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18 israeli soldiers killed in Gaza operation Sunday (confirmed by israel)

I can't feel sorry for illegal invaders and occupiers like them. At most their grieving families.

Also nobody can say that this was not coming considering that Israel has murdered 350 civilians, mostly children and elders in the past 2 weeks.

Palestinians might be heavily outnumbered on ALL fronts but no people with honor will sit back when their land and people are killed and attacked.
I can't feel sorry for illegal invaders and occupiers like them. At most their grieving families.

Also nobody can say that this was not coming considering that Israel has murdered 350 civilians, mostly children and elders.

Whats the Arab League doing to stop this? No , the condemnations do not count .
Whats the Arab League doing to stop this? No , the condemnations do not count .

What should the Arab League do? Also why is this an "Arab" problem only? The reason why Palestine has such a big significance is because of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa which are MUSLIM and not Arab holy sites. They could be inhabited by Muslim Eskimos, Mongols or untouched tribes and Muslims worldwide would still care about those sites.

All the neighboring countries of Israel have big problems themselves and nobody from the Muslim world can defeat Israel right now as long as they are a nuclear power and have the backing of the entire Western world.

Not sure what people are expecting here?!
Gaza is already in hell condition, so they have not much more to loose.
The only option left is to have a balance terror.
If Gaza must suffer, so must israel.

Only by killing many dozens of Jews will Gaza have peace.

Without Jews getting killed in numbers they will carry on and kill thousands of Gazans.
show me score table please

This is an assymetric war. israhel has a huge military machine, whereas gazans do not have much to defend themselves with in comparison.
Therefore the losses are bound to be bigger on Palestine side.
But for sure, if Palestinians are bound to live in starvation and siege, and having their homes bombed, children murdered, then they have all the right to inflict damage to israhell.
Again, balance of terror (even if its an assymetric balance)

God bless Palestine and death to israhell.
What should the Arab League do? Also why is this an "Arab" problem only? The reason why Palestine has such a big significance is because of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa which are MUSLIM and not Arab holy sites. They could be inhabited by Muslim Eskimos, Mongols or untouched tribes and Muslims worldwide would still care about those sites.

All the neighboring countries of Israel have big problems themselves and nobody from the Muslim world can defeat Israel right now as long as they are a nuclear power and have the backing of the entire Western world.

Not sure what people are expecting here?!

Right next door. Bigger stakes perhaps? Expecting the League with its massive defense spending and fancy new weapons to at least show some spine and try to stand up to Israel besides the usual , is that too much to ask? Ask the Egyptians to open the border if there's no other way.
Right next door. Bigger stakes perhaps? Expecting the League with its massive defense spending and fancy new weapons to at least show some spine and try to stand up to Israel besides the usual , is that too much to ask? Ask the Egyptians to open the border if there's no other way.

You are basically asking for an all-out war are you not? Stupidly enough. Which countries do you think are willing to do such a thing when they are already in trouble themselves? Because 350 people died? Only neighbors are relevant here.

Once again this is not an Arab affair otherwise the ENTIRE world (Muslim included) would not be speaking about it as foreigners for the past 67 years.

Understand this simple thing. The reason why we as Muslims care about it (aside from being fellow human beings that do not like to see innocents die and injustice - the normal ones among us) is because of the holy sites.

Ask yourself why such reactions never occur when Muslims are killed elsewhere or by Muslims be it in Myammar or just in your own country, Pakistan?

If you (Pakistan) want to attack Israel then go on. Nobody is stopping you. You should just not have waited 67 years to do such a thing. But thankfully for your country your leaders (which might not be perfect) are not yet that dumb.
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The score card between Israel and Palestine will never be equal one is A US funded military
machine whose killing in Gaza is effectively shooting children in a barrel

the other is a underfunded resistance organisation who has poor home made rockets

however as long as israel siege and occupation goes on then so must the resistance

More Palestinians will die but if their rockets can hurt israeli economic activities, if they can hurt investment and make major israeli cities unsafe under the sound of sirens, if israels image is pounded ever time it goes on another killing spree

and if hamas can survive to fight on whilst picking up support ftom the muslim world to fight on then its worth it rather then bring under continuous siege living judt above starvation
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