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11 Terrorists dead, 3 nabbed as Quetta airport attack fails.

In haramzadoN ki lashein chowk par latkani chahyeiN. Dead bodies of these bastards should be hanged on the busy cross sections of the city.
In haramzadoN ki lashein chowk par latkani chahyeiN. Dead bodies of these bastards should be hanged on the busy cross sections of the city.

No! Rasool Allah SAW never did this even for worst enemies. We as muslims have a dignity if these butchers don't. I have no sympathy for them but just bury them. Lets not follow the mediaeval dark age culture even in our thoughts.
No! Rasool Allah SAW never did this even for worst enemies. We as muslims have a dignity if these butchers don't. I have no sympathy for them but just bury them. Lets not follow the mediaeval dark age culture even in our thoughts.
Rasool Allah (PBUH) did not do it because these scumbags did not exist back in his time. Besides, what is the concept behind public execution? Rasool Allah (PBUH) has prohibited to execute the criminals by burning alive, but Hazrat Ali did this to those who claimed him (Ali) to be the God. There is a fine but clear difference between Had and Tazir. The objective of the Tazir was/is to discourage repetition of the crime by adjusting the punishment (in its form and severity) to fit the circumstances of the convicted party, particularly if reparations were made or repentance shown to the offended party.
And it will be just another day in Pakistan with the loser government busy with their goons on throwing stones on Imran Khan's caravan but can't do $hit to the mother fuckers sitting in Afghanistan.

Another reason why this government should be sent packing. Failed foreign policy, failed security policy, failed economic policy.

Both of your paragraphs from your post have NO relationship to one another.
1) These people weren't sent by your government, nor they create the outer tear of the security
2) The military still runs the foreign policy for India and Afghanistan. Don't blame the government for what it can't do. One more term by the democratic leaders....and the foreign policy will be done by the democratically elected civilians
3) IK's drama has caused more security issues than ever. If he was really a true Pakistani, this is the WORST time to go any march or threatening the gov't. The amount of security aparatus moved to provide his crazy long march has caused a LOT of issues and many billions of dollars to a poor country's economy.

Don't derail the threat by blaming this attack on the gov't and by showing IK here. IK's doing the same as the terrorists...i.e. spreading fear, stopping the progress / economy of the country and wasting billions !

Thats the difference. We call all terrorists as terrorists. Unlike Pakistanis, for who, all terrorists are good terrorists untill they attack Pakistan.

Are you sure about it? I've not heard you call Shiv Sena, RSS or BJP's terrorists "terrorists" that have killed thousands of Chritians and Muslims over many years INSIDE India. If I involve numbers from Kashmir, including genocide of Muslims and RAPES of young girls and women, the number is astonishing.

If you take these things that seriously, how about some of you ALSO say that Hindu extremists are ALSO terrorist who kill Christians and Muslims and burn their places of worship, villages with people sleeping inside their homes?
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TTP has claimed responsibility off these attacks so those who were sayings its BLA were wrong

So if its Uzbuks.....they had to come from Afghanistan right? You guys have a right to defend yourself.....at the least, mine the damn border. Let these bas*turds get killed by mines instead of attacking your civilians or soldiers?
Rasool Allah (PBUH) did not do it because these scumbags did not exist back in his time. Besides, what is the concept behind public execution? Rasool Allah (PBUH) has prohibited to execute the criminals by burning alive, but Hazrat Ali did this to those who claimed him (Ali) to be the God. There is a fine but clear difference between Had and Tazir. The objective of the Tazir was/is to discourage repetition of the crime by adjusting the punishment (in its form and severity) to fit the circumstances of the convicted party, particularly if reparations were made or repentance shown to the offended party.

I do not deny what you say nor have even minor respect for them. My point is not pre- but post-execution. If your point is to punish them openly (which is already done) - yes, I agree. Even if we agree to mutilate the bodies, internet or other media is sufficient to publicise the torment they have done on their souls as compared to hanging them in the streets. But these are just my thoughts, am no expert.
I do not deny what you say nor have even minor respect for them. My point is not pre- but post-execution. If your point is to punish them openly (which is already done) - yes, I agree. Even if we agree to mutilate the bodies, internet or other media is sufficient to publicise the torment they have done on their souls as compared to hanging them in the streets. But these are just my thoughts, am no expert.
I can understand your POV. However, its my understanding that these scumbags (or their dead bodies, whichever available) need to be publicly displayed so that many like them get to know what is coming to them. Killing them and getting them buried quietly does not send the message loud and clear.
No! Rasool Allah SAW never did this even for worst enemies. We as muslims have a dignity if these butchers don't. I have no sympathy for them but just bury them. Lets not follow the mediaeval dark age culture even in our thoughts.

Your post Touched Me.
Both of your paragraphs from your post have NO relationship to one another.
1) These people weren't sent by your government, nor they create the outer tear of the security
2) The military still runs the foreign policy for India and Afghanistan. Don't blame the government for what it can't do. One more term by the democratic leaders....and the foreign policy will be done by the democratically elected civilians
3) IK's drama has caused more security issues than ever. If he was really a true Pakistani, this is the WORST time to go any march or threatening the gov't. The amount of security aparatus moved to provide his crazy long march has caused a LOT of issues and many billions of dollars to a poor country's economy.

Don't derail the threat by blaming this attack on the gov't and by showing IK here. IK's doing the same as the terrorists...i.e. spreading fear, stopping the progress / economy of the country and wasting billions !

Let me give you an example. When Hamas hits Israel, Israel reacts back with full force. When US was attacked they raised hell in the entire world, When Pakistan gets hits....right we do nothing. That's because Pakistan is run by people who are not here to serve Pakistan's interest. Pakistan is being hit constantly by people who are sheltered in Afghanistan. Now here is why i brought in the government. Any self respecting government who considers his countries interests foremost would have acted by now, yet you don't even see a condemning statement by this moronic leader we have as PM. He can order killing of ordinary Pakistani citizens in broad day light when all they did was not to agree with him, yet remains absent when even countries like Afghanistan hit you and a result of which your army gets killed, your prized assets get destroyed, it has all the relevance but only for a Pakistani.
That way you should also called Pakistan army, ISI, and some of your leaders like Yahya khan, BHutto and even Jinnah as terrorists who allegedly were responsible for killing of thousands in their times in Pakistan.
This has nothing to do with anything else. Your post was talking about how a "Terrorist should be a terrorist and how Pak Army has Good and Bad terrorists". So, I simply wanted to point out that how about you say something about your Hindu terrorists too, the Shiv Sena, RSS and BJP and the likes. If you don't want to say it, then there are "Good Hindu Terrorists" and "Bad Muslim or Christian Terrorists" in India. When something is done by Christian Mercenaries or Muslims, they are considered the "bad terrorists" by the Hindu majority. But if its Shiv Sena, RSS or BJP openly persecuting Christians and Muslims, destroying their places of worships, etc, etc, they are the "Good Terrorists" and they are given police and military support.
Your shi*t stinks just as bad. Before you tell someone else about Hypocrisy, you should show that party how you are not a Hypocrite. Otherwise, you are wasting bandwidth and hard disk space trying to make people fools and spreading propaganda!
This has nothing to do with anything else. Your post was talking about how a "Terrorist should be a terrorist and how Pak Army has Good and Bad terrorists". So, I simply wanted to point out that how about you say something about your Hindu terrorists too, the Shiv Sena, RSS and BJP and the likes. If you don't want to say it, then there are "Good Hindu Terrorists" and "Bad Muslim or Christian Terrorists" in India.
I will call them as terrorists when someone apart from butthurt pakistanis call them as terrorists. The ones I am calling terrorists and which Pakistan distinguishes as good and bad terrorists are world wide accepted as terrorists. Not by just Pakistan's national enemies.

When something is done by Christian Mercenaries or Muslims, they are considered the "bad terrorists" by the Hindu majority. But if its Shiv Sena, RSS or BJP openly persecuting Christians and Muslims, destroying their places of worships, etc, etc, they are the "Good Terrorists" and they are given police and military support.
List a few that are declared as terrorists by UNSC and are allowed to roam freely in India giving political speeches and guiding national policies and then your word has any value. Till then its just a rant of an ill informed pseduo nationalist.

Your shi*t stinks just as bad. Before you tell someone else about Hypocrisy, you should show that party how you are not a Hypocrite. Otherwise, you are wasting bandwidth and hard disk space trying to make people fools and spreading propaganda!
Nope. that's just a butt hurt rant and nothing else.
This has nothing to do with anything else. Your post was talking about how a "Terrorist should be a terrorist and how Pak Army has Good and Bad terrorists". So, I simply wanted to point out that how about you say something about your Hindu terrorists too, the Shiv Sena, RSS and BJP and the likes. If you don't want to say it, then there are "Good Hindu Terrorists" and "Bad Muslim or Christian Terrorists" in India. When something is done by Christian Mercenaries or Muslims, they are considered the "bad terrorists" by the Hindu majority. But if its Shiv Sena, RSS or BJP openly persecuting Christians and Muslims, destroying their places of worships, etc, etc, they are the "Good Terrorists" and they are given police and military support.
Your shi*t stinks just as bad. Before you tell someone else about Hypocrisy, you should show that party how you are not a Hypocrite. Otherwise, you are wasting bandwidth and hard disk space trying to make people fools and spreading propaganda!
Hindu terrorists
prove it ..
Read more about india.. you may have diffrent view than this
USA realzised Terrisiam in 9/11 we are facing and saying same things for decades...
Oh buzzoff from this thread asshole. This is a thread for the successful *** kicking of the terrorists by us.

Like it or not, we have and classify good and bad terrorists. Deal with it.
First Mind your language
second congrts that you clraed terrorist succesfuly
3rd.. Teroorisam is terrisoaim nothing good or bad....
on what basis ou decide good or bad ?
TTP was good when was with pak estbalsihemnt now becomeing bad
Let, Hihbul Muj is good becuase its hurting india
Hekmatyar , haqqani network good becuase its serve pak estabishment purpsoe in afg

This strategy will never help pak in long run
may be pak etablsihemnt for some goal
never to common man of pakistan
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