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2 militants including LeT's Bashir Lashkari gunned down by Army

But it ain't workin..pigs are getting massacred with their suporters(human shields).

It is working fine, InDian occupier swine terrorists has to spend more resources than any legal state still the image of india is bad. Furthermore, Pakistan is happy with whatever outcome and no matter how long it takes, if kashmir stays the same india has to sacrifice more swines and occupier terrorists and resources, if it goes to india than indian muslim population will get a boost and it will rise as these people will give birth to more kids and who knows in future indian muslims become majority and crush gau mata terrorists. If it goes to Pakistan then ofcourse a victory for pakistan as pakistan gets its historic lands.

But we aren't waiting. Everyday cordon everyday pigs gunned down,Blown up,Burnt

Neither are Pakistanis or Kashmiris, everyday some indian swine occupier gets one way ticket to hell. Last year more than a dozen swines took the plane to hell.

But we are just seeing the opposite. These coward pigs call everyone from stone pelters to their Moms before blown up or burnt to crisp.

And these indian occupier terrorists scum roaches swines recall their food and suicides. For them it is not worth fighting a lost war which is an occupied land and they know the residents hate them. It is not a rescue mission where they will be seen hero but an outsider occupier terrorists swines.

Death to all 258 pig terrorist scums


Here's one more time, loud and clear, Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches swines.

No. But, why Hindu majority Indians who hates everything Muslim wants Muslim majority Kashmir? Example, Muslims consume beef but India banned beef consumption. Indians killing Muslims for that. And still wants Muslim majority kashmir! Why?
If majority of Indians hated everything muslim, the population of muslims would not have grown at a rate higher than the majority. For your information, muslim majority Kashmir had long banned killing of cow and beef in the state of Kashmir to the extent all kashmiri meat delicacies are around lamb/goat mutton. Hindu majority state of Goa being ruled by the BJP has not banned beef. If muslims were hated in India they would not have been allowed to occupy top positions of constitutional authority like President, VP, Chief Justice of Supreme and High Courts, Chiefs of Air Force, Army, Intelligence Bureau, Election Commission, top bureaucrats, diplomats and even Chief Ministers in Hindu majority states. Out of 20 crores muslims in India kashmiri muslims are just less than 1 crore.
Religion remains a sensitive matter in South Asia. Kashmir in India and Nepal had since long banned cow slaughter in their territories but it did not affect anyone all these while.
I think you have many wrong perceptions about the realities in India.
It is working fine, InDian occupier swine terrorists has to spend more resources than any legal state still the image of india is bad. Furthermore, Pakistan is happy with whatever outcome and no matter how long it takes, if kashmir stays the same india has to sacrifice more swines and occupier terrorists and resources, if it goes to india than indian muslim population will get a boost and it will rise as these people will give birth to more kids and who knows in future indian muslims become majority and crush gau mata terrorists. If it goes to Pakistan then ofcourse a victory for pakistan as pakistan gets its historic lands.

Neither are Pakistanis or Kashmiris, everyday some indian swine occupier gets one way ticket to hell. Last year more than a dozen swines took the plane to hell.

And these indian occupier terrorists scum roaches swines recall their food and suicides. For them it is not worth fighting a lost war which is an occupied land and they know the residents hate them. It is not a rescue mission where they will be seen hero but an outsider occupier terrorists swines.

Here's one more time, loud and clear, Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches swines.

We are all seeing who is getting crushed while these pigs call their mktheo and stone pelters yo save their *** but still get blown up to shil or burnt to crisp along with the stone pelters..
#Death to 258 islamic terrorist pigs
We are all seeing who is getting crushed while these pigs call their mktheo and stone pelters yo save their *** but still get blown up to shil or burnt to crisp along with the stone pelters..
#Death to 258 islamic terrorist pigs

Kashmiris don't follow gau mata to get burn when die, they get buried.

We can see how these mf indian swines terrorists are being sent to 'new gau mata reserved hell for indian occupier terrorists' by Pakistanis and Kashmiris.
#Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches swines.
No. But, why Hindu majority Indians who hates everything Muslim wants Muslim majority Kashmir? Example, Muslims consume beef but India banned beef consumption. Indians killing Muslims for that. And still wants Muslim majority kashmir! Why?

India did not ban beef because of Muslims eat it but because of its value to Hindus. If someone tries to sell pork in a common restaurant in Bangladesh will there be religious harmony? No. The same reason. Also why you wanted independence from Pakistan, if you think religion is the only bond for a country?

BTW India does not recognise religion based division of India in 1947. There are more or same Muslims in India than BD or Pakistan.

Kashmir is India and will be. We will uproot the problematic people from Kashmir.
Kashmiris don't follow gau mata to get burn when die, they get buried.

We can see how these mf indian swines terrorists are being sent to 'new gau mata reserved hell for indian occupier terrorists' by Pakistanis and Kashmiris.
#Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches swines.
Really see the condition of 3 let pigs killed on 22 June. Burnt to crisp. Will happen at every encounter either burnt or blown up.
Sadly their ticket to jannah and their date with 72's has beem cancelled..
#Death to 258 islamic terrorist pigs
If majority of Indians hated everything muslim, the population of muslims would not have grown at a rate higher than the majority. For your information, muslim majority Kashmir had long banned killing of cow and beef in the state of Kashmir to the extent all kashmiri meat delicacies are around lamb/goat mutton. Hindu majority state of Goa being ruled by the BJP has not banned beef. If muslims were hated in India they would not have been allowed to occupy top positions of constitutional authority like President, VP, Chief Justice of Supreme and High Courts, Chiefs of Air Force, Army, Intelligence Bureau, Election Commission, top bureaucrats, diplomats and even Chief Ministers in Hindu majority states. Out of 20 crores muslims in India kashmiri muslims are just less than 1 crore.
Religion remains a sensitive matter in South Asia. Kashmir in India and Nepal had since long banned cow slaughter in their territories but it did not affect anyone all these while.
I think you have many wrong perceptions about the realities in India.
Well, I find the reality very different than your reply. Anyway, thanks for your reply...
Well, I find the reality very different than your reply. Anyway, thanks for your reply...
I have only given the facts. Based on facts, the minorities in India have got the best deal as compared to other nations in South Asia. You will always find differences in a nation with as enormous diversity as India but the collective conscience as reflected in the constitution of India is the ultimate reality which no other south Asian nation can come close to. However, one sees what he chooses to see.
Then Pls don't whine when we butcher your coverted piglets
I'm not whining at all, those martyrs will enter paradise, where as all of your dead will burn in hell for eternity.

Kashmir will be free one day inshallah, and until then the Hindustani army will burn more and more, with Uri and the Pathankot attacks continously occurring.
Really see the condition of 3 let pigs killed on 22 June. Burnt to crisp. Will happen at every encounter either burnt or blown up.
Sadly their ticket to jannah and their date with 72's has beem cancelled..
#Death to 258 islamic terrorist pigs
#Death to 3 million Hindu rapist rats
I'm not whining at all, those martyrs will enter paradise, where as all of your dead will burn in hell for eternity.

Kashmir will be free one day inshallah, and until then the Hindustani army will burn more and more, with Uri and the Pathankot attacks continously occurring.

Is this what is taught to you ? Muslims will go to heave and hindus will go to hell ? Is this why muslims are eager to blow themselves up ? Eager to enter heaven ?

Just my doubt.
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