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1500 years old Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey

Sounds like Orthodox Muslim stance to me ! :)

Yes,those peacefull looking old men with their grey beards tend to be very strict in their interpretations.Don't get them started on gays and women joining the priesthood.Straight up 7th century Constantinople,original G's.:-)
Are you sure??
How and Why the Qur'an was Standardized.
(don't shoot the messenger)
Standardized as in to use the same so that differences wont occur....that is what standardization is or do you have your own meaning to it?

But standardization does not mean adulteration because nothing was changed just the same pronunciation as that the Prophet used was promoted...its like Indian Punjabi and Pakistani Punjabi most of us can understand you though you may have your own local words...and unlike the Indians using Jeera we say Zeera ...

In fact no matter what their dialect all of todays Arabs use the same Quran till date!
I have said that before as well...Keep your beleifs to yourself, but religious fanatics don't do that. They want to enfore their views on others.
Just consider what you have said before: Islam is true and superior...you know how bad that sounds to someone who doesn't share same views as you.

I dont get you. You are really struggling to comprehend what is being said. I feel Islam is true and superior sound bad to your ear? why ? How my thinking of Islam as superior and true religion is equal to imposing my views on yourself? I feel Islam is superior and true religion for myself and not for you . I am not forcing you to agree with my views. I don't feel bad when a catholic say same thing about his/her beliefs even though i don't agree with him/her beliefs but i can feel his commitment with his beliefs because i have same commitment for my beliefs. It seem you are expecting people to feel their beliefs as inferior and false in order to satisfy the criteria of tolerate individuals. According to me. tolerate people are those who may consider their religious beliefs as true but still respect the right of people to have wrong beliefs for themselves. I don't think its that complicated to understand
Not my problem at all. I was explaining why bible has so many variation and quran doesn't....
There is veneration where whole words to verses are changed, variation due to language and then variation due to versions where some new verses are even added or adjusted as compared to variation in pronunciation....big jump...

Dont encourage him....
Are you sure??
How and Why the Qur'an was Standardized.
(don't shoot the messenger)

I have actually read that link long time ago, the difference in recitation is a problem we have even today it is not a big deal. It mostly has to do with dialect, if you read those hadiths it says the people were reading the same verse but in different ways. Even today the reading of the Quran in Arabic differs depending on who is teaching you.

Here look here you will see the same on our own websites
Surat Al-Fatihah - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

One translators differs by only a little but the meaning remains the same, those hadiths say the same.
That is because it was standardized by Uthman who burnt all other copies. That's why there is no discrepancies in KJ bible anywhere in the world...
Do you even know what you are talking about...take all the copies of the Quran you can find and take them to a museum in Turkey which holds 1 copy of the oldest Quran and I think the other 1 is somewhere...In fact the very leather and other stuff it was written on was on display not long a go in some Islamic expo....go check...the only thing that will be different will be handwriting or the script but we can still read either!
Standardized as in to use the same so that differences wont occur....that is what standardization is or do you have your own meaning to it?

But standardization does not mean adulteration because nothing was changed just the same pronunciation as that the Prophet used was promoted...its like Indian Punjabi and Pakistani Punjabi most of us can understand you though you may have your own local words...and unlike the Indians using Jeera we say Zeera ...

In fact no matter what their dialect all of todays Arabs use the same Quran till date!
If you standardized one version from 7 different ones, how is it not adulteration? If there was only 1 version to begin with, there was no reason to standardize...
If you standardized one version from 7 different ones, how is it not adulteration? If there was only 1 version to begin with, there was no reason to standardize...
sigh....Answering Islam...go to Answering Christianity...the author is answering whatever is being written by Answering Islam website!

I dont know to learn about surgery why you would go to a carpenter! I do hope when you need 1 you really go to a carpenter!

Why dont you go to authentic sites?

Standardizing in script in pronunciation is adulterating how? Read post 218 by @KingMamba
I have actually read that link long time ago, the difference in recitation is a problem we have even today it is not a big deal. It mostly has to do with dialect, if you read those hadiths it says the people were reading the same verse but in different ways. Even today the reading of the Quran in Arabic differs depending on who is teaching you.

Here look here you will see the same on our own websites
Surat Al-Fatihah - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

One translators differs by only a little but the meaning remains the same, those hadiths say the same.
I am not talking about the degree of variation, but about the variation itself. There are some people who deny that any variation exists at all...
What are the Indian members here, either atheists or Hindus, talking about when they say that Islam has no similarity with Judaism and Christianity? Is this supposed to be a joke? Islam and Judaism are the most similar religions of the 3.

All 3 religions are called Abrahamic religions for a reason. All 3 religions believe in the same God who goes under different names depending on the language. But since all 3 religions arrived among Semitic people on Semitic lands the original names of the same God in Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic are of a somewhat similar origin.

I like how Indians that have nothing to do with the ancient ME and some Northern Europeans and Eastern Europeans think that they know about our native religions more than we do or suddenly have become experts on their history, origin etc.

I am not claiming to know about your Pre-Christian (Pagan) customs of Northern or Eastern Europe. Or those of India.

I don't know which, sorry my language, drunk person, claims that there is no evidence of Prophet Muhammad (saws) existing.

No, we just have Prophet Muhammad's (saws) body buried in Madinah, we have thousands of accounts of his existence, his prophecies being recorded, we have his ancestors recorded, he belonged to the ancient Quraysh tribe of Makkah and Hijaz that happened to be ancestors of Prophet Ibrahim (as) - otherwise known as Abraham. There are literary millions of his descendants in the straight paternal line, all mostly recorded, and many, many dozens of millions who partially descent from him. In fact there is a theory that one of his descendants, an Arabian princess descending from him on her maternal line, married an Chrisitan European king in Northern Spain at the time when the Arabs and Moors controlled Iberia for nearly 900 years. Her ancestry is now present in every European royal family and millions of ordinary civilian Europeans. Just like most Europeans can somehow trace their ancestry to Charlemagne.

I mean we have Prophet Muhammad's (saws) body, artifacts belonging to him, letters that he has written, dozens of eyewitness accounts from local Makkawis, those abroad, from people believing in ancient Semitic pagan religions, Christian Arabs, Jewish Arabs, Hanif Arabs, non-Arabs etc.

Achtiname of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prophet Muhammad's (saws) letter to one of the oldest Christian monasteries in Egypt (Sinai), St. Catherine. With an imprint representing Prophet Muhammad's (saws) hand. Don't forget that Christian Arabs, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Aramaics and other Semitic speaking people of the ME are the oldest Christian people and that Christianity originated in the ME.

But anyway it is no srecret that we hear such nonsense on PDF, unfortunately. There are quite a lot of ignorant people.

Oh, and without causing any offense or distress to any Christians reading this then it is no secret that the Bible has been falsified and corrupted many times over. Just look at all the dozens of sects in Christianity and different Bibles used.
EDIT: I happen to be an Hashemite so saying that Prophet Muhammad (saws) Is not existing is like saying that my family and millions like me "do not exist".
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You know I know a man who had lost both parents but he refused to be called an orphan. He was man enough to love a strong woman years older than him, worked for her and made her stronger, opened his heart to her. He was faithful to her till her last breath. He cleaned after him self and sewed his own clothes. He was good looking, courageous and fearless. He never judged anyone based on their past or looks, and was moderate, open minded and tolerant. His neighbour was a Jewish and his cousin in law was a Christian priest . Beaten and exiled when he was helpless, he was merciful when he became stronger. Intelligent wise and a hard worker he built a long lasting nation out of nothing in the last 20 years of his life, he had no parents but loved his daughters and grandchildren. In his last will he said "be good to women". Who is this man some of you might think? This is my prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
and the man we have here is @Thirdfront who is desperately trying to dig for any form of negative views even if he has to drop as low as going for answering islam website....I wonder if he goes to a fish monger to get a surgery done rather than a certified surgeon?
sigh....Answering Islam...go to Answering Christianity...the author is answering whatever is being written by Answering Islam website!

I dont know to learn about surgery why you would go to a carpenter! I do hope when you need 1 you really go to a carpenter!

Why dont you go to authentic sites?

Standardizing in script in pronunciation is adulterating how? Read post 218 by @KingMamba
Don't shoot the messenger (guilt by association logical fallacy). I am not denying variations exists in other religious texts. Infact it invariably have to exist. But since standardization occurred very early, quran has been preserved intact. Actual standardization was done by king james (even though attempt was started by council of nicea), bible has been preserved since then. So it is actually quran of uthmaan and bible of james that have been preserved, not quran and bible themselves....

and the man we have here is @Thirdfront who is desperately trying to dig for any form of negative views even if he has to drop as low as going for answering islam website....I wonder if he goes to a fish monger to get a surgery done rather than a certified surgeon?
lols, guilt by association??? who do you exect to talk critical about quran? king of saudi or some other mullah????
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