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1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

Theres no possibility of divide except for the Kurds, the only seperatists. Lebanon confirms.
don't want to write a long post explaining.

I know that a divided Iraq doesn't sit well with us. I'm sure Turks wouldn't like the idea either. So you guys have to make do. Get rid of ISIS and replace Maliki with someone more competent.
I know that a divided Iraq doesn't sit well with us. I'm sure Turks wouldn't like the idea either. So you guys have to make do. Get rid of ISIS and replace Maliki with someone more competent.

For division you need the sides to call for it and accept it, do you see any of them other then Kurds calling for it ?
They wouldn't even recognize the borders. Like Lebanon theres power struggle and tensions but no division, both sides are mixing nationalism with religion and supporting the same state, no division is going to work except for Kurds whom are different people.

even a bunch of retards that welcomed ISIS started shouting 'Long live Iraq' with ISIS presence. This guy maliki has to go and ISIS has to be massacred, put a secular (atheist) in power (enemy of god) @Hazzy997
For division you need the sides to call for it and accept it, do you see any of them other then Kurds calling for it ?
They wouldn't even recognize the borders. Like Lebanon theres power struggle and tensions but no division, both sides are mixing nationalism with religion and supporting the same state, no division is going to work except for Kurds whom are different people.

even a bunch of retards that welcomed ISIS started shouting 'Long live Iraq' with ISIS presence. This guy maliki has to go and ISIS has to be massacred, put a secular (atheist) in power (enemy of god) @Hazzy997

I think you misunderstood me. I meant to say that Iraq should stay the same it is, geographically. Kurds are part of Iraq and Iraq is their country, they'll lose if they become an independent country. They will be a landlocked country, surrounded by the enemies. So its best you guy elect someone whose after Iraq's interests, someone whose willing to work with Iraq's minorities and its neighbors, someone whose not confrontationalist either. So far Maliki has only shown utter incompetence.
I'm talking about militant groups running wildly all over Iraq, daily bombings,Kids can't attend school, future of young generation tots destroyed. No stability, No economic output. Was this the case in Saddam Iron fist rule?

Sadam And Hafiz Asssad were many things but one thing they know how to keep superficial stability in country
Saddam kept "stability" by killing a lot of people, and Hafez Al-Assad did the same.
Saddams security service continously probed every significant member of the society
with suggestions they join a coup against Saddam, to check loyalty.
Noone sane, would want to live in a country ruled by a brutal dictator.

The US has given both Iraq and Afghanistan the possibility to live under a democracy.
If they choose not to, it is primarily their own problem.
A democracy requires respect for the interest of people with different ideas,
and that is lacking in Maliki, as well in former president Morsi.
Not that ISIS are interested in democracy, but the majority of Iraqi Sunni
would not want them, if they believed the current government was inclusive, and not exclusive.
Iraq needs secular parties, and not parties based on religion.
Saddam kept "stability" by killing a lot of people, and Hafez Al-Assad did the same.
Saddams security service continously probed every significant member of the society
with suggestions they join a coup against Saddam, to check loyalty.
Noone sane, would want to live in a country ruled by a brutal dictator.

The US has given both Iraq and Afghanistan the possibility to live under a democracy.
If they choose not to, it is primarily their own problem.
A democracy requires respect for the interest of people with different ideas,
and that is lacking in Maliki, as well in former president Morsi.
Not that ISIS are interested in democracy, but the majority of Iraqi Sunni
would not want them, if they believed the current government was inclusive, and not exclusive.
Iraq needs secular parties, and not parties based on religion

When a country isn't ready for democracy how america can choose for somebody to have democracy or not? It means American were ignorants about ground realities and they made a mess of an already messy situation

US isn't responsible for this mess. Nobody forced arabs to go apeshit on each other.

The economy of Iraq is actually better now. Oil production is higher, infrastructure is far better (both civilian and otherwise), trade with neighbors is at an all time high and future prospects are all rosy.

Militants are running around b/c of the obvious reasons. The source of the problem needs to be fixed. Saddam would have died at one point and the dictatorship would have ended some time. What then?

IMO Iraq needs to be divided up. It's too tribal of a society to function as a single entity. Sunni arabs are going to blow themselves up till judgement day so what's the point of keeping the country together? Both Kurds and shia arabs have their own massive oil reserves, they'll be fine. Plus the East has access to the Persian Gulf. Out West there's nothing but sand anyway. Just divide the country and force all the sunnis to go to this new country and do what they want with all their sand.

IIRC, Wasn't saddam putting down Shia and Kurd rebellions. Shia's got excited after defeat of saddam in first gulf war and Iranians pumped them, so they tried to rebel against Saddam and kurds too. Saddam made them a lesson like Hafiz Assad did in 80's to people of Halb and those who rebelled.

But today's Iraqi government can't control a rebel like Sadam used to do.

It was, but that time only the shias and kurds were dying

But were there AL Qaeda and all these savages during Sadam era?
If the news is true, I consider it an incentive for the Iraqi soldiers to hold their ground and fight till death.
Because no primary source has reported that. How do you want me to react? Everyday thousands are being killed in this region, what can we do?

whoever made you an Elite Member should keep 1xtra roza this Ramadan !
Again, read before you post. I was disputing the thread title.

Terrifying execution images in Iraq; U.S. Embassy relocates some staff - CNN.com

On Friday, a tweet on what was claimed to be an ISIS Twitter account claimed that its members killed at least 1,700 Iraqi soldiers. CNN was unable to verify the authenticity of the account, and the account appeared to have been taken down Sunday.

regardless of what happened, do you support these people? or sympathize with them?
these people are the same people who caused chaos in syria and pakistan and libya.
Are there Afghans/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis in ISIS? I've been looking at some pictures and there's a lot of South Asian looking militants in ISIS.

All the news articles say they gather information from Jihadist forums, I wonder whether this forum is considered as a Jihadist forum too. :D
Maliki is not competent enough to wipe this filth off from Iraq, a stronger leader is needed.
Maliki is not competent enough to wipe this filth off from Iraq, a stronger leader is needed.

Maliki is an idiot. He had the chance to unite the tribes bby atleast distributing power which he didnt. Sometimes it seems all this islamic mess started by saddam giving the hungry wolves the excuse by attacking Kuwait.
When a country isn't ready for democracy how america can choose for somebody to have democracy or not? It means American were ignorants about ground realities and they made a mess of an already messy situation

IIRC, Wasn't saddam putting down Shia and Kurd rebellions. Shia's got excited after defeat of saddam in first gulf war and Iranians pumped them, so they tried to rebel against Saddam and kurds too. Saddam made them a lesson like Hafiz Assad did in 80's to people of Halb and those who rebelled.

But today's Iraqi government can't control a rebel like Sadam used to do.

But were there AL Qaeda and all these savages during Sadam era?

The answer is that the US cannot choose democracy for another country.
Only the country in question can do this. The US only can remove obstacles to democracy
(Like Saddam).
If people insist on electing bad leaders, then they are not going to enjoy it.
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