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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

The extent of looting by Indian Army after 16th December 1971 is rarely discussed. Here is some discussion.

" বাংলাদেশেকে ৭১ এ অনেক দেশ সাহায্য করেছে কিন্তু লুট করে নাই, একমাত্র দেশ ভারত যেটা বাংলাদেশকে ৭১ এ সাহায্যের নামে লুট করেছিল।

ভারতীয় আর্মি ৭১ এ বাংলাদেশে এসে সিরাজগন্জে বিহারি innocent মেয়েদের রেপ করেছিল, লুট করেছিল।

ভারতীয় লুটেরা আরদালী (সৈন্য) বাহিনীর ১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে লুটপাটের ইতিহাসঃ

১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বীর মুক্তি বাহিনী যখন দেশের ৯৫-৯৯ শতাংশ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করে ফেলেছিল, ঠিক তখন ৩রা ডিসেম্বর ভারতীয় আরদালী বাহিনী লুটপাট করার জন্য বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করে। তারা ১৬ ডিসেম্বরের পর বাংলাদেশ জুড়ে নজির বিহীন লুটপাট চালিয়েছিলো।

১. ৯৩ হাজার পাকিস্তানী সৈন্যদের ফেলে যাওয়া বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও গোলাবারুদ- যার মূল্য ওই সময় ছিলো ২৭ হাজার কোটি টাকা, তার সবই ভারতীয় আরদালী বাহিনী ১৫টি বিশাল জাহাজে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে লুট করে নিয়ে যায়। অথচ সেই অস্ত্রের মালিকানা ছিলো পুরোপুরি বাংলাদেশের।

২.শুধু তাই নয়, বাংলাদেশের শত শত মিল কারখানার যন্ত্রপাতি, ব্যাংক, স্কুল, কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্যাল, ঘর বাড়ির গৃহস্থালী জিনিসপত্র পর্যন্ত বাদ যায়নি লোভী ভারতীয় লুটেরাদের হাত থেকে। এসব সম্পদ ও দ্রব্যাদির তখনকার মূল্য ছিলো আনুমানিক ৯০ হাজার কোটি টাকা।

৩. শৌচাগারের বদনাগুলোও বাদ দেয়নি ভারতীয় লুটেরার দল। এছাড়াও যুদ্ধকালীন ও যুদ্ধ পরবর্তীকালীন সময়ে বিভিন্ন আন্তর্জাতিক সংস্থার প্রদত্ত বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ ও অন্যান্য সাহায্যও লুট করে নিয়ে যায় আমাদের পরম মিত্র (!!!) ভারত।

প্রমান -

১. বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় আরদালীদের লুন্ঠনের ব্যাপারে আজিজুল করিম ‘হোয়াই সাচ এন্টি- ইন্ডিয়ান ফিলিংস এমং বাংলাদেশী?’ শিরোনামে এক নিবন্ধে ১৯৭৪ সালের ডিসেম্বরে প্রকাশিত ভারতীয় মাসিক ‘অনিক’-এর রিপোর্টের উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে লিখেছেন, “ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের লুণ্ঠিত মালামালের মূল্য ছিল প্রায় ১শ’ কোটি মার্কিন ডলার।”

২. বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় আরদালীদের লুণ্ঠনের ব্যাপারে ‘বাংলাদেশ পাস্ট এন্ড প্রেজেন্ট’ পুস্তকে সালাহউদ্দিন আহমদ লিখেছেন, “যুদ্ধ শেষ হয়ে যাবার পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে অধিক সময় অবস্থান করতে থাকায় ভারত সমালোচিত হতে থাকে। অভিযোগ করা হয় যে, ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ট্রাক বহরে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও সাজসরঞ্জাম সরিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। ফলে ভারত বাংলাদেশকে আত্মমর্যাদাশালী রাষ্ট্রের পরিবর্তে একটি তাঁবেদার রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করতে চায় এমন একটি আশঙ্কা থেকে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি ভারতীয় নীতির বিরুদ্ধে উত্তেজনা ও সংশয় সৃষ্টি হয়।”

৩.মুক্তিযোদ্ধা ও লেখক জয়নাল আবেদীনের ‘র’ এন্ড বাংলাদেশ’ শিরোনামে লেখা একটি বইয়েও বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় আরদালীদের লুন্ঠনের বর্ণনা দেয়া হয়েছে। বইটিতে তিনি লিখেছেন, “পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যদের আত্মসমর্পণের পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের ব্যাপক লুটতরাজ দেখতে পেয়ে ভারতের প্রকৃত চেহারা আমার কাছে নগ্নভাবে ফুটে উঠে। ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা যা কিছু দেখতে পেতো তার উপর হুমড়ি খেয়ে পড়তো এবং সেগুলো ভারতে বহন করে নিয়ে যেতো। লুটতরাজ সহজতর করার জন্য তারা আমাদের শহর, শিল্প স্থাপনা, বন্দর, সেনানিবাস, বাণিজ্যিক কেন্দ্র এমনকি আবাসিক এলাকায় কারফিউ জারি করে। তারা সিলিং ফ্যান থেকে শুরু করে সামরিক সাজসরঞ্জাম, তৈজষপত্র ও পানির টেপ পর্যন্ত উঠিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। লুণ্ঠিত মালামাল ভারতে পরিবহনের জন্য হাজার হাজার সামরিক যান ব্যবহার করা হয়।” বইটির আরেকটি অংশে তিনি লিখেছেন, “বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে ভারত অর্থনৈতিক, সামরিক, কৌশলগত ও আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে ব্যাপক লাভবান হয়েছে। এ কারণে দেশটি তার নিজের স্বার্থে আমাদের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সম্পৃক্ত হয়, আমাদের স্বার্থে নয়।” আজ এরাই গলা লম্বা করে বলে তারা নাকি বাংলাদেশকে সাহায্য না করলে দেশ স্বাধীন হতনা !!! বাংলাদেশ স্বাধীন করেছে বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা,ভারত নয়। ৭১ এর লুণ্ঠন এর এই ধারা আজ ও বজায় রেখেছে ভারত।

"Many countries helped Bangladesh in '71 but did not loot, India is the only country that looted Bangladesh in '71 in the name of aid.

The Indian Army came to Bangladesh in 1971 and raped innocent Bihari girls in Sirajganj.

History of Indian Ardali (Army) Looters Looting in 1971 Liberation War:

When the heroic liberation forces liberated 95-99 percent of the country in the 1971 Liberation War, the Indian Ardali forces entered Bangladesh on 3rd December to loot. They carried out unprecedented looting across Bangladesh after 16 December.

1. The huge quantity of arms and ammunition left behind by 93,000 Pakistani soldiers - valued at Tk 27000 crores. But that weapon was legally owned by Bangladesh. They looted us clean.

2. Not only that, the machinery, banks, schools, colleges, universities, household items of hundreds of mills in Bangladesh were not spared from the hands of the greedy Indian looters. The value of these assets and commodities at that time was approximately 90 thousand crore rupees.

3. The Indian looters did not leave out the toilet bowls either. India, our absolute ally (!!!), also looted huge sums of money and other aid provided by various international organizations during and after the war.

Proof -
1. Azizul Karim, in an article titled 'Why Such Anti-Indian Feelings Among Bangladeshi Minds?' In an article titled,Quoting the Report of the Indian Monthly Anik published in December 1974, he mentioned that , "The value of goods looted by Indian soldiers were worth about USD 100 million. "

2. In his book 'Bangladesh Past and Present', Salahuddin Ahmed writes about the plunder of Indian troops in Bangladesh: It is alleged that the Indian Army removed a large quantity of arms and equipment from Bangladesh by truck. As a result, the fear that India wanted to turn Bangladesh into a tyrannical state instead of a self-respecting state has created tension and suspicion against Indian policy towards Bangladesh. ”

3. A book titled 'Raw and Bangladesh' by freedom fighter and writer Joynal Abedin also describes the plunder of Indian Ardali Army in Bangladesh. In the book, he writes, "After the surrender of the Pakistani soldiers, seeing the massive looting of the Indian soldiers, the true naked face of Indians came to my notice. Indian soldiers threw themselves upon whatever they saw and carried it to India as war booty. To facilitate looting they imposed curfews in our cities, industrial establishments, ports, cantonments, commercial centers and even residential areas. They carried everything from ceiling fans to military equipment, utensils and even bathroom water faucets. Thousands of military vehicles were used to transport the looted goods to India. ” In another part of the book, he writes, “India has benefited immensely economically, militarily, strategically and internationally through the liberation war of Bangladesh. That is why that country was involved in our liberation war in its own interest, not in our interest. ” Today they are the ones who say that if they did not help Bangladesh, Bangladesh would not be independent !!! Bangladesh was liberated by the freedom fighters of Bangladesh, not India. India has maintained this trend of plunder of '71 even today by unequal trade in their favor with a massive trade deficit every year."
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The extent of looting by Indian Army after 16th December 1971 is rarely discussed. Here is some discussion.

" বাংলাদেশেকে ৭১ এ অনেক দেশ সাহায্য করেছে কিন্তু লুট করে নাই, একমাত্র দেশ ভারত যেটা বাংলাদেশকে ৭১ এ সাহায্যের নামে লুট করেছিল।

ভারতীয় আর্মি ৭১ এ বাংলাদেশে এসে সিরাজগন্জে বিহারি innocent মেয়েদের রেপ করেছিল, লুট করেছিল।

ভারতীয় লুটেরা আরদালী (সৈন্য) বাহিনীর ১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে লুটপাটের ইতিহাসঃ

১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বীর মুক্তি বাহিনী যখন দেশের ৯৫-৯৯ শতাংশ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করে ফেলেছিল, ঠিক তখন ৩রা ডিসেম্বর ভারতীয় আরদালী বাহিনী লুটপাট করার জন্য বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করে। তারা ১৬ ডিসেম্বরের পর বাংলাদেশ জুড়ে নজির বিহীন লুটপাট চালিয়েছিলো।

১. ৯৩ হাজার পাকিস্তানী সৈন্যদের ফেলে যাওয়া বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও গোলাবারুদ- যার মূল্য ওই সময় ছিলো ২৭ হাজার কোটি টাকা, তার সবই ভারতীয় আরদালী বাহিনী ১৫টি বিশাল জাহাজে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে লুট করে নিয়ে যায়। অথচ সেই অস্ত্রের মালিকানা ছিলো পুরোপুরি বাংলাদেশের।

২.শুধু তাই নয়, বাংলাদেশের শত শত মিল কারখানার যন্ত্রপাতি, ব্যাংক, স্কুল, কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্যাল, ঘর বাড়ির গৃহস্থালী জিনিসপত্র পর্যন্ত বাদ যায়নি লোভী ভারতীয় লুটেরাদের হাত থেকে। এসব সম্পদ ও দ্রব্যাদির তখনকার মূল্য ছিলো আনুমানিক ৯০ হাজার কোটি টাকা।

৩. শৌচাগারের বদনাগুলোও বাদ দেয়নি ভারতীয় লুটেরার দল। এছাড়াও যুদ্ধকালীন ও যুদ্ধ পরবর্তীকালীন সময়ে বিভিন্ন আন্তর্জাতিক সংস্থার প্রদত্ত বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ ও অন্যান্য সাহায্যও লুট করে নিয়ে যায় আমাদের পরম মিত্র (!!!) ভারত।

প্রমান -

১. বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় আরদালীদের লুন্ঠনের ব্যাপারে আজিজুল করিম ‘হোয়াই সাচ এন্টি- ইন্ডিয়ান ফিলিংস এমং বাংলাদেশী?’ শিরোনামে এক নিবন্ধে ১৯৭৪ সালের ডিসেম্বরে প্রকাশিত ভারতীয় মাসিক ‘অনিক’-এর রিপোর্টের উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে লিখেছেন, “ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের লুণ্ঠিত মালামালের মূল্য ছিল প্রায় ১শ’ কোটি মার্কিন ডলার।”

২. বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় আরদালীদের লুণ্ঠনের ব্যাপারে ‘বাংলাদেশ পাস্ট এন্ড প্রেজেন্ট’ পুস্তকে সালাহউদ্দিন আহমদ লিখেছেন, “যুদ্ধ শেষ হয়ে যাবার পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে অধিক সময় অবস্থান করতে থাকায় ভারত সমালোচিত হতে থাকে। অভিযোগ করা হয় যে, ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ট্রাক বহরে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও সাজসরঞ্জাম সরিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। ফলে ভারত বাংলাদেশকে আত্মমর্যাদাশালী রাষ্ট্রের পরিবর্তে একটি তাঁবেদার রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করতে চায় এমন একটি আশঙ্কা থেকে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি ভারতীয় নীতির বিরুদ্ধে উত্তেজনা ও সংশয় সৃষ্টি হয়।”

৩.মুক্তিযোদ্ধা ও লেখক জয়নাল আবেদীনের ‘র’ এন্ড বাংলাদেশ’ শিরোনামে লেখা একটি বইয়েও বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় আরদালীদের লুন্ঠনের বর্ণনা দেয়া হয়েছে। বইটিতে তিনি লিখেছেন, “পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যদের আত্মসমর্পণের পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের ব্যাপক লুটতরাজ দেখতে পেয়ে ভারতের প্রকৃত চেহারা আমার কাছে নগ্নভাবে ফুটে উঠে। ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা যা কিছু দেখতে পেতো তার উপর হুমড়ি খেয়ে পড়তো এবং সেগুলো ভারতে বহন করে নিয়ে যেতো। লুটতরাজ সহজতর করার জন্য তারা আমাদের শহর, শিল্প স্থাপনা, বন্দর, সেনানিবাস, বাণিজ্যিক কেন্দ্র এমনকি আবাসিক এলাকায় কারফিউ জারি করে। তারা সিলিং ফ্যান থেকে শুরু করে সামরিক সাজসরঞ্জাম, তৈজষপত্র ও পানির টেপ পর্যন্ত উঠিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। লুণ্ঠিত মালামাল ভারতে পরিবহনের জন্য হাজার হাজার সামরিক যান ব্যবহার করা হয়।” বইটির আরেকটি অংশে তিনি লিখেছেন, “বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে ভারত অর্থনৈতিক, সামরিক, কৌশলগত ও আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে ব্যাপক লাভবান হয়েছে। এ কারণে দেশটি তার নিজের স্বার্থে আমাদের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সম্পৃক্ত হয়, আমাদের স্বার্থে নয়।” আজ এরাই গলা লম্বা করে বলে তারা নাকি বাংলাদেশকে সাহায্য না করলে দেশ স্বাধীন হতনা !!! বাংলাদেশ স্বাধীন করেছে বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা,ভারত নয়। ৭১ এর লুণ্ঠন এর এই ধারা আজ ও বজায় রেখেছে ভারত।

"Many countries helped Bangladesh in '71 but did not loot, India is the only country that looted Bangladesh in '71 in the name of aid.

The Indian Army came to Bangladesh in 1971 and raped innocent Bihari girls in Sirajganj.

History of Indian Ardali (Army) Looters Looting in 1971 Liberation War:

When the heroic liberation forces liberated 95-99 percent of the country in the 1971 Liberation War, the Indian Ardali forces entered Bangladesh on 3rd December to loot. They carried out unprecedented looting across Bangladesh after 16 December.

1. The huge quantity of arms and ammunition left behind by 93,000 Pakistani soldiers - valued at Tk 27000 crores. But that weapon was legally owned by Bangladesh. They looted us clean.

2. Not only that, the machinery, banks, schools, colleges, universities, household items of hundreds of mills in Bangladesh were not spared from the hands of the greedy Indian looters. The value of these assets and commodities at that time was approximately 90 thousand crore rupees.

3. The Indian looters did not leave out the toilet bowls either. India, our absolute ally (!!!), also looted huge sums of money and other aid provided by various international organizations during and after the war.

Proof -
1. Azizul Karim, in an article titled 'Why Such Anti-Indian Feelings Among Bangladeshi Minds?' In an article titled,Quoting the Report of the Indian Monthly Anik published in December 1974, he mentioned that , "The value of goods looted by Indian soldiers were worth about USD 100 million. "

2. In his book 'Bangladesh Past and Present', Salahuddin Ahmed writes about the plunder of Indian troops in Bangladesh: It is alleged that the Indian Army removed a large quantity of arms and equipment from Bangladesh by truck. As a result, the fear that India wanted to turn Bangladesh into a tyrannical state instead of a self-respecting state has created tension and suspicion against Indian policy towards Bangladesh. ”

3. A book titled 'Raw and Bangladesh' by freedom fighter and writer Joynal Abedin also describes the plunder of Indian Ardali Army in Bangladesh. In the book, he writes, "After the surrender of the Pakistani soldiers, seeing the massive looting of the Indian soldiers, the true naked face of Indians came to my notice. Indian soldiers threw themselves upon whatever they saw and carried it to India as war booty. To facilitate looting they imposed curfews in our cities, industrial establishments, ports, cantonments, commercial centers and even residential areas. They carried everything from ceiling fans to military equipment, utensils and even bathroom water faucets. Thousands of military vehicles were used to transport the looted goods to India. ” In another part of the book, he writes, “India has benefited immensely economically, militarily, strategically and internationally through the liberation war of Bangladesh. That is why that country was involved in our liberation war in its own interest, not in our interest. ” Today they are the ones who say that if they did not help Bangladesh, Bangladesh would not be independent !!! Bangladesh was liberated by the freedom fighters of Bangladesh, not India. India has maintained this trend of plunder of '71 even today by unequal trade in their favor with a massive trade deficit every year."
So you are saying that creation of Bangladesh was a mistake and Bangladesh should merge with Pakistan?
Question, what happened to all the mass graves of Bengalis that are without exception dug up and filled following massacres/genocides

Or all of that was Indian and Bengalis nationalist propaganda
Just why would u create a nation geographically divided with an enemy in the middle? Specially when pakistan was not powerful enough to defend it.
Just why would u create a nation geographically divided with an enemy in the middle? Specially when pakistan was not powerful enough to defend it.

Muslims were scattered all over geographically in British India some were even saying make a state in the middle of India for Muslims.

Honestly, the Muslim rulers should've just mass converted the Pajeets or whipped the living shit out of those that wouldn't, instead they got involved in art, architecture and music and lost their way, by getting involved in begharti that had no valve in the end. Had we done the needful we wouldn't have a street corner curry shitter to deal with.
The Mughals should've spent less time banging their hareem, getting drunk, and partaaaaaying like only the Mughals know how to, and more time investing in education, building universities, observatories etc. Not all Muslim rulers of the subcontinent were like this. The Nawabs of Mysore and Bengal placed a much higher emphasis on education and learning, rather than taking their "ruling class" status for granted

Another mistake was outsourcing all the technical work, like state bookkeeping to the Hindus, as it was seen to be "beneath" the ruling class. So you had one group of people so much more educated than the others in technical fields. A bit like Gulf Arabs outsourcing technical jobs to ex-pats, particularly to Hindu Indians. Say what you like, but "sem2sem" Muslim brozzerhood can't compete with meritocracy. That's why they're over-represented in the fields of medicine, engineering, senior managment, whereas we (Bengali and Pak Muslim ex-pats) are over-represented in the low-skilled labor fields. Or take anywhere else for that matter.

Go to any top universities in the west. and look at the names of senior faculty members and researchers. They have many more names like Patel, Chakraborty, Mukhesh, Liu, Huang, Zhao, instead of Farooqi, Abubaker, Aladin, Aktar, etc. There are many reasons we lag behind on median income and virtually all levels of education. But I bet you, one of them is culture and mindset. Our boys/girls are more interested in buying the latest phone and driving around in an Audi/Beemer, instead of finding a higher purpose in life.

I should also mention (for fairness) that Hindu ruling classes did play a role in suppressing education for Muslims, particularly in Bengal. But that's another topic.

This is something we Muslims have to accept if we want to go anywhere. We are simply too behind on education. Not good enough. As much as I hate RSS Pajeets, comparing the absolute shittiest bunch of people in the subcontinent isn't all that interesting. Comparing their best with our best, and it doesn't look all that favorable.

Too much ego, but low on accomplishments


What happened when Bhutto arrived n Dhaka in July 1974?.A page from the history.
.A quote from J.N. Dixit, the first Head of the Indian Mission (Ambassador) in Dhaka after the establishment of Bangladesh. In his book, Dixit who later became India’s High Commissioner to Pakistan, and his country’s Foreign Secretary and then the National Security Adviser of India, discusses the first-ever visit to Bangladesh by the Prime Minister of Pakistan (Zulfikar Ali Bhutto) in 1974, as under *(‘Liberation and Beyond – Indo- Bangladesh Relations’, J. N. Dixit, pages 189-190, published in 1999 by Konark Publishers Pvt, Delhi):


_Bhutto arrived in Dhaka in July 1974. I drove to the airport through dense crowds lining both sides of the streets all the way from the Tejgaon airport to Banga Bhavan, resounding with slogans like ‘Bangladesh-Pakistani Maitri (friendship) Zindabad’ and ‘Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Zindabad.’ This was a far cry from the massive anti-Bhutto demonstrations held in Dhaka in the second fortnight of March 1971. All the heads of the diplomatic missions were lined up at the tarmac. Bhutto descended from a special air force aircraft in the uniform of the supreme leader of the People’s Party of Pakistan. I was introduced when he reached me in the reception line. Shaking me by the hand, he turned to Mujibur Rahman and said: “So, he represents the country which re-arranged the map of the sub-continent in 1971.†Then, addressing me, he said: “May be, he (would) help us a second time in re-arranging the map by resolving the Kashmir problem which has been pending for such a long time.â€_

It was the journey back from the airport which was a politically and emotionally disturbing experience for me. As the motorcade moved out, the frenzied enthusiasm of the mass of the people lining the route reached a high pitch, with slogans and shouting in favor of Bhutto and Pakistan. The new and striking feature of this show was the many slogans very critical of the Awami League and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. I was told later that people threw garlands of shoes at Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s car on his journey back to the President’s House. My flag car was vandalized and the Indian flag was tampered with by the crowds as it slowed down near the road crossing at the InterContinental Hotel. Abusive slogans were shouted against the Indian High Commission and the Government of India._

_I have to confess that I had tears of anger in my eyes when I returned to my office and sat down to draft my telegram reporting on the arrival ceremonies and attendant political events."

*The question is, if Pakistan and its army were as monstrous as has been alleged in Bangladesh today, why was the Prime Minister of Pakistan given such a tumultuous welcome in Dhaka in 1974, just a little more than two years after the establishment of Bangladesh? If the common man in Bangladesh considered India as the benefactor of the people of Bangladesh, why was the Indian Ambassador™s official car garlanded with shoes? If Pakistan has been such a hated country in Bangladesh, why is it so that so many Bangladeshis came to the airport to welcome Zulfikar Ali Bhutto? They should have raised full-throated slogans against the Prime Minister of Pakistan, rather than shouting ‘Bhutto Zindabad (Long live Bhutto).’*.
Operation Jackpot: History and Impact on Bangladesh Liberation War
February 03, 2021


q The first operation launched by the naval commandos
q Launched on the night of 15 August 1971
q Simultaneous attack on the port of Mongla, Chittagong, Chandpur, Narayanganj
q The attacks impacted the tactical warfare
q Apprised the attention of international media


Map: the locations of attacks on the operation jackpot.

Initiation of Operation Jackpot

No separate naval wing for Mukti Bahini during April–July 1971
08 Bengali Submariners defected from PN. (Undergoing training at Toulon in France, a submarine base)
They were the nucleuses of naval operations in Bangladesh.

On 23 May 1971, a secret training camp code name C2P was commissioned near the monument of Palassey on the bank of Bhagirathi.
More than 300 trainee were selected from 11 sectors over country who were good at swimming specially.
To disrupt seaborne trade and discourage international shipping from visiting Bangladesh in order to hinder the movement of troops and Military supplies.
Preparation of operation jackpot

Training was for 3months which included-
  • Swimming
  • Survival
  • Use of Limped mine, demolition
  • Hand to Hand Combat
Each commando carried-
Ø A pair of fins
Ø A knife
Ø A limpet mine
Ø Swimming trunks
Ø Some had compasses
Ø 1 in 3 commandos had Sten guns and hand grenades
Ø The group leaders carried a transistor radio
By August’ 71 Suicidal Commando Team was ready to go!

  • All the groups carried their own equipment to their targets
  • The groups entered in Bangladesh between 3 to 9 August
  • Reached their destinations by 12 August.
  • They used the local Mukti Bahini network of safehouses.
  • A pair of songs was played in All India Radio (Akashbani) at specific times to convey the intended signal for commencing the operations
  • The first song was played on 13 August
  • The second song was played on 14 August
  • Only Col M.A.G. Osmani and the regional commander knew about this operation to keep the secrecy .
Chittagong Operation

  • Sixty commandos divided into 3 groups of 20
  • One group failed to arrive on time
  • 31 commandos mined 10 ships
  • Led by Submariner Abdul Wahed Chowdhury (Bir Uttam)
  • The operations were launched under the leadership of sector commander Major Rafiqul Islam.
  • Explosions sank the MV Al-Abbas, the MV Hormuz and the Orient Barge no. 6
  • 19,000 tons of arms and ammunition sank along with them
  • 7 other barges/ ships were also damaged or sunk.

Chandpur operation
q 20 commandos were sent
q 18 commandos divided into 6 groups
q Under the leadership of Badiul Alam (Bir Uttam)
q 4 ships were mined.
q 3 steamers and barges were damaged or sunk.

Narayangonj operation
q 20 commandos conducted the sabotage operation.
q Four ships were sunk or damaged.
q Submariner Abdur Rahman (Bir Bikram) and Shahjahan Siddique (Bir Bikram) conducted successful operation in Narayanganj and Daudkandi river ports.
q 9 commandoes were assigned to Daudkandi.
q Ferries and jetties were destroyed there.
Mongla operation
q 60 commandos in 5 groups of 12 members each.
q Ultimately 48 commandos mined 6 ships.
q Twelve commandos had been sent on a separate mission.
q Leader submariner Ahsanullah (Bir Pratik).
q In this ops, ships from different countries like, China , USA, Somalia etc. were destroyed.
Impact on the liberation war
• Naval commandos managed to sink or damage 126 ships/coasters/ferries during August- December 1971.
• Those included at least 15 Pakistani ships, 11 coasters, 7 gunboats, 11 barges, 2 tankers and 19 river crafts.
• At least 100,000 tons of shipping was sunk or crippled.
• Jetties and wharves were disabled and channels blocked.
• Pakistan Army investigation concluded that no one had imagined Mukti Bahini capable of conducting such an operation.
• The operational capability of Pakistan Navy was reduced.
• The control of the inland waterways, and of the Sea ports were removed from the hand of Pakistan Army.
• The movement and logistics of Pakistan army were largely disrupted.
• International shipping were discouraged from visiting Bangladesh and seaborne trading was stopped.
• The simultaneous attacks destroyed the myth of normalcy in East Pakistan in the international media.
Recognition and casualties of Naval Commandos
  • Over the span from 15 August to 16 December
• 8 commandos killed
• 34 injured
• 15 caught
The ‘national hero award’ recognition:
• 6 Bir Uttam
• 1 Bir Bikrom
• 6 Bir Protik
more about this

Operation Jackpot - Wikipedia
Operation Jackpot: History and Impact on Bangladesh Liberation War
February 03, 2021

View attachment 784040
q The first operation launched by the naval commandos
q Launched on the night of 15 August 1971
q Simultaneous attack on the port of Mongla, Chittagong, Chandpur, Narayanganj
q The attacks impacted the tactical warfare
q Apprised the attention of international media

View attachment 784041
Map: the locations of attacks on the operation jackpot.

Initiation of Operation Jackpot

No separate naval wing for Mukti Bahini during April–July 1971
08 Bengali Submariners defected from PN. (Undergoing training at Toulon in France, a submarine base)
They were the nucleuses of naval operations in Bangladesh.
View attachment 784042

On 23 May 1971, a secret training camp code name C2P was commissioned near the monument of Palassey on the bank of Bhagirathi.
More than 300 trainee were selected from 11 sectors over country who were good at swimming specially.
To disrupt seaborne trade and discourage international shipping from visiting Bangladesh in order to hinder the movement of troops and Military supplies.
Preparation of operation jackpot
View attachment 784043

Training was for 3months which included-
  • Swimming
  • Survival
  • Use of Limped mine, demolition
  • Hand to Hand Combat
Each commando carried-
Ø A pair of fins
Ø A knife
Ø A limpet mine
Ø Swimming trunks
Ø Some had compasses
Ø 1 in 3 commandos had Sten guns and hand grenades
Ø The group leaders carried a transistor radio
By August’ 71 Suicidal Commando Team was ready to go!
View attachment 784044

  • All the groups carried their own equipment to their targets
  • The groups entered in Bangladesh between 3 to 9 August
  • Reached their destinations by 12 August.
  • They used the local Mukti Bahini network of safehouses.
  • A pair of songs was played in All India Radio (Akashbani) at specific times to convey the intended signal for commencing the operations
  • The first song was played on 13 August
  • The second song was played on 14 August
  • Only Col M.A.G. Osmani and the regional commander knew about this operation to keep the secrecy .
Chittagong Operation

  • Sixty commandos divided into 3 groups of 20
  • One group failed to arrive on time
  • 31 commandos mined 10 ships
  • Led by Submariner Abdul Wahed Chowdhury (Bir Uttam)
  • The operations were launched under the leadership of sector commander Major Rafiqul Islam.
  • Explosions sank the MV Al-Abbas, the MV Hormuz and the Orient Barge no. 6
  • 19,000 tons of arms and ammunition sank along with them
  • 7 other barges/ ships were also damaged or sunk.
View attachment 784045
Chandpur operation
q 20 commandos were sent
q 18 commandos divided into 6 groups
q Under the leadership of Badiul Alam (Bir Uttam)
q 4 ships were mined.
q 3 steamers and barges were damaged or sunk.

Narayangonj operation
q 20 commandos conducted the sabotage operation.
q Four ships were sunk or damaged.
q Submariner Abdur Rahman (Bir Bikram) and Shahjahan Siddique (Bir Bikram) conducted successful operation in Narayanganj and Daudkandi river ports.
q 9 commandoes were assigned to Daudkandi.
q Ferries and jetties were destroyed there.
Mongla operation
q 60 commandos in 5 groups of 12 members each.
q Ultimately 48 commandos mined 6 ships.
q Twelve commandos had been sent on a separate mission.
q Leader submariner Ahsanullah (Bir Pratik).
q In this ops, ships from different countries like, China , USA, Somalia etc. were destroyed.
Impact on the liberation war
• Naval commandos managed to sink or damage 126 ships/coasters/ferries during August- December 1971.
• Those included at least 15 Pakistani ships, 11 coasters, 7 gunboats, 11 barges, 2 tankers and 19 river crafts.
• At least 100,000 tons of shipping was sunk or crippled.
• Jetties and wharves were disabled and channels blocked.
• Pakistan Army investigation concluded that no one had imagined Mukti Bahini capable of conducting such an operation.
• The operational capability of Pakistan Navy was reduced.
• The control of the inland waterways, and of the Sea ports were removed from the hand of Pakistan Army.
• The movement and logistics of Pakistan army were largely disrupted.
• International shipping were discouraged from visiting Bangladesh and seaborne trading was stopped.
• The simultaneous attacks destroyed the myth of normalcy in East Pakistan in the international media.
Recognition and casualties of Naval Commandos
  • Over the span from 15 August to 16 December
• 8 commandos killed
• 34 injured
• 15 caught
The ‘national hero award’ recognition:
• 6 Bir Uttam
• 1 Bir Bikrom
• 6 Bir Protik
more about this

Operation Jackpot - Wikipedia

Military Digest| Operation Jackpot: what went into launching the Mukti Bahini

Written by Mandeep Singh Bajwa | Chandigarh |
Updated: November 1, 2021 7:52:01 am
Machine-gun training for Mukti Bahini guerrillas in a camp in India, 1971. Pic: Courtesy author)

Pakistani forces had launched a robust operation to stamp out all Bengali opposition to their plans in East Pakistan. Brutal and ruthless it soon achieved a measure of success. The defeat of the freedom movement in East Bengal was totally against Indian interests. There was also the danger of leadership of the Mukti Bahini and the resistance movement passing into the hands of ultra-Leftists. Therefore, the Indian prime minister, Indira Gandhi ordered the arming, training and tasking of the Mukti Bahini by the Army.
Accordingly, the Army Chief issued an operational instruction to the Eastern Army Commander, Lieutenant General JS Aurora on May 1, 1971.
Goals were fixed as assisting the Provisional Government of Bangladesh in motivating the East Pakistani people to join the freedom movement. Secondly, the raising, training and equipping of East Pakistani volunteers for conducting guerrilla warfare inside their homeland with a view to tie down Pakistani troops, later through stepping up insurgency to damage their morale and limit their offensive capability by hitting at their logistic support. Lastly, to utilise the insurgent forces as auxiliaries to the Eastern Army on the outbreak of hostilities.


To start with, Major General Onkar Singh Kalka – a hands-on, fighting commander – was appointed to coordinate the effort codenamed Operation Jackpot as director of operations. He set to work with the energy that he was well known for.

Using the manpower of five defecting infantry units of the Pakistan Army (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 8th Battalions of the East Bengal Regiment) a Niyomit Bahini (regular army) was raised for conducting conventional operations including nibbling at enemy-held territory. In September, three more battalions were raised. Three artillery batteries were raised for fire support using defecting Pakistani Artillery personnel and new recruits. Two were equipped with Italian Oto Melara 105mm mountain pack guns and one with 3.7-inch howitzers. The entire force was organised into three brigades.

Bengali defectors and volunteers comprising some 550 personnel were structured into a naval special force and used for underwater sabotage using limpet mines and demolition charges. Two Alouette III helicopters, an Otter light aircraft and a Dakota transport, all armed comprised the Bangladesh Air Force codenamed the Kilo Flight. Personnel of the paramilitary East Pakistan Rifles and the Police were organised into sector troops popularly known as the Mukti Fauj to operate in various regional formations within East Pakistan. These comprised nearly 10,000 troops organised into 45 companies.

A large number of civilians and students had crossed over to India to offer their services in the fight for freedom. They were trained in Indian camps and made up the Gano Bahini. By November their numbers had reached some 83,000. They were deployed in the interior for sabotage and laying ambushes.

Major General SS Uban, commander of the Special Frontier Force (SFF) built up the Mujib Bahini a force extremely loyal to Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman and his party’s ideology. Constituted as an elite force it had its own communication set-up and was not under the control of the Bangladesh forces Commander-in-Chief Colonel Osmany or even the government-in-exile. Another small force of some 1,800 men under General Uban operated in the Chittagong Hill Tracts along with his own troops from the SFF on missions relating to harassment and disruption of lines of communications.
Eleven independent guerrilla groups were also operating inside East Pakistan equipped largely with captured Pakistani weapons. Chief among them was the Kader Bahini of Abdul Kader Siddiqui (popularly known as Tiger) with some 17,000 volunteers. Operating in Mymensingh area they carried out some daring attacks on Pakistani troops and installations. Noting their numbers and effectiveness the Indian Army provided the group with a large quantity of arms, ammunition and communications equipment. Tiger Siddiqui’s men secured the dropping zone (DZ) for the Tangail para-drop setting-up road blocks on all approaches to prevent the enemy from counter-attacking.

For command and control, the Mukti Bahini was divided into 11 geographic operational sectors further subdivided into sub-sectors. Sector N0. 10 had no territorial limits and had naval commandos used for disruption and anti-shipping tasks. A Border Security Force (BSF) Commandant and a Mukti Bahini commander had joint responsibility for each sector. The Army set up Jackpot Sectors (namely A, B, C, D, E, F (later renamed FJ) and E-1) to control these Mukti Bahini formations. Some of the best commanders like Brigadiers JC Joshi, Prem Singh, NA Salick, VrC, Shabeg Singh, MB Wadke, Sant Singh, MVC and K Lakhpat Singh (preceded by Lieutenant Colonel VN Rao, commanding 5/5 Gorkha Rifles) were posted in as sector commanders. A dedicated set of officers, JCOs and men was provided to them to serve as instructors, supply coordinators and field commanders. Among them was General S Roychowdhury (Army Chief 1994-97) then a Major. He served with Charlie Sector operating in Jessore and Khulna areas. Personnel from field formations were also used for training, logistic support and especially for fire support and as reinforcements for Mukti Bahini troops.

I spoke to a number of Indian officers who served with the Jackpot Sectors. Lieutenant Colonel Alok Rudra, a Gunner served with Delta Sector. Colonel Pradeep Saxena and Lieutenant Colonel SS Bhatia fought with 82 Light Regiment and provided fire from their 120mm mortars to extricate the guerrillas from tricky situations on occasion. The experiences of Colonel KJS Bakshi, from the Corps of Engineers were typical. Moved from a unit in Central Command he was posted to Charlie Sector, headquartered at Krishnanagar in West Bengal.
His first task was to take over hundreds of vehicles brought over by defecting Bengalis, get them registered and issued to our own troops for their use. He notes that the civil administration was very helpful in this as in all matters. The Sector set up a training camp at Chakulya, neat Jamshedpur now in Jharkhand. Defectors from the East Pakistan Rifles and others from what the Pakistanis are pleased to call Civil Armed Forces (CAF) comprised most of the trainees.
They were destined to become sector troops. In the main camp, guerrilla training was imparted to them. As a Sapper he was called upon to train them in demolitions and the fabrication and optimum use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDS). The mighty River Padma flowing on the periphery of their area of responsibility (AOR) it was considered necessary to target enemy shipping to disrupt their logistics chain as well prevent their withdrawal for a last-ditch defence of the Dhaka Bowl. Mukti Bahini operatives were trained to use rocket launchers for the purpose. Bakshi remembers that the most successful method involved the use of around 400 metres of wire and a battery to remotely trigger the launcher mechanism.
Everything was in short supply and scrounging and improvisation was the order of the day. But they did it and achieved success in all their operations. Sarabjit Singh, who retired as Director-General of Police, Punjab remembers that he was asked to send all the American and European weapons (less the British ones) held by his Special Security Bureau (SSB) unit to be issued to the Mukti Bahini. Later he and his men ran a training camp for members of one of the non-Awami League political parties in Meghalaya.

In August Maneckshaw realised that he needed someone capable to task the Research and Analysis Wing about the Army’s requirements of information and analyse the same. General Onkar Kalkat was recalled from Kolkata to take over as Chief Military Intelligence Adviser to the external intelligence agency. His place as commander of Operation Jackpot was taken by the efficient armour officer, Major General BN ‘Jimmy’ Sarkar. The foundation having been laid so well by his predecessor; Sarkar lost no time in stepping up the tempo of operations.

An archetypal account of a Jackpot Sector’s war is that of Foxtrot Juliet Sector. Brigadier Sant Singh from Panjgrain, district Faridkot, was posted as commander of the sector dealing with operations in Mymensingh and Tangail districts, located contiguously at Tura in Meghalaya. The formation trained 15,000 freedom fighters in basic military skills including demolition, grenade throwing and mine-laying. Operations were launched to deny surface communications and disperse Pakistani forces. The functioning of offices and schools was stopped, the Deputy Commissioner’s office being disrupted by getting a young boy to throw a grenade in his court. The civil administration was totally paralysed, Phulpur sub-division was declared an area liberated of Pakistani control. The Mukti Bahini’s highly motivated and patriotic cadres dominated the area forcing the Pakistanis to break up their troops into penny-packets in order to engage them.

Brigadier Sant Singh, a redoubtable infantryman, played the leading role in the success of his sector and the Mukti Bahini units it controlled. Already decorated with the Maha Vir Chakra for his leadership while commanding 5 Sikh Light Infantry in 1965 he was awarded a bar to the MVC for his role in securing Mymensingh and Madhopur during the war itself, an episode that deserves a separate article in itself.

Operation Jackpot and the Mukti Bahini’s guerrilla war were undoubted successes and deserve all the credit they got. However, for the officers and men of Operation Jackpot there was no triumphant homecoming, no welcome arches, no reunions, no memorial, no tributes, nothing at all – all their records and correspondence were destroyed. After half a century the nation needs to remember them and their dedication, devotion to duty and selflessness, My humble salute to them.

Well - this came as a surprise....translated from Bengali as posted in the Dhaka Tribune...

Pakistan made a movie about the liberation war of '71!
Tribune desk
  • Published: 03:50 PM, November 4, 2021
Khel Khel Maya

Poster of the movie 'Khel Khel Mein'

The new generation of the country wants to expose the lies that the then Pakistani leadership fabricated to cover up the atrocities in East Pakistan.

Bangladesh was born in 1971 after a long and bloody nine-month war. The war is the worst atrocity in the history of the Pakistani army. Pakistan has not yet apologized to Bangladesh for its brutality. However, this time in a film made in the country, the angels of their predecessors have come up.

For the first time in Pakistan's commercial genre films, the liberation war of Bangladesh is being portrayed "positively".
The teaser of the movie titled "Khel Khel Mein" was released on October 30. The film will be released on November 19.

Looking at the teaser, one can guess that a "different" film in the 50-year history of Bangladesh's independence is going to be released in Pakistan.


The film stars Sajal Ali and Bilal Abbas Khan in the lead roles. They are both popular stars of Pakistan. The story of the film is written by Fiza Ali, Mirza and Nabil Qureshi. The film is produced by Fiza and directed by Nabil Qureshi.

According to Pakistani media The Express Tribune, this is going to be the first film to be released in the country's theaters in the aftermath of the Kovid epidemic.

According to its production company "Filmwala", the film will show two generations together. The first generation who carried out barbarism against Bangladeshis. Later, generation after generation of lies were spread about Bangladeshis in Pakistan. The present generation wants to know the real truth.


Such an idea is found in the teaser published on October 30. At the beginning there was an old man's voice of remorse. "None of us could have imagined that a spark could destroy an entire jungle," he said.

At the end of the teaser, Sajal Ali's question was raised. There he kept telling his friends, “Why aren’t we asking questions? Why has a lie been imposed on our shoulders? What actually happened at that time? Are we also stuck in the lies that the enemies want us to believe? ”


The film will show some of the students associated with the theater as the current generation. One of them is the heroine Sajal Ali. He also came to Bangladesh to know the truth of the incident. Several scenes of the film were shot in Dhaka. Most of which are captured using drones.

Meanwhile, foreign artists have to come to Bangladesh and get permission to shoot. However, no one involved in the film titled "Khel Khel Mein" has contacted the Ministry of Information, according to a report in the Bengali Tribune.

Deputy Secretary in charge of the film department of the Ministry of Information. Saiful Islam told the Bengali Tribune that he was not aware of the film.

The film will be released in Pakistan on November 19.


Wah - I am waiting to see the Sanghi's reaction to this. :-)

I hope a majority of Bangladeshis get to see Pakistani perspective on this, viewed via YouTube or Netflix. The time has come to expose the lies Sanghis want us to believe and keep Bangladeshis and Pakistanis apart.

@Atlas, @bluesky and @Michael Corleone bhais (among others) - your comments please.
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Well - this came as a surprise....translated from Bengali as posted in the Dhaka Tribune...

Pakistan made a movie about the liberation war of '71!
Tribune desk
  • Published: 03:50 PM, November 4, 2021
Khel Khel Maya

Poster of the movie 'Khel Khel Mein'

The new generation of the country wants to expose the lies that the then Pakistani leadership fabricated to cover up the atrocities in East Pakistan.

Bangladesh was born in 1971 after a long and bloody nine-month war. The war is the worst atrocity in the history of the Pakistani army. Pakistan has not yet apologized to Bangladesh for its brutality. However, this time in a film made in the country, the angels of their predecessors have come up.

For the first time in Pakistan's commercial genre films, the liberation war of Bangladesh is being portrayed "positively".
The teaser of the movie titled "Khel Khel Mein" was released on October 30. The film will be released on November 19.

Looking at the teaser, one can guess that a "different" film in the 50-year history of Bangladesh's independence is going to be released in Pakistan.


The film stars Sajal Ali and Bilal Abbas Khan in the lead roles. They are both popular stars of Pakistan. The story of the film is written by Fiza Ali, Mirza and Nabil Qureshi. The film is produced by Fiza and directed by Nabil Qureshi.

According to Pakistani media The Express Tribune, this is going to be the first film to be released in the country's theaters in the aftermath of the Kovid epidemic.

According to its production company "Filmwala", the film will show two generations together. The first generation who carried out barbarism against Bangladeshis. Later, generation after generation of lies were spread about Bangladeshis in Pakistan. The present generation wants to know the real truth.


Such an idea is found in the teaser published on October 30. At the beginning there was an old man's voice of remorse. "None of us could have imagined that a spark could destroy an entire jungle," he said.

At the end of the teaser, Sajal Ali's question was raised. There he kept telling his friends, “Why aren’t we asking questions? Why has a lie been imposed on our shoulders? What actually happened at that time? Are we also stuck in the lies that the enemies want us to believe? ”


The film will show some of the students associated with the theater as the current generation. One of them is the heroine Sajal Ali. He also came to Bangladesh to know the truth of the incident. Several scenes of the film were shot in Dhaka. Most of which are captured using drones.

Meanwhile, foreign artists have to come to Bangladesh and get permission to shoot. However, no one involved in the film titled "Khel Khel Mein" has contacted the Ministry of Information, according to a report in the Bengali Tribune.

Deputy Secretary in charge of the film department of the Ministry of Information. Saiful Islam told the Bengali Tribune that he was not aware of the film.

The film will be released in Pakistan on November 19.


Wah - I am waiting to see the Sanghi's reaction to this. :-)

I hope a majority of Bangladeshis get to see Pakistani perspective on this, viewed via YouTube or Netflix. The time has come to expose the lies Sanghis want us to believe and keep Bangladeshis and Pakistanis apart.

@Atlas, @bluesky and @Michael Corleone bhais (among others) - your comments please.
@Bilal9 Bhai , perhaps it's too early to post decisive comment on the movie.

There are many things to be taken to consideration first.

Maybe its wise to let the movie release first and let people watch and then we make comments on this.

If Pakistani showbiz is free from problems that our showbiz had been facing since 1971 and onward, then surely we are going to get a good movie!

Don't pay attention to what sanghis will say!

They believe in "সর্প হইয়া কাটো তুমি ওঝা হইয়া ঝাড়" ,so their reaction have zero value to me!
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Question, what happened to all the mass graves of Bengalis that are without exception dug up and filled following massacres/genocides

Or all of that was Indian and Bengalis nationalist propaganda
The narrative of the massacres and mass rapes needs to be challenged, now more then ever. A truth and reconciliation would help, but probably only come when PM Hasina is out of power.
The narrative of the massacres and mass rapes needs to be challenged, now more then ever. A truth and reconciliation would help, but probably only come when PM Hasina is out of power.
Do not please try to change these two myths. BAL has only these two things as its political capital. So, BAL will not accept anything else.

There was a time when the then PM Khaleda Zia of BNP proposed surveying throughout the country to know the names of those killed and compile the number killed.

This Hasina Bibi staged a continuous street demonstration and said no one should contest the claims made by Sk. Mujib. Begum Zia failed in her efforts.

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