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11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment

guyz plz dont start this Vs thing atleast in who has more rail accidents........have some conscience........

Ii agree. In the past month ive seen some snidey and under the belt blows by all but Tiky tam tam has reached an all time low. Attempting to score some points when tragedy occurs is uncalled for and is not welcomed by anyone on PDF. So keep it that way please. Unless you have a genuine comment etc then please refrain from using this site TACKY Tiky tamtam.
I pray for those who have passed away and who they leave behind.
(suggestion - apologise mr Tiky)
Death count up to 32 now :(.

Condolences to the dead and injured. Hope a full investigation is run and the exact faults that caused this disaster are found and the culprits are rightly punished.
Death count up to 32 now :(.

Condolences to the dead and injured. Hope a full investigation is run and the exact faults that caused this disaster are found and the culprits are rightly punished.
RIP may something fruitful come off it.
the accedient is not a derailment but a collision , a train lost drive and then hit on rear-end by another train ..

derailment happens when their is structural fault on the track or a subotage ..

collisions are more of a failure of internal electronic saftly messurues...
Very tragic, more reason China must get rid of these crap Canadian and Japanese trains. The train that broke down due to lightning is from Bombardier (CRH1). The train that collided into it is Japanese (CRH2).

Also these aren't true High Speed Rail, they were running at less than 200Kmph on regular tracks. China must upgrade these slow, old and dangerous Japanese tech.

i disagree with this part
the Japanese have been operating HSR for almost half a century in their own country and is the safest in the world, To date they have not had ONE fatality
The two crashed trains are both foreign company made: one by Bombardier of Canada, the other by Kawasaki of Japan.

More details out: CRH1 stopped due to a lightening hit, and D3115 hit from behind! D301 (Model CRH1) was made by Bombardier, D3115 (model CRH2) was made by Kawasaki of Japan. The Chinese self made version of HSR is actually model CRH380.

i disagree with this part
the Japanese have been operating HSR for almost half a century in their own country and is the safest in the world, To date they have not had ONE fatality

You must have an error message, April 25, 2005 Japan JR Fukuchiyama Line derailment, 107 people were killed and 555 injured.
He was talking about HSR/Bullet Trains.

Yes, no problem.
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