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2 US destroyers just challenged China with a South China Sea sail-by, and Beijing is not happy

War between two nation with H-bombs??? No one on earth will survive...
It seems all the clowns here are wishing this day coming tomorrow...

However, your masters are more sensible than you little azzlickers...
Threatening non nuclear nations is very stupid. Making nukes is actually easier than making a good bphone.
Threatening non nuclear nations is very stupid. Making nukes is actually easier than making a good bphone.
But you can not make it, if you do, even make one (not to mention our
294 megatons) you get a regime change...by your daddy USA...

BTW, you are stupid. I am not talking about threatening non nuclear nations, I am talking about nuclear power with H bombs go to war, no one will survive, you understand??
Racism has always been a thing in china. Even towards their own people, with "lighter' skinned asians being admired, and "darker" skinned asians are thought to be undesired. This is not a new thing. It just is not very well known to the rest of the world.

If there were two girls who could date you, would you choose a fair-skinned girl or a black girl? The premise is that there is no difference between the two girls except for their skin color.

The Chinese just think that the darker the skin, the uglier the person is. It has nothing to do with racism.
But you can not make it, if you do, even make one (not to mention our
294 megatons) you get a regime change...by your daddy USA...
You should not threaten anyone by nukes.
A country as Vietnam with resources and technology can make it within years. Japan as a hightech country can make it within a year.
We should be thankful graceful for two less lines?what an uneducated idiot! Vietnam and China agreed to demarcation the Tonkin gulf hence the median line between the countries, if the two lines would have remained, the agreement could be thrown into the next trash bin.

You threatened Vietnam with war during the oil rig incident.

Again when we drilled in our Eez waters.

And numerous times here and there.

What China has to lose if we keep these two dotted line?
You should not threaten anyone by nukes.
A country as Vietnam with resources and technology can make it within years. Japan as a hightech country can make it within a year.
You are stupid again... no matter within years or within seconds, there is no vietnam or japan or whatever if China and USA go to nuclear war... simple as that...
What China has to lose if we keep these two dotted line?
Then the gulf agreement will be annulled! Tell that to Xi Jingping!

What’s next?
Annulment of land demarc between Vietnam and China?

You are stupid again... no matter within years or within seconds, there is no vietnam or japan or whatever if China and USA go to nuclear war... simple as that...
Same result if India and Pakistan use all of their nuclear arsenals in a war.
Yes we will be all dead, the earth is finished.
Racism has always been a thing in china. Even towards their own people, with "lighter' skinned asians being admired, and "darker" skinned asians are thought to be undesired. This is not a new thing. It just is not very well known to the rest of the world.

LMAO, we southern Chinese like darker skinned not only Asians but anyone, are you sure you know what you're talking?


Then the gulf agreement will be annulled! Tell that to Xi Jingping!

What’s next?
Annulment of land demarc between Vietnam and China?

China can live without Gulf agreement by keeping our 11 dotted line.
useless parade..

we are still waiting for this. two years already. c'mon :D

U.S. Vows to Stop Beijing Taking Over South China Sea Islands
January 24, 2017

The new U.S. administration of President Donald Trump vowed on Monday that the United States would prevent China from taking over territory in international waters in the South China Sea..

China should not be allowed access to islands it has built in the contested South China Sea.

“It’s a question of if those islands are in fact in international waters and not part of China proper, then yeah, we’re going to make sure that we defend international territories from being taken over by one country,” he said.

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Same result if India and Pakistan use all of their nuclear arsenals in a war.
Yes we will be all dead, the earth is finished.
There are some difference in tonnage, etc..though...


But in any case, you little nation will be finished within seconds...
This is why no nuclear powers with H-bombs will ever go to direct war so easily...as you wished...
You are right in one thing, that is the conventional weapons (such as the ships I showed in another thread) are mainly used for bullying weak nations:cheesy:, without the nuclear arsenal behind it, no one will even care... same as the US carriers... But for the 5 members of UNSC, or the big 5, we are playing some games, show some stance, that's it... You can pick sides, and cheer for it, but not take it too seriously... lol...
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There are some difference in tonnage, etc..though...
View attachment 558788
View attachment 558787
But in any case, you little nation will be finished within seconds...
This is why no nuclear powers with H-bombs will ever go to direct war so easily...as you wished...
You are right in one thing, that is the conventional weapons (such as the ships I showed in another thread) are mainly used for bullying weak nations:cheesy:, without the nuclear arsenal behind it, no one will even care... same as the US carriers... But for the 5 members of UNSC, or the big 5, we are playing some games, show some stance, that's it... You can pick sides, and cheer for it, but not take it too seriously... lol...
Whatever. I hope next time the fight will be more civil. chinese army is welknown to resorting to dirty tricks. In the past in many encounters chinese soldiers ran naked storming Vietnamese women regiments, scaring them away.

Why unrest? Chinese threaten Vietnam with war. Why don’t you complain? Ok it looks at the moment we don’t need to lay thousands of mines in the Sc sea. Chinese are keen of war and bloodshed. They can fight the US.
Last time I checked they're pumping money into vietnam; check the FDI stats. Why would they want war?
Last time I checked they're pumping money into vietnam; check the FDI stats. Why would they want war?
Yes they do in Vietnam and all over the world. But large parts of chinese are nationalists with many of them being brainwashed. Vietnam has the most capable army in the region. Fighting against us with give them the opportunity to test the fighting capacity of the PLA. As you know, the structure, the command, the strategy, the weapons of Chinese army today is formed after the war with Vietnam in the 1979, when they lost 3,000 men per day.

Vietnam is wary because we know the chinese are trying to lure us into a new war. Chinese are like zombies they keep coming.

Their most favorite tactic is to force us to fight a war of attrition so they can starve our children to death.

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