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17 Corps: The Army just got itself a white elephant

A few months ago, read that China aggressive provocation at the borders is to force India to divert funds away from its Navy. Since China is already at a advantage position at the disputed border.

Reminds me of the same strategy during the Spring and Autumn period when the diplomats of the smaller Southern Yue state convinced the larger state of Wu to divert funds to build a water canal north so that Wu navy could dominate the North instead. The state of Yue then used the time to build up their forces and in a surprise attack, captured Wu capital.

Also during the Warring state the weaker Han state convinced the state of Qin to divert funds to build large irrigation projects thus managed to delay being attack by the state of Qin. Those irrigation projects are still working today more than 2,000 years later.

So China want India to build its army so as to neglect its navy? And this might back fire as Indian army there could become more powerful than PLA and invade China. Maybe even drive their tank all the way to Beijing.
India’s macro-economic outlook 2020

PARIKRAMA, your data are based on 2010 to project the future. Its no longer correct. Those GDP figures of 9.1 % growth for FY11, 12, 13 14 etc are no longer valid (If they were ever valid in the first case). India GDP today is 1.8 trillion. To hit 5 trillion by 2020 in only 6 years ?? Do your maths.

So China want India to build its army so as to neglect its navy? And this might back fire as Indian army there could become more powerful than PLA and invade China. Maybe even drive their tank all the way to Beijing.

Yes, it can backfire too. In that case China can use the Stratagem #36.
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PARIKRAMA, your data are based on 2010 to project the future. Its no longer correct. Those GDP figures of 9.1 % growth for FY11, 12, 13 14 etc are no longer valid (If they were ever valid in the first case). India GDP today is 1.8 trillion. To hit 5 trillion by 2020 in only 6 years ?? Do your maths.

Yes, it can backfire too.

Maybe he still look at India becoming a superpower by 2020. He can't give up the dream for reality.
i knew i will be pointed the year.. so lemme state why i had shown that data... the supply side constraints had pulled the economic growth down but the base was and is always there.. the bottlenecks are sure to get addressed and the path of growth will be visible again... my intention in that article was not to show the high growth story but rather the which can galvanize the growth trajectory. In simple words, a proper planned, sound decision making process can make the growth % back up and make up for so called last 3 years laggard ways..

Here i am quoting the chief points from various sources

"Recent indicators from the global economy have been positive. These positive trends, together with a more competitive value for the Indian rupee, have helped Indian exports to recover. At home, we have been fortunate to have had a good monsoon in 2013 so that a substantial recovery can be expected in agricultural growth, leading to better demand for goods and services from rural India.

With a turnaround in the rural economy and in exports, certain sectors are already seeing an improvement in performance. But for a stronger recovery to take place, what is really required is a pickup in the investment scenario. The industrial sector has been plagued by a downturn in investments due to delays in clearances of projects in key sectors such as mining, power, roads and railways.

What gives me a lot of hope about 2014 is that some of these pending issues are getting resolved after government constituted the Cabinet Committee on Investments (CCI). The Project Monitoring Group (PMG) set up in June 2013, to anchor CCI, has resolved over 120 projects worth over Rs 4,00,000 crore (around $67 billion). Of these, approximately 67% are in the power sector. These decisions to revive stalled projects are likely to bear fruit within the coming year. In fact, some pickup in construction activity is already evident in the second quarter GDP numbers, indicating a positive outlook for the investment cycle.

Another positive development has been the compression in our current account deficit, which had become a major cause for concern. Although our imports have moderated following the depreciation in our currency, we now need to ensure that imports do not increase again with a recovery in the economy. In particular, we need to ensure that imports of gold and oil do not keep increasing. These two items account for roughly 35% and 11% respectively of our total imports.

In case of oil, removal of subsidies on the use of fuel products and greater use of alternative energy sources would keep demand under control. For gold, the key would be to develop savings instruments that provide good returns and therefore control rising demand for gold.

Even as the worst seems behind us, we must not forget challenges that we will continue to face in the coming year. Any new government must quickly address some of the policy concerns. News on the inflation front has been discomforting, reflecting enormous difficulties for the common man. Any new government will have to seek much greater investment in the food sector, especially in marketing and distribution perishables. Indian agriculture needs accessible and well-maintained infrastructure including water and power supply. Better infrastructure together with reforms such as elimination of restrictions imposed by the APMC Act could significantly improve agriculture`s growth potential."

- Economic Times

In terms of potential growth, that is always hard to answer at a time when the cycle is trending lower or upwards. India's structural strength remains the same. It has high savings rate. It has a relatively high investment rate even now, compared to other countries with similar ratings. It has a very agile private sector that is quite dynamic and has proven itself to be able to withstand shifts up and down in business cycles, but India has structural weaknesses which are manifesting in poor infrastructure, in a regulatory process that is not always certain and both the strengths and the weaknesses have remained largely the same over the last few years.

- Atsi Sheth, VP-Sovereign Risk Group, Moody's

Apologies in case i had caused any confusion but my intention was again to pin point the fundamental chief points..
Our economy is already third largest in world in PPP. We have crossed Japan in 2013. We are just behind US and China.
When India import oil, do they take PPP exchange rate or nominal exchange rate?
This article is bs. It doesn't cost much to raise Indian troops. They are just poor uneducated farm boys who would sign up for peanuts to join the pissant army. They are cannon fodder anyway and no need to pay them much. What is costly is the greedy cuts of the pie by the high level officers. They'll have a field day raking in most of the money. A new corps is very good for them.
I hope the army one day field the indolent madrassis. We could win any war as no one would be able to see them at night but I fear they may be too much of cowards to fight, and die, for India.
Wtf is this about? You think the Tamil dont fit for the country or do you think they are not in the army....that was an outright racist post
I hope the army one day field the indolent madrassis. We could win any war as no one would be able to see them at night but I fear they may be too much of cowards to fight, and die, for India.
Who is this stupid?@ Arya Desa
Apology to airuah
This article is bs. It doesn't cost much to raise Indian troops. They are just poor uneducated farm boys who would sign up for peanuts to join the pissant army. They are cannon fodder anyway and no need to pay them much. What is costly is the greedy cuts of the pie by the high level officers. They'll have a field day raking in most of the money. A new corps is very good for them.
Lol where do u guys pop up from?
I hope the army one day field the indolent madrassis. We could win any war as no one would be able to see them at night but I fear they may be too much of cowards to fight, and die, for India.

You have FAILED,Please Die.
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