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15 Strongest Muslim Countries by their GDPs'

How did it fail to change their fate?

Nigeria is growing at around 6-7% per year and have one of the best performing economies in Africa.

Obviously they can't become developed overnight, but they are moving forward.

Yeah, Nigeria is already 2nd largest economy in Africa. Nigeria has done much better than other African countries.
The oil boom failed to bring change in Nigeria as expected, instead it brought violence in their land while Nigerian society is still far from taking the benefits of oil boom.

Violence is common in middle east too, not just the violence, but the war...

At least, they've done much better than other African countries like Zimbabwe.
Also why no mention of India we have the 3rd largest Muslim Population on earth

It is probably because Islam does not the same dominance in India. China also has a sizable Muslim population, but you wouldn't call China a Muslim nation by any stretch of imagination.

Yeah, Nigeria is already 2nd largest economy in Africa. Nigeria has done much better than other African countries.

Well, oil export doesn't last unless you can use the money to create a industrial base and eventually switch to manufacturing. With a population of 168.8 million, Nigeria is way too big to be supported using tourism, so it absolutely needs manufacturing if they want to survive after petroleum dries up. Sure, it is doing better than most other African nations, but that is really not saying much.

Of course, creating an industrial base is a very tough job and in the end, it is kinda necessary if the nation wants to remain competitive.
May be its the population and greater natural resources than turkey. Otherwise turkey appears to be more advanced and industrilized. They are the 8th largest steel producer & one of the top 10 exporters of steel.

It is good to see advanced Turkey....I hope Turkey advances more...but to add more information on this thread...actually Indonesia manufacturing is almost 2 times larger of the size of Turkey manufacturing (2011 data) ....You can see the world bank data on it.

Manufacturing, value added (current US$) | Data | Table
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I think Turkey & Malaysia are gonna be the real powerhouses in the Muslim world
Pakistan is in deep trouble due to Politics & War on terror stuff

Mid east are very underpopulated
& these 2 countries have a very good Industrial base

P.S i don't know much about Indonesia

Also why no mention of India we have the 3rd largest Muslim Population on earth

Since when is India a Muslim majority country? Please go by the ratio, not population.
Iran and Saudi's shouldn't be counted or discounted since most of their economy is based on oil and gas. When that runs out, they will be in deep trouble. Strong economy is not only how big it is but what kind of economy it is.
Egypt's economy was growing at a steady pace since 2005, and until the "revolution" happen in 2011. Note that the growth declined a bit during the world economic crissis in 2009, but it recovered in 2010 and was expected to grow close to 6% in 2011.
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KSA/Qatar ares countries where people do nothing, only relying on slaves

They have kicked out 4 millions of ethiopian slaves recently

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Even Iran is under embargo and attacked by the Israel/USA/wahabits kingdoms, they manage to do great score

IMF 2013

1 Indonesia 946.391
2 Turkey 851.817
3 Saudi Arabia 745.617
4 Iran 429.246
5 U A E 369.364
6 Malaysia 327.911
7 Nigeria 268.708
8 Egypt 264.701
9 Pakistan 238.935
10 Iraq 233.292
11 Kazakhstan 214.143
12 Algeria 210.510
13 Qatar 188.812
14 Kuwait 173.438
15 Bangladesh 135.143

Total 5.598.028

1.United States 16,237.746
2.China 9,020.309
3.Japan 5,149.897

2013 ---------------------------------------------------------Growth Rate GDP

These are revised numbers from IMF six months later. It seems Iran's economy badly affected from sanctions.
If it was not for sanctions Iran would already be a Trillion dollar GDP..

It would also have the most powerful military in the Middle East by Now.

FALLING OUT WITH USA cost them massively.
If it was not for sanctions Iran would already be a Trillion dollar GDP..

It would also have the most powerful military in the Middle East by Now.

FALLING OUT WITH USA cost them massively.
True, Iran is the only country beating JEW USA alone during the 80-88 war

Vietnam was backed by China & Russia as the Cold War raged

Nigeria has 10th largest oil reserve in the world, so it's no surprise. In Nigeria, oil industry take up 40% of its GDP, 80% of government revenue and 95% foreign reserve. But in recent years, Nigeria's oil output has been decreasing and its oil reserve never increase.
Don't decrease their merits just because they're africans please, they are far in front of Qatar, Kuwait or Libya

We are even below Nigeria :eek:
And you're 180 millions! Please change your alliances, quit the JEW USA axis of evil

Americans don't love muslims they just want you to kill each other and fight more enemies each day

Notice that the countries under JEW USA domination are not creative because they want you to be idle

Only Iran is creative because they are not encouraged to do nothing, or even blocked from creating
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Yes, Turkey has 3 times higher GDP today than before Erdogan era but calculation methods of GDP has changed during this era. We must consider development of different countries in same period.
Considering the legendary honesty a zionist muslim brother, i understand better

World jewish lobby has started to attack Turkey's economy after changed politics of Turkey and regional conflicts badly affects us. We would reach trillion target in this year but today it seems that it can happen 3 years later.
Oh stop your BS. Turkey is a zionist NATO country attacking Syria with 80 counties against 1

Al-Qaeda recruits entering Syria from Turkey safehouses - Telegraph
Considering the legendary honesty a zionist muslim brother, i understand better

Oh stop your BS. Turkey is a zionist NATO country attacking Syria with 80 counties against 1

Al-Qaeda recruits entering Syria from Turkey safehouses - Telegraph

I think you mustn't speak about this matter with zero knowledge. Iran and Israel are at same side in Syria and both of them are supporting Assad. Jewish Lobby started a big propaganda war against FSA for introduce them as Al-Qaeda terrorists with their media giants. That's why USA didn't involve that war like did in Libya.
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