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150 Afghans deported after cricket riots.

Good! Although I kinda feel bad for them but what did they expect? You can’t assault someone and not expect there to be consequences to your actions.
I feel bad for the families of these morons back home that probably paid a lot of hard earned money to send their family member abroad just for them to get deported over a cricket match.
Anyone of these 150 afghans shouldn’t be allowed to enter Pakistan because they have become a security risk now. What if they hold a grudge against Pakistan for this and decide to aid terrorists? They must not be allowed to live in Pakistan because they are a high risk security threat now as their most likely to participate in anti pak activities inside Pakistan.
Tough life, they gave up earning a lot and a good life in dubai over a cricket game.
Hopefully this is a lesson to others so such events don’t take place in the future.
I have lived in Kuwait.
Trust me I have heard & seen news stories from Kuwait newspapers that Indian / Pakistan/ bengladeshi expats have been caught driving with legal drivers licence yet over speeding on highway by 20-30km zone had got them jail sentences, shaved there head bold and deported.

There is zero tolerance in GCC countries for bad behaviour. I would add these Afghan hooligans should be given assault charge, prison sentence,than fined financially and deport them! Serves them right. If Pakistanis unable to punish them let UAE do Pakistani job.

150 Afghans Deported for Misconduct in Pakistan Cricket match victory
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Now this is what I will call a speedy Justice . Sad part is that they will all be deported to Pakistan the very country they hate …. They should be airdropped over Kabul.

Pakistan can then deport them to Afghan land after reminding them how to behave.
I have lived in Kuwait.
Trust me I have heard & seen news stories from Kuwait newspapers that Indian / Pakistan/ bengladeshi expats have been caught driving with legal drivers licence yet over speeding on highway by 20-30km zone had got them jail sentences, shaved there head bold and deported. There is zero tolerance in GCC countries for bad behaviour.
Zero tolerance, but for foreigners only. Many Kuwaitis were reckless speed fiends, flashing headlights from kms behind, driving at maximum speed of the car. You could see the car approaching in the rear view mirror like a rocket, forcing vehicles to move to the slower lane. So it was also common to see horribly smashed, pancaked vehicles on the side of highways.
Doesn't the UAE behead people for that, or is that just Saudi Arabia?

Afghans openly talk ill of Pakistan while living IN Pakistan and yet we have our social justice warrior giving them ROOM to talk more ill of Pakistan.
So what, a lot of Pakistanis talk ill of Pakistan , are you going to deport them too to Afghanistan?-"Afghans openly talk ill of Pakistan "
What morons, they lost their livelihood for a cricket match and thats after their countrymen climb on planes taking off, to leave the country.

What do you expect from these animistic Afghans? They are Afghans being Afghans.
I have lived in Kuwait.
Trust me I have heard & seen news stories from Kuwait newspapers that Indian / Pakistan/ bengladeshi expats have been caught driving with legal drivers licence yet over speeding on highway by 20-30km zone had got them jail sentences, shaved there head bold and deported.

Done 180 in 120 zones only for a "insert mildly sporty car name here" to overtake me at 240.
I've lived in the UAE for >25 years.
if you screw their country by supporting neanderthals like the Taliban you will be hated
Is it any different than Pakistanis whining about the West living in the West ?
They must adore the Americans for bombing the Taliban (and them) “back to the Stone Age” then
Soccer club games in Europe have pretty unruly fans. We have read from news about fans even stabbing each other in games.
Unfortunately, gulf is not free like Europe. They haven't ruled for decades by being nice gentle rulers.

With respect to deportation, I think it is harsh - especially considering that it is Afghanistan that these people are set to be deported to. If people are deported to India or Pakistan, then they can at least find some jobs and support family. But Afghanistan is economically in a much worse situation.
Good. Back home in Afghan heaven, they'll have more time to reflect on the reasons they were sent back there.

If you can read recent news articles about Afghanistan's economy, you'll see that these people have no hope for prosperity in their home country.
So the gravity of deportation as a punishment is much heavier on Afghans than it is on a Pakistani or Indian. :undecided:

They should've have thought about the gravity first. Not everyone in the world is as gracious as Pakistan. We take shit from the whole world because we take their aid. And then for some masochistic reason, we take shit from these neanderthals even though we aid them.

I sympathize with the Afghan diaspora because of how their country has been ruined by constant wars from past few decades.

Maybe they shouldn't have been racist SOBs to us since the day our country came into being. Most of Muslim countries a common person can name, we Pakistanis have helped big time. We've helped not so Muslim countries halfway across the world Bosnia and Azerbaijan. Why the fck would we want to stir this fking hornets' nest in our backyard. Our only concern has been that these mofos drop their fantasy irredentist claims of Maha-Afghanistan or yore and come back to earth and live like civilized neighbors. They've been nothing but absolute trouble.

They have rallies in Pakistan where the Pakistani flag is not allowed and throw down out flags from the aid trucks we send them. Part of me thinks, we should just go hard at them and if there nationalist pushtun cousins in Pakistan begin to feel sorry for them, we should let them join the great afghan motherland and see how it works out for them.
Same with the great sindhi and baloch freedom fighters, go ahead and form your own little shit hole countries, then lets Sindh survives under total PPP hegemony and how how our dear baloch nationalists save their natural resources from American companies and the complementary freedom that comes along with it.

And the same goes for the most delusional of all these cnts, the independant Kashmir walas. Let's withdraw our boys from the LOC and our diplomatic support and see how long the world gives a shit about you and how the gangus respect their freedom.

To hell with all of you. We Punjabis will just chill with GB bros for the time being. Apparently, most of them are not ingrateful pricks like you lot and actually want to be Pakistanis.

What a bunch of pathetic losers, these nationalists. Absolutely no imagination. Everything is due to muh PeRsECUtion and muh pUnJabiS. I never understood this nationalism BS.But these mofos are like: follow your flock like sheep, the flock in which you were born and will die. Nothing to distinguish you the absolute lowest scum because they are also the same 'ethnicity' as you. They wouldn't like to be associated with a man of another ethnicity even if the both of them were highly educated, PhD holder, learned persons, but will gladly side with illiterate, corrupt, lazy assholes and see no fault in them if they are your own people. I can understand grouping based on ideological reasons like religious or political beliefs. But, this shit is ridiculous.
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So what, a lot of Pakistanis talk ill of Pakistan , are you going to deport them too to Afghanistan?-"Afghans openly talk ill of Pakistan "
Give it a rest, Socrates. We are Pakistani citizens, voters, tax payers. Every time we criticize our own, we do it because we are concerned or dismayed about the state of affairs and would like a better Pakistan. Not because we want to chop it up, take our favorite chunks and burn the rest to the ground. And why would you deport Pakistanis to Afghanistan?
When do Afghans want to stop being the trouble makers they are in their host countries?
Just because they're going through a tough time doesn't mean that they could act in whatever way they want.
lol, back to Pakistan they go

careful what you ask for...
These types of Afghans should also be deported from Pakistan.
ALL TYPES should be deported to A-stan
refugee free Pakistan.
I'm 100% sure out ch**tiya govt will not do any further action against these if they are deported to Pakistan.
Unfortunately, gulf is not free like Europe. They haven't ruled for decades by being nice gentle rulers.

Good. Back home in Afghan heaven, they'll have more time to reflect on the reasons they were sent back there.

They should've have thought about the gravity first. Not everyone in the world is as gracious as Pakistan. We take shit from the whole world because we take their aid. And then for some masochistic reason, we take shit from these neanderthals even though we aid them.

Much thanks to Pan-Islamism. But unlike Afghans, Arab countries etc. Turkey, Bosnia & Azerbaijan are grateful. At least to a greater degree.

But I agree, we need to be careful with our Pan-Islamic ideology.

if you screw their country by supporting neanderthals like the Taliban you will be hated
Is it any different than Pakistanis whining about the West living in the West ?

lol except that Afghans screwed with us for decades long before the taliban became an entity. What goes around comes around. Especially after more than 20 years of meddling and aggression. Go figure lol.
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