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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

This isn't my point of view brother, my friend's uncle is Kandahar's governor and he told me the story when I asked him questions. At the beginning I also thought that India may be some how behind this because of the latest incident occurred in LOC but you see those APCs captured are well inside Afghan village; what Pakistani census has to do inside an Afghan village.

I am saddened for whatever happened today.
Afghan sources are very contradictory. When the census team was fired upon, PAKISTANI CIVILIANS around the team, were killed or injured - that obviously hints that they were in PAKISTANI territory.

If your story is true, then why are we transporting injured 'Afghan civilians' from an 'Afghan village' (where the Census team was attacked) to a 'Pakistani hospital'. That makes absolutely no sense.

FC personnel escorting the team was most likely ordered to retreat, for the safety of the census team. It seems there was one abandoned APC which was later burnt and destroyed. I could be wrong; but the FC does not use that type of APC and the blue color is used for the police, why would the police be in Afghan territory? The Toyota truck was used to transport the census team and was abandoned as well.

Afghan forces advanced, captured the census team's vehicles and took the village. FC units in the area retaliated and drove out the Afghan forces and took it a step further by taking the fight into Afghan territory and capturing several villages to create a buffer zone, that is when Afghanistan asked for a ceasefire which was accepted by Pakistan shortly after. However, apparently; fighting is still going on in some areas according to locals living there and reporting the ordeal on social media handles.
Instead of an aerial reply we should go for a massive mortar strike we need to treat Durand line like loc

Exactly. but we lack LOC like Infrastructure on Pak-afg border. we should work on that too.
First RIP to the deceased and speedy recovery to the injured.

Second, I as an Iranian know how you guys should feel, because we also lost 9 border guards to terrorists coming from Pakistan border. Yes, the very same incident Pakistani members who are raging against Afghanistan now denied any responsibility for, and even went further, started accusing Iran for random things.

This is a double standard that should be considered here.
I'm sure Syrians Yemenis Iraqis and Lebonese feel the same when Iranian revolutionary guards are ravaging through their lands.
First RIP to the deceased and speedy recovery to the injured.

Second, I as an Iranian know how you guys should feel, because we also lost 9 border guards to terrorists coming from Pakistan border. Yes, the very same incident Pakistani members who are raging against Afghanistan now denied any responsibility for, and even went further, started accusing Iran for random things.

This is a double standard that should be considered here.

Stupid remarks ... you are comparing an act of terrorist criminal elements with act of uniformed gov operated forces who attacked in a planed manner ...

First go and ask your gov what the hell Ozair Baloch (most wanted balochi terrorist) was doing with Irani passport ... how come Kulbushan is operating from Iran by supporting terrorists in Pakistan ... Iran is fully supporting terrorist activites in Balochistan and due to this restleness if some terrorists attack your border forces then you make a mess out of it ... dont you have any crime inside your borders ?

Stop exporting terrorism to Pakistan and you will be equally beneficial ...
First RIP to the deceased and speedy recovery to the injured.

Second, I as an Iranian know how you guys should feel, because we also lost 9 border guards to terrorists coming from Pakistan border. Yes, the very same incident Pakistani members who are raging against Afghanistan now denied any responsibility for, and even went further, started accusing Iran for random things.

This is a double standard that should be considered here.

Well here is the difference or maybe there is no difference considering the war lord thugs of Afghanistan.

The Afghan border police wilfully opened fire on civilian census team and then started bombing the villages. Here is the kicker. They didn't deny it. They wilfully stated that they shot at the census team. So border police acting like terrorists is a bit different especially considering they, after getting a response and themselves calling for a ceasefire have now opened fire on torkham during the peace deescalation talks.

Thanks for the sympathy. Really. But you can't compare the two.

Quite frankly the treachery is getting out of hand. If God had given me a power to take away one of out neighbors. It wouldn't be India but Afghanistan. These guys are insane and obsessed. 40 years of war and division and they want more.
First RIP to the deceased and speedy recovery to the injured.

Second, I as an Iranian know how you guys should feel, because we also lost 9 border guards to terrorists coming from Pakistan border. Yes, the very same incident Pakistani members who are raging against Afghanistan now denied any responsibility for, and even went further, started accusing Iran for random things.

This is a double standard that should be considered here.
terrible anonolgy

How is the incident same as the iran border thing? did Pak army gun down iranian army personal? Or did Pak army start shooting civilians holding census.

2 completely different incidents
My intention was to show you the paper cuttings, so that you know false claims and propaganda pieces are published from your side also, that too fooling an entire nation. :(
propaganda during war are part of war.
But in this case source of Pakistani casualities are doctors from the nearest hosptital. Afghans on this forum have accepted 14 dead soldiers.
whole world media is reporting from Pakistan side of the border with exclusive images.
After the post of Afghan forces were destroyed at Chaman border they took refuge in civilian homes.

First RIP to the deceased and speedy recovery to the injured.

Second, I as an Iranian know how you guys should feel, because we also lost 9 border guards to terrorists coming from Pakistan border. Yes, the very same incident Pakistani members who are raging against Afghanistan now denied any responsibility for, and even went further, started accusing Iran for random things.

This is a double standard that should be considered here.
You should understand the situation before you speak about it.
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