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12 best tanks in world


So you think everyone but you is an idiot.......yes I have been on armored vehicles.....I have had limited declassified access only as I am a lawyer not a soldier and yes I know Infantry support is vital and vice versa where have I contradicted that again your comprehension of the language is extremely weak and you miss quote a lot and no I am not a grammar Nazi but since you tried to match my awesome sarcasm :) I had to hit that point home.......tanks are not invincible.....I know that and nowhere have I contradicted that.....

Once again, my language, dude, if you are running out of stuff to say, then you should shut up, it's not of any gauge from someone's else language for their knowledge.

I hardly believe a Lawyer can have such crap level of English Competency too. Shall I go on about it?

The crux of my argument.

The M1 Abrams is not the best tank in the world and what you geared your posts towards was 'No It be okay Tank it perform excellent' which it did not......period and the Americans realize that but you stuck to your point. I do have fundamental concepts of combat in general just not as restricted as from a command copula thus my remark "that's the difference between a colonel and lower ranks" I can see the bigger un adulterated picture without bias or favor.


But on the other hand, you seems to have a mission to destroy the M1 Abrams Reputation when it come down to it.

let's recap, shall we??

This is what I said in Post 76

As I said, there are more to just compare a single entity on any tank in the world, undoubtedly I will much rather getting in a Leopard 2 than Abrams if I am going to run down a busy street. But if I am in an open ground, I would much rather getting in an Abrams.

Does it mean M1 is the best??

What I said is, tank should not be compare in a single Dimension. You do that, you fail. However, you sir say this

Extensive combat footage shows that the M1 Abrams isn't worth squat in urban warfare thus the US military's reliance on fast moving and tough Bradley IFV's Now I know both products are entirely different all I am saying is that all American weapons have ever faced was out dated Vietnam era equipment or upgrades thereof.....

By the way, you are wrong too, US does not use Bradley in urban warfare, we uses M113 in the beginning in Iraq and Stryker at the closing stage. Bradley will be called from time to time but by far is NOT A RELIANCE as you put it

BY the way, I have absolutely no idea on this

"'No It be okay Tank it perform excellent"

Care to explain this phase a litter? Law man

By the way my country kicked this purchase option due to its inherent design and cost effectiveness failures....its a great tank.....but only when you have unlimited resources.

And no I am not telling you to change your unit tactics....again weak comprehension of the Queens English.....I reiterate bub a successful western Army will not face open opposition and know that Infrared and other spectrum scans have led to the political debacle called Wikileaks and the killing of roughly an average of 20 innocents for that one radio wielding two bit insurgent commander....the results are concluded on the basis of analysis from specialists at Centcom who being human make mistakes.

And I reiterate that you cannot assume the west will not ever fought a conventional battle to peer or near peer enemy.

And should we not use Infrared and Thermal imaging BECAUSE OF WILILEAK?? Is it what you suggesting??

This paragraph alone see that you have NO KNOWLEDGE how a battle field work. Do you know how short the window you can strike and not everytime you get a chance to verify your target. Sometime a strike is just a strike, and you cannot expect mistake will not ever happen. I too want to fight in a war with no civilian casualty. But is it possible??

And then about my English, should I start correcting your English too?? Mr Law man??

As for Point 5.........again please do you have no concept of electronic restriction......seriously......seriously na you are pulling my leg aren't you.....

Western arms exporters upon request of Nato govts. restrict electronic equipment [radios, range finder , computer , laser emitters etc etc] so that they cannot achieve certain protocols....that includes failure to engage Nato forces....they can and will use all such "Built in" restrictions to implement damage control thus your needless worry of being attacked....don't worry Fritz wont attack anymore he is gay now lolololololol...he will try to buy you though lols...Kudos Angela Merkel......and no tanks will fight in open environments but not just near your neighborhood and they wont be much use in South Asia as any serious invasion by India or vice versa will have nuclear consequences.....the M1's speed and range might never ever be tested against real opponents...

What you are referring to is called Kill code. This is more than a common myth, if it does happen, do you think Iran will still fly the F-4 and F-14 we sell them in the 80s?

I don't really know where your Military knowledge is coming from, Tom Clancy novel perhaps??

And saying stuff like this

the M1's speed and range might never ever be tested against real opponents...


Where have you been in both Gulf war, and war in Afghanistan??

Where have you been in Battle of 73 Easting in 1991??
Battle of 73 Easting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where have you been in Battle of Medina Ridge in 1991??
Battle of Medina Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where were you in Battle of Phase Line Bullet in 1991??
Battle of Phase Line Bullet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Were you asleep?

And where were you when we, I AM doing the THUNDER RUN with the Armoured with the 3rd Infantry Division??
Battle of Baghdad (2003) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

M1 may never be tested with real opponent is a joke, right?? Or you are saying the Iraqi Republic Guard elite medina division is not a REAL opponent?? Then could you kindly show me how Pakistan do them. Please, I am begging you

About the Melt away snide comment......you ever seen intel folks?......I have....and they breed special units to track down said molten people....and they rarely succeed....and that's exactly the reason why civilian contractors with lesser liabilities and more how shall we say free reign are brought into the picture......people melt away and Eric finds them or at least tries his best.

I was a Battalion S2, I WAS THE PEOPLE OF INTEL. Do you know how people can disappear without a trace in Iraq?Do you know how to interrogate people?? Man, you don't want to know what I know.

Civilian contractor my arse, I done more job for them then they ever have done for us. Don't lecture me on how to get intel on someone, considered you and then me, you are like an infant can't even talk yet.

In All, absolutely no value on any of your post. The more you post only let people know how weak you were. And all you can do is to attack my English..........lololololololol
i still think merkava should not be in the list because if it faces Alkhalid T 90 or leopard too most times merkava will end up in a scrap
So why don't you go take care of the Israel problem for your brothers? You all seem to think you are more than capable. Or is it hot air?
So why don't you go take care of the Israel problem for your brothers? You all seem to think you are more than capable. Or is it hot air?

You should ignore generalizing idiots who know nothing.....exactly what I am gonna do....otherwise I might be threatened with 'disappearance'
Okay so every other military like ours is composed of idiots and that you are William shake spear and lots of threats about how you can make people disappear isn't it.....and no ones attacking your language it stemmed from your misquoting of my posts and you know it you think threats will solve your problem. And as for the contractors are idiots who need their '***** saved' so again you just made Eric Prince and the rest of DOD look like idiots which they aren't they might be civilians some of them but those people know what they are doing.....your contractors are exponentially increasing in number...and again more threats on how you interrogate people.....I am starting to think that you are joshing you know why because first you were vehemently cavalry and now upon being pressured you have turned into a recon specialist.....I know that people opt for courses throughout their carriers in and that they do change outfits but when it becomes conversation specific then skepticism does take root.

First of all. You did attack my English language skill and you kept on attacking without any point added.

Secondly of all, civilian is ALWAYS civilian, undoubtedly some of them are quite capable, but without the military resource, THEY CAN DO NOTHING. Again, you watch too many novel.

Third of all, being in Cavalry does not mean you do not need intel gathering, EVERY UNIT IN THE US ARMY have intel specialist, we called them Battalion S2. I am a trained cavalrymen (Which by the way, cavalry mean task is to recce for armoured column) does not mean I cannot be an intel (I never ever say recce) specialist. The fact that you don't know this show how little you know with the Military.

Lastly, the increase of contractor in both Iraq and Afghanistan is mostly based on commercial need, NOT MILITARILY NEED. You have private contractor over there for logistic, security and construction, YOU NEVER SEE PRIVATE SECTOR ENGAGE IN INTELLIGENCE GATHERING, MILITARY OPERATION IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN.

As for the kill code thing. I did not get it off any Tom Clancy novel I personally happen to think he is an over rated idiot who doesn't make sense half the time. I got it off a relative who was one of the first Pilots to fly the first batch of F-16's and then later went on to be one of Pakistan's best Pilots....And you actually use Wikipedia for stats and stuff???

You actually believe US official would tell Pakistan if they put kill code in their F-16, so Pakistani can take it out and reverse engineering a by-pass program?? Well, what kind of lawyer are you??

And if you don't like Wikipedia link, how about link from US Military (.mil)

Battle of 73 Easting - http://www.benning.army.mil/Library/content/McMasterHR CPT_Battleof73Easting.pdf
Battle of Medina Ridge - Desert Shield/Storm Poster Text
Thunder Runs of Baghdad - DefenseLINK News: Remembering the 3rd Infantry Division's Thunder Runs

How about that, authority enough for you??

and yeah lawyers don't do 'hereunder' and 'thereunder' without cash.

And yeah Saddam's T-72 and the 'Elite' republican guards were total hogwash.....for God's sake man he didn't allow radios aboard his tanks for fear of a military coup. And the elite Medina division....well that was the Iranians at work wasn't it you just took credit of their activities....and there was nothing dadgum elite about them anyways. They were a bunch of baby killers and nothing else and I do think you deserve thanks for hanging Saddam and his goons.

lol if you say so........Then it must be true. Well, I guess only Pakistan Armour is the best in middle east. Everyone else is just baby killer, right??

Oh and please do correct my 'Engush' it be very deadin in ing.

And again where did I say Bradely is a 'reliance' it is effective though vulnerable but the main gun chops bad guys up just right and the Stryker hehehehehehe again with the additional armor slats M113 is solid and where did I say it wasn't used?

First of all, it's Bradley, not Bradely. Second of all, I never said you say Bradley is Reliance, you said US reliance on Bradley for Urban Combat. Which I quote your post #63

Extensive combat footage shows that the M1 Abrams isn't worth squat in urban warfare thus the US military's reliance on fast moving and tough Bradley IFV's

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-forum/23284-12-best-tanks-world-5.html#ixzz2VjZtJMHb

which the statement is, simply, FALSE.

And no I will not and never have been in any conflict in fact I intentionally didn't join the Pak army.....instead I will get a PHD in strategic studies from Yale and then move your strings.....as for the ones you quoted I was busy playing with Lego and happy about it.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-forum/23284-12-best-tanks-world-8.html#ixzz2Vja9cBwU

lol come back when you get the degree from the clown college, thank you
We did reverse engineer a bypass for the coordinates restriction problem....at least we think we did, said restrictions were in respect to coordinates so that F-16's wouldn't be used to harass India which was pretty much needless....I still have my doubts....and yeah our army is the best in the middle east Saddam's guys were and still are baby killers and bullies and terrorists its good what they got and I hope the gift keeps on giving.....wow Yale is clown college dandandaaaaaaa......and no I said I know there are intel specialist courses which soldiers take every now and then you my friend seem to have all of them under your belt as conveniently as the changing tides of our conversation.....and okay so the private sector is just here in the thousands for planting daisies in Iraq and AFPAK nice......very very nice.....in fact funny even.......by the way thanks for the typo correction....and so the US never relied on a single Bradley IFV for anything?......and yeah I like my Lego......

I don't really know why you have the right to attack someone else's language and Grammar when yourselves did wrote crap.......

1.)Yale is Clown college is a common saying in respect to Yale Medical School. If you are to start a course in Yale, you will know, so I doubted you are even going to Yale to beginning with.

Old saying, if you have to ask, you did not belong here.

2.) You army is NOT the best in middle East, Egyptian and Jordanian Armour is the best in middle east. I would also need to rate Saudi Arabian Army before Pakistan. I would say then Iraqi Republic guard can give your armour a run for your money.

3.) I never change the title, do you even know how a US Army soldier was trained?? I am an Intel Specialist in an Cavalry Unit, that does not contradict anything. If you are saying I change my title conveniently along the argument. When you progress to certain rank, you get into the "Staffer" position, then you got to retrain, does that mean you are not a cavalrymen anymore?? No.

Or you really do think even a colonel in armoured division still riding in and out in an armour? What kind of lawyer are you??

4.) Do you actually know what "THE PRIVATE SECTOR" is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan?? They build school, build mosque, building road, provide security for said work force, provide security for foreign embassy, provide logistic transport for supply to run in and out of IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.

Again, read up a bit, it won't kill you.

5.) Bradley is primary used for transport troop ALONGSIDE with the Armour, so you can do "when armour conquer, infantry unload and defend"
I don't really know why you have the right to attack someone else's language and Grammar when yourselves did wrote crap.......

1.)Yale is Clown college is a common saying in respect to Yale Medical School. If you are to start a course in Yale, you will know, so I doubted you are even going to Yale to beginning with.

Old saying, if you have to ask, you did not belong here.

2.) You army is NOT the best in middle East, Egyptian and Jordanian Armour is the best in middle east. I would also need to rate Saudi Arabian Army before Pakistan. I would say then Iraqi Republic guard can give your armour a run for your money.

3.) I never change the title, do you even know how a US Army soldier was trained?? I am an Intel Specialist in an Cavalry Unit, that does not contradict anything. If you are saying I change my title conveniently along the argument. When you progress to certain rank, you get into the "Staffer" position, then you got to retrain, does that mean you are not a cavalrymen anymore?? No.

Or you really do think even a colonel in armoured division still riding in and out in an armour? What kind of lawyer are you??

4.) Do you actually know what "THE PRIVATE SECTOR" is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan?? They build school, build mosque, building road, provide security for said work force, provide security for foreign embassy, provide logistic transport for supply to run in and out of IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.

Again, read up a bit, it won't kill you.

5.) Bradley is primary used for transport troop ALONGSIDE with the Armour, so you can do "when armour conquer, infantry unload and defend"

you just repeated almost everything I said.....about the IFV's and tactics of 'infantry support' roles and again saying stuff which I never said to begin with like that colonel remark....assumptions assumption assumptions......similar is the case with your specialist status again misquoting I already know cross training and adding war courses does not change ones unit although I do have my suspicions regarding credibility of as everything just pops up with the conversations flow yadda yadda yadda............hahahahahahahahah so you really think everyone is blind as to what the private sector does very original that's the first one I have read regarding private military contractors.....all those dungeon master scenes and reports by critically acclaimed journalists and retired army guys who actually took part in said contractor units have been just thrown in the trash heap very nice.....

And if you don't ask how do you know your there? duh

and "Saddam's" Iraqi military was crap.....even the so called elite divisions.....as for the Saudi's....again check how many of our guys are on 'deputation' status within their forces......as for the Egyptians....they lost every battle , conflict and Fishing operation against one of the worlds [in my opinion the best army of the world] best army the Israeli army......Syria is being held up by Hezbollah guys...Bashars men and 'elite' units have all run to their homes in Europe.....most of those armored vehicles are being piloted by competent Iranians and Hezbollah fighters....so yeah the Arab's cant fight for ****.
you just repeated almost everything I said.....about the IFV's and tactics of 'infantry support' roles and again saying stuff which I never said to begin with like that colonel remark....assumptions assumption assumptions......similar is the case with your specialist status again misquoting I already know cross training and adding war courses does not change ones unit although I do have my suspicions regarding credibility of as everything just pops up with the conversations flow yadda yadda yadda............hahahahahahahahah so you really think everyone is blind as to what the private sector does very original that's the first one I have read regarding private military contractors.....all those dungeon master scenes and reports by critically acclaimed journalists and retired army guys who actually took part in said contractor units have been just thrown in the trash heap very nice.....

And if you don't ask how do you know your there? duh

and "Saddam's" Iraqi military was crap.....even the so called elite divisions.....as for the Saudi's....again check how many of our guys are on 'deputation' status within their forces......as for the Egyptians....they lost every battle , conflict and Fishing operation against one of the worlds [in my opinion the best army of the world] best army the Israeli army......Syria is being held up by Hezbollah guys...Bashars men and 'elite' units have all run to their homes in Europe.....most of those armored vehicles are being piloted by competent Iranians and Hezbollah fighters....so yeah the Arab's cant fight for ****.

Honestly, I have difficult reading the whole things.......

Really, from someone who constantly trying to say my English is not "Gooder" enough, you really have a funny way of writing.

Are you really a lawyer? Or you are drunk most of the time??

Really, can you come back and post once you are sober??
M1A1 was offered by US,during Zia era, demo in Kharian and it was attended by Zia. But it was mainly rejected because of its weight and few other technical reasons.

It could hit only few targets successfully out of 10 as I saw on Discovery.
How can you rank somthing which is not officially in service...Arjun is dead project, making few tanks just to motive DRDO. Otherwise extreme waste of resources. It happened when when country try built somthing with imported items from multiple countries. Importing best equipment doesn't mean that they will synchronize with you final product....

Above post in 2009.

So proving it wrong Arjun was successful and 120 Arjun Mk1 inducted in Army.

300-400 Arjun Mk2 might be added later.
I honestly think that tank warfare is on its way out from future military strategists and planners .
Here my list the top tank in the World: evaluate the basic criteria of the last generation MBT, including the ability to combat day and night, fully equipped appliances optical image observation (daytime) and infrared (night)

No.1 : T-90S/MS – Russia


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The T-90 is a Russian main battle tank and presently the most advance tank in service with the Russian Ground Forces and Indian Army. A T-90 tank is worth $2.23 million as of in January, 2007. It entered service in 1992.

Notable features and specifications:

The T-90 uses the tank gun and 1G46 gunner sights from the T-80U
Protective measures include Kontakt-5 ERA anti top-attack capability (ERA bricks on the turret roof provide protection from top-attack weapons, except tandem warhead)
It is equipped with Laser warning receivers
It has EMT-7 electronic pulse (EMP) creator for the destruction of magnetic mines, jammer radio link ATGM
T-90MS can accurately fired almost 100% on target at a distance of 5 km in any operational conditions
Equipped with the observed complex optical, electronic ensure performance regardless of day and night (Early models of the T-90 were equipped with the TO1-KO1 BURAN sight but later models T-90S were upgraded to use the ESSA thermal imaging sight, which allows for accurate firing to a range of 5000–8000 m using the CATHERINE-FC thermal camera produced by Thales Optronique.Catherine FC Camera allows efficient target identification in different lighting conditions, both day and night. This camera is designed to be mounted on the optical-electronic modules can be mounted for compact carrying any)
Early models of the T-90 were equipped with the TO1-KO1 BURAN sight but later models (T-90S) were upgraded to use the ESSA thermal imaging sight, which allows for accurate firing to a range of 5000–8000 m using the CATHERINE-FC thermal camera produced by Thales Optronique. The gunner is also provided with the 1G46 day sighting system which includes a laser range finder, missile guidance channel and allows tank-sized targets to be detected and engaged at 5 to 8 kilometres (3.1 to 5.0 mi). The driver users a TVN-5 day and night sight. In 2010, Russia started licensed production of Thales-developed Catherine FC thermal imaging cameras for T-90M tanks, a Russian daily said.These thermal imagers are also present on T-90M "Bhishma" build in India under license
It emit dense smokes/fragmentation charge by Arena APS (anti ATGM IR/Optics/laser tracker, homing system/ block locking image, top-attack, as CLU’s IR system tracked Javelin or Hellfire laser guide)
It is armed with TShU-1-7 Shtora-1 infrared/laser SACLOS ATGM jamming system, automatically rotate the barrel tank to attack threats
2 system Arena & Shtora can launchers arranged in a semicircle around the turret front
Equipped chaff/flares, also automatically released when APS be trigger , preventing threats such as smart bombs and radar-guided missile, infrared-guided weapons
It is operated by 3 crews
Its combat weight is 46.5 tons
It features a 4-stroke V-84ms diesel engine with 849hp.
The fuel capacity of this battle machine is 1,600l.
The range is 650km on paved roads and 500km on unpaved.
The tank reaches a speed of 65 km/h, range of 650 km.
It weighs 46.5 tonnes
It is 9.53 meter long
Can fire Refleks-M/AT-11b 9K119M 5-8 km
12,7mm or KORD add RCWS system
One T-90A was reportedly hit by 7 RPG rounds and remained in action at Chechnya

Leopard 2A6/2A6M/2A7+ – Germany


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The Leopard 2 is the main battle tank of Germany. It entered service in 1979. It first saw combat in Kosovo with the German Army and has also seen action in Afghanistan with the Danish and Canadian ISAF forces. The Leopard 2 is one of the most expensive tanks in the world where a single unit is worth US$4.5 million (Leopard 2A6).

Notable features and specifications:
The Leopard 2A6 includes a longer L55 gun, an auxiliary engine, improved mine protection and an air-conditioning system.
Leopard 2A6M features additional protection against land mines and has a number of other enhancements foe improved survivability.
It features digital fire control systems with laser rangefinders
It has a fully stabilized main gun
It is equipped with coaxial machine gun
It has advanced night vision and sighting equipment
It has the ability to engage moving targets while moving over rough terrain.
It can drive through water 4 meters deep using a snorkel
It can climb vertical obstacles over one meter high.
It is powered with a turbo-charged multi-fuel V12 diesel engine that produces 1,500 PS
It weighs 62.3 tonnes
It has a length of 9.97 meters
It has a width of 3.75 meters
It is operated by 4 crews
It can reach a speed of 72 km/h
FLW 200 remote control, or can be mounted machine gun 1 5.56, 7.62 or 12.7 mm, 1 automatic grenade launcher 40 mm.
Equipped with many more external sensors modern. To crew could see everything on the battlefield in all directions, both day and night.
Armor of Leopard 2a7 + module able to protect the crew when tripped mines or improvised explosive devices.
Duell-Kit armor capable of protecting the front of the kinetic energy ammunition and shaped charge.
The ratio RHA world's highest, though not inclined sloping armor design as Russian tanks
Leopard 2A7 a proposed upgrade package for existing MBTs, which includes additional armor, additional cameras for long-range surveillance, advanced command and control equipment and some other improvements.

T-84-M – Ukraine


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Designed by KMDB (Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau) in Ukraine, based on Russia's last main battle tank, the T-80UD, the T-84 Oplot-M is the newest and most sophisticated main battle tank operated currently by Ukrainian Army. Most visible features are the installation of dynamic modular armor, codenamed "Nozh 2" and the PNK-6 panoramic tank sight. The T-84 Oplot is an advanced version incorporating an armored ammunition compartment in a new turret bustle, the T-84-120 Yatagan is a prototype model intended for export, mounting a 120 mm gun capable of firing standard NATO ammunition and guided missiles. Although based on the prototype T-80 tanks of the Soviet Union (former) but Oplot Ukraine T-84 turret welded production of Western-style box, with the fastest speed in the world.

Notable features and specifications:

It has a 26 hp/t power-to-weight ratio (compared to 18 hp/t of the contemporary Russian T-90
It is designed to perform well in hot climates, and even includes an air-conditioned crew compartment
It weighs 46 tonnes
It has a length of 7.086 meters
It has a width of 3.775 meters
It has a height of 2.215 meters
It is operated by 3 crews
It can attain a speed of 65 km/h
Ukrainian Kombat ATGM 5km
The T-84 Oplot-M is armed with a 125-mm KBA03 fully-stabilized smoothbore gun, fitted with a carousel-type autoloader. Secondary armament consists of a 12.7mm KT-12.7 series remote control heavy machine gun and a 7.62mm KT-7.62 series machine gun fitted coaxially with the main gun. Vehicle is powered by Ukrainian 6TD-2E turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1,200 hp. With its 26 hp/t power-to-weight ratio. It has inherited the nickname Flying Tank from the T-80. T-84 is considered stronger more than T-80U

Challenger II – UK


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The pride of the UK – the FV4034 Challenger 2, it is the main battle tank (MBT) of British Army and Oman. It is advertises as the world’s most reliable main battle tank. During the 2003 Invasion of Iraq the Challenger 2 tanks operating in the Gulf suffered no total losses to enemy fire.

Notable features and specifications:

Chobham armor: This type of composite armor was created from: Boron (an ore, known as primary materials to create armor for sure armored vehicles), aluminum oxide, silicon and titanium. This has helped the Challenger 2 can say that most of the championship on the field.
Armor is certainly capable of disabling virtually all types of anti-tank rounds, anti-tank missiles. Currently, no information is revealed about this armor by up to 99% of the design documentation, manufacturing is considered confidential and is the secret of the island nation Fog.
Dubbed the 'guardian angel', Chobham armor helped draft Challenger 2 populations of cities in Iraq in 2003. Also Chobham armor, Challenger 2 is equipped with explosive reactive armor (ERA).
It can survive 14 hits from rocket propelled grenades and from one MILAN anti tank missile (except top-attack).
Commanders on vehicles equipped SAGEM VS 580-10 with laser-guided and capable of raising and lowering to 35 degrees
The gunner on the vehicle is equipped with Thermal Observation and Gunnery Sight II (TOGS II), allowing temperature display, so shooters can see the shot correctly.
All devices are digitized Challenger 2, from steering systems to control weapons
A unit of Challenger II £4,217,000 or ~$7,921,000
It weighs 62.5 tonnes
It has a length 8.3 meters, 11.50 m with gun forward
Its width 3.5 meters
It is operated by 4 crews (commander, gunner, loader/operator, and driver)
It can attain a speed of 59 km/h
Challenger 2E: known as the export version. Challenger 2E equipped with new control arms, engine power up to 1500 kW (Hp)

M1A2 Abrams – USA


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Are you looking for the most powerful tank in the world? It’s right in front of you. The M1 Abrams is believed to be the most powerful tank in the world. This tank is an American third-generation main battle tank. The tank is named after Gen. Creighton Abrams, former Army Chief of Staff and Commander of US military forces in Vietnam from 1968 to 1972.

Notable features and specifications:

It uses a powerful gas turbine engine
Chohbam Armour
M1A2 SEP TUSK Slat can armour stop shape charged RPG-7VG.
The M1A2 SEP TUSK ERA can tiles stop 1 hit from ATGM (except top-attack).
It adopted a sophisticated composite armor
It has separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment for crew safety
It is one of the heaviest tanks in service – 62 metric tons
It is anticipated to be in U.S. service until the 2050s,
The tank reaches a speed of 67.72 km/h.
It costs US$6.21 million
Its achievements have been mainly due to the F-16C, F-15E, AH-64A and A-10 in Iraq

Type 99A2 – China (advertising and propaganda)


Type 99, a 3rd generation main battle tank operated by the Peoples Liberation Army of China, is the fastest tank in the world. The ZTZ99 MBT is considered one of the 12 best tanks in the world. A unit of Type 99 is worth ¥ 17,417,659 Renminbi, approximately US$2.5 million. It is also known as ZTZ-99 and WZ-123. The newest and much improve variant is the Type 99KM

It is currently the most advanced MBT in the People's Liberation Army. It entered the PLA service in 2001.

Notable features and specifications:

It is equipped with newer modular active protection system
It has a JD-4 active laser defense system !
It has more powerful engine
It is also equipped with a 155 mm gun capable of firing next-generation kinetic rounds !
It has sloped turret armor for increased protection
The driver's compartment is in the front
The fighting compartment lies directly behind the driver’s compartment
Its engine is installed in the rear.
It features a dual-axis stabilized 125mm/50-calibre ZPT98 smoothbore gun.
It carries Russian anti-tank missiles called 9M119 Refleks just 5km.
This tank can attain a top speed of 80km/h
It weighs 54 tonnes for Type-99G, 57 tonnes for Type-99A1, 58 tonnes for Type-99A2
It has a length of 11.0 meters and a width of 3.4 meters
It is operated by 3 crews

Leclerc – France


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The Leclerc is the main battle tank of France created by Nexter. It was named for Gen. Philippe Leclerc of WW II. It entered service in 1992 and is also operated by UAE – United Arab Emirates. The French Army has a total of 406 Leclercs and the UAE has 388. A unit of Leclerc is worth ₣ 29,000,000 in 1993.

Notable features and specifications:

It has a weight of 54.5 tonnes
It has a length of 9.87 meters
It has a width of 3.71 meters
It has a height of 2.53 meters
It is operated by 3 crews (commander, gunner and driver)
It can attain a speed of 71 km/h
Most expensive Main Battle Tank in the world

Merkava 4 - Israel


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The Merkava, which is means Chariot in Hebrew, is the main battle tank of Israel Defense Forces. A Merkava tank is worth $4.5-$5 million in 2006.

Notable features and specifications:

The turret assembly is located nearer the rear that gives the crew additional protection against a frontal attack.
The rear entrance’s clamshell-style doors provide overhead protection when off- and on-loading cargo and personnel.
It weighs 65 tonnes
It has a length of 9.04 meters
It has a width of 3.72 meters
It is 2.66 meter tall
It is operated by 4 people (commander, driver, gunner &, loader)
It can attain a speed of 64 km/h.

Arjun Mk2 – India


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Arjun is India’s main battle tank. An Arjun tank is worth US$3.8 million. Its name was taken from one of the main characters of the longest epic in the world from India, the Mahabharata.

Notable features and specifications:

It is equipped with a 120 mm main rifled gun with indigenously developed APFSDS ammunition which has capability of defeating superior armor
It has one 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun
It is also equipped with a 12.7 mm machine gun.
It is powered by a single MTU multi-fuel diesel engine rated at 1,400 hp
It can achieve a maximum speed of 70 km/h
It is operated by 4 crews: commander, gunner, loader and driver.
It has an automatic fire detection and suppression
It has NBC protection systems
LRF monitoring, ground positioning system
It has a weight of 58.5 tons
It has a length of 10.68 meters
Can use Israeli LAHAT ATGM
According to experts the Indian military, despite Arjun tank weighs very "massive" move 66 tons but like a "Ferrari" in the desert, even when comparing it to the tank owner human T-90S weighs 40 tonnes of Russian is also served in the Indian Army.
With 89 points change (which, the 19 point improvement) Arjun Mk II will be placed best MBT in the world. The most prominent feature of the upgrade is detailed thermal imaging night vision system. With this improvement, Arjun Mk II can operate both day and night.

CI Ariete – Italy


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The C1 Ariete is Italian Army’s main battle tank. This tank carries the latest optical and digital-imaging and fire-control systems, enabling it to fight day and night and to fire on the move. The first deliveries were in 1995, and the last occurred 7 years later in August 2002.

Notable features and specifications:

It is mounted with a 120 mm smoothbore Oto Melara cannon
It is also equipped with a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun
It also has a 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine gun manned by the tank commander.
It is 54 tonnes in weight
It is 9.67 meters in length
It is operated by 4 crews
It can attain a speed of 70 km/h


The PT-91 Twardy is a main battle tank designed by Obrum and manufactured by Bumar Labedy, Poland, to meet the requirements of the Polish and Malaysian Army. It is derived from the T-72M1 battle tank currently in service with the Polish Army.

The battle tank is manufactured by upgrading the T-72M1 with a dual-axis stabilised fire-control system, explosive reactive armour, a more efficient and powerful engine, and advanced automatic loader. The PT-91 entered into service in 1995.

Basically, the PT-91 Twardy was developed, based on the upgraded T-72M1 tanks, but Poland has been improving reliability by enhancing fire, safety for crew and high mobility . Meanwhile, the car remained low frame design of the famous Soviet tank line.

On firing, the PT-91 has a 125mm gun with automatic reloading system and 42 reserve rounds, shot speed is 10-12 play / min, a coaxial machine gun and a 7.62 mm rifle 12.7 mm machine room.

Regarding protection, PT-91 uses explosive reactive armor Erawa techniques developed by the Institute of Polish military help protect tanks from anti-tank missiles and RPGs. It is said to protect better than Kontakt-1 ERA of Russia's place in the slot between the bricks tighter ERA.

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PT-91 can reach a maximum speed of 60km / h, but can also operate at speeds of 7 km / h, very effective while on patrol with the infantry. Also it can be 2m and 5m deep wading (with snorkel).

M-95 Degman


The M-95 Degman main battle tank is a further development of the Yugoslavian M-84 MBT, which in turn is a version of Soviet T-72. The M-95 Degman was introduced in 1995, hence it's designation. Tanks upgraded to the M-95 Degman standard are designated as the M-84D.

The main Degman's improvement over it's predecessor is an application of new armor package. ERA blocks are mounted over the original composite/steel armor.
Vehicle is fitted with a 125-mm smoothbore gun, completed with an autoloader. This gun is made in Croatia and is slightly improved comparing with the Soviet 125-mm tank gun of the T-72.
The M-95 Degman has a rate of fire in 8 rounds per minute and fires three types of ammunition, including AP-FSDS, HEAT and HE projectiles. Autoloader holds 22 rounds, while the rest are stored in the combat compartment.
Secondary armament consists of coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun and a roof-mounted 12.7-mm MG. Additional upgrades are planned, including a new 120mm compact gun developed by RUAG Defence of Switzerland and few additional defensive and ECM, RCWS systems including LAHAT anti tank missiles.
Vehicle has a crew of three, including commander, gunner and driver.
The M-95 Degman main battle tank is powered by a turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1 000 horsepower. There is an optional 1 200 hp diesel power pack, as refurbished M-84Ds weight more than the brand new M-95. Vehicle is fitted with a self-entrenching blade.

AI-Khalid 2 MBT-2000


-1500HP Engine
* 125 MM With New Advanced auto loader/Stabilized gun [Pakistan Made by HIT]
* Highly sophisticated, Thermal,Night Vision, Infrared target acquisition suite, jointly developed with ASELSAN [Turkey], Sensor: laser ranging from 200 to 9,990 meters
Effective range: 200 to 7,000 meters
French Auto-tracking, interfaced with gunner station, firing four types of munitions, gunner’s thermal imaging sight, commander’s image intensification night vision sight, gyro-stabilized and UPS power supply system.
* New advanced,Integrated Battle Management System (IBMS) Jointly developed by ASELSAN/HAVELSAN & GIDS
* New active threat-protection system, upgrade from a "passive" one.
* It will be, one of the most heavily weaponized per tonnage of any tank in the world,being able to carry 49 125mm rounds, 1,500 12.7mm and 7,100 7.62mm rounds
* HEAT and APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot)
* Re designed Turret
* NBC protection.
Al-khalid MBT which provided compatibility with Ukrainian ATGMs such as Combat. Gun-launched, laser-guided anti-tank guided missiles can also be launched and two types are believed to be in use on the Al-Khalid, the Russian-designed 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper) produced in China under license and the Ukrainian-designed Combat, which may have been modified in Pakistan to incorporate a larger warhead.
Al-Khalid also fires a Pakistani DU round, the Naiza 125 mm DU round (armor penetration: 550 mm in RHA at 2 km). Al-Khalid is equipped with a muzzle reference system and dual-axis stabilization system. Elevation and azimuth control is achieved by electro-hydraulic power drives. The automatic ammunition-handling system for the main gun has a 24-round ready-to-fire magazine and can load and fire at a rate of eight rounds per minute.

Type-10 - Japan


The Type 10 Main Battle Tank is a "fourth generation" MBT adopted by the Japan Ground Self Defense Force as its new main battle tank in 2010, hence the designation "Type 10." With its powerful 120mm smoothbore cannon, it packs the same wallop as the previous Type 90 MBT, but in a smaller, lighter, and higher-tech package.

Autoloader with crew of three (Commander and gunner in the turret, driver in the hull).
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) that allows the tank to reach 70 km/h forward as well as reverse.
Hydropneumatic active suspension, which allows it to adjust its stance and absorbs recoil when firing.
Day/night sights mounted around the turret, providing a full 360° coverage as well as providing input to the C4I system.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) is the lead developer of the Type 10 MBT project.

Type 10 Main Battle Tank uses 120 mm smoothbore gun which was developed by Japan Steel Works. Japan Steel Works also manufactures Rheinmetall L44 120 mm smoothbore gun for the Type 90 MBT under licence.

Type 10 main battle tank will be able o use new ammunition which is called 'armour-piercing ammunition III'. It is also armed with coaxially mounted 7.62-mm machine gun and a roof mounted remotely controlled 12.7-mm machine guns.

Type 10 tank uses a new turret mounted sight which allows tank to operates 24/7 in all weather conditions. New Japanese tank uses sloped turret armor and with additional armor, Type 10 tank weighs about 50 tons.

The tank can “sit”, “stand”, “kneel” or to “lean” in any direction. This feature gives a number of advantages.

CI Ariete – Italy


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The C1 Ariete is Italian Army’s main battle tank. This tank carries the latest optical and digital-imaging and fire-control systems, enabling it to fight day and night and to fire on the move. The first deliveries were in 1995, and the last occurred 7 years later in August 2002.

Notable features and specifications:

It is mounted with a 120 mm smoothbore Oto Melara cannon
It is also equipped with a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun
It also has a 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine gun manned by the tank commander.
It is 54 tonnes in weight
It is 9.67 meters in length
It is operated by 4 crews
It can attain a speed of 70 km/h
MBT version for exports have increased protection system best in the world



The T-80U-M1 tank is protected against ATGW by:
– combined multi-layer glacis armor plating and combined filler of the turret armor;
– built-in explosive reactive armor protection of the hull and turret, and side skirts fitted with explosive elements;
– the Arena active protection system;
– the Shtora-1 optronic countermeasures system.

Arena-E Defensive aids suite

Simultaneous destruction of missiles fired from different directions
Automatic detection and destruction of incoming guided and unguided missiles, antitank grenades

The system has immunity to false targets

Receding targets, eg fired from own gun
Targets fired at the range of more than 50 m from the vehicle

The system incorporates the following engineering solutions:

use of a multi-functional millimetre radar with "instant" scanning of all protected sector to detect and track antitank targets;
use of focused instant-effect protective ammunition for aimed destruction of incoming targets;
control equipment, represented by a specialized computer that provides automatic control over radar operation and system as a whole, as well as device for serviceability control of the system and its integrated parts and units.

That covers a sector of 220-290 degree radar coverage around the tank. Upon detection of the target from a distance of 50m, the mortar radar controller, meeting room shooting down explosive to destroy targets at a distance of 25m. With many stocks of ammo (25 boxes), the damage of bullets, safety comes infantry.

Arena E system can intercept targets with velocity from 70-700m / s, the response time between two discharges from 0.2-0.4 seconds, so the efficiency of the system is reliable.

Arena-E provides an effective protection against many types of anti-tank threats, from RPGs to fast missiles such as Hellfire and TOW, Javelin.


The various requirements imposed on the tank and the wide range of targets, featuring different levels of protection and presenting different degrees of danger to the tank itself, have generated the need to equip the tank with up-to-date weaponry to engage ground and air targets at a distance of up to 5,000 m.

The armament of the T-80U-M1 Bars tank is represented by a 125mm 2A46M-4 smoothbore gun/launcher stabilized in both planes. Because of the gun's increased rigidity, the firing accuracy has been improved by 20 percent, while major assemblies and parts of the dependable 2A46M-1 gun currently in production have been retained.

The tank's modern fire control system, designated 1A45, includes a laser range finder, a wind sensor, a tank speed indicator, a target speed indicator, a roll angle sensor, ammunition and surrounding medium temperature indicators, and a ballistic computer. In combination with the unique running gear that provides for the smooth running of the vehicle, this system permits the crew to deliver fire effectively while moving cross-country at a speed of 35 km/h with the tank's turret facing in any direction. As regards this parameter, the T-80U family of tanks are unrivalled.

In action, fire is controlled by a gunner, but the gun laying and sighting devices installed in the tank enable the crew commander to determine a high priority target, aim at this target independently of the gunner, and, after pressing the "Target designation" button on the control console, turn the turret as required, bring the gunner's sighting line into coincidence with the target, or take control of the gun ("Override" mode), and engage the target.

The probability of hitting an armored or low-flying target with a laser beam riding missile at a distance of up to 5 km is almost 100 percent. The guided weapons system, designated 9K119, features increased noise immunity and is noted for ease of operation and maintenance.
The T-80U-M1 tank can be outfitted with an IR gunner's sight, called Buran, or a thermal imaging sight (Russian-made Agava-2 or foreign made).

The thermal imaging sight allows the gunner and commander to fire the 9M119 guided missile both during the day and at night.
The tank is equipped with an automatic loader, which provides for a firing rate of 7 to 9 rnds/min. It should be noted here that all foreign tanks, except Leclerc (France), are not outfitted with an automatic loader. The capacity of the carousel conveyor of the T-80U-M1 tank is 28 rounds, while that of the French Leclerc and Russian T-90 is 22 rounds.

Maneuverability and speed

The T-80U-M1 Bars tank is propelled by a 1,250 hp multifuel gas-turbine engine equipped with hydrostatic transmission. The specific power of 27.2 hp/t provides for the vehicle's high maneuverability and is much greater than that of foreign and other Russian tanks.
As the torque potentialities of this engine are much higher than those of the diesel engine, the probability of its sudden stoppage under an excessive load is excluded and the frequency of gear shifts when the tank moves on rough terrain is reduced.

GTD-1250 gas-turbine engine

High dynamic and acceleration characteristics allow the tank to escape a danger zone quickly. The tank accelerates up to a speed of
50 km/h within 17 to 19 s and makes a 3 to 5 m jerk within 1 or 2 seconds, which would cause a projectile fired by the enemy to richochet from the tank. Experience of using T-80U tanks in action indicates that some of them withstood up to five projectile and guided missile hits and continued with their mission. Compared to the T-80U, Bars is simpler and easier to operate and maintain. Within the near future, the tank will be equipped with a 1,400 hp heavy-duty engine.

The hydrostatic transmission is designed to considerably increase the tank's maneuverability, speed, and the reliability of final drives. Thus, a 12 percent gain is obtained when the tank moves along a regular route at an average speed and a 33 percent gain is obtained in a single turning motion. The turning radius is controlled steplessly, due to which fact the number of gear shifts in the final drives has been reduced sharply. The tank's run has become smoother and, consequently, the firing accuracy has increased.

Fuel consumption has dropped by 5 to 10 percent, while the lifetime of separate assemblies has increased as follows:
– transmission – by 30 percent;
– running gear – by 50 percent.

The vehicle is steered by means of only three controls: a handwheel, a throttle pedal, and a brake pedal. The limited number of controls allows the driver to concentrate his attention primarily on the road, terrain, and battlefield, thus maintaining his working capacity for a long time. The force applied by the driver to the controls is reduced four times and the driver's fatigue on long marches is also less.

The tank's multifuel (diesel oil as basic, kerosene as substitute, and gasoline as auxiliary fuel) capability considerably simplifies the material support of tank units.

An auxiliary gas-turbine unit, designated GTA-18, rated at 18 kW, powers all of the tank's systems when the vehicle's main engine is shut off.
In defense, the use of the auxiliary gas-turbine unit materially reduces the tank's IR signature, reducing the possibility of its detection by enemy thermal imaging devices.

Assessment of the tank's fuel consumption in a combat operation indicates that it is much lower than on tanks equipped with a traditional diesel engine using no auxiliary power unit.

Crew's comfort

During the operation of military hardware in diverse climatic conditions, particularly in the tropics, where ambient temperature and humidity are high, the Russian military hardware drastically loses its war-fighting qualities because of the lack of air-conditioning systems. Engineers of the Krios Research and Production Enterprise, who took part in the development of air conditioning systems for the Mir orbital station, have developed an air conditioning system for tanks.

The air conditioning system installed on the Bars tank features high reliability under excessive physical loads and is maintainable in field conditions.

The air conditioner developed for Bars supplies cooled air to each crew member individually, and so only the work spaces, rather than all of the tank's interior, are cooled. Compared to general circulation systems, the advantages of this system consist in a higher effectiveness and the possibility of using ventilated vests in combination with fire-resistant suites. Moreover, in addition to the air-cooling function, this air conditioning system dries incoming air, which is particularly important for countries with hot and moist climates. At halt, when the main engine is shut off, the air-conditioning system can draw power from the GTA unit.

The T-80U family of tanks can be equipped with rubber-padded tracks for movement on concrete and asphalt roads.

The T-80U family of tanks are available in different versions to suit the client-country's conditions and possibilities.
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