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175 countries to get E-Visa, 50 countries to get Visa-on-Arrival, Foreign Indians included too!

Lol bro plenty of Indians want to visit Pakistan, not all of them are Sikhs. Already our young youth are brainwashed to idolize Indian culture through Bollywood and with stupid celebrity exchange initiatives by our civilian leadership. Real life people-to-people contact will further cement this cultural brainwashing and normalization of relations. If a common Muslim Pakistani can get along with a common Indian hindu then what is the need for all of the bickering and divide? All enmity will be viewed as unnecessary.

All weapons and military budgets will be seen as unnecessary waste of money and resources.
The best way to counter what you said is to promote our own culture, traditions, beliefs, but instead our minister fawad chaudhary was talking about opening music channels and letting people drink. So in a way we have the wrong people in power again

We should close all Indian channels and open own channels? Do we not have the education and strategy to deal with Indian nationalism?
The definition of what the Quaid's ideology is varies from person to person. That's our problem, we haven't even clearly defined what our foundation is.

Never said I was a fan of previous civil administrations

Well, this proves my point.

I don't think you understood my point.

It's not about who long they get to stay here. The fact that they can come here and prove the whole narrative of "Indians are ebil Hindus who want to oppress Muslims of Kashmir" will invalidate all of the previous propaganda from our army and governments in the past that the issue of Kashmir is a religious issue of Hindus oppressing Muslims which was used to justify partition.

The problem is we havent done anything in thos regard. In fact we have only done the exact reverse, especially under IK with his Indophile initiatives.

your whole arguments are not shared by everyone. secondly there are many people who want to visit Pakistan, I have some English friends who want to visit Pakistan but the procedure is bloody difficult. I am glad there is going to be tourism in Pakistan.
The problem is we havent done anything in thos regard. In fact we have only done the exact reverse, especially under IK with his Indophile initiatives.

We need a government who can do just that then, I guess going for new elections is the only option left.
Who should we vote for? Pml N? Ppp? Pmlq? Mqm? JuiF? Anp? Bnp?

If our people and educated class knew the way forward then we would have had an educated Islamic political party to make Pakistan in to a modern 21st Islamic power. After a decade, I am realising we don't have the people and political parties that can make Pakistan great. All the above comes from the right education system which promotes Islam and Pakistan, science, technology.

It's a fact our army is the best but our political system, police system, educational system, economical system is the worst in the world.
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The definition of what the Quaid's ideology is varies from person to person. That's our problem, we haven't even clearly defined what our foundation is.

Never said I was a fan of previous civil administrations

Well, this proves my point.

I don't think you understood my point.

It's not about who long they get to stay here. The fact that they can come here and prove the whole narrative of "Indians are ebil Hindus who want to oppress Muslims of Kashmir" will invalidate all of the previous propaganda from our army and governments in the past that the issue of Kashmir is a religious issue of Hindus oppressing Muslims which was used to justify partition.

The problem is we havent done anything in thos regard. In fact we have only done the exact reverse, especially under IK with his Indophile initiatives.

So what do you want to do? Fight till the end so that nobody is alive or you want nobody to visit each other? This is Pakistan not north Korea. You live in a civilized world where you have to think like one. BTW the visa is for Indian origin with US or British Passports not for Indian Passport Holders.
An argument doesn't need to be shared by the majority in order to be valid.

I have no issues with tourism as long as stringent rules and regulations are placed to prevent foreigners from trashing or abusing local customs, cultures and traditions.

But I am opposed to any normalization of relations with India.
People travel to experience different cultures! I don't know what you gripe is but each to their own.
So you would travel to India then? Knowing how they treat Pakistanis there? But to each his own, right?

Im pointing out a logical outcome of this indophile trajectory that we have been on for some time.

You want normalization of relations between India and Pakistan and put business (money) before founding principles? Be my guest. But then also be willing to accept the outcomes of that.

Yea I would like to visit once because I have many indian friends and as I told you before there are many indians who want to visit Pakistan! Including my friends. Most importantly there is nothing about indians from next door coming over but then there are so many indians still visiting for religious yatra.

If the state security apparatus was unwilling then this cannot go ahead with!! They have been promoting Pakistan for tourism more than the gov was, in the past!!

If you want to change the perception of Pakistan then people will want to come and see for themselves. Like I said despite all the negativity shown about Pakistan people still want to go and see for themselves.
Well, Kulbhushan was NOT a Spy. Atleast NOT the "Spy" You Think You are talking about.
Food for Thought : The Real Indian SPY is ..ALIVE.....and He is our NSA "As-Of-Now" ! lol.

What is a real indian spy? R u implying that u have only one spy? U should keep him in a conservation centre, endangered species must be protected.
An argument doesn't need to be shared by the majority in order to be valid.

I have no issues with tourism as long as stringent rules and regulations are placed to prevent foreigners from trashing or abusing local customs, cultures and traditions.

But I am opposed to any normalization of relations with India.

A passport/certificate of citizenship is just a piece of paper anyone can obtain easily in the west. A hindu who arrived from India yesterday can get one today easily. That's the whole folly of this concept.

I want us to have a westward oriented policy of strengthening cultural ties with Muslim countries in central asia and the non-GCC middle east. That's far from anything like North Korea. We should distance ourselves from indians in every respect because that was the basis for partition; ie two different people separating from each other.

Being two different Nations doesnt mean you cant visit each other for few days. There are millions of people who have relatives on both sides that would love to meet their father/brother/sister. Oh yes you want more relations with Saudi or UAE where Pakistanis are treated like shit by them.

Nobody is propagating to be best friends with them. But there is nothing wrong with wanting people to visit your country
An argument doesn't need to be shared by the majority in order to be valid.

I have no issues with tourism as long as stringent rules and regulations are placed to prevent foreigners from trashing or abusing local customs, cultures and traditions.

But I am opposed to any normalization of relations with India.

A passport/certificate of citizenship is just a piece of paper anyone can obtain easily in the west. A hindu who arrived from India yesterday can get one today easily. That's the whole folly of this concept.

I want us to have a westward oriented policy of strengthening cultural ties with Muslim countries in central asia and the non-GCC middle east. That's far from anything like North Korea. We should distance ourselves from indians in every respect because that was the basis for partition; ie two different people separating from each other.

local tourists trash and disrespect the culture and environment more than any foreign tourist majority of hotel owners despise local tourists for their jahiliyat even though they are educated
Maybe you do, because I never mentioned Saudi or UAE.

And yeah, indians are actually killing our soldiers on LoC.

Except India and Pakistan aren't like other "two different nations". We had a bloody partition

An exception is already made for them and they are a few anyway.

That is the eventual outcome of normalizing relations with them.

You just want to be on the extreme edge. There is a middle ground for everything. Normal visa relations doesnt mean you are best friends with them now.
Canada and American didn't separate from each other
Technically they did. They were both British colonies. The parts that form the US today fought a war of independence, while Canada remained a British colony. It was only in the 20th century that Canada became independent. But it remains "a realm within the Commonwealth of Nations" and has Queen Elizabeth as its monarch.
But why should they be allowed? What is the purpose of gaining favors with indians? o_O

I agree Indians shouldn't be allowed to visit as both nations are enemies but I believe the government is talking about Indians who are British, American etc

Then again i can understand your point, imagine all Indian businessmen start to invest in Gawadar and 10 years down the line we'll have the politician's singing praises for India as money talks.
Besides the obvious security risks, This is normalizing people-to-people relations, which then nullifies the whole purpose of partition; ie if Hindu Indians and Muslims Pakistanis can really get along on a people-to-people level then there is no need for partition, military spending and Muslim-Hindu divide, AKA two nation theory.

One cannot be demanding Kashmir from Indians on one side and then sing songs of friendship and love on the other. Its retarded frankly speaking.

Hold on. This makes no sense. Two nation theory’s major purpose was to have freedom and own identity. It didn’t mean at all to have hatred for people of neighbor country once it’s divided into two countries.

We do need to have peace with India for the betterment of Pakistan. Problem is Indian state doesn’t apparently want to have peace in region for various reasons.

But to see a progressive Pakistan, Peace with neighbor countries is one of the key.
People who are opposing the move to allow NRIs to visit Pakistan are plain paranoid. For one thing, the army and intelligence agencies have definitely signed off on this. Secondly, scary spies and operatives will find their way into the country one way or another. We share an 1800 mile border with India, much of which is not guarded. You can be sure that those with an agenda do cross the border in both directions. NRIs are the least of our concerns.
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