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10 Epic Military Last Stands

few truely amazing battles are--

battle of longewala (though its not a "Last Stand")
battle of Iwo Jima
battle of Stallingrad (a fierce russian resistance against Germany)
battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Shiroyama
Siege of Bastogne
and guys dont forget Simo Hayha(Winter War),and Finland.(this too is not "Last Stand")
British parliament

When the gallantry of Saragarhi was recounted to the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the recitation drew a standing ovation from the members. The saga of Saragarhi was also brought to the notice of Queen Victoria.
“ "The British, as well as the Indians, are proud of the 36th Sikh Regiments. It is no exaggeration to record that the armies which possess the valiant Sikhs cannot face defeat in war" - Parliament of the United Kingdom ”

“ "You are never disappointed when you are with the Sikhs. Those 21 soldiers all fought to the death. That bravery should be within all of us. Those soldiers were lauded in Britain and their pride went throughout the Indian Army." - Field Marshal William Joseph Slim, 1st Viscount Slim ”
LOL the only sikh "victories" were actually defeats and to top it of they were serving under their british masters

what a joke!
Your immaturity shows how much you know about your own history: You can simply use your smartA$$ brain and google How Sikhs created an Empire that stretched from Khyber Pass in the West. Kashmir to the North, Sindh to the South, Tibet to the East and Punjab to it's heart.
LOL the only sikh "victories" were actually defeats and to top it of they were serving under their british masters

what a joke!
Actually the joke of millinia was on Mughals, even when British were trying their best to conquer Maharaja Ranjit Singhs Empire while he was alive British were very afraid of Maharaja Rangit Singh. After 1819 when British arranged their meeting with Sikh Empire's Foreign Minister Fakir Azizuddin in Simla with Lord Auckland who was then British India's Governor showed the same immaturity as this clown called new member Sher Ali, Lord Auckland tried to be smartA$$ and asked about Ranjit Singh's one eye. Then Fakir Azizuddin replied " Our Maharaja Ranjit Singh is like the SUN and Sun has only one eye. The Splendor and luminosity of his single eye is so much that i have never dared to look at his other eye."
Your immaturity shows how much you know about your own history: You can simply use your smartA$$ brain and google How Sikhs created an Empire that stretched from Khyber Pass in the West. Kashmir to the North, Sindh to the South, Tibet to the East and Punjab to it's heart.

Cool bro, Sikhs had control of Punjab for 50 some odd years .. congrats I guess

Actually the joke of millinia was on Mughals, even when British were trying their best to conquer Maharaja Ranjit Singhs Empire while he was alive British were very afraid of Maharaja Rangit Singh. After 1819 when British arranged their meeting with Sikh Empire's Foreign Minister Fakir Azizuddin in Simla with Lord Auckland who was then British India's Governor showed the same immaturity as this clown called new member Sher Ali, Lord Auckland tried to be smartA$$ and asked about Ranjit Singh's one eye. Then Fakir Azizuddin replied " Our Maharaja Ranjit Singh is like the SUN and Sun has only one eye. The Splendor and luminosity of his single eye is so much that i have never dared to look at his other eye."

look man I have nothing against sikhs

if you read my posts then you know who I have a problem with

and the british eventually destroyed the sikh empire
Everybody is so obsessed about which religion was the biggest badass in war.

I got one story too but its only has Indian soldiers and no religious fanatics.

It's very sad though that true events and heroes are hardly remembered, only fantasies are cherished.

This is a true event from one of the most decorated regiments in Indian army, a real badass Major named Shaitan Singh(PVC), and how 114 out of a company of 123 men died defending their post. If there ever was a modern last stand list, this would definitely be a top ten.

On this day, November 18, exactly forty-seven years ago in 1962, 114 brave men of the 13th Kumaon Regiment’s Charlie company made the supreme sacrifice fighting the invading Chinese at Rezang La pass at 16000 feet near Chushul. This epic battle called the ‘last stand’ when every soldier fought to his last breath was led by the legendary Major Shaitan Singh Bhati (IC 7990) of Jodhpur Rajasthan, who was later awarded the Param Veer Chakra, India’s highest gallantry award for conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice in the face of the enemy.

Charlie Company of 13 Kumaon was tasked with the defence of Rezang La, situated on the South East approach to the valley, town and airfield of Chushul in Ladakh. The Company area was defended by three platoon positions but the surrounding terrain isolated it from the rest of the Regiment. Their defensive positions were ‘crested’ for Indian artillery, meaning, thereby that these troops could not hope for artillery fire support if and when needed as the artillery was behind a hill feature and could not train its guns on the target. The Chinese suffered no such disadvantage and brought on heavy artillery fire on the 13 Kumaon’s Charlie Company.

“It was a cold winter morning at 16000 feet with icy winds howling through Rezang La … biting and benumbing.” The expected Chinese attack came through a ‘Nullah’, a dry river bed, but was repulsed with heavy machine gun fire by the brave Ahirs of Charlie Company. The enemy regrouped and attacked again and again with ever more reinforcements and finally managed to overrun the position. 109 of the 123 Jawans (soldiers) were killed. Of the 14 survivors, nine were seriously wounded. Almost everyone had fought to the last round and killed many more enemy soldiers. One estimate of Chinese casualties is close to 500 killed and wounded.

Unmindful of own safety, Major Shaitan Singh, the Company Commander, went from post to post raising the morale of his men and continued to fight even after being seriously wounded. “While he was being evacuated by two of his comrades, the Chinese brought heavy machine gun fire on them. Major Shaitan Singh sensed danger to their lives and ordered them to leave him to his fate.” They placed him behind a boulder on the slopes of a hill, where he breathed his last and this is where he was found some days after the battle.

Maj. Gen. Ian Cardozo, himself a Vir Chakra winner, writes in his Param Vir Chakra, Our heroes in Battle, that “When Rezang La was later revisited dead Jawans were found in the trenches still holding on to their weapons ... every single man of this company was found dead in his trench with several bullet or splinter wounds. The 2-inch mortar man died with a bomb still in his hand. The medical orderly had a syringe and bandage in his hands when the Chinese bullet hit him... Of the thousand mortar bombs with the defenders all but seven had been fired and the rest were ready to be fired when the (mortar) section was overrun".

Other heroes defending Rezang La who were awarded Veer Chakras were Naik Hukum Chand (posthumous), Naik Gulab Singh Yadav, Lance Naik Ram Singh (posthumous), Subedar Ram Kumar and Subedar Ram Chander. All hailed from the Revari district of Haryana where in Gudiani village stands a memorial for these brave sons of India.

Two of the most celebrated soldiers of the Kumaon Regiment, General K.S. Thimayya and General T.N. Raina who served as Chiefs of the Indian Army, have lauded this singular achievement. Thimayya noted: "I had said many years ago that the Army must have an Ahir Regiment. The supreme sacrifice of the Charlie Company has fulfilled my expectations. I hope a suitable memorial will be built in Ahirwal in their memory so that the generations to come may seek inspiration from the immense courage and valour of their forefathers.” For his part, observed: “You rarely come across such example in the annals of world military history when braving such heavy odds, the men fought till the last bullet and the last man .Certainly the Battle of Rezang La is such a shining example."

While recalling the 1962 conflict we often refer to India’s ‘humiliating defeat’ at Chinese hands and forget that the Jawan of the Indian Army invariably fought with exceptional bravery and valour in the most trying conditions often without winter clothing and in some cases even without adequate ammunition.

Also,, Major Shaitan Singh was the second ever awardee of the Param Vir Chakra, the first being a Captain from Kumaon regiment too who had defended Srinagar airport from tribals from Pak and saved the Kashmir valley from being occupied.

Karnal Sher Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

KARNAL SHER KHAN was named colonel BECAUSE HIS DAD WISHED FOR HIS SON TO BECOME a COLONEL in the army! and his son lived up to it!

Lalak Jan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LALAK JAAN's heroics were so exmplary that india kept insisting that he must be given a gallantry award! when he died he was holding on firmly to his gun & the 16 indian had to beat him down into submission even after having his body riddled wioth bullets! & his apparent last words to the indian army major was tell VAJPAYEE Lalak zinda hai!
This is one of the few last stands listed here which was made by the "bad guys". But the Japanese soldiers were insanely brainwashed against the US. Just look at the Kami Kazi attacks and everything.

Soldiers are never good or bad. have you forgotten what the great charioteer imparted arjuna?
it is a soldiers/kshtriyas duty to serve and protect his country no matter what.
what you call brain washing is actually motivation.

think about all those men fighting on that isolated island just for the sake of their country and be proud of it as a human. only brave choose to fight.
another brave man -Umrao singh Vc


On the night of 15 to 16 December 1944 in the Kaladan valley, Burma (now Myanmar), Umrao Singh was a field gun detachment commander in an advanced section of the 33 Mountain Battery, 30th Mountain Regiment, Indian Artillery, serving on detachment as part of the 81st West African Division in Viscount Slim's British 14th Army, supporting the advance of the XV Corps on the Arakan. Singh's gun was in an advanced position, supporting the 8th Gold Coast Regiment. After a 90 minute sustained bombardment from 75 mm guns and mortars from the Lt-Gen Sakurai Seizo's Japanese 28th Army, Singh's gun position was attacked by at least two companies of Japanese infantry. He used a Bren light machine gun and directed the rifle fire of the gunners, holding off the assault. He was wounded by two grenades.
A second wave of attackers killed all but Singh and two other gunners, but was also beaten off. The three soldiers had only a few bullets remaining, and these were rapidly exhausted in the initial stages of the assault by a third wave of attackers. Undaunted, Singh picked up a "gun bearer" (a heavy iron rod, similar to a crow bar) and used that as a weapon in hand to hand fighting. He was seen to strike down three infantrymen, fatally wounded, before succumbing to a rain of blows.
Six hours later, after a counter-attack, he was found alive but unconscious near to his artillery piece, almost unrecognisable from a head injury, still clutching his gun bearer. Ten Japanese soldiers lay dead nearby. His field gun was back in action later that day.

Umrao Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkish nation during first world war surrounded by 7 countries that had high technology and weaponary. Turks had nothing but still defeated these 7 countries. Brittain, France, Greece, Armenia, Russia, Italya etc. etc.

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