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14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

Let's hear your theory, but only if you can accept the risks of doing so.

Muslims in general had seen their Pinnacle of Power somewhere in medieval times for e.g. Ottoman,Mughals,Arabs etc.From 11th to 16th century ,they were global powers if not superpower and west were in dark ages.However after enlightenment and industrial revolution,West has dominated the world since then.

Now Muslims as a society are in confused state and every one has his theory of what went wrong.Some says we have to follow modernism like Christian did and some are saying we have strictly follow religious books to acheive lost glory. ISIS and Talibans are the highest manifestation of latter thinking.ISIS is just a medieval Muslim group transported into 21st century.

Muslims need to see why they were global power in more rational way. In 10th century, Kuran has some radical ideas for its time e.g. Equality for all,monotheism,widow remarriage etc. In addition to philosophical base , Arabs had assimilated all the knowledge which was existed in that time of world.There was nothing called western knowledge.Knowledge was just knowledge.Islam became religion of masses and of oppressed.

Similar thing was done by West from 16th centuary.They created new radical philosophies like Darwinism,free will and protestantism(enlightenment) and acquired knowledge by themselves or otherwise.These ideas were more radical than what was enshrined in Kuran.

Communism was even more radical than western Capitalism, that is why it has challenged later for a half a century but has its flaws.

Muslims in general had seen their Pinnacle of Power somewhere in medieval times for e.g. Ottoman,Mughals,Arabs etc.From 11th to 16th century ,they were global powers if not superpower and west were in dark ages.However after enlightenment and industrial revolution,West has dominated the world since then.

Now Muslims as a society are in confused state and every one has his theory of what went wrong.Some says we have to follow modernism like Christian did and some are saying we have strictly follow religious books to acheive lost glory. ISIS and Talibans are the highest manifestation of latter thinking.ISIS is just a medieval Muslim group transported into 21st century.

Muslims need to see why they were global power in more rational way. In 10th century, Kuran has some radical ideas for its time e.g. Equality for all,monotheism,widow remarriage etc. In addition to philosophical base , Arabs had assimilated all the knowledge which was existed in that time of world.There was nothing called western knowledge.Knowledge was just knowledge.Islam became religion of masses and of oppressed.

Similar thing was done by West .They created new radical philosophies like Darwinism,free will and protestantism(enlightenment) and acquired knowledge by themselves or otherwise.These ideas were more radical than what was enshrined in Kuran.

Communism was even more radical than western Capitalism, that is why it has challenged later for a half a century but has its flaws.


There is nothing preventing the Muslims from following the same path to success except their own ignorance and bigotry. Their present condition is no one else's fault but their own.
There is nothing preventing the Muslims from following the same path to success except their own ignorance and bigotry. Their present condition is no one else's fault but their own.

I think that petroleum oil is a curse on Muslims.That oil has made Saudi and Irani rich.

Other Muslims are following them.Even Saudi and Irani gives money to follow them.

So Muslims has bad role models. For mining , all you need is a dozen skilled or semi skilled labourers but to make a jet engine you need whole society.
Terrorism is 'possible' in San Bernardino shootings, Obama says

President Barack Obama says it's possible the mass shooting in California was related to terrorism, but that authorities still don't know. He says it's possible it was workplace-related or that there were mixed motives. (Dec. 3) AP

Many in Pakistan say that Aafia Siddiqui was illegaly detained by USA for her microbiology researchs.
Watch the video you will get your answer:

I think that petroleum oil is a curse on Muslims.That oil has made Saudi and Irani rich.

Other Muslims are following them.Even Saudi and Irani gives money to follow them.

So Muslims has bad role models. For mining , all you need is a dozen skilled or semi skilled labourers but to make a jet engine you need whole society.

The real curse on the Muslims is ignorance, nothing else.
Why ignorance and ignorance from what ?

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge that cripples present-day Muslims in everything from religion to science, and just about everything in between. We just like to pretend we know everything when in fact we know next to nothing.
Ignorance is the lack of knowledge that cripples present-day Muslims in everything from religion to science, and just about everything in between. We just like to pretend we know everything when in fact we know next to nothing.

I agree .

I was asking what is the reason for this strange behavior ?
I agree .

I was asking what is the reason for this strange behavior ?

This is not strange behavior, it is quite natural to dream about good days when the reality has been rendered too unpalatable by one's own foolishness, while blaming everyone else.
@Neutron and all men, women or heck other of good will, especially since Advent has begun :


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and this carry along version with the explanation for slow buddies :


And good day all, Tay.
that petroleum oil

Your on the ball there. Drugs in society are bad, bad in many less than apparent ways. We all know about the bad effects on indiviuels taking them. However there is another wider damage done to society.

Drugs means money. Lots of money. This money ends up in hands of thw wrong sort of people. With the illgotten gains the gangsters flaunt, cars, women, designer clothes and the dazzle catches the eye of all the youngsters in these neighbourhood. The drug gangsters become models that all rest aspire to. The effect of this is pernicious on society because being doctor, accountant or getting a education is not the ideal. Breaking the law becomes acceptable and cool.

In similar way but on far larger scale the effects of oil in the hands of the most conservative and backward Muslims, that is of the Arabia peninisula ensured that they would get to define Islam over large population of the Muslim world in particular those Muslim's with weak sense of identity. Pakistani's being prime case.
Your on the ball there. Drugs in society are bad, bad in many less than apparent ways. We all know about the bad effects on indiviuels taking them. However there is another wider damage done to society.

Drugs means money. Lots of money. This money ends up in hands of thw wrong sort of people. With the illgotten gains the gangsters flaunt, cars, women, designer clothes and the dazzle catches the eye of all the youngsters in these neighbourhood. The drug gangsters become models that all rest aspire to. The effect of this is pernicious on society because being doctor, accountant or getting a education is not the ideal. Breaking the law becomes acceptable and cool.

In similar way but on far larger scale the effects of oil in the hands of the most conservative and backward Muslims, that is of the Arabia peninisula ensured that they would get to define Islam over large population of the Muslim world in particular those Muslim's with weak sense of identity. Pakistani's being prime case.

lot of societies/cultures/religions/sects have mention of drug use in their rituals, in very intricate detail.
Main points came out from investigation till now:

Denver to Host 2016 RedState Gathering...click here for more information and to Register Today

BREAKING Developments in the San Bernardino Shooting
By: Leon H. Wolf (Diary) | December 3rd, 2015 at 01:24 PM | 5


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The San Bernardino PD (represented by Chief Jarrod Burguan) FBI (David Bowdich) and County Sheriff’s just held a joint press conference that included a number of breaking developments that will change the way this story develops. Stated briefly, here is new and relevant information that the police have thus far uncovered:

  • Per the FBI, Farook had indeed traveled abroad, and returned to the United States in July 2014. They do not know all the countries he visited, but they know at least Pakistan was on the list of visited countries, as well as Saudi Arabia. They have evidence that Farook was radicalized at some point and had been involved with known overseas terrorists.
  • Farook was an American citizen, and his wife was here legally on a valid K1 (fiancee) visa.
  • They suspected Farook based on a tip they received from one of his coworkers who reported erratic behavior at the holiday party at work. They found out that Farook had rented a black SUV that matched the description of the one owned by the shooters. Following that lead led them to Farook.
  • A search of Farook’s house found extensive explosive materials (including materials for 12 pipe bombs), thousands of rounds of ammunition of various types, and evidence of extensive planning.
  • All four of the guns involved in the shooting were legally purchased – the two handguns were purchased by Farook, but the two rifles were not purchased by Farook. They haven’t disclosed who the purchaser was or what the connection to Farook might have been.
  • The police initially held a third suspect on suspicion that they were involved in the shooting of the SB police officer during the standoff; however, they determined that individual was not involved in the shooting and discharged them after booking them on a misdemeanor warrant.
  • They are still investigating the existence of other possible co-conspirators.
  • They cannot confirm that the attackers used GoPro cameras, or any other cameras, as has been previously reported.
  • They have been in contact with some of Farook’s family members, who have been cooperative and participated in interviews
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