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2,700 people killed in Pakistani city Karachi

I asked him after posting the crime rates increases in dehli, had any thing to do with indians policy or is it just a criminal act? as a think tanked you should have read the whole thing before deciding to use your power...
He also got negative rating.
yes. talking about violence in financial cities. Wasnt it Mumbai(formerly Bombay) where about two thosand people died in just ONE month during the Babri_Masjid incident? ANd werent the majority MUSLIMS Zakir bhai?
HMMMM! Well that means more than 66 death each day. o_Oo_O:(:(

How about the genocide of Pakistan who killed 3,000,000 Muslim Bangladeshis, 100,000 Kashmiris and the recent 50,000 in Pakistan itself???

You are on think ice when you start putting fingers on Muslims killed in India.

Pakistan is the biggest murderer of Muslims. Ironically you created Pakistan where every "Muslim" would be "safe".

First of all this thread starter is Indian Pakistan crime rates indians favorite Topics) second i was replying to comment posted below yet again made by undercover Indian so I didn't go off Topic.

I asked him after posting the crime rates increases in dehli, had any thing to do with indians policy or is it just a criminal act? as a think tanked you should have read the whole thing before deciding to use your power...

Q : How many blasts happen in Pakistan each day?
Ans : Almost each day and as a result 55,000 people have died due to this since you were forced to join WOT or else bombed back to stone age by US. Now this is not some accident but terrorist attacks/riots.
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How about the genocide of Pakistan who killed 3,000,000 Muslim Bangladeshis, 100,000 Kashmiris and the recent 50,000 in Pakistan itself???

You are on think ice when you start putting fingers on Muslims killed in India.

Pakistan is the biggest murderer of Muslims. Ironically you created Pakistan where every "Muslim" would be "safe".[/quote

Everyone knows it was the indian forces who killed the Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir. And thats a myth of killing 3million Bangladeshis, it was more like 10%. But exaggeration is ripe here. So go ahead and write down illogical figures.
Whatever makes you happy.
And the 50,000 killed in Pakistan were killed by terrorists in the form of taleban and Al-Qaeda. But in Mumbai, it was the mob. Which means mostly middle-class indians doing barbaric acts and then come home in the night to their loving families. Big difference here.
To many of us and statistically it's a mere 00000.5 or whatever that figure is. But to the families and the near and dear ones, even the entire world population wouldn't tally up to their heart felt pain. My heart goes out to victims near and dear ones.

Everyone??? who is everyone? Pakistan? The one who has no credibility at all? The one who refused to accept Osama was not there but Osama was caught living in his harem just near Islamabad the capital.

You create myths and make a fool of your own people... wake smell the coffee since the WORLD is not Pakistan.


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