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1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

I posted this yesterday , The number was 800 but I was attacked and accused of lying .

Unfortunately I'm not an agent of MI6 like them to post the truest news all the time .
Soory my bad. I could'nt find your thread
Sometimes I wish I had time to go revisit older threads where some people commenting here said that Assad and Iran were paying and controlling the ISIS.
Confused people always save there face using conspiracy theories. Dont worry.
So were/are Gaddafi and Assad.
Majority of Middle-East and Africa, specifically Arabic countries need dictators, its working for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, etc... Majority of the people in these countries are not ready for Democracy, they provide for their people and as long as they do so they don't need Democracy, etc. It goes to say that if the same thing that happened in Syria and Libya had happened in countries of Monarchs of Persian Gulf they would do the same.
Dictatorship is working well in the Gulf because of the oil. The Gulf states are ''rentier states'' whereby petrodollars buy peoples support (& silence opposition).

Dictatorship didn't work well for Syria, Iraq and Egypt because those countries didn't have equal distribution of wealth and enough petrodollars to silence opposition
The answer is that the US cannot choose democracy for another country.
Only the country in question can do this. The US only can remove obstacles to democracy
(Like Saddam).
If people insist on electing bad leaders, then they are not going to enjoy it.

What exactly did you mean by "removing obstacles" for democracy? What if removing obstacles means the death of millions of people on a gamble that democracy might take a hold there at a future date?
Arab shia are the one who dont have to complain. When americans attacked iraq you al helped america specially iran. So now the sunni iraqies are coming for revenge:-). It was from the beginning a secterian war so i dont blame isis. I writed difference time pdf forum and most of the shias was denying of the situation.

Look to this shit sistani..


The man of 200 milyon dollar. He didnt give the fatwa to arm against american invasion ahahah. And now is het given fatwa against isis.

Sorry i dont feel sorry for the iraqi shia and iran.
You are a shame for Turkey. why should have Iran, or shia, or kurds help an animal like bastard saddam, who killed hundreds of thousands of them, against americans? You are a moron. What's your opinion about your beloved terrorists who have captured turk drivers, and turkish consulate? what's your opinion about Iraqi turkmen who would be slaughtered by these terrorist savages? You are the one who is the hypocrite in the highest level, and have zero honor. I hope you blow up yourself along your other ISIS friends, and Turkey gets rid of people like you.
@Hazzy997 's lack of response to this question, while active in other threads may give a hint.
well he simply just might not know what he supports.
he might feel guilty going against sunnis if he says he doesn't support them i guess.
I'm sure hazy doesn't even sympathize with those pigs.
he knows that its because of pigs like isis that islam is given a bad name.
What exactly did you mean by "removing obstacles" for democracy? What if removing obstacles means the death of millions of people on a gamble that democracy might take a hold there at a future date?

What I said in the post, Saddam Hussein.
The world is better off without people like him, Lukashenko, Robert Mugabe and Khaddafi ruling.
Hitler and Stalin were in a class of their own.

According to the Iraq Body Count:
Iraq Body Count report: how many died and who was responsible? | Datablog | News | theguardian.com
there has been ~160,000 killed total.
The US killed so far ~15,000 civilians mostly during the initial invasion and the Falluja battle.
Little comfort to relatives, but not the figures you are speaking of.

The gamble worked with Nazi Germany, but then many Germans knew they were on the wrong track.
What I said in the post, Saddam Hussein.
The world is better off without people like him, Lukashenko, Robert Mugabe and Khaddafi ruling.
Hitler and Stalin were in a class of their own.

According to the Iraq Body Count:
Iraq Body Count report: how many died and who was responsible? | Datablog | News | theguardian.com
there has been ~160,000 killed total.
The US killed so far ~15,000 civilians mostly during the initial invasion and the Falluja battle.
Little comfort to relatives, but not the figures you are speaking of.

The gamble worked with Nazi Germany, but then many Germans knew they were on the wrong track.

You are comparing a smart educated population where democracy can be jump started to an emotional and religiously indoctrinated population which can not comprehend what democracy actually is. Buying off politicians and crushing dissent and protests in foreign countries calling it the birth pangs of democracy and then pick up and leaving is not something that would work. It is far from a gamble. Unless you go all in for it to fail.
You are a shame for Turkey. why should have Iran, or shia, or kurds help an animal like bastard saddam, who killed hundreds of thousands of them, against americans? You are a moron. What's your opinion about your beloved terrorists who have captured turk drivers, and turkish consulate? what's your opinion about Iraqi turkmen who would be slaughtered by these terrorist savages? You are the one who is the hypocrite in the highest level, and have zero honor. I hope you blow up yourself along your other ISIS friends, and Turkey gets rid of people like you.

Turkmens wher safe under saddam you pathetic moron:-). They lost the day when they helped americans and now dont cry. Traitors helping americans for power and now that power is switching.

I never have wrote its good that they slaughterd. I you have empathy you should understand why they are now isis. Between 2004 and 2009 shias slaugtherd sunnies like butchers and non of you wher talking about.....

Between 2004 and 2009 ther wher no wahabies in iraq. Sirazi means sunnies.....

this is a secterian war and it started in 2004....:sniper:
Turkmens wher safe under saddam you pathetic moron:-). They lost the day when they helped americans and now dont cry. Traitors helping americans for power and now that power is switching.

I never have wrote its good that they slaughterd. I you have empathy you should understand why they are now isis. Between 2004 and 2009 shias slaugtherd sunnies like butchers and non of you wher talking about.....

Between 2004 and 2009 ther wher no wahabies in iraq. Sirazi means sunnies.....

this is a secterian war and it started in 2004....:sniper:

As I said before, you have no honor, so you make up stuff to rationalize your sick mentality. Turkmens were heavily oppressed during Saddam reign. Don't open your mouth about the stuff that you have no idea about. Sectarian war also started by Saddam when he killed tens of thousands of shias, simple because they were shia. Anyway, your ISIS brethren need you scums, so, go blow yourself up to help your psycho bastard friends.
You are comparing a smart educated population where democracy can be jump started to an emotional and religiously indoctrinated population which can not comprehend what democracy actually is. Buying off politicians and crushing dissent and protests in foreign countries calling it the birth pangs of democracy and then pick up and leaving is not something that would work. It is far from a gamble. Unless you go all in for it to fail.

I'll think that even uneducated / indoctrinated people will get tired of the current situation,
and eventually realize that a state needs to work for all, or at least most of its citizens.
Turkmens wher safe under saddam you pathetic moron:-). They lost the day when they helped americans and now dont cry. Traitors helping americans for power and now that power is switching.

I never have wrote its good that they slaughterd. I you have empathy you should understand why they are now isis. Between 2004 and 2009 shias slaugtherd sunnies like butchers and non of you wher talking about.....

Between 2004 and 2009 ther wher no wahabies in iraq. Sirazi means sunnies.....

this is a secterian war and it started in 2004....:sniper:

After the American invasion, more Shias have been killed by suicide bombings and terror attacks of animals you are supporting. Now bring me proof of systematic butchering of Sunnis by Shias. Ironically, these scums have also targeted many Sunnis, it wasn't Shias who blew them up in streets. Suicide bombings/beheadings is not what Shias do.

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