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1961 Indo-Portuguese War

हिन्दूस्तानी;1271418 said:
Indo-Aryan peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dravidian peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How is that Dravidians form much of South India, Sri Lanka, maldives and Balochistan..?

read your own links, its what i have been saying all along

The only distinct ethnic groups present in South Asia, according to genetic analysis, are the Balochi, Brahui, Burusho, Hazara, Kalash, Pathan and Sindhi peoples, the vast majority of whom are found in today's Pakistan.[18]

sir dravidians in balochistan is only one particular group the brohis not all baloch are dravidians...if they are desis then so are the iranian baloch people....which makes iranians as desis...and thats retarded....if u agree with this then half of the world will be desi
Sir i guess you didnt read properly i said in punjab....there are rajputs,..arayees of indian decent...and ranas are rajputs...
i said this earlier...
for jewish tribes i said pashtuns or pathans are decendents of jews...there is this documentry of an american guy...about this topic

I NEVER SAID RANAs are jewish decendents...u didnt read properly...they are rajputs..who are of indian decent

Seems like you failed to understand the sarcasm :hitwall:

Yes Sindhis, pakistani Punjabis, Pak Occupied Kashmiris have as much of a historical similarities and relations to those of Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Gujurat, J&K etc..

As do bangladeshis also share the same with West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar etc
Sir i have comprehended what the rest of the world is saying...i guess u should comprehend it too.
rest of the world the G-8 powers inlcluding US, Russia and other countries have changed the demographics of traditional middle east which started from iran went upto eqypt now...more countries have been added to it based on their cultural, religous and historical interactions..and commonness
Greater Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sir only those Pakistani punjabis who are ethinical local...not those whose elders came from other parts and settled in today's Pakistan's punjab...they may speak fluent punjabi...but ethicaly they arnt the same

---------- Post added at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------

Sir i have comprehended what the rest of the world is saying...i guess u should comprehend it too.
rest of the world the G-8 powers inlcluding US, Russia and other countries have changed the demographics of traditional middle east which started from iran went upto eqypt now...more countries have been added to it based on their cultural, religous and historical interactions..and commonness
Greater Middle East - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I understand you pakistanis believe you are descendents of Arabs. It still doesn't change history
sir again u didnt comprehent what i was saying...i said we are a mixture of ethnicities....the arab decendants are only in areas controled by ummayads...ie south punjab mostly....not in khybe pakhtunkhuwa...etc...u cant compel a rajput or an arayee from indian decent to be of arab decent as they are pakistanis with equal rights...plz dont get me wrong..m not some right wing extremist lol...those families who claim their arab decent are of arab decent those who claim it to be indian or persian or afghan decent are of their respective decent
so we were one big happy family before who all had the same genes :rofl:

to put it in a way you might understand - do north and south indians mix with one another - why?

its not for no reason - and a lot of pakistani;s are even more distinct from n.indians - you need to think we are the same to make yourself feel better - lets stand next to each other and see how similar blood we have:pakistan:

I really dont care much about the argument here....especially wrt to "Indians and Pakistanis" being a "family"

I will say this though....

When pharma companies perform clinical studies for effects of drugs on various races, tests on the Indian genome are considered encompassing the Indian subcontinent...

Which is why, unlike the caucasians who react differently to pharmaceuticals compared to the people of the sub-continent, who in turn react differently from Africans and Asians (Chinese, Jap and Korean) seem to suggest a common genetic map for the people of the subcontinent....

Not that anyone in India cares to identify themselves with Pakistanis unless they're AR type tree hugger, but the above is a fact..
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pleae stop calling india a global power, i mean dude seriously.....

india has been a parking spot for multiple civilisations, you have no basis.


You should know better than to Sh!t where you eat.....

Need I remind you that the land that present day Pakistan lives on and its people have been subjugated and conquered by more civilizations and cultures than present day India.....In fact many of the mighty rulers that were able to trample over the North West of the subcontinent could not make inroads into present day India.....

But then again.....depends on how you use the term India above....

If you use India as a united entity ie. India and Pak pre partition (I hardly expect this)....then yes...
If its the present day scenario you speak of, introspection is required before you heave that rock....
Pakistanis please do not waste time on this useless thread. This thread has lasted longer then the small Indo-Portugese skirmish.

All Europeons were weakend militarily to their weakest level after World War II and India just took advantage. Guys there are better threads to spend our time then this make up story of Indian bravery, valor, chivalry, brown nosing or whatever.
Pakistanis please do not waste time on this useless thread. This thread has lasted longer then the small Indo-Portugese skirmish.

All Europeons were weakend militarily to their weakest level after World War II and India just took advantage. Guys there are better threads to spend our time then this make up story of Indian bravery, valor, chivalry, brown nosing or whatever.

LOL no one asked you to post your useless comments on this thread... feel free to leave and take all your pakii trolls with you.
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