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11 Terrorists dead, 3 nabbed as Quetta airport attack fails.

I know we should do the same, i have been advocating it for a long time. Violence should be dealt with brutality.

Well bro, I'm not an advocate of hurting their families, but the terrorists, as you said, should be treated like this and worse.

But like I said before these methods did work and had that psychological impact that still keeps Uzbekistan terrorist free today...:what:

That's so wrong i feel sorry for them now :(. They really need to go back n blow themselves up in Uzbekistan.

They need to stop being terrorists full stop bro. But, yes the methods used were horrendous. By the way I haven't even gone into the other methods that Karimov has used and trust people would find it hard reading. There is the old rat and can method he has used. :what:
Well bro, I'm not an advocate of hurting their families, but the terrorists, as you said, should be treated like this and worse.

But like I said before these methods did work and had that psychological impact that still keeps Uzbekistan terrorist free today...:what:

They need to stop being terrorists full stop bro. But, yes the methods used were horrendous. By the way I haven't even gone into the other methods that Karimov has used and trust people would find it hard reading. There is the old rat and can method he has used. :what:

He used to heat the can/bucket and the rats would eat the terrorist to escape.
He used to heat the can/bucket and the rats would eat the terrorist to escape.

That's one, but the most simplest method was to starve the rat for a week or so and then attach can, with rat to the belly of the terrorist. :what:
That's one, but the most simplest method was to starve the rat for a week or so and then attach can, with rat to the belly of the terrorist. :what:

Trust me if it were upto me, i'd air that shit on live tv. Some of our men would suffer the same fate. But we would bomb the shit out of them. And those tht were caught would wish they were blown to bits.
Nope.. That's incorrect. The best you can equate RSS or BJP is to Christian missionaries. Comparing BJP to Al Queda simply reflects that you have drunk the kool aid that the likes of Al Queda and JuD freely distribute to justify their ideology . The same lame argument of "Muslims are prosecuted across the world and all Muslims should pick up arms to defend them"

I have NO idea where you pulled this stuff out of your as*. You are going in circles but getting to the point. Organizations that forcefully kill others, burn others villages and constantly threaten and persecute others are terrorist organizations. Every religion has some of it. The mentality is the SAME whether its Al-Qaeda, Taliban, RSS, Shive Sena or whatever. The MENTALITY that you don't want to accept, is that "my religion is better than others and other don't have a right to live". This is what all these terror outfits given above believe.

Your current PM is accused of being involved in killings of thousands and supporting massacres in different states by RSS, Shive Sena and BJP. And you'll sit here and butcher the argument without reason. Christian Missionaries DO NOT kill anyone. Stop the lying please. Everyone knows it, I grew up going to a Church school so PLEASE, pull crap out of your rear that someone will believe in as they don't know any better.

I want a black and white answer. I've given you credible sources and you know what happens in India. DO YOU CONDEMN TERRORISM DONE BY RSS, SHIV SENA, etc? They've killed thousands of people over the years. Many more than 9/11 or 26/11. So tell us your stance on it. Don't butcher the argument, don't write me books, just tell me if you condemn the mass killings done by Hindu extremist to Christian and Muslim minorities??
I have NO idea where you pulled this stuff out of your as*. You are going in circles but getting to the point. Organizations that forcefully kill others, burn others villages and constantly threaten and persecute others are terrorist organizations. Every religion has some of it. The mentality is the SAME whether its Al-Qaeda, Taliban, RSS, Shive Sena or whatever. The MENTALITY that you don't want to accept, is that "my religion is better than others and other don't have a right to live". This is what all these terror outfits given above believe.

Your current PM is accused of being involved in killings of thousands and supporting massacres in different states by RSS, Shive Sena and BJP. And you'll sit here and butcher the argument without reason. Christian Missionaries DO NOT kill anyone. Stop the lying please. Everyone knows it, I grew up going to a Church school so PLEASE, pull crap out of your rear that someone will believe in as they don't know any better.

I want a black and white answer. I've given you credible sources and you know what happens in India. DO YOU CONDEMN TERRORISM DONE BY RSS, SHIV SENA, etc? They've killed thousands of people over the years. Many more than 9/11 or 26/11. So tell us your stance on it. Don't butcher the argument, don't write me books, just tell me if you condemn the mass killings done by Hindu extremist to Christian and Muslim minorities??

Well, now that you are indulging in abusive discourse, I am more and more convinced that you yourself have no faith on the arguments you are putting forth. Why dont you put forth some credible evidence to your claims of RSS or Shiv Sena being a terrorists organization. I dont have to give those evidences about JuD etc because those are accepted as terror outfits by UNSC. Just because Pakistanis are butt hurt about Modi and BJP and that hurt is reflected in the cacophony of accusations, does not mean jack $hit to us. btw, you asked me for links to rape being used by Pakistanis to convert non Muslim girls to Islam which i shared. Do you have a view on that?
Kashmiri girls are raped by militants who come across the border. We spend 7 times per capita budget for the welfare of Kashmiris.

That's a lie. I've heard it from a couple of Kashmiri families with women victim in them. And I've heard what happens. Your military men get drunk forcefully pickup girls and torture them and rape them, and tell them how you are in power and that their muslim men can't do jack. Shameful act of sorrow done by barbaric people.
Any official confirmation on the number of terrorist who were taken alive ?

Coz that is the most important part of all this operation ? Give PA direct information on attacker and their trainers.

Now PA should do whatever it takes to mine and fence the border.

Where mining and fencing is not possible make it a no man land and kill who ever tries to come close. Use infrared heat sensors and cams .
Operation Zar e Azab is incomplete, PA cannot claim they are successful because rented terrorists have fled to Balochistan province as well & they are protected by fake baloch rented terrorists groups. Ground ops needs to start in the province, so that peace can return to Balochistan province & complete victory can be achieved in both trouble province.
I have NO idea where you pulled this stuff out of your as*. You are going in circles but getting to the point. Organizations that forcefully kill others, burn others villages and constantly threaten and persecute others are terrorist organizations. Every religion has some of it. The mentality is the SAME whether its Al-Qaeda, Taliban, RSS, Shive Sena or whatever. The MENTALITY that you don't want to accept, is that "my religion is better than others and other don't have a right to live". This is what all these terror outfits given above believe.

Your current PM is accused of being involved in killings of thousands and supporting massacres in different states by RSS, Shive Sena and BJP. And you'll sit here and butcher the argument without reason. Christian Missionaries DO NOT kill anyone. Stop the lying please. Everyone knows it, I grew up going to a Church school so PLEASE, pull crap out of your rear that someone will believe in as they don't know any better.

I want a black and white answer. I've given you credible sources and you know what happens in India. DO YOU CONDEMN TERRORISM DONE BY RSS, SHIV SENA, etc? They've killed thousands of people over the years. Many more than 9/11 or 26/11. So tell us your stance on it. Don't butcher the argument, don't write me books, just tell me if you condemn the mass killings done by Hindu extremist to Christian and Muslim minorities??
Of course I will accept them as terrorist organization. Just like can I generalize the same thing about muslims all over the world ?
Wondering why Airports every now then.

1. Are terrorist tired of traveling by mules?
2. Are they planning to do something like 9/11 in pakistan
3. Or are they trying to run away from pakistan.

Seriously getting media attention will not help there cause as they are getting killed like dogs everytime.
I've heard it from a couple of Kashmiri families that's a lie. . And I've heard what happens. Your terrorist men get drunk forcefully pickup girls and torture them and rape themf
Your country is known for rapes
Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime
USA - Rank no 1 ...

Let me post some other proofs if you MUST act shameless. If you are going to tell me you don't have Shiv Sena, RSS or BJP doing any terrorism against the minorities, than you are simply ignoring the fact. But I'll let to this later today sometime and will post a bunch of things. You can count on it
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