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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

Wow, i hear this for first time, did any of Pakistani memeber see this point that how much hatred is in some of Bangladeshi people? I remember i was soo young kid that time & i saw happiness & joy & Bangladesh brothers this & that, no one seems upset, & cuz they are ruling Bangladesh so it means majority support their views(plz no offence to those many Bdshis like Skies bro,Al Zaki bro etc, i m pointing to odr majority ones) but non of Pakistani media care to show this message......wow nice blind going Pakistan, keeping your own Pakistani ppl blind.

Brother don't worry. Pakistan cricket team is like our criket team and majority support you guys hands down. Some open about it, other just shy. :tup:

Tell you secret, we have literally beaten up some punk because he supported team India over Pakistan in Bangladesh. Good old days. :smokin:

By the way, La-Hasina was declare "wrong headed lady" by Supreme Court of Bangladesh and she is also self proclaimed "national traitor"( Qomi Ghaddar). ;)
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i wonder still pak gov doensnt mention the mistake they did i mean bangaladesh's population was 54% but their share was just 7 to 8% in gov posts still they feel tat it was india who divided pak
india actually took advantage of opportunity which was made during last 25 years
india came to picture in only last 2 years thats it

- - No one from the government talks about East Pakistan issue because the facts are not clear. Every individual comes up with a different history about the 70's incident.

- - As far as the indian involvement is concerned; it is not just that "India took advantage" stuff. The indian army was also found violating human rights and committing atrocities, which must be answered by india as well. .
Good, atleast you acknowledged their contribution. Next time don't come up with silly comments like Bangladeshis has their country because of Pakistan, when people from present day Pakistan didn't have much contribution to Pakistan movement at all.

Thinking from a different perspective, Bangladeshis do owe their country to Pakistan(and its actions). ;)


Apart from this forum, I’m not seeing any trace of hope that may bring a brotherly relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan in real life. Now, every day our new generation is exposing to overblown information of killing and torturing in 1971 by AL media (TV and newspaper). Now the sentiment of 1971 works so strongly in young generation. Before AL has come, the situation was not like today. AL media are correlating everything with 1971 to build up only a 1971 based ideology in people. They are very claver. They want to show that only they have liberated BD to get votes. AL has been exploiting 1971 in such way that we have no other achievement in our history. Here are some examples from many others:

1. After eviction of Khaleda Zia, one AL-journalist said that this is the end of 1971 war after 40 years. But there is no relation between Khaleda’s eviction and 1971.

2. On the other hand, other AL-people are saying that 1971-war will never finish before executing all Razakars.

3. Few days ago, some Islamic parties (who are considered as Razakers in AL’s eyes) in BD called for Hartal in December for some internal issues and Khaleda Zia supported those Islamic parties. But AL-Hasina is saying how Khaleda can support Islamic parties’ Hatal being a wife of a freedom fighter (Gen. Zia) to twist the facts and hide AL’s failures.

4. Besides, if we look back in 1999, when BD won against PK in cricket then only Hasina (no other else in BD) commented that, “we defeated PK in 1971 and we defeated them again”!

Today’s BD generation wants to see a progressive and self-dependent BD only. They are very sentimental. You might notice how they stood against the building of Tapaimikhi-Dam by India. There were massive protest and activities in universities, streets, newspaper and Facebook. So if you see any Bangladeshi hates PK after exposing to the daily soaps or any misinformation by AL-media then Pakistanis should not blame them. Our youngs also wonder if today PK’s own people can bomb on its own people then how would killed BD’s people in war. So, since we have lack of knowing about each other and we communication gap with PK, GOP can work on to minimize the gap of understanding if PK is interested in good relation. Otherwise, I do not reckon on any sudden change in the view by our youngs towards PK soon.

But I hope our youngs will seek for good relation and all are not same.

sad to hear this. But try your best to convince people around you that we still consider Bangladeshis our brothers. I dont know who was responsible for the division but even at that time many people in West Pakistan died of heart attack after knowing of the seperation. . .
Tell you secret, we have literally beaten up some punk because he supported team India over Pakistan in Bangladesh. Good old days. :smokin:

Secret ??? we all know what Rajakars did and will do .
We will decide who were Razakers and how much right or wrong was Razarkars? If some were killer and criminal then some were patriot in perspective of United Pakistan. You no need to spread propaganda here!

Most of the Terrorists are 'patriots' to their cause. So what is your point ?

And Razakars should not sport the flag of the nation to whose creation they were bitterly opposed to.
Most of the Terrorists are 'patriots' to their cause. So what is your point ?

There may have many shades of meaning of one word and sentence. You are supposed to understand what I mean.

And Razakars should not sport the flag of the nation to whose creation they were bitterly opposed to.

Well, those so called Razakars (a bad character made by AL and India) were citizen of United Pakistan, so their love for Pakistan was legitimate. But since BD is liberated now and those Razakars are belong to BDland by born, so their playing of BD flag is also legitimate.

But I agree, if any people (Razakar) helped in killing any innocent people (not all) to PK army, then they are criminal.

I am not interested to answer any BS.


Apart from this forum, I’m not seeing any trace of hope that may bring a brotherly relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan in real life. Now, every day our new generation is exposing to overblown information of killing and torturing in 1971 by AL media (TV and newspaper). Now the sentiment of 1971 works so strongly in young generation. Before AL has come, the situation was not like today. AL media are correlating everything with 1971 to build up only a 1971 based ideology in people. They are very claver. They want to show that only they have liberated BD to get votes. AL has been exploiting 1971 in such way that we have no other achievement in our history. Here are some examples from many others:

1. After eviction of Khaleda Zia, one AL-journalist said that this is the end of 1971 war after 40 years. But there is no relation between Khaleda’s eviction and 1971.

2. On the other hand, other AL-people are saying that 1971-war will never finish before executing all Razakars.

3. Few days ago, some Islamic parties (who are considered as Razakers in AL’s eyes) in BD called for Hartal in December for some internal issues and Khaleda Zia supported those Islamic parties. But AL-Hasina is saying how Khaleda can support Islamic parties’ Hatal being a wife of a freedom fighter (Gen. Zia) to twist the facts and hide AL’s failures.

4. Besides, if we look back in 1999, when BD won against PK in cricket then only Hasina (no other else in BD) commented that, “we defeated PK in 1971 and we defeated them again”!

Today’s BD generation wants to see a progressive and self-dependent BD only. They are very sentimental. You might notice how they stood against the building of Tapaimikhi-Dam by India. There were massive protest and activities in universities, streets, newspaper and Facebook. So if you see any Bangladeshi hates PK after exposing to the daily soaps or any misinformation by AL-media then Pakistanis should not blame them. Our youngs also wonder if today PK’s own people can bomb on its own people then how would killed BD’s people in war. So, since we have lack of knowing about each other and we communication gap with PK, GOP can work on to minimize the gap of understanding if PK is interested in good relation. Otherwise, I do not reckon on any sudden change in the view by our youngs towards PK soon.

But I hope our youngs will seek for good relation and all are not same.

Shutting down TV stations or propaganda through their own mouth piece is nothing new in Bangladesh. Its been going on for most of Bangladesh's existence. Hasina is going way too far this time in playing politics. The last time she was around just before the re-election, she attempted to influence the election by making several changes in Administration.

Seems like she has inherited all the fine qualities her father displayed following independence.

I am pretty sure people will see through all this BS in the next election. Unfortunately Khaleda Zia is the other option. I guess one has to choose the lesser devil in absence of better options.
Just wondering, what would happen if Japan rant for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Has US apologized yet?

And how AL accuse Islamic parties for using Islam, if others also accuse AL for using 1971 to make people sentimental or fool.
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Just wondering, what would happen if Japan rant for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Has US apologized yet?

Why will Japan ask for a verbal apology when huge apologies in the shape of the US 7 th fleet guards Japan from any external threat ?
Well, those so called Razakars (a bad character made by AL and India) were citizen of United Pakistan, so their love for Pakistan was legitimate. But since BD is liberated now and those Razakars are belong to BDland by born, so their playing of BD flag is also legitimate.

But I agree, if any people (Razakar) helped in killing any innocent people (not all) to PK army, then they are criminal.

I am not interested to answer any BS.

Just being born in a land doesnt give you the right to sport the flag.

It is the pride in your nation (Bangladesh) and its culture that gives you that right and I see that is absent in those Razakars.
Just being born in a land doesnt give you the right to sport the flag.

It is the pride in your nation (Bangladesh) and its culture that gives you that right and I see that is absent in those Razakars.

So people who dislike india and want to have normal, friendly relations with Pakistan are "razkars" what gives you indians the right to call people razkars? Do you see Pakistanis go around calling indian muslims razkars or traitors cause they chose to stay in india rather then go to Pakistan?
Just being born in a land doesnt give you the right to sport the flag.

It is the pride in your nation (Bangladesh) and its culture that gives you that right and I see that is absent in those Razakars.

The matter of pride comes from the expectation and personal choices that someone has to his country and own culture. Also everyone's ideology is not same. I do not want to confine my ideological view in banglali-based ideology only. Personally, I do not like something (like AL-type thinking) about my own country too. But if I ever see any of my countrymen or my country is in any trouble then I think I must work for my countrymen and country.

And another thing, if there will be any war between BD and India, then I do not think every Bangladeshi will work for Bangladesh, especially, the Hindu people. Because they have some different view and feeling. So there is nothing to make a national issue now after 40 years for few people who were loyal to his existing country.
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