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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

this terrorist organisation jeish -ol-adl you are talking about, are they Baloch nationalists? what is their ideology??
this terrorist organisation jeish -ol-adl you are talking about, are they Baloch nationalists? what is their ideology??
They are anything but nationalists. They are takfiri terrorists and their only driving force is hatred against Shias. You should read their statement in their Facebook page after the attack to understand it better.

The sob in the middle is the leader of this small group. They have intelligence and logistical support from certain foreign countries to launch these sophisticated attacks.

Hopefully, we will see this one too captured and hanged in the public, when it comes to terrorists, we should not and can not be incompetent.
this terrorist organisation jeish -ol-adl you are talking about, are they Baloch nationalists? what is their ideology??
sunni wahabis

Basically al quida off shoot. They're not baluchi nationalists and seem to be a brand new entity. At least they've only surfaced in the media recently. It's most likely a direct response by saudi to Iran's support for Syria. Their videos look like carbon copies of al quida videos.
Unfortunately for the saudis though, their activities will always be limited to a bunch of towns near the pakistani border. Iran is a shia country and most sunnis are kurds. That means the only group of people they can use will be sunnis alongside the pakistani border. This allows the Iranian govt to close them down in a relatively short time (Jundollah anyone?) as they will always be forced to stay in their little enclave.
Are their members even Iranian? RIP to the victims, hopefully the military will catch these sorry SOBs and expose the people behind them
Unfortunately for the saudis though, their activities will always be limited to a bunch of towns near the pakistani border. Iran is a shia country and most sunnis are kurds. That means the only group of people they can use will be sunnis alongside the pakistani border. This allows the Iranian govt to close them down in a relatively short time (Jundollah anyone?) as they will always be forced to stay in their little enclave.

How do you rate the effectiveness of IRGC in matters such as these? Do they have the required expertise?
Unfortunately for the saudis though, their activities will always be limited to a bunch of towns near the pakistani border. Iran is a shia country and most sunnis are kurds. That means the only group of people they can use will be sunnis alongside the pakistani border. This allows the Iranian govt to close them down in a relatively short time (Jundollah anyone?) as they will always be forced to stay in their little enclave.

Absolute majority of Sunni citizens in Sistan hate these guys not any less than Shias. It's not about sects anymore. Didn't you see Sunnis coming to streets of Zahedan and Zabol, celebrating and dancing, after Rigi was captured? Their group is much smaller than Rigi's and they recruit members mostly from illiterate and poor civilians in Baluchestan, both Iranian and Pakistani sides.

We should develop those areas as fast as possible,any place development goes, their backward and primitive ideology will be wiped out automatically. Fighting them with arms is only a short-term solution, it won't work forever.
The problem is not about Pakistani people, The problem is that your government let those arabs do whatever they want in your soil, and they make trouble. and this trouble reaches our border as well.
KSA is not the problem because they don't control what is being taught. They also fund a lot of countries including India. I suspect the tribal culture along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is the prime suspect...it is the mindset among some section of this society which prescribes to this way of thinking and fuels this culture.

What about mining the border areas?

Iran isn't a signatory of the Ottawa treaty that bans anti-personal mines.

The main goal here is to cut all traffic between the Iran-Pakistan border (unless it's through the main crossing). Shoot on sight policy + heavy mining should be a good start.

It is easy to mine and very hard to locate and demine it. Also mines do not discriminate between innocent migrants looking for a job or a militant who are hell bent to terrorize and kill. It is better to do joint patrol and build a solid fence along the border.
This is the problem. Pakistan is on the side with terrorists. it is like allying yourself with a thief to investigate a robbery. It wont work !
Best is to go independently after the terrorists as Pakistan is a failed state and has no control over the armed groups inside its territory.

Are you out of your freaking Mind...We are fighting Terrorists more robustly than anyone else on Earth...If your 14 soldiers are Killed,We have sacrificed 15,000 Soldiers not to Mention more than 40,000 civilians...You should stop persecution of Sunni's in Iran which might be giving Rise to Such Unfortunate incidents....You should Understand that the same failed state Helped you Capture Regi...So your Blabbering and Ranting doesn't make any sense...

Regarding who is on the side of terrorists,Your Country should be the first to stop exporting Terrorism to Pakistan be in the Form of Support to BLA or Funding Shia Extremist Organisations like Sipah e Muhammad...
this thread unfortunately is effecting our relations with pakistani members ... i suggest we cool down a little bit !

for sure pakistan has nicest people '; even in the surveys carried out by american companies its clearly obvious that iranian and pakistani people have the highest think of each other , people of the two countries love each other and thats a fact

terrorism is a malignant cancer spread to the whole region . the only way to stop it is by collaboration and more effort .......

thats all we have been saying but unfortunately some members heated up the discussion .
this thread unfortunately is effecting our relations with pakistani members ... i suggest we cool down a little bit !

for sure pakistan has nicest people '; even in the surveys carried out by american companies its clearly obvious that iranian and pakistani people have the highest think of each other , people of the two countries love each other and thats a fact

terrorism is a malignant cancer spread to the whole region . the only way to stop it is by collaboration and more effort .......

thats all we have been saying but unfortunately some members heated up the discussion .

BABA JAN, We dont have any problem with Pakistani people itself. We have problem with some elements in the Pakistani government that fund terrorism, those shady figures should be held accountable not the regular people itself.

Haman, midoonesti khaye mali to farhange iraniha afzayesh peyda karde
BABA JAN, We dont have any problem with Pakistani people itself. We have problem with some elements in the Pakistani government that fund terrorism, those shady figures should be held accountable not the regular people itself.

sure , i know what u mean and i agree . corrupt officials in all countries should be punished .
Are you out of your freaking Mind...We are fighting Terrorists more robustly than anyone else on Earth...If your 14 soldiers are Killed,We have sacrificed 15,000 Soldiers not to Mention more than 40,000 civilians...You should stop persecution of Sunni's in Iran which might be giving Rise to Such Unfortunate incidents....You should Understand that the same failed state Helped you Capture Regi...So your Blabbering and Ranting doesn't make any sense...

Regarding who is on the side of terrorists,Your Country should be the first to stop exporting Terrorism to Pakistan be in the Form of Support to BLA or Funding Shia Extremist Organisations like Sipah e Muhammad...

You are known for supporting terrorism, bloody hell, the most wanted terrorist in the world (Bin Laden) was hiding at the corner of your military complex so dont lecture us Iranians on terrorism. From the 90's we saw a rise on criminal activity on our border with pakistan, we took many measures ourself to increase the security, building barbed wires, huge walls, electric fences etc but we saw little efforts on your side. How come we with a lesser manpower then Pakistan can provide better security for our citizen throughout the country ? ah now we go back where i said that Pakistan, not Pakistan, but its corrupt officials are involved in terrorism. they must be held accountable and if there are sane politicians in Pakistan we would gladly work with them to provide security on the borders.
I was writing about this just the other day in the thread 'Baluchi branch of Al-Qaeda' before this latest attack happened.

Anyway it is the same old story from years past. Pakistan is weak and has no control over its borders with Iran or Afghanistan. Its borders with Afghanistan are controlled by the Taliban after all. .

Iranian Official: Pakistan Failed to Meet Border Security Pledges
October 27, 2013 - 11:41

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian provincial security official said Sunday Pakistan has failed to fulfill its commitments about joint security cooperation along its border with Iran.

Governor General of Sistan and Balouchestan Province for Political and Security Affairs Rajabali Shiekhzadeh said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency in provincial capital city of Zahedan that Iran and Pakistan boarder commitments oblige the two countries to cooperate in security fields, but "unfortunately Pakistan has not acted satisfactorily in that respect."

“Iran-Pakistan international borders have always been borders of peace and friendship and no security threat has ever been posed from the Iranian side against Pakistan, and Pakistan, too, is expected to prove its good will to Iran in this respect and to exert greater control over its borders,” said Sheikhzadeh.

He said that the Iranian Foreign Ministry, too, must in the framework of the international conventions and joint meetings on border issues pursue the implementation of the required security measures on the part of Pakistan "so that in the future we would not witness any such incidents in Iran."

Sheikhzadeh also complained about Pakistan's apparent foot dragging over improving border security, saying despite previous attacks on Iranian forces from the Pakistani side of the common border, it has failed to keep its side of the bargain.

Armed assailants killed 14 Iranian border guards, wounded 6 others, and took three soldiers hostage in a raid on a border post on Iran's border with Pakistan on Friday night.

Iran's president has tasked the foreign ministry to take measures for the implementation of a security agreement with Pakistan, which calls for improving anti-terror cooperation between the two neighbors

Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement in February, intended to take strict measures to combat terrorism as well as human and drug trafficking and other activities posing a threat to the national security of either country.

On Saturday, Iran's foreign ministry delivered an official note of protest to Pakistan's chargé d'affaires in Tehran over the deadly attack on Iranian border guards said to have been carried out through the Pakistani territory.

Border trespassers: Two Pakistanis shot dead by Iranian guards
By Our Correspondent
Published: October 27, 2013

QUETTA: Iranian security forces shot and killed two alleged Pakistani trespassers in the Taftan border area of Chagai district on Saturday.

“I’ve received information that two Pakistani citizens were shot dead by Iranian border guards when the pair allegedly tried to cross into Iranian territory illegally,” Deputy Commissioner Saifullah Kitheran told The Express Tribune.

“I’ve asked the local tehsildar to talk to Iranian officials. I cannot confirm whether the killings took place on our or on the Iranian side of the border.”

Bodies of the two men were buried in Taftan. Officials didn’t identify them. Iranian border guards, however, alleged that they were drug traffickers – a claim disputed by local residents who said they were shepherds.

Iranian authorities stepped up security along the border with Pakistan following the killing of over a dozen Iranian border guards in an ambush in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan province.
Commander Says Police Managed to Squeeze Terrorists to Borders
October 27, 2013 - 17:55

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's border police commander said strict control over border areas has invited terrorist attacks, including the deadly one on Friday, as his forces have cut the lifeline of drug traffickers and bandits, and added that the armed groups rely on the support of some countries.

"Since we focused on controlling these regions, there have been different threats on the part of armed groups and bandits against border guards. Due to the measures of the border police, we now see that such threats are carried out closer to the border," said Major General Hossein Zolfaqari in a meeting with border guards from across Iran.

Zolfaqari said the Friday ambush on border guards was not a lone incident as he said since late last year (Iranian calendar) “there have been dozens of attacks against our border forces, in many of which the bandits had to flee the region after sustaining high casualties.”

The border police commander further said regions like Saravan, close to the border with Pakistan, had in the past been used as routes for the transfer of terrorists and different types of trafficking, and that the reaction of the armed groups reflects their frustration.

He added that the terrorist groups operating in the southern regions of the country are supported by regional and transregional countries.

"According to the existing information two countries give financial support to such groups while three others provide them with intelligence... As a result of measures we have done to control the borders, it is difficult for bandits and armed people to carry out raids without (foreign) support," Zolfaqari added.

On Friday evening, a group of armed men carried out an ambush attack on a border post in Gazbostan, near Iran’s southeastern city of Saravan, on the border with Pakistan which has almost no control over its side of the shared frontier with Iran.

Fourteen Iranian border guards were killed and six were wounded in the terrorist attack, while the armed assailants took three soldiers hostage in the raid.

In a message published on Saturday, October 26, President Rouhani urged the country’s interior minister to immediately form a special committee in cooperation with the law enforcement authorities in order to deal with such cases, and asked the minister to submit a report on the terrorist attack as soon as possible.

Iran’s Deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs Ali Amir Abdollahi said on Saturday that the interior ministry and the foreign affairs ministry are jointly pursuing the case.

Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement in February, intended to take strict measures to combat terrorism as well as human and drug trafficking and other activities posing a threat to the national security of either country.

On Saturday, Iran's foreign ministry delivered an official note of protest to Pakistan's chargé d'affaires in Tehran over the deadly attack on Iranian border guards said to have been carried out through the Pakistani territory.
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