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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

Killing Afgan soldiers is not the solution as they aren't the actual culprits. If we start killing cultural workers and their partners in Afghanistan in retaliation then things will start to fall in line.

Look At This.This Is The Cap Worn By Frontier Corp

Exatcly, taliban kill more of them every other day then Pakistan will kill today.
Yeah,these cowards surviving on bones thrown to them by US and India can do nothing and how come they fight Talibans who f*ked up USA and NATO.
British soldiers call them "drunken cowards".
Just look at their bravery.....!
Sergeant Michael Elgie, 28, from the Army Air Corps, was in Sangin with 10 ANA soldiers in July when they were repeatedly attacked.
The company was eventually joined by a British infantry platoon which helped defeat the enemy.
When asked what he thought of the ANA he replied: “They were not particularly good.
“We had contact one day so I was firing back and there were no rounds going down the range. I looked to my left and right and they were crawling for cover.”
Sgt Elgie said the soldiers were also using narcotics while in Sangin: “There was a drug problem in the ANA. Some of them were smoking hashish while others were smoking something stronger.”
I predicted the exact same thing or might even say foretold this morning would happen.

Political leverage provided to undermine the security establishment.

The game stays on i guess.

Only clears the way for people to realise why raddul fassad has everyone portrayed as soldiers of Pakistan.

Realisation is needed not enlightenment.

Perservation of the State is the Highest Virtue.

Pak State is fighting assets not only without but also within.

The owners of the assets always want to have maximum returns on their investments. Especially from within...since these are highly managable... greater leverage.

By discrediting or trying to discredit the Pak State and its security arm the antagonists are doing their last ditch efforts to achieve what the opposing strategic partnership agreed upon.

I also fear more pressure points opening for Pak State... LoC, new wave of terrorism in Pak, combined with further leasks.... who knows...

Enemies plan... and Pak State counter plans...

How difficult it could be for Pak State to award permanent happiness to those assets within?

Pak State must Act. Creativity and innovation in application of counter intuitive plans needed.
Well, most forum members already know my position on Afghanistan. I have said it a million times and each time I'm proven right.

Anyone who still believes in brotherhood BS with Afghanistan is simply in denial.

RIP to the deceased and may Allah give us the strength to do whatever is right to avenge these deaths. That is all there is left to say. All we can do is hope.
No we don't.

You should. When rancid singh started off, entire villages in Indian Punjab were cleared of Muslims. Wiped out.

In what is now Pakistani Punjab, they treated Muslims like absolute filth. Desecrated mosques, killed them. Badshahi mosque was turned into a horse stable.

Sikh punjabis treated Muslim punjabis like enemies. I'm not even going into partition days.
Assume: If you are locked up in a room and you see, at one corner there is a Black Mamba (One of the most venomous snake on earth) and at the other corner there is an Afghan. Take my advice, go for the Afghan first. Because you can expect a snake to be more loyal than these #Haram_Khor_Kom.
Assume: If you are locked up in a room and you see, at one corner there is a Black Mamba (One of the most venomous snake on earth) and at the other corner there is an Afghan. Take my advice, go for the Afghan first. Because you can expect a snake to be more loyal than these #Haram_Khor_Kom.

You are 100% correct, but try convincing our leaders. They will certainly go for the Black Mamba first. They will trust the Afghan like they always have.

I hate to say this, but in a perverse way this attack is needed. Our fvcked up leaders need to be humiliated and destroyed before they grasp reality. Coming to grips with reality is not our strongest suit. We have hosted these Afghan snakes for decades and we all know what we got in return. Despite these realities we like to pretend that Afghans are our brothers in Islam and what not. This latest blatant massacre of our innocent people is enough proof, but I guarantee you that we have people among us that will still sing the old broken record of Afghan brotherhood.

Well I got some news for you. I would trust a crocodile before an Afghan.

Closing the border and repatriating Afghans isn't enough anymore after this attack. Now we must attack and destroy terror bases in Afghanistan as well. We must penetrate inside Afghanistan and destroy terror infrastructure that is hell bent on destroying Pakistan. That is right folks. We got one more action to undertake. It is not a matter of choice, but necessity. Failure to do so will result in more innocent deaths on our side.
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I don't know what plan we have for Afghanistan/Wakhan corridor? Why our special forces don't operate deep inside Afghan soil? and if they do, why such attacks happen?

Is it too hard to understand that India-Afghanistan are playing together against us?

Why there is no buffer zone with such shithole? China has bufferzone called North Korea...

When you have such nasty place, occupied by whole world, you need some classy permanent measures rather than getting slapped/getting caught by surprise, loosing your civilians/soldiers...

Mine...Electric fence...leave high voltage current in that...Stop visas for Afghans...We don't lose anything even if we cut off our relations with them...

If Pakistan will not act like a big/regional power, we are bound to be humiliated...

Rip to our civilians and speedy recovery to injured ones.
Bro we have so many assets in Afghanistan, that one would probably lose count, in regards to todays incident, it is a very long border, these things can happen on occasion after all we are dealing with a very immature and unprofessional and highly unpredictable military in the ANA.Kudos
I have want to hear what that coward Nawaz Sharif has to say after this massacre. Didn't this coward reopen the border when the Pak army had closed it down?
First of all RIP to dead on both sides. A shameful and regrettable incidence.

This is how the events unfolded according to Afghan side

You should. When rancid singh started off, entire villages in Indian Punjab were cleared of Muslims. Wiped out.

In what is now Pakistani Punjab, they treated Muslims like absolute filth. Desecrated mosques, killed them. Badshahi mosque was turned into a horse stable.

Sikh punjabis treated Muslim punjabis like enemies. I'm not even going into partition days.

Seems like the mods love to delete my posts and warn me while leaving Pakistani members alone so I will probably get banned for this but those were Hindu Dogra troops under Ranjit Singh not Sikhs. Sikhs and Muslims got along fine barring partition.

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