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1400 children sexually abused by British 'Asians'

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British Pakistanis at it again. Oh god!!!
This is indeed a shameful for pakistanis in other countries and also in their homeland.

I am so reminded of a particular drama queen right now.Old timers would know exactly.
well westerners had a soft corner for pakistanies as they were also of abrahmikal relegeon = islam like jews and christians and readilly agreed to fight US war against USSR and turned a blind eye on there activities while bieng ower cautious against pagan hindus of india who supported USSR

now they are awekening to the monstrous reality as to who catualli was the main culprit and palyed a double game for at least 3 decades with them if not more

it will be realli interesting to as see what western , british and american goverments do in response to it
So then don't keep always vilifying Indians, making them look like demons compared to many who live in the Land of the Pure. You need to be more balanced in your posts which are nothing but India-bashing crap.

You need to set your house in order first. People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing sticks and stones at others.
No because you have far more in numbers and they are increasing massively one major role is played by Bollywood and you guys are going at 5th gear if you don't stop the problem than it is going to get out off control
I'm not interested in the nationality of these guys forebears. They are British. They are pedophiles. And they are a bunch of sick mofos who just prove that the criminal justice system in the UK is a joke if they got away with these crimes for so long
I'm not interested in the nationality of these guys forebears. They are British. They are pedophiles. And they are a bunch of sick mofos who just prove that the criminal justice system in the UK is a joke if they got away with these crimes for so long
You may be not interested but British people surely are. can't you see a pattern here.
I was listening to the bbc show this morning, and as much as this act is condemnable, and disgusting what these fellas had done. Most of these people are british born, british raised, british fed dicks. I don't understand the whole point of Pakistani origin being dragged into the debate. The lawyers of these victims was also pushing that through, and made sure that he made it heard loud and clear. The man said and I quote "It might have been coming from their heritage". What a bunch of baloney.

Now if an irish American went on a killing rampage, would his irish background be bought into question. Would they say that oh might have been in their heritage, and this is just an example.

Now as much as these goons were responsible for what they did, and should be punished in the worst possible way. Why don't we also bring into question the british cultural values that is affording them these kinds of opportunities. Now we are after all pointing fingers on others heritage now aren't we. But one also have to ask ourselves this question that will it stop just by punishing these guys. What about the parents who cant raise their kids with better moral upbringing. Where they are told the right from wrong. What about the british culture its self, that is giving so much liberty to the kids these days, that they cant bare to listen to their parents, and understand what right, and what's wrong. I am glad that my parents disciplined me when I deviated onto the wrong lines, and it works. Sometimes we have to be strict with the kids. I am not blaming the victims, but the system that is making these victims, who are victims due to the social greed, the crooks, who are afforded the liberty to abuse the system. And the parents who don't have enough time to raise a good kid, be it a boy or a girl.
So then don't keep always vilifying Indians, making them look like demons compared to many who live in the Land of the Pure. You need to be more balanced in your posts which are nothing but India-bashing crap.

You need to set your house in order first. People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing sticks and stones at others.

that applies to both India and Pakistan mate.

I'm not interested in the nationality of these guys forebears. They are British. They are pedophiles. And they are a bunch of sick mofos who just prove that the criminal justice system in the UK is a joke if they got away with these crimes for so long

Actually, it kind of does. How muc you want to bet the British justice system tippy toed around the issue for fear of being called racists?

Again, what these scumbags did has nothing to do with Pakistanis. But there is an atmosphere of political correctness.
I dont understand if they were born in british raised in british why the f*** are they saying they belong to pakistan heritage if they were in pakistan I am pretty sure they would not have been that way. West is symbol for getting Drunk and sex and no custom of having family.
Scum bags hang them for all i care....but were they born or raised in Pakistan???
You may be not interested but British people surely are. can't you see a pattern here.

Britain decided to become an assimilated society. They must accept the crime patterns of different ethnic groups and start re-educating those groups to live within British social and legal norms. If people are demanding a Hindu Rashtra state or Shariah law for example and they try to forcibly impose their will then the Brits must stop squirming about "religious or racial and ethnic sensitivities" like the pansies which they are becoming and arrest the mofos who are breaking their laws. Or else, the Brits can only hold themselves responsible for the crimes which are being perpetrated in their societies.

I dont understand if they were born in british raised in british why the f*** are they saying they belong to pakistan heritage if they were in pakistan I am pretty sure they would not have been that way. West is symbol for getting Drunk and sex and no custom of having family.

So, what are you saying? That raping and sexually molesting western girls is acceptable in your book ? You really don't want to know what the people from the west think about you and your kind
Britain decided to become an assimilated society. They must accept the crime patterns of different ethnic groups and start re-educating those groups to live within British social and legal norms. If people are demanding a Hindu Rashtra state or Shariah law for example and they try to forcibly impose their will then the Brits must stop squirming about "religious or racial and ethnic sensitivities" like the pansies which they are becoming and arrest the mofos who are breaking their laws. Or else, the Brits can only hold themselves responsible for the crimes which are being perpetrated in their societies.

So, what are you saying? That raping and sexually molesting western girls is acceptable in your book ? You really don't want to know what the people from the west think about you and your kind
Nope I never said its acceptable I am just saying that why mention of name Pakistan here in the article if they have spent whole life in Britain. They are Britishers not Pakistani.

and about their custom yes that is true as many foreign guys think of us as terrorists.

And about these 5 bastards they should be hanged to death without any hesitation.
Britain decided to become an assimilated society. They must accept the crime patterns of different ethnic groups and start re-educating those groups to live within British social and legal norms. If people are demanding a Hindu Rashtra state or Shariah law for example and they try to forcibly impose their will then the Brits must stop squirming about "religious or racial and ethnic sensitivities" like the pansies which they are becoming and arrest the mofos who are breaking their laws. Or else, the Brits can only hold themselves responsible for the crimes which are being perpetrated in their societies.

So, what are you saying? That raping and sexually molesting western girls is acceptable in your book ? You really don't want to know what the people from the west think about you and your kind
No hindu in britain demand Hindu Rastra . no sikhs demands khalistan in britain . I know you like diversity but don't be naive.
Nope I never said its acceptable I am just saying that why mention of name Pakistan here in the article if they have spent whole life in Britain. They are Britishers not Pakistani.
I was listening to the bbc show this morning, and as much as this act is condemnable, and disgusting what these fellas had done. Most of these people are british born, british raised, british fed dicks. I don't understand the whole point of Pakistani origin being dragged into the debate. The lawyers of these victims was also pushing that through, and made sure that he made it heard loud and clear. The man said and I quote "It might have been coming from their heritage". What a bunch of baloney.
They are Britishers of Pakistani heritage. There is no getting around this fact.
Why is it that Brits of Turkish origin or Brits of Indian origin or Brits of French origin are not involved in all this.

Why is it that its Brits of Pakistani heritage getting involved in this. It points to a heritage issue, not a British cultural issue.
No because you have far more in numbers and they are increasing massively one major role is played by Bollywood and you guys are going at 5th gear if you don't stop the problem than it is going to get out off control
Thanks for your "precious" advice....I hope more guys like you will benefit your country.
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