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10 Indians arrested for illegally entering into Bangladesh by BGB

Your ability to come up with made up facts is amazing :woot:

Get well soon......Your neuronal problems is able to treatable ,don't worry I hope your nice come back in near future.

Despite a zillion reasons to escape India only 3 million out of billion escape India i.e 0.003%, where as for Bangladesh out of 148 million 2.9 million people seem to leave Bangladesh 0.019%, wonder why? :)


Though i am wondering how BSF let them get into BD.

read the news mate , there are Indians illegally migrating to Uk and USA, and to BD....!:lol: I wonder whats been happening lately with your country. If you find a illegal Bangladeshi in your country please deport them.Take all the necessary action. Just don't shout on unfounded, fictitious propaganda that your trash news papers and politicians feed you on.
There is a 'Bihari potti' in Dhaka where illegal Indian immigrants live, if you come to Dhaka, i will show you, there more than 50,000 people lives. Hell man even my barber is an Indian from Calcutta. But I admit he is good in his profession.

@Sayma Ayas- you are bad in statistics. :chilli: what % did you get in your ISC exam..!!! back on topic-you are better than those trolls becaz you accept the fact there are zillion reason to escape India. People leave Bangladesh also for a few reason. Even an average poor Bangladeshi can sum up enough money to go to Saudi and work as a labor at least and earn more than he could in India.

You know what i think, all these (fictitious) illegal trespassers of border you are talking about, they are mainly Indians, moving back and forth with cows, drugs,etc.,to sell to us and also people who haven't yet decided whether they want to be Bangladeshi or Indian since 1947.
Thank you.
You can't...,or else BSF will eat you out..thats why you aren't!

You know what happened when BDR and BSF had a fight face to face. Even though official figure say 16 BSF died as this is the number of body Bangladesh handed to India but in reality real death figure is somewhat 100-400.

See the video itself how BDR killed those BSF and their dead bodies and prisoner of war.

Others did not get a escape route after all India is surrounded by all enemy states and sea on other sides. But refrain your number.

Speculation? one can even speculate that 100% of Bangladesh wants to escape but is unable to do so because of hostile BSF

From where you got the 3 million.

World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance - Google Public Data Explorer

Indian labor many of them illegal migrants creating havoc every where.

I'm yet to hear from anywhere Indian Labour specifically singled out for criminal or terrorist activities anywhere.

Er...Bihar is not India.

Er...Ok, nodoby is denying the maladies in India, but i thought the context here was about immigrants and migration.
You know what happened when BDR and BSF had a fight face to face. Even though official figure say 16 BSF died as this is the number of body Bangladesh handed to India but in reality real death figure is somewhat 100-400.

See the video itself how BDR killed those BSF and their dead bodies and prisoner of war.

And how did it happen?If you could do some research..
BSF was constructing a footpath,when the BDR opened fire at the constructors at the footpath,unarmed,is that the might??..
Since then BSF has been killing scores of illegal migrants from Bangladesh..and your Hasina and BDR are watching,enjoying popcorn!

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ----------

From tea stalls to house maids,i have met more than 100 illegal Bangladeshis alone!
@Sayma Ayas- you are bad in statistics. :chilli: what % did you get in your ISC exam..!!!

Yes! i suck at math :cry:

Even an average poor Bangladeshi can sum up enough money to go to Saudi and work as a labor at least and earn more than he could in India.
That can decided by remittances received.

You know what i think, all these (fictitious) illegal trespassers of border you are talking about, they are mainly Indians, moving back and forth with cows, drugs,etc.,to sell to us and also people who haven't yet decided whether they want to be Bangladeshi or Indian since 1947.
Thank you.
If they are Indians why do Bangladeshis bother that BSF is shooting Indians
And how did it happen?If you could do some research..
BSF was constructing a footpath,when the BDR opened fire at the constructors at the footpath,unarmed,is that the might??..
Since then BSF has been killing scores of illegal migrants from Bangladesh..and your Hasina and BDR are watching,enjoying popcorn!

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ----------

From tea stalls to house maids,i have met more than 100 illegal Bangladeshis alone!

Yes! i suck at math :cry:

That can decided by remittances received.

If they are Indians why do Bangladeshis bother that BSF is shooting Indians

Because they didn't open fire, that's again a lie. They protested as both the countries agreed years back not to build anything within 150 yards of International border line. Refer to Mujib-India treaty.

Lets not troll , let facts speak for itself about remittance. We are hard working people.

Border isn't a area for live fire practicing field on unarmed civilians for BSF, doesn't matter whichever nationality he/she is from, BGB treat them as humans unlike the trigger happy BSF.
Lets not troll , let facts speak for itself about remittance. We are hard working people.
Developing 8
Remittances in Bangladesh: Determinants and 2010 Outlook | Promoting dialogue on development in South Asia

Can't view those links, chrome browser sucks.

Border isn't a area for live fire practicing field on unarmed civilians for BSF, doesn't matter whichever nationality he/she is from, BGB treat them as humans unlike the trigger happy BSF.

Border is no picnic spot either for people to roam around, although i"ll admit BSF has her share of Human rights violations
So the migrated bangladeshi have started returning back home .......good for them ...Lately ppl of assam And other bordering areas have been raising their voices against immigrants And even pressuring local Gov to take stern steps ..... thats bearing fruit now i guess

Obtaining Indian ration card and pan card illegally doesn't make you indian.......:smokin:

Don't you see by their names they are Indian economic refugees coming to bangladesh to get some handout from our kind hearted people? Bangladeshis go to a richer country like Saudi Arabia, and do not go to a country which is poorer than ourselves.

BGB should have learned a lesson from that sub-human BSF troops and shot at the illegals at their entry. Indian illegal entry problem should be dealt BSF style by the BGB.
Why every thread on Bangladeshi defense forum is on India? Are you guyz obsessed with Indians or what [just like Indians are obsessed with Pakistan] ? :angry:
1.Ahaa! All the while Indian anti-BD and anti-Muslim politicians are shouting about millions of BD illegals in India. And some brain-washed posters here join the chorus. But so far we have not heard of any major arrests in numbers or deportations. Why? Because these are lies.
2.The truth is that Indians are habitually and regularly coming into a better economy (BD) and a peaceful society for survival.
so 171 discussing and bashing pakistan:rofl:
its just platform,every thing doesnt go like you think and want;).

just count the number of comments of pakistanis under indian songs,does it mean you are obsessed with us??;)

But we don't go to ur forums.. it is u guyz who come to our forums like swarms of bees... and if we make comments under Indian songs of whatever.. we r still doing it on PDF and not on Bharat TUK TUK forum.. :moil:
thats the way to go

make sure you show this difference to the world

Just bcoz BSF kills illegal immigrants of BD that doesn't mean we doesn't catch anyone of them alive its just that their news never come up ...

On topic its really a nice way of doing your gob good work by BGB :tup:
i dont think bharat rakshak allows pakistanis :rofl:
actually,we dont have access to your media but you have so we want to know about you ppl and obviously hate factor is there;)
and troll too;)

I am not talking about BR forum.. there r lotz of other Indian forums too.. I will never join them.. now stop giving lame excuses.. we all know indians are obsessed with Pakistan and Pakistanis :guns:

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