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2 militants including LeT's Bashir Lashkari gunned down by Army

Is this what is taught to you ? Muslims will go to heave and hindus will go to hell ? Is this why muslims are eager to blow themselves up ? Eager to enter heaven ?

Just my doubt.
Good Muslims go to heaven, everyone else goes to hell. Bad Muslims go to heaven eventually, after suffering for a bit. That is not a concept unique to Islam, most religions follow this.

Anyway, you don't believe in it, so why should you care?
Good Muslims go to heaven, everyone else goes to hell. Bad Muslims go to heaven eventually, after suffering for a bit. That is not a concept unique to Islam, most religions follow this.

Anyway, you don't believe in it, so why should you care?

I care...Now i understand terrorists blowing up innocents. They eventually go to heaven after getting a reduced sentence because they are doing a beautiful thing by killing innocents.

I just want to know that.
I care...Now i understand terrorists blowing up innocents. They eventually go to heaven after getting a reduced sentence because they are doing a beautiful thing by killing innocents.

I just want to know that.
You kill innocents, you go to hell. Eventually bad Muslims get to heaven as they are Muslim, but they will still have to burn a little first.

Killing innocents is most certainly not beautiful you idiot, if you knew Islamic rules of war you'd know killing civilians is typically forbidden.

Anyway, these Kashmiri militants are targeting Hindustani soldiers, they are not innocent.
I'm not whining at all, those martyrs will enter paradise, where as all of your dead will burn in hell for eternity.

Kashmir will be free one day inshallah, and until then the Hindustani army will burn more and more, with Uri and the Pathankot attacks continously occurring.
Lol. What a loose talk !!! Sitting on other side of border luring phaizamas to take guns and been chest thumping about their encounters by false propoganda against kafirs. Get well soon from kafirs obsession
Lol. What a loose talk !!! Sitting on other side of border luring phaizamas to take guns and been chest thumping about their encounters by false propoganda against kafirs. Get well soon from kafirs obsession
Not false propoganda at all. Only the truth.
Do your Allhaaa listen you ??

Do you gau mata begwhan listen you?

Really see the condition of 3 let pigs killed on 22 June. Burnt to crisp. Will happen at every encounter either burnt or blown up.
Sadly their ticket to jannah and their date with 72's has beem cancelled..
#Death to 258 islamic terrorist pigs

If I follow your language I can say,

Really see those Mofo swines indian occupiers who were mutilated by Kashmiris and sent to date KALI mata in hell.

But I won't say this and instead request mods @WebMaster @Horus @WAJsal @Irfan Baloch @waz @HRK to take care of this troll who is repeatedly abusing Islam.

Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists swines.
yes yes Run to modes to save you, and where is your Islam getting humiliated ? That poster is exactly saying what you guys claim and when he repeats you, your Islam got humiliated :lol: DUMB

This is not india where there is Janwar rule, which is why I requested mods @WebMaster@Horus @WAJsal etc to take care. Rest of your post is rant just like times now.
The army is being held back in J&K.

We can also like you use in Zarbeazb tanks and attack jets in J&K and wipe out the population.

The Russians used ballistic missiles against the Chechens. India can if it wants launch an Agni on Shopian and wipe out entire generations of Kashmiri Muslims.

We are being very very tolerant and now choking the funding of the Hurriyat.

In Zarb E Azb we had the decency to evacuate locals first. Like you would ever do the same.

If you wipe out Kashmir, every jihadist in the world will launch jihad upon Hindustan. You will have several Mumbai like attacks occur, and will sincerely regret the decision. Lucky for you, your military planners know this and aren't stupid enough to actually nuke Kashmir. Not to mention the international outrage it will cause.

Tolerant my a55, the creatures you call soldiers shoot protestors, use human shields, rape anything that moves, and attempt to subdue a population who despises you.
J&K is our land. We will never nuke it.

Our CRPF and local police fire tear gas at rock pelting mobs.

Your army fires rockets and missiles at terrorists.

In counter terror ops the soldiers have same weapons as jihadis as they are restrained.

You don't think the local army commander can't call in a BM-30 SMERCH missile attack on a known jihadi location and pound the area with 155 mm artillery and move in with BMP-2's shooting anything that moves?

Something any army would do unless it has been specifically told to show restraint and only use AK-47/Tavor to clear a house of jihadis.

The Pakistan army would rather sit back and call in PAF drop a JDAM and smoke the jihadis.

US would send in a predator.

Russia would launch a non-nuclear ballistic missile clearing everything in a 1 square km radius.

So yes Indian army is very tolerant and restrained.

You still kill and rape civilians, even if your methods are different.
Civilians killed either in crossfire mostly by jihadis then blamed on the restrained Indian Army.
Some civilians killed when they are throwing stones on police and policeman loses patience and actually uses his rifle which he has been not using under strict orders.

We are restrained enough to let thousands of people throwing rocks, stones and Molotov cocktails go home only when their own physical energy is finished.

In rest of India the police would actually kill them. Lathi charge is a foregone conclusion.

Mass arrests and torture in police station.

But J&K we know youth are misguided and elders are funded by yours truly so we forgive them as brothers. But everyone has their dignity so occasionally a brother may kill a brother.
Excuses excuses, very typical.
You have a big problem, you himself abusing others and then run towards modes, crying
@WAJsal check his language he continue using

I'm stating facts dear, you are killing muslims for eating beef, lynching Dalits cuz you consider them achoot, thrash Sikhs cuz you have power, girls are not safe, Kashmiris in IOK are treated like animals and you tell me that it is not janwarism.
The Indian Army's method of combating is the very opposite of typical.

I would like to see if the Lashkar e Toiba were to say slip out of ISI control and take refuge in mountains near Skardu and launch attacks across The P occupied K then what would your reaction be ? How brutal ? No prisoners and bombs away.

You should at the very least respect the Indian Army for its excellent morals and brilliant restraint.
I hold no respect for the rats in your military.
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