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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

While I disagree with some posters, I find it hard to believe how Nazuk our helicopters are. MI 35 are stationed in Quetta to take on India? A single gun run would have thwarted the attack or at least confused the attackers. A squad of 50 attackers can take the whole military hostage and render all our assets useless. Some even claim helicopters aren’t permitted to be used in the dark, I find it very illogical. We are sending a wrong message here by being overly defensive of our military’s approach to such attacks. It’s not the first time and won’t be the last time. The best and brightest minds in the military are outsmarted by BLA and others who know our helicopters are Nazuk, Can’t fly after Dark, QRF can be engaged at a distance, Drones are incapable, Fighter Jets are for India and isolated posts are easy to target. The terrorists were more confident in their tactics than our military in all their assets and approaches as they stayed there for 5 hours and only left when they got the job done. For 5 long hours and it’s not the first time.
What a disgrace these past few years have been. We used to have brave men like Noor Khan in our military who took AAA magnet like C130 to iok to resupply our men and now little princesses are scared to use gunships in missions they are designed for.
What a disgrace these past few years have been. We used to have brave men like Noor Khan in our military who took AAA magnet like C130 to iok to resupply our men and now little princesses are scared to use gunships in missions they are designed for.

Lets get this year out the way and big OP in the new year.
This is very sad to listen about this incidence but again our request is that drones must be deployed in this region for both surveillance and attack purpose. No movement should be allowed without cover of these drones. We can not bear these types of losses any more.
Sorry to bombard you with more questions:

1) If a post is under attack and the commander has to wait for the chain of command to respond, then is it really the commander's fault? I mean he may not even have sufficient time left.
2) Is this because of a technical reason or the lack of assets in place?
1. First, we should ask what the commander himself has done to defend his post. Its not that he faced air attack or artillery. A post sitting on a mountain top is very easy to defend...provided you have weapons and plenty of ammo.
2. Neither.

Only one question, a post that far far away, then why not a single drone ? a single surveillance drone ?
when you have thousands of posts, small posts...then you cannot have a drone for every post.

Sorry sir. Having manned combat post myself. I buy non of this. US troops hardly take casualties while in outpost. US casualties were due to IEDs. Despite 20 years of war, there were only 1921 casualties resulted because of hostile action. Compared this is 51,000 dead Taliban or 66,000 Poorly trained ANA.

Warfare has evolved. Small surveillance drones operated at battalion or regimental cost as much fuel as Honda 125. You don’t set up and outpost, send troops and than abandoned them. It was a piss poor operational planing by commander.

COAS is ultimately responsible for every men. If troops are ill equipped or not trained properly than he is responsible.

Reason PA failed to fix this issue in last 20 years is due to “All at Rest” mentality that casualties are acceptable.

Ok, If PA army is gunning to take peaks in Kashmir, clearing way towards Srinagar and Indians are pound relentlessly using artillery than I see this statement make sense, but not in Baluchistan.
There are many instances in Afghanistan, and before that as well...Iraq and Vietnam where either entire US posts were overrun or they took heavy casualties.
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You are mostly incorrect in your assumptions.
RPG is very inaccurate weapons. Anything outside 200m for stationary started to become a challenge. Hitting a moving target very difficult. Scoring a hit on low flying Helo, very low or pure luck. Attack helos are build to take fire even from HMG. Cobra flying at 1000 m or above will most likely return scratch free every time in Baluchistan.
Agreed....however, an RPG salvo would be a bit tricky to handle...probability increases then.
What a disgrace these past few years have been. We used to have brave men like Noor Khan in our military who took AAA magnet like C130 to iok to resupply our men and now little princesses are scared to use gunships in missions they are designed for.
Some respectable members claim it’s war and casualties are part of it, and I agree. The issue is, we are more protective of the equipment than the soldiers they are supposed to protect in this war. For instance, we have a sizeable number of MRAPs but you’ll find them in Lahore, Karachi and other cantonments catching dust (I have pictures) but not in Balochistan. Our supposed rescuers (QRF) are also sitting ducks if they can be stopped by gunfire and SVDs. And we need to send a QRF to save our QRF. Informed members claim helicopters were told not to venture into that territory due to enemy presence, who should protect our guys if all our assets are so vulnerable? We literally waited for the enemy to leave before we could move in to our own territory. We were supposed to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies but what we see is the opposite with statements like our helicopters are very Nazuk, QRF got ambushed, presence of enemies deterred our aviators etc. Imagine how confident this enemy has gotten by staying there for 5 hours, thanks to how we have handled attacks of very similar nature in the past. I find it hard to believe that we do not have a single asset that can go into our own territory at a time of our choosing to take on 50 AK 47 and RPG equipped terrorists. And if we really don’t, I hope we procure it the earliest possible or else we might keep loosing soldiers as our currents assets are incapable (according to some).
I see all lot of people crying on twitter about not sending in drones, gunships,f-16 while the fighting ensued. I was not there, it's been a while since i stepped foot in the land of Balochistan but i can throw in my 2 cents why its not easy to send reinforcement in the middle of a fire fight:

  • F-16 / JF17 / Mirages / F-7s : none of this fits into the needs of the operation. A low level flypast can deter the militants but carrying out an airstrike is not easy. Tac Ops need to provide grid coordinates, if laser guided bomb being dropped, whose lasing the target? Friendly forces in the area? is it DCAS (Danger Close Air Support) ? going by the past experience and reviewing the footage of past incidents, either militant snipers are hiding far away on ridge top laying down support fire while others get close to the CP or OP (Observation Post). Last thing you need is your own men getting burnt with the PGMs
  • Gunship: looks like those suggesting this never been to a gunfight. Below is a picture taken almost a decade ago during my field visit to Balochistan. thats what a 7.62 bullet from LMG does to a 3inch thick metal beam (firing at a cellphone tower) imagine what it would do to a approaching gunship helo? How many helos have been lost in battlefield around the world just because they were carrying QRF or providing support fire when came under RPG or LMG firing from enemy.
View attachment 811436

  • Drone: they fit the profile but how many PGMs can it carry? how far is the base ?
All these can be used on Offence front not when you are defending an OP being overrun by militants.
PAF isn’t even the issue here. They’re not dependent on Army to provide FACs. They’ve their own ISR and/or hunter/killer birds. Someone would need to ask them, yes.

P.S. Drones aren’t meant to be hangar queens. They can be kept up on air stations, meant to be directed where needed without the need for prep time. But then again, who are we to teach anything to folks on ground. They know what they’re doing by keeping the birds back.
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First, we should ask what the commander himself has done to defend his post. Its not that he faced air attack or artillery. A post sitting on a mountain top is very easy to defend...provided you have weapons and plenty of ammo.
2. Neither.
1) There have been far too many attacks in the past months that require some introspection whether its the commander who isnt defending his post either due to poor training or lack of ammo but we will have to give them the benefit of the doubt after all these men laid their lives in the process, did not surrender, did not laid their arms down. So forgive me if i am unable to question the commander and his men's commitment to defend their post.
I find it strange that a fight took place for 5 or so hours within Pakistan's own borders in peacetime apparently and the army airforce is incapable to mobilize their assets either due to lack of infrastructure in place or will or both.
2. Then the problem isn't about lack of assets but rather will. In a country like ours, men are easy to replace. A sad reality!
I find it strange that a fight took place for 5 or so hours within Pakistan's own borders in peacetime apparently and the army airforce is incapable to mobilize their assets either due to lack of infrastructure in place or will or both.
That should give you some idea about vastness of area vs availability of assets in whole of Balochistan. Troops to space ratio is really that bad.
What a disgrace these past few years have been. We used to have brave men like Noor Khan in our military who took AAA magnet like C130 to iok to resupply our men and now little princesses are scared to use gunships in missions they are designed for.
Either you guys are simple Sams believe every nonsense being posted on social media these days or CNN has extended their services to you for reporting from ground zero.
Have you seen videos of these same what you call little princesses going after the much better equipped enemy during Swat and Waziristan operations......I guess not. !!
An absolute embarrassment. Not the first time and won't be the last.

But hey forget about this, let's make twenty topics about upgrading our JF thunders to block 69 with seven more antennas on its nose cone.
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