutalities against the Northern Viets prior to the Vietnam War. So do not think that somehow your 'race' is morally superior.

what the PLA has to do with the serial rapists in the us military? Why do you keep cheerleading and defending for the criminal rapists by diverting the attentions away from their horrible crime?
JAPANS takes the financial burden for the living expenses of these animals in JAPAN and in return these shameless lots bites the same hand that feeds them. The idiot would have been roaming jobless in his home country and here he is committing crimes against the same people who employs him. American soldiers and establishment are the most ungrateful arrogant people on earth. Hope japanese get their self-respect back and kick these low lives out. They won't defend japan when push comes to shove.
what the PLA has to do with the serial rapists in the us military? Why do you keep cheerleading and defending for the criminal rapists by diverting the attentions away from their horrible crime?

A slave mentality. Got rim once and keeps asking for more.

US military imposes curfew after alleged rape in Okinawa

TOKYO: The US military said Friday it was imposing a nationwide curfew on all military personnel in Japan after two servicemen allegedly raped a local woman in Okinawa.

From 11pm to 5am all of the approximately 47,000 members of the US armed forces stationed in Japan, as well as any there temporarily, must stay on base or in their homes.

The curfew begins Friday night and no end date was given.

"I'm immediately issuing a curfew to all military personnel in Japan, both temporary and assigned," Salvatore Angelella, the Commander of US Forces in Japan, told reporters.

He said "core value retraining" would also take place and commanders would be reviewing policies on leave.

"Japan is one of our greatest allies, most trusted partners and the cornerstone of peace and stability in the Pacific. We'll continue to do all we can to ensure the US-Japan relationship remains strong," Angelella said.

The announcement came after the arrest of two sailors on Tuesday over the alleged rape of a local woman, a potential flashpoint in relations between the US military and their reluctant Okinawan hosts.

Around half of all Japan-based personnel and the majority of US bases are in Okinawa, an island chain where anti-American feelings are easily stirred.

Previous criminal incidents associated with the bases have sparked large-scale demonstrations, with protesters demanding a trimming of the US footprint.

The US has moved quickly to try to hose down the latest episode.

At a specially-convened press conference, US Ambassador to Japan John Roos said: "The United States will cooperate in every way possible with the Japanese authorities to address this terrible situation."

"I understand the anger that many people feel with respect to this reported incident," he said. "I have a 25-year-old daughter myself, so this is very personal to me."

Okinawa police said they arrested Christopher Browning and Skyler Dozier Walker, both 23, on charges of raping and injuring the woman on Tuesday, hours before they had reportedly planned to leave the island.

The local woman, whose identity was not revealed, suffered neck injuries in the alleged attack, which media reported took place on the street.

Recent months have seen a rise in tensions on the archipelago with the deployment of 12 tilt-rotor aircraft, which take off like helicopters, but fly like aeroplanes.

The aircraft's perceived poor safety record has been picked over in Japanese media and by local opponents, but commentators say the Osprey is a proxy issue and resentment over what many see as an unfair burden is at the root of objections.

Okinawans say other parts of Japan should take more strain and want bases closed or reduced in size.

But with islands stretching out from mainland Japan to Taiwan that obscure rising China's access to the Pacific, Okinawa is too strategically important for either Washington or Tokyo to be able to countenance a large-scale drawdown.


LOL curb them, I say.
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