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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

@Horus , @mods, kindly change the title of this thread because indians are certified liers when it comes to Kashmir. Poor Kashmiri's fighiting for their right for self determination. Oppressed for more than 100 years.
For political solution to be successful you need statesman like leaders with mature n cool head. not someone who offers olive branch when not required and too much toughness when situation needs to be handled cleverly n deftly.
Politically speaking i see the PDP resigning and asking for new elections , its the only way the anger towards the powers to be will go down.
India does not posses a comprehensive homeland security system. If you really want an unrestricted retaliation on Pakistani side, are you prepare to bear the burns of it?

We do not have a choice. You can sit in your house and cower all day or you can go out and raise the stakes so that the other side with think a 100 times before striking you down.

A cowards choice is recognized as a cowards choice All over the world. No body is stupid enough to think that India was "Wise" in letting our soldiers die in vain.

Attack is the best defence and if you do not have the balls to attack, the we should just shut the fcuk up and learn to grin and bear it. No point in coming to pdf and bitch and whine.
This Indian narrative of cross border terrorism is getting old and stinky. If your forces are so incompetitive that they cant protect borders then give up Kashmir already.
Ask women of East Pakistan what does Rape means. Where your gallantry army raped more then 300,000 women, and surrendered when Indian army arrived.

Yes It was India's fault let those soldiers go without trial for war crimes.
and those things are said by IA.
For political solution to be successful you need statesman like leaders with mature n cool head. not someone who offers olive branch when not required and too much toughness when situation needs to be handled cleverly n deftly.
By the way where is the talent in this govt? baring a few most are people you would not leave your office to be supervised under.
This is an open forum, not your terror dungeon. If you can't tolerate opinions of people, stop visiting this forum, nobody is going to miss you!

So neither we miss you.
Donot quote me ,because this is non of your business.I dont have anything to say you.
I am sure that in a week or so a terrorist attack on Pakistani soil is going to get unfolded by RAW
Unfortunately they have set back relations with Pakistan at least two decades and have gotten the forces embroiled into another mid 90 like situation only because they could not find a political solution to Kashmir flaring up.

Ya right. Its all India's fault :lol:

Why not just roll over and die ? That way we can put and end to this forever.
Every attack on india is a false flag to blame pakistan, and every attack on pakistan is raw sazish?

Let me tell u something that u already know but pretend otherwise.
The monsters that u created may or may not be in ur control. Going by the power people like hafeez saeed, masood azhar, syed sallahudin, and red mosque guy wield, i think they dictate ur foreign policy. So no doubt the army supports them and their political agenda going by the fact that the army provides covering fire while these scum cross over.

And the distinction that u make between good terrorist and bad, is gonna hurt u in the end, no matter how much u deny it.

:blah:.....I thought you will raise some constructive argument rather than propaganda shoved down your throat by RSS thugs....

Pakistanis never idiotically criticize unless we have proof...Just recently suicide attack happened in Pakistan in mosque at Afghan border, did u see Pakistan blame you for that incident? Tell me?

U killed Burhan wani....U are reaping what you sowed since 8 july....No need to cry now, bud...
All were incompetent since 1947. First Nehru lost it by taking to UN and it is still pain in the @ss.

We never had the courage like what Pakistan did in 1965 though they lost it but still they tried. India never had the courage to cross the border and settle the issue once in for all.

We lost it in 1965 on table in Tashkent.

We again lost it in 1971 on table when we were holding 95,000 POW.

We again lost it in 1980s when the insurgency started. We never had the courage to bitch slap the Pakistan, shut it Fcukup once in for all.

We lost it in 1999 Kargil, we never had the courage to say it was attack on sovereignty of India, hence we will exterminate the source for once in for all.

We lost it in 2002 in Parliament attack and never had the courage to say it was attack on sovereignty of India we happily let attackers go off hold without inflicting even a single scar.

We lost it in 2008 in Mumbai attack and never had the courage to say it was attack on sovereignty of India, and we never inflicted any price on attackers by drenching it in blood.

Yes we are a coward nation because we were always governed by coward leaders. As a nation we lack the courage to take the fight to the enemy.

If neighbors started wars everytime a terrorist strike takes place on their soil, there would have been thousands of wars against India initiated by neighbors.

India's support of cross-border terrorism is more than half a century old, which has resulted in hundreds of thousands of innocent lives being lost in neighboring countries. LTTE, Mukti Bahini, TTP, BLA etc etc.

Now as wrote earlier, just stop this nonsense finally of being the victim....

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