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1400 children sexually abused by British 'Asians'

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No hindu in britain demand Hindu Rastra . no sikhs demands khalistan in britain . I know you like diversity but don't be naive.

I said "for example". My point being that the Brits need to stop being all sensitive about accusations of being intolerant towards religious and cultural issues
They are Britishers of Pakistani heritage. There is no getting around this fact.
Why is it that Brits of Turkish origin or Brits of Indian origin or Brits of French origin are not involved in all this.

Why is it that its Brits of Pakistani heritage getting involved in this. It points to a heritage issue, not a British cultural issue.
Oh So you are pointing that its in pakistan heritage that we are pedophiles ? atleast that is what I think u are trying to say >?
I said "for example". My point being that the Brits need to stop being all sensitive about accusations of being intolerant towards religious and cultural issues
they have became so fearful to be labelled xenophobic they have become impotent. india is also going that way. supporting extremists to appease votebanks.
Oh So you are pointing that its in pakistan heritage that we are pedophiles ? atleast that is what I think u are trying to say >?
Thats a pretty stupid question to ask.
Obviously No. You dont see this happening in Pakistan at such scale do you?

Its the British Pakistanis and their warped worldview promoted by many of your clerics - ie the clerics sent from Pakistan to preach in British Pakistani communities that are responsible. It is the migrants to Britain from Pakistan who are responsible - as parents or educators or society elders.

You do see that it has some Pakistani connection dont you? Else wise the Brits of French and Germanic heritage would also be involved in this. This is a community specific issue.

You are as wrong as those who say its Pakistans fault as those who say its Britains fault.
I dont understand if they were born in british raised in british why the f*** are they saying they belong to pakistan heritage if they were in pakistan I am pretty sure they would not have been that way. West is symbol for getting Drunk and sex and no custom of having family.

I try and give an example, it may not be apt though: We have a member @Abingdonboy of Indian Origin on PDF. He was born & raised in UK & never been to India.

His Flags were British. However, his 1st flag ie Nationality/Origin of a person was changed to India by PDF adminstors. When he questioned it? Was told you are of Indian origin.

You can apply similar logic to the Bold Part.
Thats a pretty stupid question to ask.
Obviously No. You dont see this happening in Pakistan at such scale do you?

Its the British Pakistanis and their warped worldview promoted by many of your clerics - ie the clerics sent from Pakistan to preach in British Pakistani communities that are responsible. It is the migrants to Britain from Pakistan who are responsible - as parents or educators or society elders.

You do see that it has some Pakistani connection dont you? Else wise the Brits of French and Germanic heritage would also be involved in this. This is a community specific issue.

You are as wrong as those who say its Pakistans fault as those who say its Britains fault.

Hmm agreed to some aspect .
II don't understand the whole point of Pakistani origin being dragged into the debate.
Because it is also reported that the perps were passed over for investigation because of the fear of the charge of racism, aka 'political correctness', that can be leveled against the police.

Like it or not, most of the time, Chinese criminals do not exploit non-Asians girls/women but focused on Chinese/Asian girls/women, for example. They also prefers to intimidate Chinese/Asian businesses, and they usually leave the blacks alone. We see this in the US regularly. The origin of these men does matter, no matter how uncomfortable it may be for you, precisely because they made ethnic origin an issue for the targeted girls/women.
While i agree that generalizations are uncalled for, i ask when will the time come when we will discuss the "mental gap" present in our societies.
This is not the first such occurence (4th or 5th such organization busted in UK), similarly to this one, the organizers were predominantly from one country and one religion.

This isn't a jab at Pakistan and Muslims, this is primarily asking when will we start talking about the woeful state of morality these peddled, entitled youth have. This is straight out hate crime, racism of the worst kind. Preying on mentally unstable 12 year olds?
When reading up on this and previous cases, it's sureal, you do not think things like this can happen here in 2014.
Men waiting in line to dip it into every hole, screams from other rooms with their lines, being showered with petrol and threatened to be set ablaze for non compliance etc etc

In a nutshell, what happens to this youth is, they are completely mentally and emotionally undeveloped and are being thrust into this world where there's a notion they are something special, where individualism is put on a pedestal, their rights matter which they interpret due to their complete and utter immaturity as carte blanche to commit heinous crimes, then you couple this with the standard Muslim mentality of "woman ownership" plus add the fucking impotent government who are scared to call out crime for what it is due to fear of being branded racist.

I really hope the hammer falls hard on these guys. And any of their imitators and followers.
they are British citizen, why generalize whole community & entire country
They are ghetto thugs. Young Pakistanis in Europe have adopted a culture of taking drugs and treating women like animals. It is shameful, but their nationality or religion does not come into play with this. Those of who are trying to include it would usually laugh at anyone who brought the Hindu identity of someone involved in a crime. Double standards and hypocrisy is so heavy in this thread it's sickening.
UK is digging its own grave by importing them....fucking idiots.
Like i said in another thread .....

Well british pakistanis ( specifically a certain subset from certain area) are the lowest of the low . They bring more shame to Pakistani expatriate community in specific and subcontinent diaspora in general . Pakistani diaspora is strong in many other countries like even US and Canada but you will never get to hear such things from there .

Also Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in UK have highest level of poverty ( 60 and 70 percent respectievely UK: low income and ethnicity - The Poverty Site .

Mix radicalizing mullahs in the mix ( anjem and co) and you get explosive results .

Source: Breaking News-developing story: 1400 children sexually abused by British 'Asians'
Is it really fair to blame them for their heritage? They can be British citizens or pakistani citizens but their culture,community and faith are the real cause to blame.

Absolutely. The culture they've adopted is similar to what blacks in the US have adopted. Ghetto lifestyle. You'll notice how one of the criminals claimed that rape is a way of life. They are nothing more than thugs and unemployed youth who've turned to drugs and crime.
Because it is also reported that the perps were passed over for investigation because of the fear of the charge of racism, aka 'political correctness', that can be leveled against the police.

Like it or not, most of the time, Chinese criminals do not exploit non-Asians girls/women but focused on Chinese/Asian girls/women, for example. They also prefers to intimidate Chinese/Asian businesses, and they usually leave the blacks alone. We see this in the US regularly. The origin of these men does matter, no matter how uncomfortable it may be for you, precisely because they made ethnic origin an issue for the targeted girls/women.

give another 5-10 years...you will see US going thru same crap as UK. Right now: they are less than 2%.
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Either execute the assholes or deport them. Fucking scumbags like these give us good folks a bad reputation. Scums, the whole of them.
why deport them?
this filth has nothing to do with us.
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