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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

By the way wasn't isn't this the same Gen Raziq whose guest room was bombed and bombs were planted in the sofas of his own guest room.

Poor UAE ambassador had to pay price with his life because of this loser.

Its the same Raziq who is the best buddy of Mahmood Achkzai. Our political elite is completely compromised and filled with snakes. From PM house to politicians.

As for Raziq, I am not sure how this r@ndi ka bacha is not neutralized by ISI. He is an open enemy of Pakistan. Pakistan special forces should do a black op on his sorry arse, capture him alive and send him to firing squad. Make a horrible example out of him.
Who told Pakistan never retaliated or ANA didn't started the offensive ?? All that are news and available in multiple print and digital media, but can you please provide a single credible source to substantiate your claims ???? Especially the following, that's my question ?????????????? :)
our media is not indian media which talks about retaliation and your army rejects it.
our media has been reporting from war zone in chaman and exclusive videos have also emerged. The fact that afghans who started it begged for ceasefire.
From the same garden, however.

The ones handling NDS and ANA are the same sympathisers and friends of NS.

'Afsosnak' is all NS had to say about the death of 9 Pakistanis and 40 injured!

I won't say that NS will have ANA trigger an attack on civilians on his whim but I will agree that the government's damning silence on the matter is shameful.
To all complaining about @BHarwana ... he was the first one to report pak civilian casuality at 7... when all mainstream media was saying 1 casuality and he also correctly reported casualities rising to 9 before media reported it ... and currently he is saying 11... while media is not reporting so...

He might have said few things which were either taken out of context or not entirely correct..

And take it from me he has reported news here on this forum before same was broken by mainstream media

Give him a break
This is a sad reality for Pakistan. India has significant influence over Afghans who will resort to violence on the orders of Hindustan. Pakistan cannot do anything as it has failed to secure the border over the past 16 years and will continue to have a lazy slow lethargic response over security on its western and south western front. India can openly fire into Pak killing innocent children going to school in Azad Kashmir, Afghanistan can shoot and kill innocent Pakistani villagers and Iran can also fire mortars into Balochestan killing tribesmen. Open border policy will continue to haunt Pakistanis for generations to come.
To all complaining about @BHarwana ... he was the first one to report pak civilian casuality at 7... when all mainstream media was saying 1 casuality and he also correctly reported casualities rising to 9 before media reported it ... and currently he is saying 11... while media is not reporting so...

He might have said few things which were either taken out of context or not entirely correct..

And take it from me he has reported news here on this forum before same was broken by mainstream media

Give him a break
Casualties are 11 currently.

If we seal the border ministers like Khooja Asif. The illliterate, uneducated, earthy, dirt of gutter with screwed a$$ plays back-door policy to open the border. This Khawaja Sarah or you can also call him a Hijra (Eunuch) and other ministers who are doing businesses in Afghanistan must be hanged.
It's shameful that Pakistan didn't retaliate to an extent where they should have killed at least 100 for every single Pakistani who died and 50 for every injured Pakistani. These pu$$y tactics won't lead Pakistan to anywhere.
afghanistan have accepted 14 dead soldiers. and while 37 are killed. i usually read stuffs given by their media from last 5 years like 150 taliban killed 1 soldier died. but on ground taliban are capturing more area and clearly seems winning.

Pakistani, Afghan troops exchange fire on border, several killed

By Gul Yousafzai | QUETTA, Pakistan
Pakistani and Afghan troops exchanged fire for several hours on Friday along their disputed border, officials on both sides said, as tension between the neighbors flared into deadly violence.

Pakistan's military said a census team - guarded by troops from its Frontier Corps (FC) - that was collecting population data in a village near the border town of Chaman came under fire and at least one person was killed and 18 wounded.

Zia Durani, police spokesman for Afghanistan's Kandahar province, said Pakistani officials were using the census as a cover for "malicious activities and to provoke villagers against the government".

"They did not heed the warning and we have clear orders to engage them," Durani said, adding two Afghan border police were wounded.

Kandahar police chief General Abdul Raziq said 40 Pakistani soldiers and 37 others were killed, including 14 Afghan border police. Reuters was unable to confirm the figures.

Violence ceased later in the day and officials from both sides were due to meet at the frontier, the Pakistani military said. Pakistan's foreign ministry summoned the Afghan charge d’affaires to protest at what it called unprovoked firing.

The Chaman crossing into Afghanistan's Kandahar province is one of two border points. A doctor in a Chaman hospital told Reuters three people had been killed in the fighting.

Relations between the countries have been uneasy since Pakistan's independence in 1947. Afghanistan has traditionally enjoyed better ties with Pakistan's rival, India.

Afghanistan has for years accused Pakistan of sheltering Afghan Taliban militants, something Pakistan denies.

Pakistan's military said Afghan border police had been "creating hurdles" since April 30 for the census team in the Chaman area.

"This was done despite the fact that Afghan authorities had been informed well in advance and coordination was carried out through diplomatic and military channels for conduct of the census," the military said.

Tension has been increasing in recent months with each side accusing the other of not doing enough to stop militants engaging in cross-border raids.

Last year, Pakistan started building a barrier at the main border crossing in the town of Torkham, near the Khyber Pass, angering Afghanistan which has never formally recognized the colonial-era Durand Line border drawn up in 1893.

(Additional reporting by Syed Raza Hassan in Karachi and Hamid Shalizi in Kabul; Writing by Drazen Jorgic; Editing by Robert Birsel and Robin Pomeroy)
villages captured. 50 attackers killed . these are reports from local sources in balochistan. the afghan forces left their several posts. mainstream may downplay

Another way to look at it, those Afghans who wake up this morning as Afghan citizens in divided villages are now Pakistani citizens. Afghanistan can now kiss goodbye to these captured villages.
You served when!!!! 2007-2011 that's the height of terrorism in pakistan. I am talking terrorist holding swat and on the gates of Islamabad. You should share the stories of your experience here.

I've actually shared my experiences on many threads, haven't compiled them anywhere though. And yes, I served in Bajaur (Op Sherdil, Pak's first major anti-terror offensive) and then was assigned to Op Rah-e-Rast, by accident, as I like to call it, when I was offloaded there from my heli to make room for a casualty. I spent the night there fighting to retain control of the Swat Golf Course whose sand pits had been used to accommodate Arty. The area had been surrounded by the TTP and they were trying to overrun our position. We survived, was able to take the next sortie out about four days later and was back within two weeks, some officers were pleased by the way I conducted myself under siege (something I got used to in Bajaur) and asked me to be assigned to them. That tenure was only for about a year though.
Reading above i wud put afghan casuality at 40 or above
what an absurd logic.

They rely on second hand knowledge from people like me and @Spring Onion. I assure you my logic is sound. You can hear everything about how wonderfully romantic a city Paris is from someone who has heard about it from friends but you can only truly come to appreciate it when you see it for yourself.

They NOT journalists

My bad, I forgot you would take offence to such an insinuation :lol:
@django @El Sidd @Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye @DESERT FIGHTER @Max @Windjammer @Irfan Baloch @Areesh @Major Sam


Today india attacked Pakistan on the place and time of its choosing. Today india killed innocent Pak Citizens.

It saddens me deeply so see the loss of lives of innocent Pak Citizens. May their Souls find Peace.

I also have no doubt in the ability of Pak FC and regular Forces to clean the mess up.

Please, just close that bloody border...nothing good is going to come out of that region...only filth.

I am deeply disappointed in the Pak political class for not countering the indian game. Pak Army is there to Protect..it is the job of politicos to define national counter strategy. Total failure!

All Eyes on Kashmir! From Balochistan comes the Freedom of Kashmir.

Close the bloody border, please!

We will respond accordingly at a time and place of our choosing bro, those Afghan posts are on borrowed time and indeed the border needs to be closed.Kudos bro
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