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2 US destroyers just challenged China with a South China Sea sail-by, and Beijing is not happy

Whatever. I hope next time the fight will be more civil. chinese army is welknown to resorting to dirty tricks. In the past in many encounters chinese soldiers ran naked storming Vietnamese women regiments, scaring them away.

It is your women went naked to lure our young men...

Yes they do in Vietnam and all over the world. But large parts of chinese are nationalists with many of them being brainwashed. Vietnam has the most capable army in the region. Fighting against us with give them the opportunity to test the fighting capacity of the PLA. As you know, the structure, the command, the strategy, the weapons of Chinese army today is formed after the war with Vietnam in the 1979, when they lost 3,000 men per day.

Vietnam is wary because we know the chinese are trying to lure us into a new war. Chinese are like zombies they keep coming.

Their most favorite tactic is to force us to fight a war of attrition so they can starve our children to death.
Find your position... vn is a piece of shit... without your daddy, you can not produce a rifle...
Today your daddy went bankrupted and we can wipe you out of the map within seconds...
"war of attrition"... lol...
Find your position... vn is a piece of shit... without your daddy, you can not produce a rifle...
Today your daddy went bankrupted and we can wipe you out of the map within seconds...
"war of attrition"... lol...
Not that easy, first, Vietnam has missile defense, second, as a industrial country we can make nukes within years in secret without anyone knowing it.
Not that easy, first, Vietnam has missile defense, second, as a industrial country we can make nukes within years.
I already told you your daddy won't let you have nukes... you get a regime change like Qaddafi...
Within years... lol... Even within seconds, you are long finished by our 300 megatons....

vn industrial country... I learn a new thing everyday...
The discussion was about 2 us destroyers that challenged China and sailed through.

Chinese authorities will do exactly what Chinese posters are doing here jump up and down then realise who the boss is and then bend over.

Always has happened always will happen, Chinese bravery is as big as their dickk.
indian fake flag slumdog go back to your slum... Your dickk are smaller than ours... Google it... :omghaha:
Not that easy, first, Vietnam has missile defense, second, as a industrial country we can make nukes within years in secret without anyone knowing it.
You should first build an aircraft carrier to protect your fishermen
A Pakistani, flesh & blood, obviously you are frustrated with the truth that Uncle Sam just brushed you aside not just this time but has been doing it for a while now.

All you done is jump up and down, all you can do is just radio calls, turn back, this is Chinese territory there will be severe consequences.

Man shows you middle finger and carries on.

I know I can feel your frustration that you guys can’t do anything.
A Pakistani, flesh&blood??? You can only fool a IQ82... Should a Pakistani cheer for Uncle Sam who are doing surgical strike on their soil all the time...?..
Well if you read my posts you will realise the only thing pro I am is pro Pakistan, no higher then mountain & deeper then sea friendship here buddy.

I understand you are angry & frustrated that you been talking the talk but couldn’t walk the walk, embarrassing I understand.

Best advice is if you can’t do anything please don’t stop making a mockery of yourself in front of the world by challenging Uncle Sam.
Yes, you are frustrated with the religion thing, sorry, I am not interested in religion...
But it is a shame for you to cheer for Uncle Sam who will carry out another surgical strike on your soil anytime...
Pro Pakistan... Are you talking jokes to me??
Where did religion come in to it?, what has been spoken religiously?.

I am not frustrated I never claimed something to be mine, which it isn’t anyway and then restrict movement through it, then someone comes along bitch slaps you brushes you out of the way puts you in your place, you are the one who should be frustrated.

As I said before if you can’t challenge something best to stay out of its way or you will get humiliated and people will loose respect for you.

So now I am not a false flagged Indian with smaller man hood then you that I must worry about surgical strikes on my

We can’t challenge USA so we don’t jump up and down like the Chinese we keep quiet. Those who we can challenge we battered in 27th of Feb.
Why should we be frustrated by Uncle Sam if someone who got bombed by them all the time do not feel frustrated??? lol...
Why should we be frustrated by Uncle Sam if someone who got bombed by them all the time do not feel frustrated??? lol...

So you are not frustrated, you admit the superiority of Uncle SAM & Chinese false claims to South China Sea. At least we are moving in the right direction.

So please do point out the religion or religious words I have used since you accused me of such, or else apologise.

You accuse me of being an Indian but here you sir cussing Pakistanis about bombs from Uncle Sam, thank-you for proving my point that higher then mountains, deeper then sea is bull crap, hopefully some Pakistanis saw through you today.
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For US: locust in autumn will not jump for days.
So you are not frustrated, you admit the superiority of Uncle SAM & Chinese false claims to South China Sea. At least we are moving in the right direction.
Sorry, we are not moving in the direction to got bombed all the time...
A generation ago, in early 1996, China fired missiles in the waters around Taiwan as the island was preparing for its first presidential election.

The United States intervened. It deployed two aircraft carriers to guard in the Taiwan Strait area. It was the biggest show of American naval power since the Vietnam War.

In January, Chinese President Xi Jinping again threatened force, if necessary, to regain control of Taiwan, which China considers a rebel province. Although the U.S. still supports Taiwan, the country is showing more restraint in reaction to China’s messaging.

Since last July, the U.S. Navy has sailed seven times through the Taiwan Strait. Each time, only two naval boats were involved and none were major ships such as aircraft carriers.


In the near future US will only send fishing boats to pass the strait.
This person is trolling and bashing at every Chinese related post for purpose... He/She is definitely a false flagged using Pakistani Flag for trolling.
Moderator please check his/her IP.

The discussion was about 2 us destroyers that challenged China and sailed through.

Chinese authorities will do exactly what Chinese posters are doing here jump up and down then realise who the boss is and then bend over.

Always has happened always will happen, Chinese bravery is as big as their dickk.
I think Chinese are frustrated trump has been trumping them,

Clearly I can see your stance changing, obviously your challenge to Uncle Sam was like Chinese fire crackers just pufff that’s it, so now you acknowledged that you cant do jack to Uncle Sam so let it sail when it pleases, you can take the frustration of humiliation on Vietnam or sone other small country as I see through your posts.

So you keep going on bombing, what bombing and where, are you saying Pakistan are bombed by USA everyday?. are you belittling those people who says you have higher then mountain friendship with?.

It’s good to know the true colours of Chinese are coming out so Pakistanis can see through a different lenses. I would like to Thank you hopefully you have raised some eyebrows.

So where did religion get mentioned?, you never answered that, I guess just another’s little mans lie because he is unable.
I encounter every kinds of trolls here, I also see all kinds of debate between Chinese and Pakistani members here about religion, which is fine... But you the clown is the only one who are cheering for the American murderer and claiming "pro Pakistan"... What a shameless troll....

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