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1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

Found it on ********:
"The ISIS recently released an hour long propaganda video in HD and with great editing. it shows the sheer brutality of the ISIS and is EXTREMELY graphic. Perhaps the worst executions ever caught in such high quality are within the video.

مؤسسة الفرقان للإنتاج الإعلامي - صليل الصوارم الرابع : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Also I see some arabs tearing their national passport to join ISIS .

Just went through parts of the video. This terrorist group needs to be exterminated like insects. No mercy should be shown to it. It's not clear if Iraq itself will be able to take on the group. If it can't, it should ask for foreign help.
I was seeing UKRAINIANS soldiers death mourning on 49 died due to shoulder fired missile downed the plane , man they were ashamed , that Russian or the pro russian did that ,this is just jihadi mentality 1700 muslin brother,s dead because of what SECT vs SECT our Islam says that yours says that :( , its gonna take ages before we are gonna act like EU and those UKRAINIANS,created FCUK ing division in our self , so that other can watch crush each other what a dilemma .......pathetic
Just went through parts of the video. This terrorist group needs to be exterminated like insects. No mercy should be shown to it. It's not clear if Iraq itself will be able to take on the group. If it can't, it should ask for foreign help.
sick man... These buggers are psychopaths.

Again, read before you post. I was disputing the thread title.

Terrifying execution images in Iraq; U.S. Embassy relocates some staff - CNN.com

On Friday, a tweet on what was claimed to be an ISIS Twitter account claimed that its members killed at least 1,700 Iraqi soldiers. CNN was unable to verify the authenticity of the account, and the account appeared to have been taken down Sunday.

US wants to comes back to iraq
I have a feeling that this is a reflection of what's going to happen in Afghanistan too. Once the Americans leave, they'll engineer a civil war there as an excuse to come back to permanently station a couple of divisions there. Afghanistan is too important to be left to the wolves, with a trillion dollars of natural resources at stake.
Thanks to US for bringing democracy to Iraq ...
Not their fault ya'll are as uncivilized as a gang of orangutans. This is all you.

Before US invasion, were Iraq was this fked up ?
Think of Saddam as Osama. Yes, Iraq was just as fucked, even more. He killed and executed and gassed more than any of these al quida wahabi groups ever did. Did he not?
Not their fault ya'll are as uncivilized as a gang of orangutans. This is all you.

Think of Saddam as Osama. Yes, Iraq was just as fucked, even more. He killed and executed and gassed more than any of these al quida wahabi groups ever did. Did he not?

I'm talking about militant groups running wildly all over Iraq, daily bombings,Kids can't attend school, future of young generation tots destroyed. No stability, No economic output. Was this the case in Saddam Iron fist rule?

Sadam And Hafiz Asssad were many things but one thing they know how to keep superficial stability in country
I'm talking about militant groups running wildly all over Iraq, daily bombings,Kids can't attend school, future of young generation tots destroyed. No stability, No economic output. Was this the case in Saddam Iron fist rule?

Sadam And Hafiz Asssad were many things but one thing they know how to keep superficial stability in country
US isn't responsible for this mess. Nobody forced arabs to go apeshit on each other.

The economy of Iraq is actually better now. Oil production is higher, infrastructure is far better (both civilian and otherwise), trade with neighbors is at an all time high and future prospects are all rosy.

Militants are running around b/c of the obvious reasons. The source of the problem needs to be fixed. Saddam would have died at one point and the dictatorship would have ended some time. What then?

IMO Iraq needs to be divided up. It's too tribal of a society to function as a single entity. Sunni arabs are going to blow themselves up till judgement day so what's the point of keeping the country together? Both Kurds and shia arabs have their own massive oil reserves, they'll be fine. Plus the East has access to the Persian Gulf. Out West there's nothing but sand anyway. Just divide the country and force all the sunnis to go to this new country and do what they want with all their sand.
Sadam And Hafiz Asssad were many things but one thing they know how to keep superficial stability in country

So were/are Gaddafi and Assad.
Majority of Middle-East and Africa, specifically Arabic countries need dictators, its working for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc... Majority of the people in these countries are not ready for Democracy, they provide for their people and as long as they do so they don't need Democracy, etc. It goes to say that if the same thing that happened in Syria and Libya had happened in countries of Monarchs of Persian Gulf they would do the same.
Theres no possibility of divide except for the Kurds, the only seperatists. Lebanon confirms.
don't want to write a long post explaining.
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