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2 Bangladeshis beheaded in Saudi Arabia

@ jatt+gutts

“If there is much misunderstanding in the West about the nature of Islam, there is also much ignorance about the debt our own culture and civilisation owe to the Islamic World. It is a failure, which stems, I think from the straight jacket of history, which we have inherited. The medieval Islamic world, from Central Asia to the shores of the Atlantic, was a world where scholars and men of learning flourished. But because we have tended to see Islam as the enemy of the West, as an alien culture, society and system of belief, we have tended to ignore or erase its great relevance to our own history.”

Prince Charles in a speech “Islam and the West”, Oxford, 27th October 1993

Islamic Inventions and contributions to the world

Islamic Scholars and Scientists (continued):








Pakistan has become a living hell with hand to mouth existence and this is opnion of western media.

The World's Most Dangerous Countries-Pakistan
The World's Most Dangerous Countries - Articles | Travel + Leisure

does it help you sleep better at night?
I will say this once again since you are having comprehension problems.
Indians should take care of the cast system before they start to get all self righteous about other nations.
And cast system is not a problem in Pakistan, it is a wet dream of Indians but it is not reality.
so arabs build couple of buildings. and this is your achievemnts. i can show you better buildings builds by sikhs with better caliography.

@ rusty

buddy i aint angry dear. i have some valid questions about sharia. ok tell me if burka is so important then y women are born nude ?
You have no contribution to anything, you are ruled by hindus, they butchered your people and now you are subservient to them.

We Pakistanis are better than you because "we are taller and well fed" (like you said about your people).

BTW, Islamic contributions to the World:


Geometric Patterns:


You Folks are nothings without yr oil as far as Sikhs are concerned in India , they are very hard working and entrepreneuring and that's the reason in India Punjab has one of highest State Per captia income.
so arabs build couple of buildings.
Arabs, Persians, Afghans, Muslims from present day Pakistan and india, North African Moors, Turks, etc, we've all made tons of contributions to science, math, engineering, inventions, medicine, astrology, navigation, arts etc.

i can show you better buildings builds by sikhs with better caliography.
You mean the calligraphy you copied from Muslims? Lol, even that is not your own.
LOL, SOMEONE IS COMPARING SIKH ACHIEVEMENT with MUSLIMS?? Lol, let me give example from medical science. when europe and india were using bones to treat sick people around 900ac , muslims were conducting cataract removing surgery! People had no clue about cause of diseases. It is muslims who invented germ theory! Then, it is muslims who implement quarantine system and hospitals In short muslim created the base of medical science...
Edit: forgot to add research of an nafees blood circulation system, books of Ibn Sina.
You Folks are nothings without yr oil as far as Sikhs are concerned in India ,
Oil was only discovered in the 1960's-70's. And secondly, most Muslim countries don't have oil, in fact the most successful non-oil Muslim countries are Turkey, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

they are very hard working and entrepreneuring and that's the reason in India Punjab has one of highest State Per captia income.

Well then, good for them! :tup:
^ yeah thats why muslims are the most modern and indian goes to pakistan and bangladesh for surgeries.. lol
LOL, SOMEONE IS COMPARING SIKH ACHIEVEMENT with MUSLIMS?? Lol, when europe and india were using bones to treat sick people around 900ac , muslims were conducting cataract removing surgery! This is one simple example!

Then why now you folks are so backward these days.
Arabs, Persians, Afghans, Muslims from present day Pakistan and india, North African Moors, Turks, etc, we've all made tons of contributions to science, math, engineering, inventions, medicine, astrology, navigation, arts etc.

You mean the calligraphy you copied from Muslims? Lol, even that is not your own.

you can create a seperate thread for that . most of the best looking islamic buildings are in inida and are inspired by indian architecture... taj mahal is in india not in arabia
LOL, SOMEONE IS COMPARING SIKH ACHIEVEMENT with MUSLIMS?? Lol, when europe and india were using bones to treat sick people around 900ac , muslims were conducting cataract removing surgery! This is one simple example!

The Golden Age of Surgery in ancient India rests largely on the accomplishments of Susruta, who lived sometime between 800 ands 600 B.C. Susruta practiced and taught the art of surgery at the University of Benares in the ancient city of the same name, located on the banks of the river Ganges. His monumental treatise on Surgery, Susruta Samhita established him as the Father of Indian Surgery. He was the first surgeon to systematise surgery by dividing it into separate fields. He is known as the originator of plastic surgery, cataract operation, laparotomy, and vesical lithotomy. He also described diabetes.

Indians had pioneered in surgeries 1000 years before islam was even born.
LOL, SOMEONE IS COMPARING SIKH ACHIEVEMENT with MUSLIMS?? Lol, when europe and india were using bones to treat sick people around 900ac , muslims were conducting cataract removing surgery! This is one simple example!

I'm not trying to write off credits from Islamic golden age, however cataract removal was described by Shusruta back in 200 AD. :coffee:

The first references to cataract and its treatment in the West are found in 29 AD in De Medicinae, the work of the Latin encyclopedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus.
you can create a seperate thread for that . most of the best looking islamic buildings are in inida and are inspired by indian architecture...
No they are not inspired by indian architecture, they all use the Persian Islamic Arch, in fact the Mughals were Persianized Central Asian Turks and their language was Farsi.

The Geometric patters in the Taj Mahal, the Symmetrical Shapes and structure, and finally the Calligraphy in all Mughal Palaces and Mosques are Persian Islamic, not indian just because they were built in india. In fact if i were to post true indian architecture you will be offended and take it as a attempt to make fun of hindu culture so i won't go there.

taj mahal is in india not in arabia
But that doesn't take away the Islamic roots of the building does it?

Inside Taj Mahal (see the Arabic Calligraphy?)


Its all Islamic:

No they are not inspired by indian architecture, they all use the Persian Islamic Arch, in fact the Mughals were Persianized Central Asian Turks and their language was Farsi.

The Geometric patters in the Taj Mahal, the Symmetrical Shapes and structure, and finally the Calligraphy in all Mughal Palaces and Mosques are Persian Islamic, not indian just because they were built in india. In fact if i were to post true indian architecture you will be offended and take it as a attempt to make fun of hindu culture so i won't go there.

But that doesn't take away the Islamic roots of the building does it?

What Islamic roots? Persian architecture predates Islam. Why not is it Zoroastrian roots?

Why would I be offended if you post Khajuraho pictures. I'd understand tribalism still runs amok in you.
This is the Abbasi Grand Mosque in Isfahan, Iran, see the Persian Arch? Its similar to the one in the Taj Mahal as well as various other Islamic Structures:

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