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14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

These terrorists who happened to be muslims attacked a center for those having disability with learning. For what reason, no one is quite sure yet. Should these attack be lead to terrorism, which it eventually will, then the Right Wingers and Anti-Islam leagues will have a picnic day.
All Arab. All tied into the Palestine cause. This is to be expected. These are one people divide by colonial drawn straight lines on the map.
Even Pakistanis are 'tied into the Palestine cause', but none see themselves as Palestinian.

This link between an identity struggle and wanton, evil violence is tenuous. I'd argue that the main impact from such a conflict, with religious identity winning, is ideological support for a 'caliphate', along the lines of the HuT. But even here the 'conclusion' is largely a 'rational' one when we analyze it 'broadly' (it falls apart on specifics).

The ideological support for a caliphate is rational (on the surface) because it purports to 'unify' around a billion people, leverage shared resources (human and natural) with the end result of a strong, advanced and 'Utopian' Islamic Caliphate. But where does random, unjustified and unprovoked violence against innocents fit in here?

You qadiyanies are as bad as the Indians. Using this sad tragedy for your own political ends. Shame on you! There is no relevance between the Murders in Amrka and blasphemy laws. The laws stays and move on.
Shia+Sunni family actually, thank you very much.

And perhaps you could actually try to rationally counter the arguments I made instead of actually validating my arguments by resorting to a 'foaming at the mouth display of personal attacks and prejudice'.

To simplify my point - the connection between terrorism perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam and Blasphemy laws and anti-Ahmadi laws is that the laws in question and the attitudes they engender essentially justify terrorism and violence, 'so long as it is directed against those who dishonor the Prophet Muhammad'. You see that? This is a loop-hole.

Islamic Scholars and Muslims are basically arguing that Terrorism and violence is OK as long as it's directed against the likes of Salman Rushdie, Charile Hebdo editors, Danish cartoonists, Salman Taseer etc. Once people have mentally justified terrorism and violence in those cases, it becomes easier to justify it against broader targets perceived to be supportive of those specific cases.
between terrorism perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam

The Islamic scriptures never condoned the murder of civilians, so I don't know what terrorism you're talking about. Be specific so I can answer you.

If someone attacks our country in the name of Christianity, does it make it Christian terrorism? No! It was a lone act of criminality. If the act of terrorism was carried out by billions of them then we can generalize and say it's a religious issue.

This is a loop-hole.

There are no loop-holes. Our problem is we don't have a unified Muslim state and a unified Islamic legal body. Now a days, like on PDF people copy and paste without ANY Islamic knowledge and giving fatwas.

If you can do this then why do we waste our time spending YEARS in madarasa learning different sciences to understand the quran? People spend years becoming a doctor and they would NEVER question him/her on the the diagnosis. If you don't like the opinion go to someone else who is qualified, but stop coming out with DIY opinions.

This is our PROBLEM! The disunity.
What madrassa is teaching different sciences to understand the Quran?

So funny! You made cross the board statement as ALL madaris don't and now you want to know what sciences?

Before I tell you what sciences do you know and name me a Madarassa that doesn't? Obviously you must have a madrasa in mind.
An american born muslim shoots his work colleagues in US..how is it related to qadiyanis is beyond me....

Why can we not wait to see what if any connections this lunatic had with pakistan before declaring qadiyani official religion of this country...

Many thanks...

Stay on topic
These terrorists who happened to be muslims attacked a center for those having disability with learning. For what reason, no one is quite sure yet. Should these attack be lead to terrorism, which it eventually will, then the Right Wingers and Anti-Islam leagues will have a picnic day.

Let us wait for all the facts to be established, Sir. USA will remain a civilized society where rule of law is equal for all its citizens.

Then they should just stop importing Muslims.

There can never be a religious test or standard imposed for immigration, by US law.

The problem with being so "politically correct" about "profiling" Muslims is that too many deeply religious Muslims harbor a desire for violent "defense" of their religion and their Prophet. The fact is that deeply religious Muslims are the most likely subgroup in Western societies to act out their anger by killing defenseless non-Muslim people nearby to them. The fact is that Islam carries within its holy book, and within the recounted stories about its Prophet, justifications for this violent behavior. Profiling of Muslims as potential terrorists is simply a normal, human self-defense mechanism.

You will find this story relevant, Sir:

Neighbors of San Bernardino shooters 'noticed them acting suspiciously' | Daily Mail Online

Neighbors of husband and wife San Bernardino shooters 'noticed them acting suspiciously but did NOT report them for fear of racial profiling'
  • Syed Farook and wife Tashfeen Malik were 'receiving packages' and 'working at strange hours in their garage' according to their neighbors
  • But neighbors feared reporting them in case it was merely racial profiling
  • It has since emerged Farook and Malik had 12 pipe bombs in the house
  • The couple shot 65-70 rounds at Inland Regional Center on Wednesday
  • They had 12 pipe bombs, tools to assemble bombs, 2,000 9mm rounds, and over 2,500 223 rounds stored at their suburban home, according to the FBI
Shooter in California massacre was in touch with terror subject | New York Post

Syed Rizwan Farook, who killed 14 people in San Bernardino during a shooting rampage with his wife, visited Pakistan lat year and was in contact with more than one international terrorism subject whom the FBI was already investigating, sources and officials said on Thursday.

“He was in touch with others here that the FBI was looking at, and he very well could have been radicalized. But I’m not sure how major those other targets are,” the source said.

Other law enforcement sources told CNN that Farook’s apparent radicalization contributed to his motive, but that other things — like workplace grievances — also may have played a role.

He contacted the terrorism subject via social media and over the phone, CNN reported.

Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia two years ago as part of a hajj pilgrimage, which devout Muslims are required to do at some point in their lives, according to law enforcement sources.

Farook also visited Pakistan last year, according to David Bowdich, the assistant FBI director in charge of the Los Angeles office.

In July 2014, Farook returned to the US from Pakistan with his future wife, Tashfeen Malik, who entered the country on a K-1 or fiancée visa on her Pakistani passport, The New York Times reported.

Meanwhile, San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said Thursday that Farook and Malik, fired as many as 75 rifle rounds at the scene and left behind an explosive device rigged with three pipe bombs with a remote-control device – though it failed to detonate.

It apparently malfunctioned, Burguan said at the latest press conference.

told USA Today that they were bought in San Diego. Authorities are investigating their unnamed buyer.

Meredith Davis of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives said investigators are working to make a connection to the last legal purchaser. All four guns were bought four years ago.

The rifles involved were powerful enough to pierce the standard protective vest worn by cops, she said.

California requires paperwork when guns change hands privately but many other states don’t, she added.

By all accounts, Farook was leading the “American dream” as the married, US-born son of immigrants, with college degrees, a middle-class job and a newborn daughter.

according to ABC News.

The then-single Farook also noted that he didn’t smoke or drink.

Farook claimed he grew up in Chicago in a “religios [sic] but modern family of 4” and that he enjoyed “doing target practice with younger sister and friends” in his backyard.

Both Farook and Malik were of Pakistani descent.

While colleagues described Farook, who recently sprouted a beard, as deeply religious, he never talked about his faith at work.

“He never struck me as a fanatic, he never struck me as suspicious,” said Griselda Reisinger, who worked alongside the killer before she left the agency in May.

A man named “Syed Rizwan Farook” last went to school in 2013, at nearby Cal State Fullerton. Farook attended for one semester in the graduate program for environmental engineering, but he never attained his graduate degree, school records showed.

“We do not know and cannot confirm whether this is the same individual referenced in today’s news reports,” university spokeswoman Paula Selleck told the Riverside Press-Enterprise.

The couple’s loved ones can’t understand how they flipped out.

“I am in shock,” Farook’s brother-in-law Farhan Khan told reporters at a hastily called press conference at the Council on American-Islamic Relations in nearby Anaheim. “We all are just completely shocked. We had no idea something like this could happen.”

In another development, it emerged that Farook’s life while living with his parents was troubled.

In 2006 divorce filings, his mother detailed a violent marital history in which her children often had to intervene.

Rafia Farook said her husband of 24 years was physically and verbally abusive and was “negligent and an alcoholic,” according to documents filed in Riverside County Superior Court.

Her husband, she said, forced her and three of her children to move out. They moved into an Irvine residence.

Later, in multiple requests for domestic-violence protection, Rafia Farook detailed the maltreatment she said she encountered and that her kids witnessed: Her husband had once drunkenly dropped a TV on her. Another time, he pushed her toward a car.

After a drunken slumber, he shouted expletives and threw dishes in the kitchen.

“Inside the house he tried to hit me. My daughter came in between to save me,” she said about one incident. Police were not called to the home, she said.

“He is always mad,” she said. “Screaming on me, shouting at my kids for no reason. … My son came in between to save me.”

It was unclear if she was referring to Syed Rizwan Farook, who at the time was 19 and living with her, according to documents.

Meanwhile, 10 shooting victims are being treated at two hospitals.

San Bernardino County spokeswoman Felisa Cardona told The AP that all five patients at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center were in stable condition Thursday morning.

One other patient left the hospital after being treated Wednesday, she said.

Loma Linda University Medical Center is treating five patients — two in critical condition and three in fair condition, CEO Kerry Heinrich said.

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the Justice Department will be offering “any and all assistance necessary” as the investigation continues.
Stories of those who died in the mass shooting in California

Nicholas Thalasinos, 52, identified as a Messianic Jew and passionately defended Israel, actively debating about religion in online forums and in person, his friends said. Only two weeks ago, Thalasinos was having a heated on-the-job discussion about the nature of Islam with Syed Rizwan Farook, his fellow restaurant inspector and the man police identified as the shooter.

Thalasinos' friend, Kuuleme Stephens, said she happened to call him while he was working with Farook, and that he brought her into their debate, loudly declaring that Farook "doesn't agree that Islam is not a peaceful religion." Farook countered that Americans don't understand Islam, and Thalasinos responded by saying "I don't know how to talk with him," she said.

Stephens said she didn't sense any pending violence at the time, and it is not clear if their debates factored in the attack. Stephens said Thalasinos did not believe his co-worker would ever turn violent. However, his wife Jennifer said "she believes her husband was martyred for his faith and beliefs," Stephens said.

Nicholas and Jennifer Thalasinos had recently renewed their marriage vows, and they appeared together frequently on his Facebook page.

"He was a wonderful person," said Joey Shimoni, another friend. "A great husband and just a sweet soul."
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