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11 Terrorists dead, 3 nabbed as Quetta airport attack fails.

this group didn't look as well trained as the groups involved in karachi airport kamra airbase ghq or mehran base
this one was annihilated by security forces within no time
quite strange

First Mind your language
second congrts that you clraed terrorist succesfuly
3rd.. Teroorisam is terrisoaim nothing good or bad....
on what basis ou decide good or bad ?
TTP was good when was with pak estbalsihemnt now becomeing bad
Let, Hihbul Muj is good becuase its hurting india
Hekmatyar , haqqani network good becuase its serve pak estabishment purpsoe in afg

This strategy will never help pak in long run
may be pak etablsihemnt for some goal
never to common man of pakistan

What the hell does you ******** have to do with this thread? Take it somewhere else. Btw when the US leaves this bearing these baboons in our country will pay off. Trust me ANA is so ****** with US presence, what happens when foots on ground isnt the case. Literally will be another civil war and a whole lot of *** raping of the ANA.

So it will pay off. Keep our Eastern corridor a little easier. Please do not go into this nonsense, not in this thread.

TTP was never good, TTP formed in 07. Yes if US can use their assets, if India uses their own assets its all good? Please cut this holier than thou attitude.

I am a bit of a ***** mouth.
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What the hell does you bullshit have to do with this thread? Take it somewhere else. Btw when the US leaves this bearing these baboons in our country will pay off. Trust me ANA is so fucked with US presence, what happens when foots on ground isnt the case. Literally will be another civil war and a whole lot of *** raping of the ANA.

So it will pay off. Keep our Eastern corridor a little easier. Please do not go into this nonsense, not in this thread.

TTP was never good, TTP formed in 07. Yes if US can use their assets, if India uses their own assets its all good? Please cut this holier than thou attitude.

I am a bit of a potty mouth.
my Constrain of langauge is not cowardness /weakness...
so mind your language ...
Please stop your nonsense ..
i asked you simple question..
dont give me your knowledge ...
TTP was never good ...?
read how TTP came in to exitance who was and is driving them who is theire heads and thher relation with pak establshiment...

If india used it ..
ple come and show with proof ..
the way we did in kargil...and mumbai hotel attack
either you have no prrof or
you have prrof but dont know how to use or
people are corrupt by india to keep under carpet ..
you are angry becuase of these attack.. agrree ..
we are facing this nonsese since deacades ...
somtimes in market ... somtimes in trains..
that good and bad tlaiban will boomrang for sure...
What the hell does you ******** have to do with this thread? Take it somewhere else. Btw when the US leaves this bearing these baboons in our country will pay off. Trust me ANA is so ****** with US presence, what happens when foots on ground isnt the case. Literally will be another civil war and a whole lot of *** raping of the ANA.

So it will pay off. Keep our Eastern corridor a little easier. Please do not go into this nonsense, not in this thread.

TTP was never good, TTP formed in 07. Yes if US can use their assets, if India uses their own assets its all good? Please cut this holier than thou attitude.

I am a bit of a ***** mouth.
They infest in every thread related or unrelated like cockroaches. Nobody likes to resort to cheap language but certain people wont understand until one comes down to their level. Moderators @Chak Bamu may want to keep a check on this rampant infestation. We don't want their asses in each and every thread with same rhetoric. This is Pakistani forum and at times we really like to discuss among ourselves. @Aeronaut @Oscar @Manticore
They infest in every thread related or unrelated like cockroaches. Nobody likes to resort to cheap language but certain people wont understand until one comes down to their level. Moderators @Chak Bamu may want to keep a check on this rampant infestation. We don't want their asses in each and every thread with same rhetoric. This is Pakistani forum and at times we really like to discuss among ourselves. @Aeronaut @Oscar @Manticore
if you so much hert then put tag indias will not be allowed in pdf .. simple
this group didn't look as well trained as the groups involved in karachi airport kamra airbase ghq or mehran base
this one was annihilated by security forces within no time
quite strange

In KHI incident they have information but preparation to tackle was not enough so I think this time we were prepared as well to put our whole feet in their A$$.
TTP was good when was with pak estbalsihemnt now becomeing bad
Let, Hihbul Muj is good becuase its hurting india

Now there are some report that LET is turning against Pakistan and on the way to become another TTP. Just watch.

@AbhimanyuShrivastav , @Informant , @IceCold , @orangzaib you are all valuable members and assets of PDF.

Guys please keep it civil. No name calling or cursing please. Keep politics out. Thanks.

Your way of giving Instruction is very decent.
I will call them as terrorists when someone apart from butthurt pakistanis call them as terrorists. The ones I am calling terrorists and which Pakistan distinguishes as good and bad terrorists are world wide accepted as terrorists. Not by just Pakistan's national enemies.

List a few that are declared as terrorists by UNSC and are allowed to roam freely in India giving political speeches and guiding national policies and then your word has any value. Till then its just a rant of an ill informed pseduo nationalist.

Nope. that's just a butt hurt rant and nothing else.

I didn't ask you for UNSC, etc. I asked you as a human being. You know what happens in India. If you disagree that Shive Sena, RSS and the likes are NOT involved in genocide and persecution of minorities in India (Christians and Jews primarily), then I can post links for you. But just because your lobby pays its way to keep people shut up, don't mean the killings aren't there.
So back to my question, as a human being who is worried about someone else and how they may be treating two bad guys differently, why don't you ALSO apply the same logic and humanity and tell us what you think of the Hindu terrorists?? I can post links where you can see many of these events and all (in case you are so busy that you don't follow news or what's going on inside of India). Time to MAN UP and take a stance. If you have "double standards" when it comes to India but you are too quick to point something out in Pakistan or others case.....that doesn't make sense.
Try drinking Alcohol in front of your kids and gamble, and all. Then try to tell them NO to do those things as they may be culturally or generally bad (too much Alchohol damages liver so its very unhealthy beyond moderation), and let's see if your kids will listen. You can't preach what you can't practice man. I'd just like to see some humanity from you that's applicable across India too and you as a responsible person hold your own responsible, in addition to the Pakistanis.

By the way, I agree with your stance on Pakistan though, time has come for this country to grow economically and bury this good Taliban - Bad Taliban drama as 1990's politics. They have the talent and they need to become a moderate and fast growing economy, vs. staying involved with this drama and that's why the cleanup has started through the military. It'll only expand and further add "good talibans" on the list too.
I didn't ask you for UNSC, etc. I asked you as a human being. You know what happens in India. If you disagree that Shive Sena, RSS and the likes are NOT involved in genocide and persecution of minorities in India (Christians and Jews primarily), then I can post links for you. But just because your lobby pays its way to keep people shut up, don't mean the killings aren't there.
So back to my question, as a human being who is worried about someone else and how they may be treating two bad guys differently, why don't you ALSO apply the same logic and humanity and tell us what you think of the Hindu terrorists?? I can post links where you can see many of these events and all (in case you are so busy that you don't follow news or what's going on inside of India). Time to MAN UP and take a stance. If you have "double standards" when it comes to India but you are too quick to point something out in Pakistan or others case.....that doesn't make sense.

Dude, no one is denying that there is enough evil in India and yes, a lot of that evil follows Hinduism. But all crimes are not terrorism. That way you will find thousands and thousands of Pakistanis who forcefully rape and convert Hindu Pakistani girls to Islam. Are they all terrorists? And no, there is no genocide going on in India. You being in US, I would expect you to be more in tune with reality, outside of the text books in Pakistan. Riots do not amount to genocide. Isolated incidents that are years apart, are not genocide or oppression. common people, instigated into lynching other people because the other people allegedly made some remarks on facebook is also neither terrorism, nor genocide.

However, armed militia, purposely targeting civilians to make ideological, political or territorial gains is terrorism. And that is what we were discussing before diversion. Terrorism and terrorist has a formal definition as designated by UNSC. Else every one as a human being can have his own definition of a terrorist. For you, Nehru and Modi can be a terrorist and for me all Pakistani leaders starting from Jinnah, all the way up to Musharraf (Zardari and NS are too dumb to be called terrorists) can be terrorists.

Try drinking Alcohol in front of your kids and gamble, and all. Then try to tell them NO to do those things as they may be culturally or generally bad (too much Alchohol damages liver so its very unhealthy beyond moderation), and let's see if your kids will listen. You can't preach what you can't practice man. I'd just like to see some humanity from you that's applicable across India too and you as a responsible person hold your own responsible, in addition to the Pakistanis.

No one is preaching anything. Do you find any "SHOULD" in my posts wrt Pakistan & terrorism? You won't (atleast in most of them). I am though sharing an observation around the folly in Pakistani establishment thinking who believed at one point of time, that they can use terrorists to further Pakistani agenda in India and Afghanistan. Present generation in Pakistan is paying the price for it. Its not upto me to preach whether that price is justified or not. Its upto Pakistanis. But I can surely share that fact. And the fact is that Pakistan supported / tolerated globally identified terrorist groups as long as they were only attacking Pakistan's enemies, whether its LeT/JuD, Afghan Taliban or the Haqquani network. Should Pakistan do it (entering the preaching arena) ? That's for Pakistan and Pakistanis to decide, keeping in mind the consequences, both expected and unexpected.

I can though confidently say that there is no internationally identified terrorist group in India that attacks other countries and has implicit or explicit support of Indian govt or that Indian govt has even been accused of supporting that group.

By the way, I agree with your stance on Pakistan though, time has come for this country to grow economically and bury this good Taliban - Bad Taliban drama as 1990's politics. They have the talent and they need to become a moderate and fast growing economy, vs. staying involved with this drama and that's why the cleanup has started through the military. It'll only expand and further add "good talibans" on the list too.

Had i read this paragraph, I wouldnt have spend time on writing what I wrote above. Agree 100%. Actually, if you go back 30 years, Pakistan was growing in a manner that is so reflected in the growth of China in last 2-3 decades. Its the 1980's and the Russian tango in Afghanistan that set Pakistan on the wrong trajectory. But never too late. 30 years in not even an eye blink in context of a nation's history.

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