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15-year-old Gezi victim Berkin Elvan dies after 269 days in coma

Ahiska i tried defend you at first couse of abusive words but now i have seen that you are in same stiation, what a shame...

You or someone can dislike from Erdogan and his movement, so this is possible but swearing and insulting not necessary, do not swearing me again.

People likes Erdogan because he standing firm against our national enemies. Peoples say there is no jewish lobby but in Turkey lots of businiss men in cooperation with external powers (like cia, mossad, fethullah movement etc.) and our government state lots of solid evidencea about it. This is of coruse real.

If people do not like Erdogan please go the ballot box and use your vote then do respect.

Erdogan selected by turkish people and every day his popularity growing so thats means people see him successfully.

Now do not say bad things about Turkey on this international forum, if we are like, just discuss on defence industry. Politica is different way, especially in our country it is bullshit, so nobody care each others opinions.


One cannot wash away his crimes with ballot box. People demand justice for the murders, corruption, theft, provocations, hate speech, etc...

It seems you guys gonna learn it the hard way.
I am astonished at some of my fellow countrymen's comments about the death of a 15 year old boy. You are saying that he deserved to die.

Do you know what Erdoğan deserves? He deserves the punishment of a munafiq.

What is a munafiq?

Probably our Muslim members know what it means but for our non-Muslim members let me explain.

In Islam, a munafiq means a hypocrite who outwordly practices Islam while inwardly concealing his disbelief, perhaps even unknowingly. Munafiqs usually use Islam for personal gain like money, power, rulership (sounds familiar heh...)

Do you know what The Prophet Muhammad said about munafiqs? The signs of a munafiq are three:

1. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie (Check)
2. Whenever he promises, he breaks it (Check)
3. If you trust him, he proves to be dishonest (Check)

And the punishment for being a munafiq... Well it is not nice in this life and hereafter.
They never accept different ideas or truth even not listen you, if you are insist even can curses and hurt you! because they are obsessive. Do not try to discuss for sth. with them especially on politica...

i only define one matter in this international forum because it is needle right now.

Global capital
Israel lobies
Greek Lobies
Armenian Diasporas
Elits of Germany, UK, USA and France
Killers of Muslims (like Russia, Government of Iran, Esad, General Sisi of Egypt etc.)
and whole other enemies of Turkey stands on one side
In Turkey CHP party,MHP party,BDP party,PKK (terrorists), Fethullah religious community working together with these external power.

and on the other side only Erdogan and he's party standing, only people of Turkey and some foreign people support Erdogan!

Now only think on it, who really fighting for the benefit of Turkey?!


These traitors never mind innnocent people, our culture, our nation, our religion, our country so on

they killed lots of innocent people while do protests and harmed lots of police also they have damaged 400 billions dollars of our economy and country....

Looked know who killed this women?

who harmed this innocent man?

and why they did not worry about this babies and peoples.....!!!!




Yeap, whole world is working for Turkey's destruction.

Except AKP and it's supporters, everyone in Turkey are traitors and collaborators.

One cannot wash away his crimes with ballot box. People demand justice for the murders, corruption, theft, provocations, hate speech, etc...

It seems you guys gonna learn it the hard way.

i can't change your minds, there are lots of slanders and lies but you have ZERO evidence if you are true EU,UN,USA and all other bullshit begin the blame us but they have zero evidence...

So i have to say that only look Turkiye before Erdogan and after Erdogan everything is obviously as people see. We was corrupted, bankrupt, we was begging only for 1 billion dolar to IMF and toys weapons. But now we lend money to IMF and lots of country also we begin produce all our weapon system, our ecenomy enter in biggest economy, industry eveyting groving etc.

Couse of these development peoples still love Erdogan too much although lots of lies and slanders.

Now if you are still countinue to blame your government, peoples and country you are not lovers of Turkiye.
Now you are still countinue to blame your government, peoples and country you are not lovers of Turkiye.
Hmm, but ironically we never see AKP fanatics defending our country against the foreigners in PDF, you only defend Erdogan but never Turkey....

i can't change your minds, there are lots of slanders and lies but you have ZERO evidence if you are true EU,UN,USA and all other bullshit begin the blame us but they have zero evidence...

So i have to say that only look Turkiye before Erdogan and after Erdogan everything is obviously as people see. We was corrupted, bankrupt, we was begging only for 1 billion dolar to IMF and toys weapons. But now we lend money to IMF and lots of country also we begin produce all our weapon system, our ecenomy enter in biggest economy, industry eveyting groving etc.

Couse of these development peoples still love Erdogan too much although lots of lies and slanders.

ZERO evidence about what? Tell me and i will share them here.

Now if you are still countinue to blame your government, peoples and country you are not lovers of Turkiye.

At least try staying on surface buddy.


From Ahmet Hakan:

HER kim ki...
Yolsuzluk ve rüşvet iddiaları karşısında...
“Çalmadım ve bunu kanıtlayabilirim” demek yerine...

Cami diyorsa, himmet diyorsa, fetva diyorsa, zekât diyorsa, hayır hasenat diyorsa,
hayırseverlik diyorsa, imam-hatip diyorsa, başörtüsü diyorsa, rahmet diyorsa, gazap
diyorsa, Müslümanlık diyorsa, ayet diyorsa, hadis diyorsa, fıkıh diyorsa, siyer diyorsa...
Bilin ki...
O kişi İslam karşıtı propaganda yapmaktadır.

Ahmet HAKAN - CHP ve MHP Cemaatçi olmuş - Hürriyet YAZARLAR
If you have any evidence about it please share it with enemy of Turkey because they are waiting for of ours mistakes!

While you plan to damage our country our government was working to develop of our country. is it enough ?

Arkadaşlar bu olan olaylara kimler sevinir kimler üzülür diye bakarsanız olayı çok daha net görürsünüz...
Bizim birbirimize düşmemiz kimin işine gelir ?
One cannot wash away his crimes with ballot box. People demand justice for the murders, corruption, theft, provocations, hate speech, etc...

It seems you guys gonna learn it the hard way.
One cannot wash away his crimes with ballot box. People demand justice for the murders, corruption, theft, provocations, hate speech, etc...

It seems you guys gonna learn it the hard way.

threats dont works :whistle:
after elections you will eat great ottoman smack:angel:
our people dont believe anymore these lias, fake tapes,denigtarions etc..
your power is just to use dhkpc terorists,,to kiss american spy feto's *** :partay: also beg to EU:) (o atatürk resmini kaldır sana yakışmıyo bu ülkeyi amerikan ajanı şeyhin idaresine teslim etmeyecaz )
değilmi geziciler şimdi vatan haini değince bozulıyosunuz anca propanda yaparak kendinizi tatmin edersiniz bu arda cem boyner denen hırsızda size katılmış ha ha sizin hiç bir gücünüz yok artık anlayın ordumuz polis yargı ilk defa halkın yanında milli iradenin yanında bir kişi ölmüş Allah rahmet eylesin şimdi onu bile kendi siyasi emellerinize karşı kullanıyosunuz ayıp size serap katledilirken neden protesto etmediniz şimdi ortalığı savaş alanına çeviriyorsunuz hepiniz siyasi konuşuyosunuz ölenler umrunuz da bile değil neyse şimdi halk sizin bu zulmunuze 70 yıl katlandı siz 5 yıl katlananamadınız eğer burda yaşamak istemiyorsanız ya esadın yanına gidin ya da avrupadan siyasi sığınma hakkı isteyin ya da en azından teröre bulaşmayın bu 70 yılda her türlü ,ftirayı yine attınız bir avuç azınlık zorbalıkla her kesime zulum etti ama biz vatanımızı satmadık teröre bulaşmadık avrupa birliğini göreve çağırmadık değil mi geziciler anca böyle tehdit edersiniz neyse tehdit demişken seçimler sonrasını bekleyin asıl tehditi göreceksiniz :azn: tayyip aslında iyi yapıyor böylece vatan hainleri deşifre oluyor seçimlerden sonra büyük sikiş olacak :partay:
If you have any evidence about it please share it with enemy of Turkey because they are waiting for of ours mistakes!

While you plan to damage our country our government was working to develop of our country. is it enough ?


Oh, i thought you were saying there is absoultely ZERO evidence about the claims. So you know how corrupt and liar your government is, but you support them anyway because "çalıyorlar ama çalışıyorlar" ? Pathetic...

Almost 10 people was murdered. Their murderers are being protected by your government. Thousands of people wounded, dozens lost their eyes. Yet, you seem to be more worried about the broken glasses. We are heading towards a disaster, people are full of hatred because of your PM's provacations. He is so addicted to his seat that he doesn't care the possible future conflicts, even civil war. When the likes of you realize this, it will be too late.
Hey... Millet şu muhabbetleri devam ettirip düşmanları güldürmeyin...
Oh, i thought you were saying there is absoultely ZERO evidence about the claims. So you know how corrupt and liar your government is, but you support them anyway because "çalıyorlar ama çalışıyorlar" ? Pathetic...

Almost 10 people was murdered. Their murderers are being protected by your government. Thousands of people wounded, dozens lost their eyes. Yet, you seem to be more worried about the broken glasses. We are heading towards a disaster, people are full of hatred because of your PM's provacations. He is so addicted to his seat that he doesn't care the possible future conflicts, even civil war. When the likes of you realize this, it will be too late.

İranla altın ticaretinin yasaklanmasından sonra el altından yapılan ticareti deşifre edilmesine mi yolsuzluk diyorsun yoksa yardım paralarının çarptırılmasına mı ? amerika bir şekilde bu ticareti deşifre etmeye çalışıyordu bunuda fethullahın polisleri pek ala yaptı şimdi sizde bunun üzerinden bel altı vuruyorsunuz yazık size....

accusing is you are and you have to give us evidences, i can't say it is or this is...

nobody try to kill protesters but they killed lots of people and police what are you talking about ?

I know talking with you waste of time...
İranla altın ticaretinin yasaklanmasından sonra el altından yapılan ticareti deşifre edilmesine mi yolsuzluk diyorsun yoksa yardım paralarının çarptırılmasına mı ? amerika bir şekilde bu ticareti deşifre etmeye çalışıyordu bunuda fethullahın polisleri pek ala yaptı şimdi sizde bunun üzerinden bel altı vuruyorsunuz yazık size....


nobody try to kill protesters but they killed lots of people and police what are you talking about ?


I know talking with you waste of time...

Likewise. Let's just ignore each other.
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