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2 militants including LeT's Bashir Lashkari gunned down by Army

Good Job Indian Army

Now some photo session.
Para SF and RR guys during the Ops.

Looks like MP9. First time seeing it in ct ops.


Credits: IADN

But I heard the offensive was led by J&K special task force. IA must have set a perimeter..
You see, that's the problem. The Local Residents say that it was the Indian troops who held civilians hostage:


We are not buying your narrative. And let me remind you that it's India (and not Pakistan) which refuses to allow any neutral mechanism to investigate such charges. Do you not realize the weakness of your position ??

And Why would we take Azad's body ? He will receive an honorable burial in his hometown of Bijbehara, IOK

The link doesnt mention the 17 hostages (ur version).
See as per you, our position is weaker. But if u ask any other country, it doesnt seem to be that way. Especially after salahudeen being mentioned as global terrorist. LeT is a global terrorist organisation. Please complain to UN about this encounter and you will see their reaction.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter... :meeting:
A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. There can nothing be good about a terrorist. One can not resort to terror tactics even for a good cause. Imagine some green activist does a bomb blast in a crowded place to attract the attention of the world towards global warming.
AS per Quran, an innocent life taken is a blot on humanity.
So, I really don't understand your logic, so, please explain it.
For India they are kashmiri terrorists, but for Pakistan they are kashmiri freedom fighter... :pleasantry:
1) Kashmir is not "other" country
Yes it is.

2) Jihad against oppressive occupying foreign forces is legitimate
as is jihad against kufr. I could quote directly from the quran and hadiths but this forum is quick to delete those posts and will ban me again.

all these sunni insurgencies turn into isis like groups eventually. Locan kashmiri jihadis in India don't enjoy as much support in the valley as you think, their ranks are small, their leadership keeps getting eliminated at regular intervals, they have no great victories to speak of but they are of the same mindset as isis/syrian rebels or boko haram etc and are driven by the same extremist islamic ideology of killing kuffars.
A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. There can nothing be good about a terrorist. One can not resort to terror tactics even for a good cause. Imagine some green activist does a bomb blast in a crowded place to attract the attention of the world towards global warming.
Good philosophical word. But, the reality is very different...
Yes it is.

No, it's not. As per UN, it's a disputed territory whose accession to Pakistan or India is yet to be decided

as is jihad against kufr. I could quote directly from the quran and hadiths but this forum is quick to delete those posts and will ban me again.

all these sunni insurgencies turn into isis like groups eventually. Locan kashmiri jihadis in India don't enjoy as much support in the valley as you think, their ranks are small, their leadership keeps getting eliminated at regular intervals, they have no great victories to speak of but they are of the same mindset as isis/syrian rebels or boko haram etc and are driven by the same extremist islamic ideology of killing kuffars.

Nope, the Holy Qur'an doesn't call for Jihad against Kuffar, without any valid reason.

And Kashmiri Freedom Struggle is not driven by the ideology of killing anyone, it's driven by the universally accepted principles of "the Right to Self Determination" and "the Right of Resistance to Oppression"
..Freedom Struggle is not driven by the ideology of killing anyone, it's driven by the universally accepted principles of "the Right to Self Determination" and "the Right of Resistance to Oppression"
They said the same about the "struggles" in Iraq and Syria.
Wonder what you make of the "freedom fighters" who killed scores of Bangladeshis in Dhaka?
Were they terrorists or Champion Freedom Fighters?
You misunderstood me. And your reply has nothing to do with my reply...
Just accept neutral = ISPR

Kashmiri police and sarpanch and pundits = foreign occupier forces

Sardar shahid arif was a terrorist because he wanted Azadi for Azad kashmir

Winks all around ;)

This is PDF. Watch their intellectual inferiority and moral bankruptcy underwritten by religious delusions. Enjoy.

Also sincerest gratitude for our armed forces. They risk their lives to fight an evil plaguing this planet. Thank you.

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