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1500 years old Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey

What are you talking about? Religious discussions are expressively against the rules of PDF, but every single time the only people who can get away with absolutely destroying this "rule" is holier than thou, dhoodh ke dhulay huay pious muslims, who are so big hypocrites that they can enforce this law of theirs when it suits them and ignore it when they want to look clever.

I have no other question for you, I can see how you practise your beliefs with my eyes. Don't need further explanation.
Have a nice day.

You can't judge Religion by practices of believers but it can be judge by the books (Qur'an, bible etc), you have a lame excuse. Your believe people following blindly to put blame on over one billion population. what a pity on your believers. by the way which religion you are following? religion of blame? because in every single religion i studied don't allow to put blame.
The reply was to a post which clearly denies evolution. Post was mocking me as only I was monkey (hence "you" fell of tree) and they belong to some special species... I wasn't referring to any religious texts... To clarify your point, evolutionists belive in common ancestor, but it is traced back to single cell organism. Humans did not appear abruptly and their population never dipped below some critical number (calculated to be 10000)....
huh? I was mocking you...thank god you got some part..like people say money doesnt grow on trees never said you a monkey....But since you soo desperately want to be a monkey....What can I say?

As for evolutionists....read up the updates on evolution....

I completely believe in micro evolution, I also believe in natural selection, I also believe in alot of things which I dont need to post here as I need not prove anything to you except 1 point...It doesnt effect my religion in any way!

Yeah I agree...we don't believe that I apologize if any Muslims said otherwise, we believe life started in water and there are theories supporting this.
1stly, never apologize for what you have not done...What he has done is twisted my words...We have a saying in our langauge
Aqal mandoun kay liyea ishara hi kafi hai

For the intelligent a sign is enough! While for some 26 pages are still not enough :tsk:

I can answer that for you.
Its because its generally Muslims who try to shout from the roof tops that theirs a true religion while others are false. Its generally Muslims who try to insult people of other faiths indirectly but deliberately.

Folks of other religions have more peace and tolerance and generally try to be respectful towards other religions.
Which Muslims are you generalizing this based on? How many different types have you seen except Indian Muslims...Heck I have seen some really lovely Indian Muslims and some doing things I cant find in the Quran or anywhere! So on what similarity do you generalize your statement?
Which Muslims are you generalizing this based on? How many different types have you seen except Indian Muslims...Heck I have seen some really lovely Indian Muslims and some doing things I cant find in the Quran or anywhere! So on what similarity do you generalize your statement?
Please, dont even mention Indian Muslims.

I was talking specifically about Pakistani's. Indian Muslims are heads and shoulders above Pakistanis in not just being tolerant but very accepting of all people.

Its Pakistani's who seem to be the most rabid bunch, talk in a denigrating way - or as I said earlier - insult all other religions indirectly but very deliberately.
Please, dont even mention Indian Muslims.

I was talking specifically about Pakistani's. Indian Muslims are heads and shoulders above Pakistanis in not just being tolerant but very accepting of all people.

Its Pakistani's who seem to be the most rabid bunch, talk in a denigrating way - or as I said earlier - insult all other religions indirectly but very deliberately.
I see...How many Pakistanis have you met personally?
I see...How many Pakistanis have you met personally?
1. 2
2. That apart friends in other countries like UK have explained how Pakistani's behave there.
3. We all read newspapers about what happens in Pakistan - mobs chase 10 year old girls over blasphemy.

4. Though a factor - a good number of PDF Pakistani's seem to be nothing less than Islamists.
I can answer that for you.
Its because its generally Muslims who try to shout from the roof tops that theirs a true religion while others are false. Its generally Muslims who try to insult people of other faiths indirectly but deliberately.

Folks of other religions have more peace and tolerance and generally try to be respectful towards other religions.
your words reflect your tolerance. I would believe in whatever you say because you never speak lies and always neutral and have no prejudices against Muslims and stay away from gross generalization
1. 2
2. That apart friends in other countries like UK have explained how Pakistani's behave there.
3. We all read newspapers about what happens in Pakistan - mobs chase 10 year old girls over blasphemy.

4. Though a factor - a good number of PDF Pakistani's seem to be nothing less than Islamists.


1) I know many Indians from India working in middle east, from India working in UK, from India studying in UK, from India working in USA, from India working or studying in EU...that is way more than 2

2) So if I bad mouth to someone about Indians and they tell their friends how reliable is my info?

3) can say same about Indians in news now adays...shall I generalize based on that?

4) Lovely...what should I say about Indians here on PDF?

1) I know many Indians from India working in middle east, from India working in UK, from India studying in UK, from India working in USA, from India working or studying in EU...that is way more than 2

2) So if I bad mouth to someone about Indians and they tell their friends how reliable is my info?

3) can say same about Indians in news now adays...shall I generalize based on that?

4) Lovely...what should I say about Indians here on PDF?

You again debating with saffron chaddi? :pop::pop::pop:
LOLz... I am not talking about the ran of arabic language. If you devide people who speak arabic and people who don't, it is 5% vs 95% which make arabic a minority language even to this day. I doubt if it (or any other language for that matter) was ever spoken by majority of the people on earth. That why I was curious why "revelations" are written only in minority languages when the claims are that they are for all humanity. n coincidentally enough, that language is always language of the local population....

Yes so how would the local population understand it then initially if not revealed in their language? Language however does not matter as today the Quran is translated into 200+ languages so you do not need to even be able to understand Arabic to read the Quran. Also the first translation of the Quran was started during the lifetime of the Prophet himself and he actually encouraged it so it was never a big deal that the Quran was in Arabic until recent times where non-Muslims seem to have a huge problem with it.

Anyone with basic knowledge of Sanskrit language can understand the wrong translation and presentation of those Hindu verses are being made. Hinduism hardly have any connection with any Abrahmic faiths.

Don't worry most Muslims don't follow Zakir Naik and we do not accept his methods. Our stance on hinduism is clear and we do not want anything to do with your religion thank you.
I see...How many Pakistanis have you met personally?
Let me tell you what is his defination of tolerance

Muslim visit tempel and mandars. Keep morti of bhagwan in their houses. Muslim girls marry with hindu guys or vice versa. Muslim celebrate hindu festival like their own ; give up beef because hindu dont like it etc etc

Hindus visit mazaar and keep fasting and make mixture of different religion etc etc

His defination of tolerance is acceptance of beliefs and practices of those religion which you dont follow and thatswhy he think indian muslims are tolerant like those of salman and shahrukh :D
A blind see what they are taught to... Prediction, Prophecy etc, Utter BS. Muslims are desperate to prove there religion Authentic...

But they forget there religion started just 1500 year ago, before that Allah was name of Moon god and Khatna was done in African tribe (to save from skin disease)..

I like how 4 idiots thanked your post when I already busted the Allah is moon god theory a few pages back. Are you an evangelical christian because only they still sprout that garbage.
The reply was to a post which clearly denies evolution. Post was mocking me as only I was monkey (hence "you" fell of tree) and they belong to some special species... I wasn't referring to any religious texts... To clarify your point, evolutionists belive in common ancestor, but it is traced back to single cell organism. Humans did not appear abruptly and their population never dipped below some critical number (calculated to be 10000)....

Most educated Muslims accept evolution in fact the Quran is not against it or any of its concepts. What we say about Adam and Eve is that they were the first humans as we know them today we do not say they were the first of all things as Christians do. I have noticed that some Muslims in the West have adopted the christian stance on origin of the earth being no less than 3000 years old but that has more to do with contact with Christians and ignorance over ones own religion than Islamic doctrine.

Like the other day one Muslim girl I know wrote on her facebook, "do not trust everyone because even the devil was once an angel". This is a fundamental christian belief and I didn't even bother to correct her because it is pretty much pointless as those who want to learn will learn on their own.

However what we do say is that God was eternal and the universe came through by his will. After that we say he created water and we know even today how vital water is to all living beings. From water came all living creations which is why even today scientists look for water on other planets before saying if the possibility of life on said planet is probable or not.

Its very obvious that the 'Gospel according to Barnabas' is an fake created around 1,500 A.D., most likely by some Muslims. I wonder why Islamists felt the need to fake the Bible to give more legitimacy for their religion

It is more widely believed that the transcript were written by someone trying to unite Christians and Muslims then Muslims themselves. Some of the stuff written is against Islam so a Muslim would not have written it.

I get all sorts of responses for being an Indian muslim,for some I am a traitor,for some I am their long lost brother and so on. Personally I don't give a jack.
Imagine,after 1000s of years ,our offsprings may dig up comic books of batman and spiderman,and may believe they existed,and even have religions for'em.

I consider Indian Muslims my brothers too though you do not care? :(

What are you talking about? Religious discussions are expressively against the rules of PDF, but every single time the only people who can get away with absolutely destroying this "rule" is holier than thou, dhoodh ke dhulay huay pious muslims, who are so big hypocrites that they can enforce this law of theirs when it suits them and ignore it when they want to look clever.

I have no other question for you, I can see how you practise your beliefs with my eyes. Don't need further explanation.
Have a nice day.

That is not fair you want us to just stay silent when non-muslims post questions? In fact I only quoted like one Quran verse in response to a question the rest our discussion was based on historical narrative and reasoning.
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huh? I was mocking you...thank god you got some part..like people say money doesnt grow on trees never said you a monkey....But since you soo desperately want to be a monkey....What can I say?

As for evolutionists....read up the updates on evolution....

I completely believe in micro evolution, I also believe in natural selection, I also believe in alot of things which I dont need to post here as I need not prove anything to you except 1 point...It doesnt effect my religion in any way!
Take your innocence somewhere else for I wasn't born yesterday. There is no such thing as micro and macro evolution (it is saying like that a person can take 1000 single steps but can't walk for 1000 step). Whether it effects your religion or not, whether you believe it or not truth doesn't change. If it conflicts with your believes, only way is to change your belief (if you are sane).

Yes so how would the local population understand it then initially if not revealed in their language? Language however does not matter as today the Quran is translated into 200+ languages so you do not need to even be able to understand Arabic to read the Quran. Also the first translation of the Quran was started during the lifetime of the Prophet himself and he actually encouraged it so it was never a big deal that the Quran was in Arabic until recent times where non-Muslims seem to have a huge problem with it.

But still people claim that translated version doesn't always convey the correct message. God forgot to set default language into all human beings, I guess...
But still people claim that translated version doesn't always convey the correct message. God forgot to set default language into all human beings, I guess...

Nobody says that and the Arabic is right next to it so you can always cross check, besides when we learn the Quran we do it with Tafsir so we know what is being talked about in what context.
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