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175 countries to get E-Visa, 50 countries to get Visa-on-Arrival, Foreign Indians included too!

any links to where e-visas can be applied.
But if not peace talks then what are the other possible ways to sort out all the problems between Pakistan and India?

The visa is for Ex-pat Sikhs that live in different countries. There is no negotiating peace with bhartis. They threw the offer of talks in your beloved leader's face when he offered recently. Grow up. These people don't want to be your friend. No matter how much you are obsessed with them.
But if not peace talks then what are the other possible ways to sort out all the problems between Pakistan and India?

what part of

road to Peace goes through kashmir

is hard to understand?

we live in a World of trade wars. Instead of exploiting it, why be part of it?
Well, Kulbhushan was NOT a Spy. Atleast NOT the "Spy" You Think You are talking about.
Food for Thought : The Real Indian SPY is ..ALIVE.....and He is our NSA "As-Of-Now" ! lol.

you only had one spy in Intelligence service
no wonder why Indians suck at intelligence gathering
I'm not sure, but they say that 1971 was a work of RAW. Dividing a Nation in two was not so bad...no ?
They also say kargil was an intelligence failure how raw missed thousands of soldiers marching in Indian occupied territory and boat full of intruder sailing right in to your financial capital
Two prime ministers killed in broad day light are among a few of RAWs brilliant successs
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