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14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

The problem with being so "politically correct" about "profiling" Muslims is that too many deeply religious Muslims harbor a desire for violent "defense" of their religion and their Prophet. The fact is that deeply religious Muslims are the most likely subgroup in Western societies to act out their anger by killing defenseless non-Muslim people nearby to them. The fact is that Islam carries within its holy book, and within the recounted stories about its Prophet, justifications for this violent behavior. Profiling of Muslims as potential terrorists is simply a normal, human self-defense mechanism.
Earlier I had read that Pakistani Americans are from different social class and well educated, integrated, law abiding unlike those in UK (drug peddling, child grooming Mirpuri types in UK).

But now I doubt that claim.

And just yesterday some Pakistani American here on PDF was talking about starting some Muslim neighbourhood watch group in his locality.
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But this was not expected from a woman who is a mother herself.

Typical Indian taking enjoyment in the sad story. As your so concerned about the welfare of women, why were people from your country cheering when a Indian wife of an alleged ISI operative said she'll give her child away?

So spare us your fake sympathies for POLICTICAL motives. I've read your posts, Pakistan this, Pakistan that and she didn't renounce her nationality, blah, blah as if we give a damn about her.

She is a typical INDIAN wife who stands by her INDIAN husband even when he's doing wrong!
Typical Indian taking enjoyment in the sad story. As your so concerned about the welfare of women, why were people from your country cheering when a Indian wife of an alleged ISI operative said she'll give her child away?

So spare us your fake sympathies for POLICTICAL motives. I've read your posts, Pakistan this, Pakistan that and she didn't renounce her nationality, blah, blah as if we give a damn about her.

She is a typical INDIAN wife who stands by her INDIAN husband even when he's doing wrong!

Yeah continue.
The problem with being so "politically correct" about "profiling" Muslims is that too many deeply religious Muslims harbor a desire for violent "defense" of their religion and their Prophet. The fact is that deeply religious Muslims are the most likely subgroup in Western societies to act out their anger by killing defenseless non-Muslim people nearby to them. The fact is that Islam carries within its holy book, and within the recounted stories about its Prophet, justifications for this violent behavior. Profiling of Muslims as potential terrorists is simply a normal, human self-defense mechanism.

Sounds like you're quoting the Zionist-Talmud. Having read comments on here it was about a Christmas party disagreement and he went home angry and told his wife. I guess it was something about avenging her honor and she came back to take care of her honor as well.

No indication of religion or anything else. If he was a devout person he wouldn't have done this murderous act.

I salute the religion that turns a mother of a 6 month kid into a crazy fanatic.

She is a typical INDIAN wife who stands by her INDIAN husband even when he's doing wrong! Why were people from your country cheering when a Indian wife of an alleged ISI operative said she'll give her child away?
My off the shelf answer would be. Lack of identity creating vacuam that has been filled in by Islam. Thus the rootless individuel starts identitfying on just one aspect of his heritage. This makes feretile ground for pan Islamic causes and with Wahabism being peddled very effectively by Saudi Arabia you get the finished robotic product.

The blame for this lies squarely on the Pakistani state which has made deliberate effort to erase the identity of Pakistani people. It has been most effective in erasing the Punjabi idenitity followed by Pashtoon identity. The Mohajir's always fell on religion as a identifier. Why else would have have moved huge distances to a strange land? That was nartural.

What is not natural is how the state deleted Punjabi, Pashtun and to a degree even Sindhi identity replacing it with a manufactured Islamic identity without any roots. This is apparent even on this forum. In fact do a survey. Asked who you are every other nation will reply - Turk, Iranian, Afghan, Jordanian but Pakistani's will say "Muslim".

As I always say drive through a Pakistani neighbourhood in UK with 50,000 people and you will struggle to see the "P" word. That is indicative of a deep identity issue, a malaise that Islam has filled but the Islam they picked up was infected with jihadism and anti West narrative.

This leads to predicatable results.
These arguments do not hold up when you expand the 'sample size' and take into account religious fanatics from Morocco, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia or Central Asia. The majority of non-Iraqi and non-Syrian ISIS fighters are not Pakistani, they are from various Arab and Central Asian nations.

I can't see a consistent and rational correlation between individuals suffering from tensions between their nationalistic and religious identities and the decision to massacre and maim innocents in the name of 'Islam'. The kind of mindset that justifies the enslavement, rape and murder of children has far deeper ideological motivation and justification.
The problem with being so "politically correct" about "profiling" Muslims is that too many deeply religious Muslims harbor a desire for violent "defense" of their religion and their Prophet. The fact is that deeply religious Muslims are the most likely subgroup in Western societies to act out their anger by killing defenseless non-Muslim people nearby to them. The fact is that Islam carries within its holy book, and within the recounted stories about its Prophet, justifications for this violent behavior. Profiling of Muslims as potential terrorists is simply a normal, human self-defense mechanism.

The present case will be studied in minute detail, and lessons learned will be applied, of that I have no doubt, Sir.
and they're automatically muslims.
yelling allah akbar while shooting down their aks.
The problem with being so "politically correct" about "profiling" Muslims is that too many deeply religious Muslims harbor a desire for violent "defense" of their religion and their Prophet. The fact is that deeply religious Muslims are the most likely subgroup in Western societies to act out their anger by killing defenseless non-Muslim people nearby to them. The fact is that Islam carries within its holy book, and within the recounted stories about its Prophet, justifications for this violent behavior. Profiling of Muslims as potential terrorists is simply a normal, human self-defense mechanism.
I've been making this argument more forcefully since the Paris attacks, that the current interpretations of Islam and the attitudes promoted by Islamic scholars need to be reformed. Specifically from a Pakistani perspective, the intolerance and essentially outright justification for violence and terrorism in the name of 'blasphemy against the Prophet' and 'Ahmadi's worshiping a false prophet' needs to end outright. These attitudes and beliefs essentially create 'exceptions' within which murder and terrorism is acceptable, and in my view once an individual accepts this and believes such an 'exception' to be ideologically justified, it's easier to extend that ideological justification and motivation to more and more acts of violence that may or may not have any link to the original justification.

The Muslim world (Islamic scholars in particular) need to address the problems inherent in the Hadith. There are some rather depraved hadith in the books, and merely calling them 'un-authentic' or 'less authentic' is no longer acceptable. The Hadith need to be brought in line with the Quran and those hadith that justify violence, murder and prejudice stricken from the books.

A follow-up action to the above needs to be support from progressive Muslim organizations (government grants for research might be another way of funneling support) for progressive Islamic scholars that have been ostracized and shunned by the wider Muslim community for arguing against prevailing interpretations of the Quran.
First of all RIP to fallen....

I would like to see bit more info before i comment..
Its very unusual for an organised terror plot...
But that does not mean its not....
Husband and wife with 6 month old daughter.... i mean what the £uck...
With usual terror isis taliban plots there are usually multiple teams multiple shooters
Its the responsibility of American Govternment and Media to come and support muslims against hate crime and dont give terrorists opportunity to influence the minds of retarded muslims, the more the they push muslims towards isolation the more they are helping terrorists

Then they should just stop importing Muslims.
i don't think this has anything to do with religion.
the act is purely non religious and definitively maniacal
US should re establish and reform it's gun policy.
one after another incidents like these all leads to the prime cause of the abuse of the use of weapon policy in the US.
Then they should just stop importing Muslims.
This particular individual was born and bred in the US - a stop to 'importing Muslims' will not have stopped him and will not stop any others like him. They need to start supporting progressive Muslim scholars and find governments and organizations in the Muslim world that are willing to work with them to fund research and promotion into progressive interpretations of Islam.
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