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14 students, one teacher killed in Texas elementary school shooting

The face clearly puts him in white sector.
He is not wrong though , if they start teaching srimad Bhagwatam in schools or upnishads
Atleast children will follow orders and listen to their elders etc etc .

Are they teaching Gita and Upanishad in Indian schools? No, right? If we don't have school shootouts in India, would you attribute it to absence of Gita and Upanishad in schools?
Evidence so far on your cure has not worked on your home country India has largest rapes!

And nasty daily attacks on other faiths
America has even more rapes, not india .
Did I say hindutva and other religious stuff is same thing ?
Hindutva is political, Hinduism Is not
Until they kill the gun lobby sadly this is going to continue. It is a tumor which can be removed, but successive American governments have shown no will to remove it. Guns in the hands of people who cannot control their emotions will lead to shootings in any country. In our countries perfectly sane people get into a mad road rage on the smallest of things. Many of these incidents could turn fatal if people had guns on them. Maybe we wouldn't be killing children in schools, but other kinds of incidents would increase
The gun lobby strawman again? If you want to kill the gun lobby, you would have to kill all Americans. Want to try?
Are they teaching Gita and Upanishad in Indian schools? No, right? If we don't have school shootouts in India, would you attribute it to absence of Gita and Upanishad in schools?
Yes , we were taught Ramayan in class 6th to 9th and i was In a normal school
I have a solution. More weapons and even the toddlers should arm themselves in classrooms. The teachers should also have weapons.
Did you copy my ideas? :p:
For years I've been proposing the government should give guns to every adults and provide trainings to them. It's the idea 'If you can't beat them, join them.'

The federal government should implement the program. Every capable adults should be given a gun, some ammunitions, initial training and licensing, and perpetual trainings/reviews of the right to own the gun. Instead of stoking color revolutions everywhere, the fed should make America safer first. It will be less costly, way less costly, than giving hundreds of billions to Ukraine, Iraq, India, etc.
Switzerland every citizen has guns: no school shootings.

Pakistan every citizen has guns.: No school shootings.

So on and so forth....

School shootings is mostly an American phenomenon.

Pakistan has school shooting some years ago, the reason of instability in some regions in Pakistan also has relation with the gun ownership by civilians. You have in the past Waziristan province which is in the past controlled fully by TTP

Switzerland is too small, but New Zealan as small country has one Christian white man who shot many Muslim who were praying in Mosque.

Now, you are part of people who support the regulation to allow civilians to have guns ?????
Did you copy my ideas? :p:
For years I've been proposing the government should give guns to every adults and provide trainings to them. It's the idea 'If you can't beat them, join them.'

The federal government should implement the program. Every capable adults should be given a gun, some ammunitions, initial training and licensing, and perpetual trainings/reviews of the right to own the gun. Instead of stoking color revolutions everywhere, the fed should make America safer first. It will be less costly, way less costly, than giving hundreds of billions to Ukraine, Iraq, India, etc.

I am for it. Let's arm every American.
The gun lobby strawman again? If you want to kill the gun lobby, you would have to kill all Americans. Want to try?

I will kill the gun lobby by making the need to lobby no longer needed. It also solves the problem of random massive shootings too. The fed should give a gun to every willing capable adults, trainings, and perpetual reviews of their right of owning such weapons. It will make the potential shooter think twice and could quickly stop the shotting. It's the solution based on the idea 'If you can't beat them, join them'. Now that's Sun Tzu tactics.
Yes , we were taught Ramayan in class 6th to 9th and i was In a normal school
Ramayan taught in school has nothing to do with how they behave later in life. For what its worth, we have our own set of problems in India, so one needs to be careful attributing behaviour to something taught in school because it cuts both ways
Ramayan taught in school has nothing to do with how they behave later in life. For what its worth, we have our own set of problems in India, so one needs to be careful attributing behaviour to something taught in school because it cuts both ways
That i know , still students in india don't go around shooting people.
If they were so enraged, thy could always do knife attacks, still those don't happen either .
And all of this after negligent school security in india.
In usa they literally bring dogs to sniff out drugs , and weapons.
Cameras are in every corridor , still gun violence happenes
Here if somebody brings a cigarette stick to school , he is hailed as brave , forget about drugs and guns
That i know , still students don't go around shooting people.
If they were so enraged, thy could always do knife attacks, still those don't happen either .
And all of this after negligent school security in india.
In usa they literally bring dogs to sniff out drugs , and weapons.
Cameras are in every corridor , still gun violence happenes

Gun is easy to use that is why I am saying if we ease the ownership in India, we will see rise in shootings here too because we are hot tempered people, made worse by the various frustrations in life. There is no knife equivalence because using a knife requires a certain amount of courage on the spot, it involves risking a fightback, which is not the case in firing a gun. The two are not comparable.
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