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18 israeli soldiers killed in Gaza operation Sunday (confirmed by israel)

Can't say I feel sorry for them as any soldiers who take part in an operation which involves invasion/occupation of a land that isn't theirs are fair game....especially when +70% of the casualties of Gazans were civilians.

That being said, I don't think we should demonize all Israelis. A long-term peaceful settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians can only be reached if moderate Israelis are also engaged.
I sympathize with the innocents killed in Gaza, but how many innocent Israelis would be killed if it weren't for the Iron Dome system?

How can you be sure? Hamas has launched thousands of unguided rockets against Israel. Neither side is innocent in all this.
So you are trying to say if there wasn't Iron Doom the casualties would have been X, and so Hamas is actually responsible for that X casualties? That doesn't make sense at all.
Mate, you are an American and due to that fact I think it is safe to say that I can expect you to understand your own native tongue which is English.

I said that they are relatively harmless compared to the arsenal a world class air force such as IAF are using against Gaza. Do you even know about the power and scale of those bombing raids that are being conducted? The technicalities behind them?

Now compare it what Hamas has. It's not even comparable.

I never said that the "Iron Dome" is a bad thing for Israel. It's a positive thing as everyone can see. I don't know how come you made such a conclusion by just reading my 2-3 posts about this topic.

Anyway I have to go.
My intention was never to compare each sides weaponry. Clearly Israels is far more advanced. My point was that if Israel did not possess Iron Dome those rockets could land anywhere, including residential neighborhoods, and thus killing innocent people. That doesn't excuse Israels actions in Gaza, but I wanted to point out that no side is innocent in all this.
I m not ignorant of history past & present, we have done enough for others what we get in return, humiliation by those for whom we have risked to much. I m totally against now of providing any military support to any Arab country or allowing them to use our soil. If they pull monetary support whatever they give us it will be better for us.
Not sure what you mean.

We do supply advisors and trainers.

In return we earn hard cash.

it is win win for those.

No need to become extremist on behalf of Hammas.

If Hammas comes to islamabad to ask Pak gov BEFORE starting a fight with Israel, you may have a point.

If a grown up man goes and jumps in the Well,

you start cursing the whole village.

Real shame for the neighbors of palestine land, they are just sitting and watching like idiot monkeys , specially Egypt and Jordan.. If they can't help physically they should give moral and diplomatic support and humanitarian aid, middle finger for both countries .
No one talked about a total war against Israel. I'm talking about supporting poor Palestinians and at least making a relative balance of military power between them and Israel, although this can never be fully reached. Empty slogans?! Iran has always boosted the military capacities of Palestinians (e.g. Fajr missiles). Your masters in turn have always been in bed with Western/Israeli side.

Well, it's only a total-war that is going to stop Israel. You know that right? Did you seriously think that sending a few pipes to Hamas and Hizbollah (local Arab groups) will ever change Israel's conduct or win any wars? Yes or no? The answer is obviously no.

Why is the answer no? Because this is what the GROUND REALITIES show.

Did you ever fight Israel directly for you to take the moral high ground and act like I don't know who? The answer is again no.

Why? Because it's a historical fact too.

The same so-called "masters" that your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's are busy doing business with as the 35 year old "Mullah project" has failed utterly as you yourself would admit if this was not a public forum?

Lastly by that logic your "masters" are Russia etc.


Nobody here claimed anything about being defenders of Palestinians or that the Arab world is doing enough or that anyone will defeat Israel. That's all something that your likes on PDF have invented to feel better with yourself as your countries are doing nothing big either despite all the false and empty bravado.
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Not sure what you mean.
We do supply advisors and trainers.
In return we earn hard cash.
it is win win for those.
No need to become extremist on behalf of Hammas.
If Hammas comes to islamabad to ask Pak gov BEFORE starting a fight with Israel, you may have a point.
If a grown up man goes and jumps in the Well,
you start cursing the whole village.

I m not becoming extremist of Hmmas its the behavior of some Arabs who think they are regional power and Pakistan is failed state on one thread and on other they say that Pakistan is Muslim world power just for argument. Many of them have too much against Pakistan, we have paid too much price for their brother hood, even many sectarian killings in our country is backed by our fellow Islamic country as per some reports in media.
Well, it's only a total-war that is going to stop Israel.

Wrong my dear Sir


To end the war, Hammas can sign a peace deal just like Jordan, Egypt, PLO etc.

All these peace deals are fully supported by KSA and the whole world (except forking Ayatullahs and sundary militants).

See it is easy to attract things with honey

As opposed to waving at them like a mad man.
Many Arab countries have direct or indirect relations with Israel but they want Pakistan not to have any kind of relations with them, why they try to influence our foreign policy on that issue?? By not have relations with Israel Pakistan is paying the real price as Israel is arming India with advance systems them never had, means direct threat to our security, but still we support Palestinian cause.
I m not becoming extremist of Hmmas its the behavior of some Arabs who think they are regional power and Pakistan is failed state on one thread and on other they say that Pakistan is Muslim world power just for argument. Many of them have too much against Pakistan, we have paid too much price for their brother hood, even many sectarian killings in our country is backed by our fellow Islamic country as per some reports in media.

lets not digress from teh topic. @Jungibaaz aka jugniboss has already warned.

Thank you
Wrong my dear Sir


To end the war, Hammas can sign a peace deal just like Jordan, Egypt, PLO etc.

All these peace deals are fully supported by KSA and the whole world (except forking Ayatullahs and sundary militants).

See it is easy to attract things with honey

As opposed to waving at them like a mad man.

No, because those likes want the annihilation of Israel and their wish will not turn into a reality with this approach.

You see certain Farsi users here have a habit of accusing Arab users here (ironically all Sunni Muslims) of being Zionists if they do not strongly approve of the completely EMPTY rhetoric that Mr. Ahmadinejad became so famous for.

You see even in a thread that has nothing to do with any Arab countries other than Palestine their likes can't wait to include countries such as Egypt, KSA, Jordan etc. all while they live in glasshouses themselves.

This is why I can't, excuse my language, take such retarded logic seriously.

Regarding the Palestinians then they are desperate and will support anyone that even makes empty slogans such as the Mullah's, Erdogan and some Arab leaders etc. Forgetting that for instance Turkey is a NATO member, has the highest trade of all Muslim countries with Israel etc. and never will go to war with it. Same with Iran. The same Iran that is now desperate to become good friends with the West again as they are suffering on many fronts due to their glorious Mullah's.

Can't blame them but the ignorance annoys me.
No, but do you believe without Iron Dome innocent Israelis wouldn't get killed? I think it's highly unlikely.
I never say that, and still can't see how your argument is supposed to make sense. May be you are failing to note that Hamas itself is already aware of the fact that 99% of the fired rockets would be ineffective, and the casualties that they are going to impose is quite low.
I never say that, and still can't see how your argument is supposed to make sense. May be you are failing to note that Hamas itself is already aware of the fact that 99% of the fired rockets would be ineffective, and the casualties that they are going to impose is quite low.
then why they are doing it ?
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